

卫报双语精读|S 215

2022.08.05 北京


Could new countries be founded – on the internet?

The Guardian(卫报)





In The Network State, a buzzy new book by Balaji Srinivasan, the former chief technology officer of Coinbase, poses a devious question : how do you Larp a country into existence? Released provocatively this 4 July, the book presents Srinivasan's case for a new model of digital statehood run and managed in the cloud. A network state, as he describes it, is basically a group of people who get together on the internet and decide that they're going to start a country. With a social network to connect them, a leader to unite them, and a cryptocurrency to protect their assets, Srinivasan says a country can be born with laws, social services and all.

A network state is a country that 'anyone can start from your computer, beginning by building a following' – not unlike companies, cryptocurrencies , or decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs). In a world where billionaires can run companies larger than countries, Srinivasan asks, could such a state achieve recognition from the United Nations?

Like all utopian visions, this one, too, is diagnostic – an answer to a growing list of 'wicked' social problems like surveillance capitalism , economic stagnation , political polarization , and conflict among great powers. Just when we need leaders to solve our problems, Balaji argues, they are failing, and the reason isn't just corruption or incompetence - the reason is technological. Central government is simply no longer capable of addressing our needs because the world for which it was designed has changed.

In The Network State, a buzzy new book by Balaji Srinivasan, the former chief technology officer of Coinbase, poses a devious question : how do you Larp a country into existence? Released provocatively this 4 July, the book presents Srinivasan's case for a new model of digital statehood run and managed in the cloud. A network state, as he describes it, is basically a group of people who get together on the internet and decide that they're going to start a country. With a social network to connect them, a leader to unite them, and a cryptocurrency to protect their assets, Srinivasan says a country can be born with laws, social services and all.

  • buzzy adj. 活跃的;令人兴奋的;

    1. There's always a buzzy atmosphere in the restaurant. 这家餐厅的气氛总是非常活跃。

  • poses a devious question 提出了一个狡猾的问题;

    1. pose vt. 提出(问题),质询;

    2. When I finally posed the question, 'Why?' he merely shrugged. 当我最后问“为什么”时,他只是耸了耸肩。

    3. devious adj. 会算计的,会耍手腕的;精心设计的;

    4. You have to be devious if you're going to succeed in business. 要想在生意场上取得成功就必须会耍点手腕。

  • release vt. 公开;公布;发布;

  • provocatively adv. 有争议地;

  • 参考译文

In The Network State, a buzzy new book by Balaji Srinivasan, the former chief technology officer of Coinbase, poses a devious question : how do you Larp a country into existence? Released provocatively this 4 July, the book presents Srinivasan's case for a new model of digital statehood run and managed in the cloud. A network state, as he describes it, is basically a group of people who get together on the internet and decide that they're going to start a country. With a social network to connect them, a leader to unite them, and a cryptocurrency to protect their assets, Srinivasan says a country can be born with laws, social services and all.

在《网络国家》中,Coinbase前首席技术官巴拉吉·斯里尼瓦桑(Balaji Srinivasan)的一本热门新书提出了一个狡猾的问题:你如何让一个国家诞生?该书于7月4日挑衅性地发布,介绍了斯里尼瓦桑关于在云端运行和管理的数字国家新模式的案例。按照他的描述,网络国家基本上是一群人在互联网上聚在一起,决定建立一个国家。斯里尼瓦桑说,有了连接他们的社交网络,有了团结他们的领导人,有了保护他们资产的加密货币,一个有法律、社会服务和所有的国家就可以诞生。

A network state is a country that 'anyone can start from your computer, beginning by building a following' – not unlike companies, cryptocurrencies , or decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs). In a world where billionaires can run companies larger than countries, Srinivasan asks, could such a state achieve recognition from the United Nations?

  • cryptocurrency n. 加密电子货币;

  • decentralize vi. 分散管理,分权管理;将(权力)下放;

    1. Modern technology has made it easy for us to decentralize. 现代技术已经使分散管理变得简单易行。

  • 参考译文

A network state is a country that 'anyone can start from your computer, beginning by building a following' – not unlike companies, cryptocurrencies , or decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs). In a world where billionaires can run companies larger than countries, Srinivasan asks, could such a state achieve recognition from the United Nations?

一个网络国家是一个 '任何人都可以从你的电脑开始,从建立一个追随者开始 '的国家—与公司、加密货币或去中心化自治组织(DAO)相同。斯里尼瓦桑问道,在一个亿万富翁可以经营比国家更大的公司的世界里,这样的国家能得到联合国的承认吗?

Like all utopian visions, this one, too, is diagnostic – an answer to a growing list of 'wicked' social problems like surveillance capitalism , economic stagnation , political polarization , and conflict among great powers. Just when we need leaders to solve our problems, Balaji argues, they are failing, and the reason isn't just corruption or incompetence - the reason is technological. Central government is simply no longer capable of addressing our  needs because the world for which it was designed has changed.

  • diagnostic adj. 诊断的;用于诊断的;

    1.An intelligent computer will be an indispensable diagnostic tool for doctors. 智能计算机将成为医生不可或缺的诊断工具。

  • wicked adj. 邪恶的;坏的;缺德的;

    1. She gave a highly creditable performance as the wicked queen. 她演邪恶的王后演得非常逼真。

  • surveillance n. 监视,盯梢;

    1. More banks are now installing surveillance cameras. 现在更多的银行开始安装监控摄像机。

  • capitalism n. 资本主义;

    1. The cyclical economic crises inheres in capitalism. 周期经济危机是资本主义制度所固有的。

  • stagnation n. 停滞;滞止;萧条;

    1. Stagnation in home sales is holding back economic recovery.国内销售的停滞不前正阻碍着经济复苏。

  • polarization n. 两极分化;

    1.None of these countries has found a way yet to get around the problem of the polarization of wealth. 这些国家都还没有找到办法来解决贫富分化的问题。

  • corruption n.(尤指当权者的)贪污,腐败,堕落;

    1. Here was corruption on a grand scale. 这里的腐败现象曾十分严重。

  • incompetence n. 无能力;不胜任,不称职;

    1. It was not a question of bad luck, it was simply incompetence. 这并不是运气不好的问题, 而完全是他缺乏能力的问题。

  • 参考译文

Like all utopian visions, this one, too, is diagnostic – an answer to a growing list of 'wicked' social problems like surveillance capitalism , economic stagnation , political polarization , and conflict among great powers. Just when we need leaders to solve our problems, Balaji argues, they are failing, and the reason isn't just corruption or incompetence - the reason is technological. Central government is simply no longer capable of addressing our  needs because the world for which it was designed has changed.

像所有的乌托邦愿景一样,这个愿景也是指导的 —对越来越多的 '邪恶 '社会问题的答案,如监视资本主义、经济停滞、政治两极化和大国之间的冲突。巴拉吉认为,正当我们需要领导人来解决我们的问题时,他们却失败了,原因不仅仅是腐败或无能——原因是技术。中央政府根本不再有能力解决我们的需求,因为它所设计的世界已经改变。




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