

Unit7 Where would you like to visit?

Unit7   Where would youlike to visit?

1. takeit easy 从容,不紧张

2. MonsterLizard posters/travel posters 巨蜥海报、旅游海报

3. goon vacation 度假  go ona nature tour自然风光旅行 

4. goon a whale watch tour 观光鲨鱼  takea trip旅行

5. trekthrough the jungle

6. gotrekking in the Amazon jungle in Brazil 徒步穿越巴西亚马孙丛林

7. beexcited about an exciting vacation  为令人兴奋的假期而兴奋

8. Thatwould be great/fine/good/wonderful. 那好。 

9. Wouldthat be dangerous if we trekked through the forest?徒步穿越森危险吗

10.   Would you be interested in going together? 你有兴趣一起去?

11.   be stressed out/ upset /worried /tired/disappointed /surprised/ amazed/ pleased/ interested/ relaxed

12.   places where the people are friendly 人好的地方

13.   hope to see Niagara Falls  希望看尼亚加拉大瀑布

14.   some day, someday, one day  总有一天

15.   Hawaii is too touristry= Hawaii has toomany tourists 夏威夷游客太多

16.   There isnt much to do. Theres just so much to see and do.没啥可作;有这多可看可做的beautifulviews to see, exciting things to do要看的美景,要做的令人兴奋的事

17.   answer the phone,接电话call him back 回电话

18.   Could you please(not) do?   had better (not) do  ; Why not do ;

19.   be out for half an hour   be away for 3 weeks 出门半小时;离开三周

20.   take a message for sb. 捎信儿

21.   go somewhere warm  / nowhere lively  /anywhere educational  /everywhere relaxing

22.   find out about your vacation packages 了解你们的假日代办业务

23.   It depends on where it is. 这要视哪儿而定

24.   ads for vacations  度假广告

25.   consider doing / consider as/consider(tobe) important  考虑做/当作/认为重要

26.   one of the liveliest cities 最热闹的城市之一

27.   fantastic sights, including the EiffelTower and Notre Dame Cathedral名胜,包括

28.   go to church 去做礼拜; at churchchurches; beaches

29.   be convenient to do 方便做be convenientfor方便于。。。

30.   sth. costs sb. some money= sbspends some money on .= sb. pays some money for花费

31.   In general; Generally speaking,总的说来

32.   Its best to doYoud better do最好。。。

33.   Unless you speak Frenchyourself, its best to . 除非你自己说法语,最好还是

34.   translate things for sb.     translate.into.为某人翻译;把译成

35.   Isnt it supposed to be hot  难道不热?(被认为)

36.   find a summer job at a travel agency   在旅行社找到一份暑期工作

37.   take a trip somewhere in eastern China  在中国东部旅行

38.   Could you provide me with some informationabout你能提供的信息吗?

39.   provide sb. with sth=provide sth. for sb. 提供

40.   help that your firm/company can offer  (offer me help) 贵公司能提供的帮助

41.   dont mind how far we have to go 不介意走多远

42.   It has to be a place where. 它必须是个的地方

43.   It needs to be big enough for 3people.  它必须容下三个人

44.   It would be nice if we could  若我们能..就好了。..

45.   an outdoor activity doactivities outdoors  一项户外活动;在户外活动

46.   save money by making our own meals  自己做饭省钱

47.   give us some suggestions for vacation spots建议我们一些度假景点

48.   Confucius was born 2558 years ago. 孔子生于

49.   the Stone Forest 石林

50.   pack warm/light clothes  装上暖和衣物;带轻便衣物

51.   this time of year  一年的这个时候

52.   dream about/of (doing) sth.  梦想

53.   across China 全中国

54.   in which we took part  我们所参加的=that we took part in

55.   the answer to the question    问题的答案

56.   after finishing your education    完成学业后

57.   provide better lives for parents  为双亲提供更好的生活

58.   continue to do/doing    go on doing/with sth.继续(同一件事)

59.   according to sth/sb 根据

60.   the most popular choice of job  最受欢迎的工作选择

61.   Some are more/less realistic thanothers  一些比另一些更(不)现实

62.   be volunteers at the 2008 Olympics 2008奥运会志愿者

63.   work as a translator  当翻译

64.   quite a few   a few  few 相当多;几个;没几个

65.   be willing to do  愿意作

66.   work hard to achieve the dream 努力实现梦想=work hard to make the dream come true


sail across the PacificOcean 航行穿过太平洋

68.   It is clear that 很明显

69.   It seems that好像

70.   hold on to your dream 坚持你的梦想

71.   as soon as possible;尽快as much as I can尽多

72.   have a winners attitude 有必胜的态度

73.   choose to study the right subject  选择学习适当的学科

74.   你想去哪儿度假?

Where are you ____ ________? = Where would you like ___ ____ ___ vacation?

75.   这个紧张的人要过一个清静的假日。

The man who ___ ___ _______  like a ___ vacation.

76.   若我们能一起度假多好!

_____ it be great if we ____go on a vacation ____?

77.   他住在一个风景如画,四季如春的小镇。

He lives in a town ____ ____beautiful ____ and ____ ____ all year round.

78.   我过去教学的地方在农村。

The school ___ I ____ ____teach is in the rural area,

79.   这就是你们接电话及回电话的地方?

Is it the place ____ you ___his ___ and ___ him ____?

81 我想了解你们的假日代办旅行。Id like to ___ ____ ____ you vacation ____.

   = Id like to get some ___ ___ your package ____.= I hope you can ___me ___ some information about your vacation ____?

80.   我得外出半小时。老板已经出差一周了。

I ___ ____ ___ ____ forhalf  ___ hour.  The ____ ____ ____ ___ for a week.

82. 是否去参加自然风光旅游取决于天气如何。

   _____ were going on a ___ ___ ___ ___ the ___.

81.   你有兴趣去休闲的地方还是令人震撼的地方?

______ you be _____ ____going ____ ___or ____?

82.   一天,他发现一则相机广告。___ ____, he found ___ ____ ____cameras.

83.   何不考虑一下去欧洲最热闹城市,法国首都巴黎观光?

Why ___ ___ _____ one of the____ ____ of ___, the ___ of France ?

84.   这个旅游胜地由若干名胜,含埃弗尔铁塔,巴黎圣母院,最著名的教堂之一。

The travel ____ has many____, ____ the ____ ____, Notre Dame ____, one of the most famous ___ in theworld.

85.   收拾轻便的行装花不了多少时间。It doesnt ___ much time ____ ___ ___ clothes.=

____ ____ ____ doesnt ___ much time .

86.   学校将给优秀学生提供餐饮。The school will _____ food anddrink ___ the ___ students.= the school will ____ the _____ students ___ foodand drink.=will___ food and drink ___ the excellent students.

87.   总的来说,他表现不错,____ _____, he has done well.

88.   它至少五元,至多十元 It ___ ___ little ___5 yuan and ___ much ___ 10 yuan.

89.   毕业后,他希望继续深造。He ___ ___ ____ ____ after finishingschool.

90.   除非你考得相当好,最好还是请他帮忙。

____ you get ____ ___ goodgrade, its___ ___ ask him ___ help.

91.   它必须是一个我们能户外活动的地方。

It has ___ ____ a place ____we can do ___ activities.

92.   我们若能住带厨房的房间就好了,能自己做饭省钱

It ___ ___ nice if we _______ a room ___ a kitchen so we could ___ ___ ___ cooking our ___ meals.

93.   通知我是否最好乘飞机。Let me ___ ___ ___ best __ __a plane.

94.   孔子生于曲阜,那儿有教育意义。_____ was ___ in Qufu,___ is____.

95.   Its warm this ___ ___ year in San Francisco ___ we can see theGolden Gate Bridge.

96.   The Sydney Opera House is the spot ___ wevisited last July.

97.   以下是调查中的发现,此调查有全中国上千学生参加

Here ___ some of the ____ ofa survey, ___ ____ ___ of students ___ China took part.

98.   好像他们想尽快给父母更好的生活。It ___ that they hope to _______ ___ ___ their parents _______ ____ ____ _____.

99.   据调查,最受欢迎的工作选择是电脑程序设计。

____ ____ the survey, themost ____ ____ of job is computer ____.

101 很多学生愿当2008奥运志愿者的翻译。

  Quite ___ ____students  are ___ to ____ _____ ____  ___ the 2008 Olympics.

102 据他讲,不现实的理想也很普遍,许多梦想成名。

_____ ____ ____, ____ ____dreams are also common.. ___ ___ ____ dream ___ ___ famous.     


Its ____ _____ _____ _____ for you to ________ the ____ _____.

104. 好像他们已得出结论:追逐梦想。总有一天会实现。

    It ____ that they have drawn the ____: Hold___ ____ the dream and it will ___ ___ ___ ___..


   My dream is ____ ____ my ___ ____.Im ___ ___ do everything for this.

106.You can achieve the dream by___ ___ ___ learn ____ much as you___.(努力学习最多)

 DONT BE NERVOUS ! Take ___ ___!

107. We study in a classroom ____ windows are big and bright.

108.Illnever forget the days ____ I worked with farmers.

109.Illnever forget the days ____ I spent with my grandma.

110.He refused to help the girl ____ father was a farmer.

111.Is that the man to ____ you offered a job ?

112.He visited a village from ____ the students come.

113.Can you tell me the reason ____ you wouldnt like to help him?

114.I was playing in a house ,in front of____ there were trees and flowers.

115.Thatwas the last word _____ I remembered that day.

116.There must be something ____ is visiting our neighborhood.

117.The only thing ____ I know about him is his name.

118.The people and things ____ I saw that night often occur to me.

119.It is the place ____ he visited last summer.

120.The year ____ they lived inthe countryside impressed him deeply.

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