

张源侠十句英语打天下第九课 我很…… It is … for me

张源侠十句英语打天下第九课 我很…… It is … for me

这是《十句英语打天下》的第9课,口语句型“我很…… It is … for me”,又会有怎样的会话魔法呢?

第九课 我很…… It is … for me

中文用一个“很”字来表达强调的意思,英文用“It is...”的结构。中文的“很”字是一个副词,不是一个完整的句式。所以总是对英文的“It is...”结构在开始的时候感到不习惯,但这事英文中极常用的强调句结构,必须掌握。

A: Well, this is my floor. I've got to get off. 好,我的楼层到了,我要走了。
B: Bye. It's been good talking to you. 再见,很高兴见到你。
A: See you around. 再见。
B: Yeah, see you.好,再见。

A: How do you like your dinner?你喜欢你的正餐吗?
B: It's better than nothing.有总比没有好吧。
A: That bad, huh?有那么差吗?
B: You know my stomach is very picky.你知道我的胃是很挑剔的。

A: Hey, it's for you. 嗨,这是你的(电话)。
B: It's for me? Who calls me so late? 我的?是谁这么晚还打电话给我?
A: Who knows?谁知道呢?
B: Ask who is calling?问一下他是谁?

A: I'm so glad you could be here.我很高兴你能来。
B: Thank you. It's good to be here.谢谢你,到这里真好。
A: You should visit us whenever you would.无论何时你能来都应该来。
B: Sure I will.我当然会。

A: Hey, it's John.嗨,我是约翰。
B: John! It's good to hear your voice.约翰,很高兴听到你的声音。
A: I'm sorry not to call you. I've been quite busy.很抱歉没有打电话给你,我很忙。
B: Oh, no problem. Now you are calling.没事,你现在不是打了吗。

A: Here is my little gift for your birthday.这是我给你的一点生日礼物。
B: Can I open it?我可以打开吗?
A: Sure you can.当然可以。
B: Wow, it's just what I want.哇,这正是我想要的。

A: How much does she earn?她赚了多少啊?
B: Hey, it's none of your business.嗨,这不关你的事。
A: I'm just curious.我只是好奇。
B: Don't you realize that curiosity killed the cat?你不知道好奇心害死猫的典故吗?

A: Check, please. 买单。
B: No, it's on me this time. 不,这回我请客。
A: No, wait until you win big money. 不必了,等你赚了大钱再说。
B: It's so nice of you. Thank you. 你真是太好了,谢谢。

A: Are you really going to take a new job?你真的想换新工作?
B: Yes, it's time for a change.是啊,该是改变的时候了。
A: Because of your interest or ambition?是因为你的兴趣还是你的野心?
B: I just cannot keep a job for a long time.我就是没法长时间干一个工作。

A: It strikes me that you are losing a lot of weight.你减了这么多的肥令我惊讶。
B: I have been on a diet for three months.我已经节食三个月了。
A: Really, is it hard to keep going?真的,很难保持吧?
B: No. Actually I start to like dieting.没有啊,我开始喜欢节食了。

A: Do you mind if I smoke?如果我抽烟的话你在意吗?
B: It won't bother me at all.没关系的。
A: Thank you. It's hard to find a place for smoking.谢谢,找一个抽烟的地方真难啊。
B: Yeah, the world is changing.是啊,世界在改变。

A: Is it okay if I sign up for the party?我们报名参加聚会好吗?
B: Words for me. 好啊。
A: Do you mind staying at the party all night? 你在意玩通宵吗?
B: It works for me too. 我都可以。

A: Does it matter what color it is?什么颜色有关系吗?
B: I don't mind. 无所谓。
A: Gee, it's your home. You don't care?老天,这是你的家,你无所谓?
B: I mean I trust your taste. 我的意思是我相信你的品位。

A: It's impossible to get there in time.不可能及时到那里。
B: But at least we should try. 但至少我们应该努力啊。
A: It even doesn't make sense to try.在努力也是到不了的啊。
B: Don't be negative. It's about attitude. 不要太否定。这是个态度问题。

A: It's no use shouting.大叫没有用的。
B: I feel so mad that I have to shout.我感到很生气,我不得不大叫。
A: Sometimes shouting makes things worse.有事大喊使得事情更糟。
B: I don't agree with you.我不同意。

A: It is boring at home.呆在家里真无聊。
B: You may call your friends.你可以给你的朋友打电话。
A: I don't have friends.我没有朋友。
B: Why don't you make some?你为什么不交一些朋友?

A: I find it strange that she doesn't want to go.她不想去,我觉得很奇怪。
B: It's her choice to go or not to go.去还是不去是她的选择。
A: But one hour ago she told me that she would go. 但一个小时之前她还说要去的。
B: You can never predict a girl's mind. 你没有办法预测一个女孩的想法。

A: It appears that they are holding secret talks.好像他们在谈什么秘密的事。
B: Don't you think you care too much?你不认为你关心得太多了吗?
A: I just feel uncomfortable to see it.我只是看着不舒服罢了。
B: Then shut your eyes.那么你就闭眼。

A: It's a long time since I left. 自从我离开后已有很长时间了。
B: Yeah, I really miss you.是啊,我真的很想念你。
A: I am considering the possibility of coming back.我在考虑回来的可能性。
B: It's great. I cannot wait for that day.太好了,我都等不及了。

A: It's quite warm at the moment.在那个时候很温暖。
B: You must be in a passion.你一定是在激情中。
A: I don't deny it.我不否认。
B: You mean you fell in love with him.你是说你爱上他了。

A: It's raining this morning. 早上下雨。
B: If it's convenient I can come tomorrow.如果方便的话,我可以明天来。
A: Well, I will be busy tomorrow.明天我很忙。
B: Okay, you call me when you have time.好吧,等你有空打电话给我。


1. Bye. It's been good talking to you.
2. It's better than nothing.
3. It's for me.
4. It's good to be here.
5. It's good to hear your voice.
6. It's just what I want.
7. Hey, it's none of your business.
8. It's on me this time.
9. It's so nice of you.
10. It's time for a change.
11. It strike me that you are losing a lot of weight.
12. Really, is it hard to keep going?
13. It won't bother me at all.
14. It's hard to find a place for smoking.
15. Is it okay if I sign us up for the party?
16. It works for me too.
17. Does it matter what color it is?
18. It's impossible to get there in time.
19. It even doesn't make sense to try.
20. It's about attitude.
21. It's no use shouting.
22. It is boring at home.
23. I find it strange that she doesn't want to go.
24. It's her choice to go or not to go.
25. It appears that they are holding secret talks.
26. It's a long time since I left.
27. It's quite warm at the moment.
28. It's raining this morning.
29. If it's convenient I can come tomorrow.


Mike visited his doctor complaining about a pain in his right leg. The doctor gave him a full physical exam and said:"It is sure the pain in your leg is simply caused by old age."

Mike said, "Doc., You must have made a mistake."

"Why do you say that?"

"Well, I'm not a doctor," Mike answered, "but it doesn't take a medical degree to tell that your diagnosis is wrong. Clearly, you're mistaken. After all, my other leg feels just fine."

"So what?" said the doctor, "What difference does that make?"

"Well, it doesn't hurt a bit, and it's the same age!"


套路一:对我来说...是很... 。        It is...for me to....

1. 要我及时赶到那里是不可能的。
2. 对我来说,拿到学位很重要。
3. 对我来说,和投资方保持良好的关系是很重要的。
4. 要我接受这个也可以啦。
5. 我想对我而言进入这个系统较好。

1. It is impossible for me get there in time.
2. It is important for me to get a degree.
3. It is crucial for me to keep good relationship with the investor.
4. It is okay for me to accept it.
5. I think it's better for me to get into the system.

套路二:看起来好像...。        It seems that... .

1. 看起来事情好像变得有点棘手。
2. 看起来你好像无法准时交货。
3. 看起来好像你不想告诉我实情。
4. 在我看来你好像并不真正爱我。
5. 在我看来我们好像最终会赢。

1. It seems that the thing has become a little tricky.
2. It seems that you cannot deliver the goods on time.
3. It seems that you would not tell me the truth.
4. It seems to me that you don't really love me.
5. It seems to me that we will eventually win the game.

套路三:正是...才...        It is...that...          .

1. 正是他赢得了最后的胜利。
2. 正是他的明智决策,公司才逃过一劫。
3. 悲剧突然发生的时候正是人流最旺的时候。
4. 正是有你的支持,我才能取得成功。
5. 我们想投资的正是中国,而不是日本。

1. It is him who gets the last win.
2. It is his wise decision that the company successfully avoided the failure.
3. It is the most crowded time that the tragedy suddenly happened.
4. It is due to your support that I made a success.
5. It is China that we plan to invest, not Japan.



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