

ASTM E 2014-11 金相实验室安全指南-3
14. Chemical Spills(化学品泄漏)
14.1 It is important to have a chemical spill cleanup procedure in place to handle small, medium, and large spills.
14.1.1 The procedures is not based strictly on volume of substance spilled, but also on how hazardous is the spilled substance.
14.1.2 For small quantities, and less dangerous materials, a trained person could contain and clean up a spill.
14.1.3 For larger quantities, and more dangerous materials, containment and clean up requires the assistance of hazardous material experts.
14.1.4 All laboratory personnel need to be aware of the established procedures developed for a specific laboratory’s requirements, and any telephone numbers of people who are to be notified in the event of a spill need to be posted for easy access.
14.1.5 A chemical spill kit equipped to handle the common types of spills (acids, caustics, oxidizers, reducers, and solvents) need to be easily accessible in every metallographic laboratory.
14.2 Personal protection equipment must be worn when handling any type of chemical spill.
14.2.1 The minimum equipment consists of safety glasses or a face shield, safety gloves appropriate to the chemical nature of the spill, safety shoes, and a laboratory coat. Respiratory equipment may be necessary for certain types of spills.
14.2.2 In addition to personal protection equipment, it is important for the laboratory personnel to be aware of the proper first aid procedures in case of accidental splashing, inhalation, or swallowing.
14.1  重要的是有化学品泄漏的清理步骤(过程),以便控制小型,中型和大型泄漏。
14.1.1  清理步骤不仅仅基于泄漏物质的数量,还要考虑泄漏出的物质具有怎样的危险性。
14.1.2  对于少量,并且基本无危险的物质,受过训练的人就可以控制并且清理泄漏。
14.1.3  对于较大数量,且相当危险的材料,遏制和清理就需要有害物质专家的协助。
14.1.4  所有实验室人员需要了解根据特定实验室的要求而制定的既定程序,发生泄漏事件后需要通知的所有人员的电话号码必须张贴在容易看到的位置。
14.1.5  在每一个金相实验室,用来处理常见泄漏类型(酸,碱,氧化剂,还原剂,溶剂)而配置的化学品泄漏工具箱,需要很容易地拿到。
14.2  处理任何类型的化学品泄漏时,必须穿戴个人防护装备。
14.2.1  最基本的装备包括安全防护眼镜或面罩,针对泄漏的化学性质恰当的安全手套,安全靴,以及实验室外套。某些类型的泄漏可能呼吸设备是必须的。
14.2.2  除了个人防护装备,作为实验室工作人员,重要的是要知道发生意外飞溅、吸入或吞咽(化学品)等情况下适当的急救程序。
14.3 There are six basic steps for handling a chemical spill. They are: (1) ensure that the contaminated area is safe before entering, (2) identify the nature of the spill, (3) choose the spill cleanup method, (4) treat the spill, and (5) restore the area and (6) dispose of the spill residue.
14.3.1 Isolate the spill area until the substance can be properly cleaned up. Depending on the size of the spill, the appropriate personnel are notified and any additional personal safety equipment required is obtained.
14.3.2 Before the spill can be cleaned up, it is important to properly identify the chemical nature of the spill, especially if neutralization is needed. The most current and applicable MSDS have to be consulted to provide the necessary information concerning the chemicals involved.
14.3.3 There are two methods of chemical clean up: sorption and chemical neutralization. Sorbents come in two forms, loose and pads, and can be used on acids, bases (caustics), and organics (flammables), as long as the sorbent is not reactive with the spilled substance. A disadvantage of sorbents is that they do not neutralize or eliminate the potential chemical hazard associated with the spilled substance. In chemical neutralization, caustic substances are added to acid spills; an acid is added to a caustic spill; a reducing substance is added to an oxidizer, and an oxidizer to a reducing substance. Chemical spill kits contain containers of such neutralizing substances.
14.3  处理化学品泄漏有六个基本步骤。它们分别是:(1)进入前,确保受污染的地区是安全的,(2)确定泄漏的性质,(3)选择泄漏清理方法,(4)处理泄漏,以及(5)恢复泄漏区域和(6)处置泄漏残留物。
14.3.1  隔离泄漏区域,直到该物质可以得到正确清除。根据泄漏程度的大小,通知适当的人员并得到其他需要的个人安全设备。
14.3.2  泄漏能够被清理的前提,最重要的是能够正确识别泄漏的化学性质,特别是如果需要中和的话。必须查询到最新、适用的MSDS,以便提供有关化学品的必要的信息。
14.3.3  有两种化学清理方法:吸附和化学中和。  吸附剂有两种形式,松散的颗粒及块状;只要吸附剂与泄漏物质不发生反应,就可以用于酸,碱(苛性钠),和有机物(易燃)泄露。吸附剂的缺点是,他们没有中和或消除泄漏物质潜在的化学危害。  在化学中和时,碱性物质添加到酸泄漏;酸添加到烧碱泄漏;还原物质被添加到氧化剂中,随之氧化剂添加到还原物质的泄漏中。化学品泄漏工具箱包含盛放这样中和以后物质的容器。
14.3.4 For both methods of cleanup, the treating agent is applied to the spill in small amounts, working from the outside in toward the middle to prevent the spread of the spill. For a sorbent, the agent is mixed into the spill until all is absorbed. For the neutralization method, after the proper neutralizer is chosen, it is added to the spill and thoroughly mixed in. Heat and fumes may be given off. The pH of the spill is checked once the neutralization appears to be complete. Some products have a color indicator incorporated to indicate that the mixture’s pH is neutral (pH of 7.0).
14.3.5 To restore the area, all traces of the spill are cleaned up and the area neutralized. This is important, especially if a sorbent was used to clean up the main spill. The pH of any residues must be neutral for safe disposal. The residue is properly disposed of in accordance with company policy and applicable statutory regulations. Any barriers that were erected to isolate the area cleaned and neutralized if contaminated and put away. If the spill was large enough to deplete the stock of chemicals in the chemical spill cleanup kit, replenish them before any work is allowed to continue.
14.3.4  对于这两种清理方法,处理剂适用于少量的泄漏,从外部向中间工作,以防止泄漏扩散。  对于吸附剂,代理混入泄漏,直到所有的被吸收。  对于中和法,选择适当的中和剂后,将其添加到泄漏物质中,彻底混合。可能会释放出热和烟雾。一旦出现中和完成,检查泄漏的pH值。有些产品有颜色指示直接说明(指示)混合物的pH值是中性(pH值7.0)。
14.3.5  要恢复的面积,所有泄漏的痕迹清理和地区瓦解。这是很重要的,特别是如果吸附剂用于清理的主要泄漏。任何残留物的pH值必须是中立的安全处置。  残留按照公司的政策和适用法律法规妥善处置。任何障碍,竖立隔离清洗和瓦解的区域,如果受到污染,放好。如果泄漏的是大到足以消耗的化学品中的化学品泄漏清理套件的库存,补充他们之前的工作继续下去。
15. Photography(照相)
15.1 The primary safety concern in photography is with respect to the chemicals used for developing negatives and for processing prints. It is strongly recommended to read and understand product literature as well as the most recent MSDS and to follow their guidelines.
15.2 Many of the chemicals used in photography can cause eye and skin irritation after prolonged contact. The use of safety glasses and safety gloves resistant to those chemicals when working repeatedly with these chemicals for an extended period of time is recommended. A laboratory coat is also advisable.
15.3 Chemical manufacturers also recommend several precautions to be observed when mixing or storing their chemicals. These precautions can be found in Table 3.
TABLE 3 Recommended Precautions When Mixing and Storing Photographic Chemicals
表3 感光化学品混合和储存时推荐的注意事项
Chemical 化学品
Precaution 注意事项
Developers 显影液(剂)
Keep away from acids 远离酸
Fixers 定影液(剂)
Keep away from alcohol 远离酒精
Activators 活化剂,是显影液的重要组成成分之一
Keep away from acids 远离酸
Photo-flo 润湿剂
Keep away from oxidizers 远离氧化剂
Stop bath 停影(显)液
Keep away from alkalis 远离碱
15.4 Safety Information related to reflected light photomicrography can be found in Guide E883.
15.1 摄影的主要安全问题是源于显影底片和冲洗相片所使用的化学品。强烈建议阅读和理解产品说明书,以及最近期的MSDS,并遵守其操作准则。
15.2 许多摄影中使用的化学品长期接触后可引起眼睛和皮肤有刺激性。需要长时间、频繁(反复)接触这些化学品时,建议使用对这些化学品有防护功能的安全眼镜和安全手套。也可以穿上实验室外套。
15.3 化学品制造商还建议混合或储存的化学品时,必须遵守一些预防措施。这些预防措施可以在表3中发现,。
15.4 反射光显微摄影相关的安全信息,可以在指南E883中找到。
16. X-ray Diffraction/Electron Microscopy(X-射线衍射/电子显微镜)
16.1 Electron Microscope. An electron microscope presents several potential safety hazards that must be recognized before it is operated. These microscopes all operate at dangerously high voltages. Some hazardous X-rays are produced when the electron beam strikes a target, but their strength may not warrant protective or monitoring measures. Consult the instrument’s manufacturer.
16.2 Many electron microscopes are also equipped with SiLi energy dispersive X-ray detectors, which require the handling of liquid nitrogen on a regular basis. Liquid nitrogen must always be transported in an approved cryogenic container. Liquid nitrogen free Silicon Drift Detectors (SDDs) are now a standard option.
16.2.1 Anyone handling liquid nitrogen has to wear safety glasses with side shields to prevent liquid nitrogen from splashing into their eyes. A full face shield is a preferred option. Insulated gloves (cryogenic resistant) must also be worn to prevent burns to the skin.
16.3 Neatly and safely route all electrical cabling and periodically inspect them for evidence of deterioration.
16.3.1 Keep all safety interlocks in good working order and never by-pass them.
16.3.2 Troubleshooting of these systems is to be performed by a person knowledgeable in high voltage systems, preferably the manufacturer’s service specialists.
16.3.3 It is recommended to establish a visual lock-out procedure to ensure that the instrument cannot be inadvertently energized during maintenance.
16.1  电子显微镜。电子显微镜操作之前,必须承认其会造成一些潜在的安全危害。所有这些显微镜都在危险的高电压下操作。当电子束冲击目标时会产生的一些有害的X射线,但它们的强度还不到需要保护或监控措施的程度。咨询该仪器的制造商。
16.2  许多电子显微镜还配备了司隶能量色散X射线探测器,它需要定期液氮处理。液氮必须始终在核准过的低温容器中运输。液氮的硅漂移探测器(SDDS)现在是一个标准的选项。
16.2.1  任何人处理液态氮必须佩戴带有侧护罩的安全眼镜,以防止液氮飞溅到他们的眼睛里。完整的面罩是一个首要的选项(最好的选择)。也必须戴绝缘手套(耐低温),以防止冻伤皮肤。
16.3  路由所有电气布线整齐,安全,并定期检查他们恶化的证据。
16.3.1  保持所有的安全联锁处于良好的工作顺序,决不要跳过他们。
16.3.2  这些系统的故障排除,由在高电压系统方面知识丰富的人来解决;最好是制造商的技术服务专家(工程师)。
16.3.3  建议建立一个视觉锁定程序,以确保该仪器不会在维修过程中不慎通电。
16.4 Radioactive Sources. In the United States of America laboratory equipment that generates X-rays from a radioactive source comes under the auspices of the USNRC or the State Department of Health, if the state where the equipment is located is an agreement state. All such equipment must be operated in a safe manner, and the facility, equipment, and procedures has to meet the requirements of the controlling agency. Usually, compliance means the following:
16.4.1 The equipment must be registered with the controlling agency.
16.4.2 A radiation safety program is established for the facility. This program defines responsibilities and assigns them to specific individuals. The program is documented and in the form of a radiation control manual. The radiation control manual will detail the entire radiation safety program.
16.4.3 Signs are to be posted indicating that radiation producing equipment is present. Sign size, configuration, colors, and content will be detailed in the controlling agency’s regulations.
16.4.4 Other documents and notices, such as licenses, employee monitoring records, and safety procedures and policies, are to be posted.
16.4.5 Safety surveys are performed on a regular basis, usually quarterly. The surveys include the checking of interlocks, warning lights, and of posting requirements as well as the measurement of radiation levels, if any, using a radiation survey meter or Geiger counter. All surveys must be documented.
16.4.6 Radiation levels are to be monitored through the use of film badges or dosimeters. Each employee must have an individual film badge; badges must not be shared. It is recommended that a control badge be used to avoid the logging of background radiation in the records of the system. Badges may be used as area monitors; however, the area monitor cannot be considered as a control badge. If dosimeters are used, all readings must be logged, documented, and reported.
16.4.7 A training program needs to be established covering the nature of radiation, operation of equipment, hazards from exposure, and proper safety practices. The program is to be documented and available to all personnel who operate or service the equipment. An outline of the information included in the training program will be a part of the radiation control manual. Personnel may be required to pass regulatory agency proficiency requirements.
16.5 Non-radiation Source. In the United States of America equipment that generates X-rays from a non-radioactive source generally is regulated by individual states. It is the responsibility of laboratory personnel to ensure that all regulatory laws and regulations are followed.
16.4  放射源。在美国,从放射源产生X射线的实验室设备,当设备的状态如果处于正常工作状态时,由USNRC(美国核管会)或联邦健康部门进行管理。所有这些设备,必须以一个安全的方式运行,同时,设施,设备和程序必须满足管理机构的要求。通常情况下,遵守的含义如下:
16.4.1  设备必须在管理机构登记。
16.4.2  辐射安全计划建立的设施。该方案规定的职责和它们分配给特定的个人。该方案是记录和辐射控制手册的形式。辐射控制手册将详细介绍整个辐射安全计划。
16.4.3  迹象表明辐射的生产设备是目前被张贴。签署的大小,配置,颜色和内容将详细控制机构的规定。
16.4.4  其他文件和通知,如:许可证、雇员监察记录,以及安全程序和政策,都要张贴于墙上。
16.4.5  安全调查,通常每季度定期进行。调查包括检查的联锁,警示灯,以及发布的要求以及测量辐射水平,如果有的话,使用辐射测量仪或盖革计数器。所有的调查都必须记录在案。
16.4.6  辐射水平进行监测,通过使用电影徽章或剂量计。每个员工都必须有一个单独的电影徽章,徽章不能共享。建议控制徽章可以用来避免在背景辐射的日志记录系统。徽章可使用面积显示器;然而,该地区的显示器可以不被考虑作为控制徽章。如果剂量计,所有读数必须记录,记录和报告。
16.4.7  一个培训计划,需要设计涵盖放射性的性质、设备的操作、暴露后的危害,以及正确的安全操作规程。该计划是要记录,并提供所有人员操作或维修设备。大纲的训练计划中包含的信息将是一个辐射控制手册的一部分。人员可能需要通过监管机构的能力要求。
16.5  非放射源。在美国,从一个非放射性源产生X射线的设备,一般是由各个州自己监管。确保所有的监管法律和法规得到遵守,这是实验室工作人员的责任。
17. Laboratory Ergonomics(实验室工效)
17.1 Laboratory workstation and task ergonomics need to be considered from the outset. Discomfort, pain and occupational disability may only become evident over prolonged and repeated exposure. A small discomfort can become a significant disability with repeated exposure over time.
17.1.1 Computer workstations need to be designed from the chair and up to ensure that workers have the appropriate posture and body support to not stress muscles and joints. Particularly sensitive areas are the lower back (lumbar support in the chair) neck (proper positioning of the computer screen with respect to eye movement) shoulders and upper arms (chair armrest position with respect to the keyboard) and wrists (armrest and wrist supports sufficient to avoid localized pressure points).
17.2 Laboratory bench workstations need to be designed such that the worker does not need to routinely (frequency and duration) bend over to accomplish the work while standing up, or that lab. stools (with foot rests and lumbar support if needed) can be used with the worker’s legs fitting comfortably underneath the work surface/counter.
17.3 Tools and tasks must be assessed for mechanical vibration to meet applicable regulatory guidelines and requirements.
17.4 Microscope workstations are to be similarly designed as for computer workstations such that the worker’s eye level can be trained onto the microscopes eyepieces without straining or stressing muscles or joints.
17.1  实验室工作站和任务人体工程学需要从一开始就被考虑。不适,疼痛和职业伤残只可能超长和反复接触才会变得明显。一个小的不适,长期反复接触可能变成严重的疾患。
17.1.1  计算机工作站需要从椅子设计开始,以确保工作人员有适当的姿势和身体的支持,避免肌肉和关节的紧张。特别敏感的地区是下背部(腰部支撑在椅子上)颈部(借助眼球运动在计算机屏幕上正确定位)肩膀和上臂(椅子的扶手位置要根据键盘高低调整)以及手腕(扶手和手腕的支持要有效避免局部压力点)。
17.2  实验台工作站需要专门进行设计,这样,工作人员只需要垂直站立而不需要定期(频繁或长期)弯腰完成工作;或者,实验凳(如果需要的话可以有脚踏和腰部支撑)可以在使用时,使工作人员的腿可以舒适的放置在工作面/台的下面。
17.3  工具和任务,为机械振动,以满足适用的法律法规的指引和要求,必须进行评估。
17.4  显微镜工作站类似计算机工作站的设计,这样,没有肌肉或关节上的紧张或僵硬,操作人员的眼睛水平观察可以很轻松地看到显微镜目镜中的图像。
18. Disposal of Residues(残留物、废弃物的处置:)
18.1 Many of the chemicals, products and specimen materials contained in the residues from sample preparation and etching are not environmentally friendly and their disposal in municipal waste or effluent lines may be prohibited by government legislations.
18.1.1 Disposal information may be available in the substance’s applicable MSDS, and consult the local environmental protection government agency for disposal guidelines. It may be necessary to dispose of certain substances in secured landfills and to pretreat or neutralize liquids before the runoff from sedimentation tanks is allowed into the municipal effluent waste lines. The resulting sludge may need to be disposed of in a secured landfill.
18.1  源于(出自)样品制备和显微组织蚀刻环节的残留物中的许多化学品、工件(产品)和样品材料,都不是环境友好的;可由政府立法禁止他们在市政废物或下水管中处置。
18.1.1  处置信息可以从材料的适用MSDS中获取,处置指导可以咨询当地环保政府机构。某些物质可能必须要在安全填埋场处置,从沉淀池流进市政污水废物管线前需要预处理或中和流体。产生的污泥,可能需要在一个安全的垃圾填埋场处置。
19. Keywords(关键词)
19.1 chemical spills; ergonomics; etching; fume hoods; grinding; heat treating; metallography; MSDS; photography; polishing; radiation; safety; specimen; sulfur printing; X-ray.
19.1  化学品泄漏;工效;蚀刻;通风柜(橱);磨光;热处理;金相; MSDS;摄影;抛光;辐射;安全;标本(样品);硫印;X-射线。
(1)  Urben, p., Handbook of Reactive Chemical Hazards, 7th Edition, Elsevier, 2007.
(2)  Diberardinis, L.J. et al, Guidelines for Laboratory Design: Health & Safety Considerations, 3rd Edition, J. Wiley & Sons, 2001.
(3)  Fuscaldo, A. A. et al, eds., Laboratory Safety: Theory & Practice, Academic Press, 1980.
(4)  Gersey, E., Wilkerson, A., and Party, E., Laboratory Safety in Practice, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1991.
(5)  Keith Furr, A., ed., Handbook of Laboratory Safety, 5th Edition, CRC Press, 2000.
(6)  Kelsey, C. A., and Gardner, A. F., eds., Radiation Safety for Laboratory Technicians, Warren H. Green, Inc., 1983.
(7)  Pal, S. B., ed., Handbook of Laboratory Health & Safety Measures, Kluwer Acedemic, 1985.
(8)  Patty, F.A., ed., Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology, Vol.II- Toxicology, 3rd Edition, John Wiley & Sons 1995.
(9)  Proctor, N. and Hughes, J., Chemical Hazards in the Workplace, J. B. Lippincott Co., 1978.
(10)  Prudent Practices for Disposal of Chemicals from Laboratories, National Academy Press,1983.
(11)  Prudent Practices for Handling Hazardous Chemicals in Laboratories, National Academy Press, 1981.
(12)  Rayburn, S. R., The Foundations of Laboratory Safety, Brock- Springer Series in Contemporary Bioscience, Springer-Verlag, 1989.
(13)  Sax, N. I., Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials, 5th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2004.
(14)  Metals Handbook, Heat Treating, Vol. 4, ASM International, 2008.
(15)  Vander Voort, G. F., Metallography, Principles and Practice, ASM International, 1999.
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