


2010年中秋的前夜,在坐了近三年的桌案前,聆听着鄙人空间用了多年的《Deep Within My Soul》的背景音乐(列位看官,你难道不觉得此曲经典吗?!但在欣赏本文时,你可以把我空间背景音乐关了,因为本日志已另配有背景音乐。),想想马上或即将离开来了近三年的万载——江西西部边陲的一个小县城,思绪微起波澜颇不平静,马上再过半小时左右就是中秋了,组合以下文字算是写给万载这两个字,或是万载这个地方,或是万载的人们。

On the Mid-Autumn Festival-eve in 2010, I sit at the desk that I have used for three years, listening to the background music "Deep within My Soul" that I have used for several years in my Qzone, (My dear guys: Don't you think it is a classic music?! When you are reading this blog, you can turn off the background music because the blog has another one.) Thinking that I am going to leave WanZai-a western small county in JiangXi province which I have stayed for nearly three years, my mind and my heart cannot stay so calm. It will be the Mid-Autumn Festival in half an hour, I write the following text to these two Chinese characters "WanZai", or to the place WanZai, or to all the people in WanZai.


The photo was taken on the Interplanetary Business Hotel in WanZai.


I first heard this place or noun " WanZai " in my childhood at my hometown. In festivals at my hometown, my family would buy some fireworks to celebrate. And I saw the word " WanZai " on the wrapping paper that I felt it a very distant place but also was a happy place (because there are fireworks there!). Children including me like playing fireworks, so naturally I thought it was convenient for children in WanZai to play firecracker. And I thought it would be a great fun to play firecrackers one day in WanZai.


On March 26, 2008, I finally came to WanZai the place I thought was abound with fireworks. I didn’t come to play fireworks this time. Instead, I, along with “Laotou” and the vice-manager represented Jiangxi HD company to go to work there from that day on.


That is the situation when we came there.


After HD staffs have worked hard for three years:


We can see a new scene when we are leaving:


I have not done less than ten projects and WanZai project costs the most time. The bitterness and difficulties of work can be imagined, but today it isn't the main topic about work but we talk about something else.

或许,有些朋友会说的,你是不是离开时有些怅惘?!是的,看到各个参战单位的人越来越少,纷纷撤厂,我是有太多的思绪,也有太多的留恋,也许离开以后,很少会来或许再也不会来这个小小的县城。对于偌大的中国来说,它就是一个微不足道的county seat,但对于我来说,在此时此刻——在离开万载的前夜,我依然想为它留下点笔墨……

Some friends may ask: did you feel down when left?! Yes, seeing each rival company has less and less staff and finally closed the company, I have so many feelings and memories. Maybe once I left here, I will seldom or never come to this small town again. To our big motherland, it is a trivial county seat. However, to me, at this moment, on the eve of my leave, I still want to leave some words for it...


For my feelings go disordered, I write this text along with my thoughts. Kindly I hope that my dear readers follow me.



The history of WanZai


In ancient times, WanZai was called by "KangLe". WanZai has established as a county for more than 1700 years from Sanguo Dynasty Sunwuhuangwu period. Maybe because of my ignorance, I rarely can find records about WanZai in the history. The only one we are familiar with is XieLingyun, a landscape poet (We are familiar with him, because we have learned his poems in middle school).



The eight famous landscapes of WanZai


In early Ming dynasty ChengHua period, WanZai eight landscapes were known and till now it is 500 years. It referred to the snow in Tangzhou, clouds, woodcutter songs, stalagmite, mountains, setting sun in Kun Mountain, boating in Long River and waves. However, as history and geography went on, the old eight landscapes were not known any more. I asked some local aged people, they didn’t know too. So now I recommend the new eight landscapes for you and also make an advertisement for WanZai:



The mystery of an big house( Zhou's house in ZhuTan):



Although it is one of eight landscapes in WanZai and the main protected cultural relic, it is a workshop of fireworks with any protection. When visiting there, DB and I felt very upset.



Phoenix flying in the sky (Phoenix Mountain):


The ball-like thing with two leaf-like gadgets lies on the top of the mountain. The leaves stand for lily and the ball sparkling in the evening stand for firworks.


I went there with Zhu and Niu on a hot afternoon. I was busy with taking pictures for them but never take one for myself.



Xie Lingyun’s tomb:


Xie Lingyun was well-reputed as the originator of China and his poets were magnificent and novelty.


The verse written by Li Bai “wearing Xiegong clogs and climbing a ladder to the sky” that we are familiar referred to Xie Lingyun. Xiegong clogs were a pair of wooden shoes made for Xie Lingyun for climbing mountains. These shoes had movable jags. When going up, front jags should be moved and when going down, upper jags should be moved.


We have always heard the idiom "cai gao ba dou", but we rarely know where this idiom is from. It has something to do with Xie Lingyun. Once he said that “There is one Dan( Here sounds as dan not shi and dan is a unit of capacity which equals to ten dous) in the world and Cao Zijian occupied eight while one is mine and the other one for the world. It implied Xie Lingyun’s appreciate towards Cao Zijian and his pride of himself. “cai gao ba dou” is from here. So now I also want to say that “There is one Dan in the world and Cao Zijian occupied eight Xie Lingyun one while half is mine and the other half is for the world.(*~__~*)hehe…”

    该墓于清光绪七年 (1881年)由谢灵运后裔重修,据说这里是全国唯一有碑之实墓。墓前原建有谢康乐庙,文革时期被毁。

The tomb,which was said to be the only one real tomb with stele in China, was repaired by Xie Lingyun’s descendants in 1881. There was a temple in the front of his tomb, but it was destroyed in the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution.



I went there with an engineer of design institute. The local people were very kind and showed us the way.



The old tree:


Xiexi Village in Jiaohu town WanZai county is the organic agriculture village. In 1728, JiangXi Governor Xie Min had written a poet named “The Old Tree in Xie Mountain” when visiting Xie Mountain in JiaoHu town. The poet is “ The roots of the old tree go deeply under the ground. There are cicadas singing on the branches. The trees and flowers are more beautiful after raining.”


What does "organic" mean? I am not clear about it as well. But it is enough for you to know that the scope of organic food is better than green food, green food is better than non-pollutant food and non-pollutant food is better than general food. In other words, the organic food is healthier than green food.


Now agriculture products are non-polluted food improved from general food, and then improved to green food, which is between non-polluted food and organic food. Non-polluted food is the early age of green food and organic food is the best green food.


Only after you went there, you can know what mountain road is.



The landscape of XianYuan:



It was very difficult to get there. It is very precipitous and the path winds along mountain ridges.



Cave in the bamboo forest:


There is a similar scene spot-ZhuoJiang in YiChun. But there is more fun in ZhuoJiang than this cave, because when visiting ZhuoJiang, you have to take a boat to go through a river and enter in one cave and then go out from another. There isn’t such a thing in cave in the bamboo forest.


A peculiarity of this cave is that it is warm in winter and cool in summer. In order to feel it, I went there on July 26th 2008 and January 3rd 2009.





The pagoda is presented by a scholar called Yi Qiong in 1756 (Tsing Dynasty 21st year of QianLong Period). The pagoda is 30 meters with 7 floors constructed by masonries. A poem named “My feeling on the civilization pagoda” was written by Xue Zhen. “The pagoda is on the opposite side of a school. It is a good place to study. There are so many well-reputed scholars who appreciate Xie Lingyun after they passed the imperial examinations.


It is repairing today and I remembered it was always repairing so it should be called “YongXiu Pagoda”.



The bell in the old temple:


It is a place where WanZai people can go every day. it is on the opposite side of the back gate of Jinjiang supermarket.



The people of WanZai:


In my mind, WanZai people are similar to ChengDu people because they play mahjong every day and are satisfied with their small rich. In other words, they do not strive to make progress but just muddle along.”


All in all, folkway in WanZai is pure and simple. It is true that people never pick up anything lost on the road and doors can be unlocked in the evening. It can hardly be avoided that there is unruly man sometimes


I have done not less than ten projects and project in WanZai has the least stealing maybe because there is little non-local people in WanZai.


WanZai people are famous for liking eating hot dished and the cooks can’t cook food without peppers. To be frank, the local dish is not very good, and each dish is similar. Vegetables are cooked with chili powder, dry pepper, fresh pepper and pepper oil. If you take off your glasses, you may think all the dishes are the same and only the main material is different.



Body-building in Waizai


I think it is necessary to say something about body-building.


I have gone to take exercise in Boymickey for five months. The price is not high with a lot of equipments and most of its members are governors and rich people, coaches are very professional and patient. You will relax yourself and forget your unhappiness when you do exercises along with music and the smile of the coaches can make you calm. It is fantastic to take a shower after you run on the treadmill and your clothes sweat through. And then you have a good sleep. The next day, you refresh thoroughly.


It is a pity that there is no gym room like Boymickey in LianTang.


Following is their excellent achievements. (But you can find a mistake: “Li” is wrong in “zai jie zai li”.)


Because of you I am getting thinner and thinner and my clothes seem to be too big.

和万载say bye-bye,和Boymickey say bye-bye,和这里的教练say bye-bye

I say goodbye to WanZai, to Boymickey and to the coaches.



Following is some miscellanies


On September 12, 2009, electricity was blacked out in the construction site so we went swimming in winter swimming training base. It is called Shu River, the source of drinking water for WanZai people. Raw water of the biggest power plant in WanZai is taken from it, about ten kilometers in the downstream river. The mother river of WanZai-Long River also goes with Shu River and runs into Gan River. They run day and night.



On the Mid-Autumn Festival of 2009, huangcker, Xingxing, AJiao and Xiangjing went rafting at Jiulong. To AJiao’s disappointed, his car broke down halfway when we were back home.



We went to MingYue Mountain on September 14, 2010, the only one woman is our tour guide.


It was the third time that I visited MingYue Mountain. I went there for the first time in the New Year Day but I don’t even enter the gate of MingYue Mountain. The second time was Labor Day and I went with my daughter and we just reach cable car station. This time I eventually climb to the top on foot.



An eating house we often went is MingZhu attic in WanZai. The snacks are of local flavors.



ZhengYi Academy in 1875:


ZhengYi Academy is now ZhuTan Middle School. It was old but I like such style because it can remind me of my life in middle school. I liked that school, the teachers, and the fireworks in ZhuTan.


By the way, the Chinese characters written by chalks on the blackboard in the aisle of classroom building are very beautiful and such beautiful handwriting seldom can be found now.


I hope I will come here again and I am sure I will.



Oh, it is not early now. It is the morning of Mid-Autumn Festival, I must take a shower and go to sleep and I will begin my journey to my home.

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