

2005年全国中学生英语能力竞赛 (NEPCS) 初赛初一年级组试题参考

2005年全国中学生英语能力竞赛 (NEPCS) 初赛初一年级组试题参考答案




IIIA) 11—15 DBACA               B) 16—20 DDCBA

IVA)21—25 AABDC           B) 26—30 CABDC


Part I. Words

  Choose the one that has the same vowel as the word you hear. Each word will be read only once.

  1. kind  2. speak  3. show  4. food  5. goodbye

Part II. Sentences

  Listen to the sentences. Then choose the right answer to each sentence. Each sentence will be read only once.

6. Where’s your grandfather?

7. What’s thirteen minus seven?

8. Your sharpener is very beautiful.

9. Is this hat small or big?

10. How many purple kites do you have?

Part III. Dialogues

  A) You will hear five dialogues. Choose the best answer to each question according to the dialogue. Each dialogue will be read twice.

11. W: Which class are you in, Harry?

  M: I’m in Class 5.

  W: My sister Jean is in your class.

  M: Really? Great! We’re classmates now.

12. W: Is this black shirt yours, Tom?

  M: No. I think it’s Rick’s.

  W: Which one is yours?

  M: The brown one is mine.

13. W: Do you have a piano, Jim?

  M: Sorry, I don’t. But I have a guitar.

  W: Do you know who has a piano?

  M: Mike, I think.

14. W: Where’s my eraser? It isn’t in my pencil case.

  M: Is it on the box?

  W: No, it isn’t.

  M: Oh, it’s there. It’s under your cap.

15. W: Can I help you?

  M: Yes. I want to take a pen, a ruler and two pencils. How much are they?

  W: They’re nine dollars. The pen is five dollars. The ruler is one dollar. And the pencils are three dollars.

  M: Here’s the money.

  W: Thank you.

  B) Listen to the dialogue, and then choose the right answers to complete the form. The dialogue will be read twice.

  The teacher is asking the new student some questions.

W: Welcome to No.1 Middle School.

M: Thank you.

W: What’s your name?

M: Brian.

W: Can you spell it?

M: Yes, B-R-I-A-N, Brian.

W: OK, I got it. Are you from America?

M: No, I’m from England.

W: When’s your birthday?

M: October the fifteenth.

W: I think you are eleven this year, right?

M: No, I’m twelve now.

W: Sorry. Well, there are four clubs in our school, the Art Club, the Music Club, the Chess Club and the English Club. Which one do you want to join?

M: I like singing, so I think I’ll join the second one.

Part IV. Passages

  A) You will hear a passage. Choose the best answer to each question. The passage will be read twice.

I’m Gina. I am a student in No. 8 Middle School. My favourite room is my bedroom. In the room there is a bed and next to the bed there is a small table with a small alarm clock on it. There is a big cupboard next to the door. I put my clothes in it. Near the window there is a big table with two white chairs. There are some flowers and a telephone on the table. Oh, look at the wall of the room, it is blue. It is my favourite colour. I like this room very much.

  B) You will hear a passage. Choose the best answer to each question. The passage will be read twice.

I have a good friend. His name is Bob. This is a photo of him. He is sitting under a big tree with his lovely dog. Bob’s parents are both English teachers, and his English is very good. Bob likes sports very much. He is a basketball star in our school. He can also play football well. Bob likes bananas, pears and chips, but ice cream is his favourite food. So we often call him“Ice”. Bob and I often walk to school together at 6:20 in the morning.


I. A) 31—35 BBBCD          B) 36—40 CAABA  41—45 DCCAD  46—50 BDACC

IIA) 51—55 CAABC               B) 56—60 CBBCC

  C) 61. Saturday.

62. 2.

63. Bus number 24. / No. 24 Bus.

  D) 64. The Best Songs of the Week.

65. No, he can’t.

66. At 7:30 p.m.

  E) 67. On top of the Christmas tree.

68. Caring for others and sharing with them.

69. On Christmas morning.

70. Four.

III. A) 71. with              72. take        73. so           74. her               75. are

76. window        77. can’t              78. two         79. wrong           80. don’t

   B) 81. studying      82. tell         83. has          84. aren’t            85. come

86. is                  87. helps      88. play       89. join              90. write

IV. 91. This boy; plays; his playhouse   92. Is; or   93. Does; get up   94. doesn’t do  95.What’s his   96. Look after   97. in the same class / both in Class Four   98.Where can   99. Don’t put   100. I have

V. A) 101. 一天,他们的妈妈想去购物,所以就让他们的姑姑 / 姨妈来照顾他们。

102. 两个孩子玩了很长时间。

103. 然后给你妹妹一块儿,但要记住一定要做得像一个绅士。

104. 他总是把大块儿给别人。

105. 玛莉,请像一个绅士那样将这个苹果切成两块儿吧。

  B) 106. There are a lot of / lots of / many / trees between the two hills.

107. I don’t know the girl’s name.

108. Who is the boy in Picture Two?

109. Let me help you look for your daughter.

110. Do you like playing baseball or computer games?

VI. 111. very happy (很高兴)

112. 6413 (根据代表SEASON中每个字母的数字得出)

113. 5. / Five.








115. (a) 5 (b) 3

VII. A) One possible version:

John:      What’s this?

Robert:  It’s a photo of my sister, Ann.

John:      Oh, she’s very lovely. Is she ten now?

Robert:        No, she is 12.

John:      Is she in No. 7 Middle School?

Robert:        Yes, she’s in Class One, Grade One.

John:     Does your sister like sports?

Robert:        No, but she likes watching TV very much.

John:     What’s her favourite colour?

Robert:        Guess!

John:      Blue?

Robert:        No, it’s green.

John:     Oh, I like green, too.                (62 words)

  B) One possible version:

... “Whose backpack is it?” Liu Qiang thinks. Then he opens it. There are a lot of things in it. Some books, a set of keys, some money... Liu Qiang also finds a name card in it. “Oh, it’s Li Jian’s. I know him. We are in the same school.” Liu Qiang says to himself. He thinks that Li Jian must be worried about his backpack. So he runs to the school. At the school gate, he sees Li Jian and gives him the backpack. Li Jian thanks him a lot for his help. Then they go into the school happily.

(100 words)


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