

全家出游的意义 The family holiday ‘challenge’
2012年06月11日 06:10 AM

The family holiday ‘challenge’


As a student of human nature, I often wonder why anyone goes on family holidays. I pondered the matter again recently, when we took the kids to southern Italy. Naturally, it rained almost solidly every day. There were moments familiar to any parent, like the deflating sound of an exhausted child waking up at 6.20am; the attempt to explain Pompeii to a three-year-old; or the evening we walked forever to the restaurant we’d read about, ordered food, and then watched the children fall asleep at table before the meal arrived. Yet by the time easyJet landed us home, I think I’d figured out why people take family holidays – and, by extension, why they have families.


The “challenges” of family holidays are well-known. It’s hard enough getting on with your spouse and kids at home, let alone when cooped up with them for days. Susan M. Shaw, expert on leisure at the University of Waterloo in Canada, thinks the term “family leisure” is problematic. “Research suggests that such activities do not always live up to the leisure ideal,” she writes, darkly. Brian Viner in his Cream Teas, Traffic Jams and Sunburn: The Great British Holiday describes one seaside holiday when he shared a bedroom with his parents, it rained all week, he cut off clumps of his hair from boredom, his mother smacked him and then, as a finale, they heard on the car radio on the drive home that Robert Kennedy had been shot dead.

全家出游的困难是众所周知的。就是在家里,要想跟伴侣和孩子相安无事都够难了,更别提连着许多天跟他们绑在一个陌生的地方。加拿大滑铁卢大学(University of Waterloo)休闲问题专家苏珊?M?肖(Susan M. Shaw)认为,“家庭休闲”这个说法本身就是有问题的。她悲观地写道:“研究显示,此类活动基本上不能算理想的休闲活动。”在《奶油茶点、堵车和晒伤:伟大的英国假期》(Cream Teas, Traffic Jams and Sunburn: The Great British Holiday)一书中,作者布里安?瓦伊纳(Brian Viner)描述了自己小时候跟父母在海边度过的一个假期。小瓦伊纳跟父母共住一间房间,在那一周里,雨连绵不停,他无聊得剪自己的头发玩,还挨了妈妈一巴掌。最后,在开车回家的路上,听到广播里说,罗伯特?肯尼迪(Robert Kennedy)遇刺了。

Family holidays probably don’t add much to the sum of human happiness. However, as an economist friend of mine likes to argue, people don’t have children for happiness. It’s a cliché of happiness research that parents are less happy than childless people. Rather, says my friend, having children is best understood as a biological urge. You have them not for the present but for the future, to perpetuate your genes when you are gone. And likewise, you go on family holidays not for the present but for the future.


Families try to live up to the ideal of family life while struggling with an often disappointing reality. The aim, much of the time, is to stock up good memories: to leave all family members with snapshots of happiness that they can look back on after the family ceases to exist. When the kids leave home, the family effectively dissolves, even in cases where the parents are still alive and together. That means parents have only just over a decade to create happy memories: from the time the kids are about five, and have any memories at all, until they are in their late teens and heading for the exit. Family holidays are the parents’ best shot at creating those memories.


Much of what we remember of our families comes from holidays. On holiday, the family exists more clearly than at any other time: all together for once, without work, school or friends. Because holidays distil the essence of family, they would be unbearable if they lasted more than a week or two. Indeed, less can still be fatal, as witness the number of Britons who check into mental hospitals after Christmas.


On holiday, you imbibe your family. The exotic setting imprints itself on the child’s mind. All those holiday photographs reinforce the effect. In fact, the photos themselves are perhaps the main aim of the holiday: that’s where the memories get laid down, and then rubbed in over the decades. Louis Begley recently recalled his prewar childhood in the New York Review of Books. “At the core of my first memories of Poland,” he wrote, “is a summer in the remote countryside where my grandparents had a small property.” And he proceeded to describe that Polish summer, in 1938 when he was four, in minute detail. Above the article is a photo of the child Begley beaming into the lens at an outdoor meal table, with behind him the adults over whom the catastrophe was about to unfold.

在假期里,你整天泡在家庭氛围里。那种奇异的假日氛围在孩子心上留下了印记。假期中拍的那些照片也会加强这个效果。事实上,拍照本身可能就是假期的主要目的:照片将记忆定格,在以后的几十年里,看到照片,就会回忆起当年。路易斯?贝格利(Louis Begley)最近在《纽约书评》(New York Review of Books)上撰文,回忆二战前他的童年时期。“在我对波兰最早的记忆中,”贝格利写道,“最清晰的部分就是在一个偏远的乡下地方消暑的经历。祖父母在那有一处小小的房产。”他接着极其详细地描述了那个夏天的情景。那是在1938年的波兰,当时他4岁。在那篇文章上方,有一张他小时候的照片。小贝格利在一张户外餐桌旁对着镜头微笑,身后还有些大人。在照片拍摄后不久,灾难就将降临在这些人身上。

That holiday was Begley’s Madeleine. A few decades from now, perhaps the main thing anyone will remember about me is my son’s memory of my pushing him on the swings during a long-lost holiday in Sorrento. That’s what you’re doing it for: not for the children’s happiness in Sorrento this week, but for their memories. Your children’s memories give meaning to the otherwise day-to-day of your own life. If nobody remembered us, a philosopher friend once explained to me, much of the point would be gone.


A family holiday is for memories. Once you’ve grasped that, it’s just a matter of enduring it. I vividly remember, about 30 years ago, returning from an Italian vacation to our handsome brick house with the fir tree in front. As we opened the front gate, my mother said, “That’s the best part of a holiday: coming home.” At the time I didn’t know what she meant.


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