



1. You can’t change other people, and it’s rude to try.

1. 你不可能去改变他人,任何尝试改变他人的努力都是不礼貌的。  5

2. It is a hundred times more difficult to burn calories than to refrain from consuming them in the first place.

2. 比起在第一时间控制卡路里,燃烧卡路里要难上百倍。  

3. If you’re talking to someone you don’t know well, you may be talking to someone who knows way more about whatever you’re talking about than you do.

3. 在和你不熟识的人聊天时所谈及的任何话题, 对方都有可能比你懂得多。  

4. The cheapest and most expensive models are usually both bad deals.

4. 同一件东西,买得太贵或太便宜,都不是好事。(疑)  9

5. Everyone likes somebody who gets to the point quickly.

5. 谁都喜欢直接了当的人。  3

6. Bad moods will come and go your whole life, and trying to force them away makes them run deeper and last longer.

6. 人一生中,坏脾气总会自然的发生、自然的结束,强行抑制 它只会使其对你影响更深远长久。  

7. Children are remarkably honest creatures until we teach them not to be.

7. 孩子的本性再诚实不过,是我们教会了他们什么是谎言。  

8. If everyone in the TV show you’re watching is good-looking, it’s not worth watching.

8. 如果你正在看的电视节目里每个角色都挺漂亮,那它就不值得你继续看下去。  

9. Yelling always makes things worse.

9. 大喊大叫永远只会让事情变得更糟。  1

10. Whenever you’re worried about what others will think of you, you’re really just worried about what you’ ll think of you.

10. 无论什么时候,担心他人对你的看法其实就是担心内心对自己的看法。  2

11. Every problem you have is your responsibility, regardless of who caused it.

11. 不管是谁造成的,你都需要对你面对的每个问题负全责。  8

12. You never have to deal with more than one moment at a time.

12. 你永远不需要在同一个当下处理多件事。  5

13. If you never doubt your beliefs, then you’re wrong a lot.

13. 从未怀疑过你的信仰,那你就大错特错了。  3

14. Managing one’s wants is the most powerful skill a person can learn.

14. 了解和管理自己的愿望,这是可以习得的强大本领。  7

15. Nobody has it all figured out.

15. 没有一个人在思考问题时能面面俱到。  11

16. Cynicism is far too easy to be useful.

16. 愤世嫉俗谁都会,可它起不到任何作用。  

17. Every passing face on the street represents a story every bit as compelling and complicated as yours.

17. 每一张过客的面孔背后都有一段人生,和你同样复杂、有趣的人生。  

18. Whenever you hate something, it hates you back: people, situations and inanimate objects alike.

18. 你开始讨厌什么,什么就会反过来讨厌你,任何事都是 --- 人、你的状态,还有任何没有生命的事物。  

19. Ralph Waldo Emerson’s works alone can teach you everything you need to know about living with grace and happiness.

19. 关于如何活得优雅而快乐,爱默生(Ralph Waldo Emerson) 的作品中都可以找到答案。  2

20. People embellish everything, as a rule.

20. 人们习惯对一切事物添油加醋的修饰一番,一贯如此。 (疑)  4

21. Anger reveals weakness of character, violence even moreso.

21. 愤怒体现了性格上的缺陷,暴力尤其是。  5

22. Humans cannot destroy the planet, but we can destroy its capacity to keep us alive.  And we are.

22. 人类虽然不可以毁灭地球,但却为了能求以生存,不断的破坏它。(疑)  5

23. When people are uncomfortable with the present moment, they fidget with their hands or their minds.  Watch and see.

23. 人在感到不自在时,总会摆弄着手指,或东张西望,或犹疑不定。(疑)  3

24. Those who complain the most, accomplish the least.

24. 越是抱怨,越难成功。  4

25. Putting something off makes it instantly harder and scarier.

25. 要是什么事被你搁置了,它只会变得更难更让你害怕。  

26. Credit card debt devours souls.

26. 信用卡负债能吞噬你的灵魂。  

27. Nobody knows more than a minuscule fraction of what’s going on in the world. It’s just way too big for any one person to know it well.

27. 人类对这个世界上发生的事所知不过尔尔,它太大以致于没有人可以 全部知悉。  2

28. Most of what we see is only what we think about what we see.

28.  绝大时候,我们眼前的世界只是它在我们内心的投射。  2

29. A person who is unafraid to present a candid version of herself to the world is as rare as diamonds.

29.  最最如钻石般珍贵的品质,莫过于勇于表现真我。  

30. The most common addiction in the world is the draw of comfort. It wrecks dreams and breaks people.

30.  安于现状是这世上最普遍存在的“沉溺”,它粉碎我们的梦想,摧毁我们自身。  4

31. If what you’re doing feels perfectly safe, there is probably a better course of action.

31.  若你感到毫无风险可言,那表示你或许还能做得更好。(疑)  

32. The greatest innovation in the history of humankind is language.

32.  语言是人类历史上最伟大的革新。  4

33. Blame is the favorite pastime of those who dislike responsibility.

33.只有不负责任的人才以指责别人为乐。  3

34. Everyone you meet is better than you at something.

34.三人行必有我师。  6

35. Proof is nothing but a collection of opinions that match your own.

35.”证明“只不过是为了迎合自己说辞的一堆所谓看法,它什么都不是。  1

36. Knowledge is belief, nothing more.


37. Indulging your desires is not self-love.

37.纵容自己的欲望并非爱自己。  1

38. What makes human beings different from animals is that animals can be themselves with ease.

38.人类区别于动物的一点,就是动物能自在的做它自己。  5

39. Self-examination is the only path out of misery.

39.只有自我反省,你才能从痛苦中走出来。  1

40. Whoever you are, you will die. To know and understand that means you are alive.

40.不管是谁都终会死去,了解这点,你会知道你是活着的。(疑)  6

41. Revenge is for the petty and irresponsible.


42. Getting truly organized can vastly improve anyone’s life.

42.确实规律的生活能大大提升生活质量。  2

43. Almost every cliché contains a truth so profound that people have been compelled to repeat it until it makes you roll your eyes. But the wisdom is still in there.

43.  几乎所有古语都有深义,即使人们老生常谈到你狂翻白眼,你也不能否认其中蕴含的智慧。  1

44. People cause suffering when they are suffering themselves. Alleviating their suffering will help them not hurt others.

44.  于痛苦之中的人也同样会伤害到他人,只有帮助他减轻痛苦,才能使他停止这种伤害。  

45. High quality is worth any quantity, in possessions, friends and experiences.

45.  有价值的事物都值得拥有,无论多寡,友情是,人生历练也是。  4

46. The world would be a better place if everyone read National Geographic.

46.  如果人人都看《国家地理杂志》,这个世界会更美好。  2

47. If you aren’t happy single, you won’t be happy in a relationship.

47.  如果你在单身时无法过得快乐,那结婚后也快乐不起来。  5

48. Even if it costs no money, nothing is free if it takes time.

48.即使它不需分文,只要为它花费了时间,它就不是免费的。  3

49. Emotions exist to make us strongly biased towards or against something. This hinders as often as it helps.

49.  情绪导致我们的判断出现正反偏差,当然这有利有弊。  

50. Addiction is a much greater problem in society than it’s made out to be. It’s present in every person in various forms, but usually we call it something else.

50.  沉迷是整个社会最严重的问题,这比沉迷于什么更重要。在每个人身上,沉迷的表现都各不相同,可往往我们不愿承认。(疑)  5

51. “Gut feeling” is not just a euphemism. Tension in the abdomen speaks volumes about how you truly feel about something, beyond all arguments and rationales.

51. “直觉”并非某种委婉的说法,腹中的那种张力使你明确的表示出你真实所想,这超越了所有理论和依据。  1

52. Posture and dress change profoundly how you feel about yourself and how others feel about you, like it or not.

52. 穿着举止能深刻的改变内在与外界对你自身的看法,不管你喜不喜欢。  4

53. Everyone thinks they’re an above average driver.

53. 每个人都觉得自己车开得挺好的。  1

54. The urge to punish others has much more to do with venting frustration than correcting behavior.

54. 惩罚他人的冲动只不过是一种发泄,而不是为了纠正错误。  4

55. By default, people think far too much.

55. 一般来讲,人都容易想太多。  

56. If anything is worth splurging on, it’s a high-quality mattress. You’ll spend a third of your life using it.

56. 任何真正值得你去炫耀的东西,就要象个质量特好的床垫子,你可以用它用上半辈子。  3

57. There is nothing worse than having no friends.

57. 没有什么事比没朋友更可怕的了。   1

58. To write a person off as worthless is an act of great violence.

58. 将人贬得一文不值是很暴力的行为。  4

59. Try as we might to be otherwise, we are all hypocrites.

59. 把自己扮演成完全不一样的人,恩,我们全是伪君子。   4

60. Justice is a human invention which is in reality rarely achievable, but many will not hesitate to destroy lives demanding it.

60. “公正"是人类创造的产物,事实上很难真正实现,可还是不少人却不惜放弃生命去要求“公正”。(疑)  2

61. Kids will usually understand exactly what you mean if you keep it to one or two short sentences.

61. 其实孩子们总是能清楚的明白你的意思,如果你能长话短说的话。  

62. Stuff that’s on sale usually has an annoying downside.

62. 促销品通常都有让你恼火的毛病。  3

63. Casual swearing makes people sound dumb.

63. 随口脏话会使人觉得你愚蠢又无趣。  1

64. Words are immensely powerful. One cruel remark can wound someone for life.

64. 语言的力量是无限的,恶语一句六月寒。  1

65. It’s easy to make someone’s day just by being uncommonly pleasant to them.

65. 只要与人相处时友好愉悦,就会很容易使他们一整天都心情舒畅。  2

66. Most of what children learn from their parents isn’t taught on purpose.

66. 孩子从父母身上学到的大多是耳濡目染而非刻意教授。  

67. The secret ingredient is usually butter, in obscene amounts.

67. 可口的加工食品通常都含有大量黄油。  3

68. It is worth re-trying foods that you didn’t like at first.

68. 第一次觉得它难吃? 那不防再多试一次。  

69. Problems, when they arise, are rarely as painful as the experience of fearing them.

69. 问题本身所带来的苦恼,远不及它带来的恐惧多。  

70. Nothing — ever — happens exactly like you pictured it.

70. 没有一件事的发生能恰好与你之前的想象相符。  

71. North Americans are generally terrible at accepting compliments and offers of help.

71. 北美的人越来越不喜欢接受他人的称赞和求助了。  8

72. There are not enough women in positions of power. The world has suffered from this deficit for a long time.

72. 整个世界很长时间都一直苦于当要权的女性过少。  3

73. When you break promises to yourself, you feel terrible. When you make a habit of it, you begin to hate yourself.

73. 一旦你没能遵守与自己的约定,你就会感觉糟糕,而一旦这样的事成为习惯,你就会开始自我厌恶。  

74. A good nine out of ten bad things I’ve worried about never happened. A good nine out of ten bad things that did happen never occurred to me to worry about.

74. 我所担心的事十之八九最后都没发生,就算真的发生了,十之八九我也不用担心。  3

75. You can’t hide a bad mood from people who know you well, but you can always be polite.

75. 你很难在了解你的人面前克制坏脾气,但至少你可以尽量保持礼貌。  3

76. Sometimes you have to remove certain people from your life, even if they’ re family.

76. 有时你不得不将某个人赶出你的生活,即使那是你的家人。  4

77. Anyone can be calmed in an instant by looking at the ocean or the stars.

77. 遥望星空或海洋,能使你暂时回归平静。  4

78. There is no point finishing a book you aren’t enjoying. Life is too short for that. Swallow your pride and put it down for good, unfinished.

78. 不喜欢这本书何必坚持读完,放下你的虚荣将它丢到一边,人生太过短暂。  1

79. There is no correlation between the price of a brand of batteries and how long they last.

79. 电池的价格和电池的使用时间并无直接关联。  

80. Breaking new ground only takes a small amount more effort than you’re used to giving.

80. 再多一点努力,就能柳暗花明。  1

81. Life is a solo trip, but you’ll have lots of visitors. Some of them are long-term, most aren’t.

81. 人生就是一场孤单旅行,而生命中会有很多过客,陪伴你或长或短。  1

82. One of the best things you can do for your kids is take them on road trips. I’m not a parent, but I was a kid once.

82. 你能为你的孩子做的最好的事之一就是带他们出行,虽然我还没有孩子,但我也曾经是个孩子。  

83. The fewer possessions you have, the more they do for you.

83. 你所拥有得越少,它们能为你带来的就越多。(疑)  4

84. Einstein was wiser than he was intelligent, and he was a genius.

84. 爱因斯坦不只是位智商高群之人,理念是一位智者,是个天才。  1

85. When you’re sick of your own life, that’s a good time to pick up a book.

85. 当你对人生感到厌恶,请拿本书看看。  1

86. Wishing things were different is a great way to torture yourself.

86. 希望事情不同于如今,是对自己的莫大折磨。  2

87. The ability to be happy is nothing other than the ability to come to terms with how things change.

87. 接受事实,与现实和解,你才能真正快乐。  5

88. Killing time is an atrocity. It’s priceless, and it never grows back.

88. 浪费时间是件残忍的事,时间无价,光阴一去不复返。

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