

1. 时光飞逝,就如流水一般永往前进而不会回头。回首,我们的曾经,我们那些已逝的岁月,仿佛还在昨天,而一切已经走远,时光我们留不住,唯一留在我们心里的是那最美丽的回忆。快乐的,痛苦的,幸福的,刻骨铭心的这一切的一切,有欢笑,有泪水,有甜蜜。当然还有属于我们自己的幸福。
1 time flies, like water in general never go forward and never look back. Looking back, we had, those of our past, like it was yesterday, but everything has gone far, the time we stay, only in our heart is the most beautiful memories. Happy, pain, happiness, all the imprint is engraved on my heart., all this there is laughter, there are tears, sweet. Of course, our own happiness.
2. 彼此相爱就是幸福。如此简单,如此难。
2 love is happiness. So simple, so hard.
3. 我们活在这个世界上,每天不断地奔跑,甚至奔命、追逐的,是世俗的需要,而非心灵的需求。富可敌国的人,未必找到了快乐;权倾一方的人,未必寻觅到了幸福。快乐和幸福,说到底,不是金钱和权力,只是心底里的一种安闲与宁静。我们绝不要错过眼前的美景和手头的幸福。
3 we live in this world, running every day constantly, even running, chasing, secular, rather than spiritual needs. Fabulously rich people, may not find happiness; the right to tilt to one side of the people, not necessarily find happiness. Joy and happiness, in the final analysis, not money and power, just inside of a comfortable and quiet. We must not miss the beauty and hand in front of the happiness.
4: meet different people every day, everyone is not happy in almost said, the cause of the success of the said work pressure, work and leisure of people say that the industry has no future, no marriage say why is not met to the suitable person, met the said not appropriate, happy like a football like kicking troubles, like a trophy can not be let go. In fact, we have is their own happiness, for both hope, lost only memories, and happiness comes from within.
5. 在爱情里,总是彼此伤害,彷佛这样才能证明自己爱得轰轰烈烈。可是,爱情里没有孰对孰错。你爱她,她爱你,就已足够。不要试图让彼此脆弱悲伤。彼此相爱,需要的是温暖幸福甜蜜快乐。不要用沉默宣战,不要互不相让,更不要什么话都不讲就离去。要知道,你离去的时候,你的眼睛起了雾,她的眼角泛着泪。
5 in love, always hurt each other, as if in order to prove his love with vigour and vitality. However, love is not right or wrong. You love her, she loves you, is enough. Don't try to let the other vulnerable sad. Love each other, need is warm and happy and sweet happy. Do not use silence to declare war, not to each other, what more do not talk at all on the go. You know, when you leave, your eyes from the fog, her eyes suffused with tears.
6. 我在楼上想你时,你突然出现在楼下,然后鞋带开了,感谢那鞋带,让你在我的眼眸中,多停留了几十秒,这样真好,我想也许在未来的某一天,哪怕是我们都老的弯不下腰那一天,你可以把腿翘到床上,我坐在一个小板凳上,为你系好鞋带,那就是我今生最想要要的幸福。
6 I upstairs to you when you suddenly appeared in the downstairs, and then the shoelace is untied, thank the shoelace, let you in my eyes, stay for a few seconds, so good, I think maybe one day in the future, even we are old cannot bend that day. You can put your legs on the bed, I sat in a small bench, for you to fasten your shoelaces, that is the happiness of my life the most want to.
7. 很多时候,我们总是很天真,总是驰骋于未来的追逐,遐想于远方的幸福。天真过后,我们才发觉,未来很远,遐想无边,我们曾设计出最完美的人生之路,却很少有过走到的地方。于是我们知道了,经历的才是真实的,拥有的才是自己的,想象如浮云,只能点缀在心空,不能融解于生活。
7 most of the time, we are always very naive, always ride on the future of the chase, daydream in the distance of happiness. Naive later, we discovered, the future is far away, reverie boundless, we have designed the perfect way of life, but few have ever walked to the place. So we know that experience is true, have is their own, imagine if the floating clouds, only embellishment in the heart empty, not dissolved in life.
8. 幸福,就是找一个温暖的人过一辈子。痛过之后就不会觉得痛了,有的只会是一颗冷漠的心。没有什么过不去,只是再也回不去。要有多坚强,才敢念念不忘。你是我猜不到的不知所措,我是你想不到的无关痛痒。感情的戏,我没演技。一个人,一座城,一生心疼。
8 happiness, is looking for a warm person for a lifetime. After the pain had not felt the pain, some will only be a cold heart. Anything, just never return not to go. To want to have more strong, just can't forget. I guess you are at a loss, I is you can not always. The feelings of the play, I'm not acting. A person, a city, a lifetime love.
9. 一场雨季,破碎了谁的梦,泪湿了谁的心?也许终究是雨太大,伞太小,容不下你我,幸福就在这凄凉的雨季里冲刷而去,徒留一地悲伤和寂寞。也许,幸福就像雨季时的云彩,伤了,哭一场,就消失在湛蓝的天空,谁也不知道她来过。
9 a rainy season, who's broken dreams, whose heart tears wet? Perhaps is too much rain, the umbrella is too small, you and I can not tolerate, happiness in this bleak season to wash away, leaving a sad and lonely. Perhaps, happiness is like the rainy season, clouds, hurt, cry, will disappear in the blue of the sky, who also don't know she was here.
10. 幸福,是两个人找遍地图上所有想去的地方,然后一起去。
10 happiness is two people hunted all want to go on the map, and then go to.



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