

New approaches in the field of project management ...

Case study: 

Assessing and developing the organisational competence in managing projects of Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant (ChNPP)







无论是UPMA对项目管理成熟度的第一次评估,还是后来的切尔诺贝利核电站进行的彻底重组,都使用了IPMA DELTA成熟度模型。

使用IPMA DELTA成熟度评估有助于ChNPP显著提高其管理项目的组织能力。通过评估实现的主要收益如下:

  • 全面、诚实地评定项目的实际成熟度

  • 在最高管理层的指导下,为组织在项目中的战略定位奠定基础

  • 规划和发展组织的起点、方法以及所有相关人员的能力

  • 与利益相关方之间更好的理解与沟通-包括最高管理层对项目管理的作用

  • 项目管理成效的改进。

IPMA Delta认证的结果将作为乌克兰和欧洲其他企业进行类似认证流程的参考标准。

IPMA Delta是对项目管理组织能力的整体评估。三个模块分别用于评估选定项目中相关人员的能力(模块I)、选定项目中项目管理的应用(模块P)和组织管理项目的方法(模块O)。通过评估,组织可以获得关于当前成熟度和到期望目标状态的增量的洞察。这些建议推动了管理项目的组织能力的持续发展,切尔诺贝利核电站就是如此。本案例研究还揭示了通过这样一个全面的成熟度评估所实现的好处。

During the 1980s, ChNPP is one of the most powerful nuclear power plant in the USSR. According to the strategic development plans of power industry of the Soviet Union, the ChNPP had to become the largest nuclear power plant in the world, consisting of six power units with an electric power of 1000 MWt each (3200 MWt of thermal power correspondingly). 

However, the devastating explosion of the fourth power unit of ChNPP on 26 April 1986 changed everything. The accident caused an emission of a huge amount of radioactive materials in environment. About 600.000 people participated in elimination of consequences of the largest accident in the history of nuclear power, 200.000 people were evacuated and moved, and health of 1.7 million people was undermined. The quantity of the death connected with Chernobyl accident, including died from cancer years later, in official sources of information is estimated at 125.000 people.

Figure 1: Destroyed fourth power unit of the ChNPP in 1986

In 1986 during six months, in difficult radiation conditions, scientists and experts of the former Soviet Union designed and constructed a protective cover for the reactor, officially called 'Shelter' object, but later received the name 'Sarcophagus'. Implementation of design decisions during construction of 'Shelter' object in a difficult radiation situation demanded performance of a complex of organizational and technical actions for ensuring radiation protection of the personnel. Practical realization of the fundamental principles of radiation safety when carrying out dangerous works was reliably supported with the strictest discipline and quickly developed and put into operation instructions and regulations of performance of all radiation-hazardous works.

The political leaders of the world and the European Union asked Ukraine to stop operations of the remaining nuclear power stations of ChNPP. In 1995, the Ukraine signed a Memorandum of Understanding to stop power units of the ChNPP that happened finally in 2000. One year later, a State Specialized Enterprise Chernobyl NPP (SSE ChNPP) was formed by the Ukrainian Government to decommission the existing power units and to transform the 'Sarcophagus' into an ecologically safe system.

A complex program in three stages was started: during Stage 1 the objective was to stabilize the existing “Shelter” by increasing reliability and durability of the old structures and systems. Stage 2 was aimed at creating additional protective barriers, first of all a new safe confinement providing necessary conditions (e.g. to ensuring safety of the personnel, the population and environment), preparatory technical work and the infrastructure for stage 3. This includes a “New Safety Confinement (NSC)”, which is an arched construction with 257.4 meter flight, 108.4 meter height and 150 meter length. The NSC is designed for 100 years of operation and will give the chance to carry out extraction of fuel- bearing materials and their conditioning for the subsequent safe storage.

Figure 2: NSC after second lift of eastern section in 2013

After the erection of the NSC in 2015, stage 3 will start and is planned to be carried out until 2023. It is aimed at the extraction of fuel-bearing materials and long existing radioactive waste, their conditioning and burial in radioactive waste storages according to existing standards, removal from operation of 'Shelter' object. Dismantling of unstable structures of the 'Sarcophagus'.

One of the challenges for the ChNPP: lack of personnel with sufficient experience in implementing such a complex program and with coordination of all related projects. A Project Management Unit (PMU) was formed to establish standards for project and program management according to international acknowledged standards. The PMU of ChNPP worked closely together with Ukrainian Project Management Association (UPMA) and Kiev National University of Construction and Architecture to develop the standards and the competence of personnel involved in the program and projects.

These development activities comprised two special master classes, one on project management and one on organizational development of engineering and innovation projects and programs based on Japanese experiences, special training sessions in document management and construction project management as well as the training and certification of personnel according to the IPMA 4-Level Certification System.

End of 2008 UPMA performed a first assessment of project management maturity with an own system as first step of evaluating the actual state of project management and deriving actions towards a further development. The results showed an initial stage of project management with a first set of standards being implemented but not yet fully applied and controlled by the PMU. UPMA experts helped to further develop the project management skills and methods.

One year later, at the end of 2009 UPMA together with IPMA experts conducted the first IPMA Delta assessment worldwide for ChNPP PMU. As shown above, the IPMA Delta assessment covered a wide range of aspects in the field of project and program management showing the improvements made since the first assessment, especially for the application and the control of the standards.

Today, state owned enterprise ChNPP is in the process of a radical reorganization, implementing project-oriented business management approaches based on the existing standard organizational structures and business approaches. Activity on a platform of the ChNPP in many aspects is innovative and it has to be considered at the organization of work. The experience collected throughout the implementation of all projects in Chernobyl, should be secured for the future of ChNPP, the Ukraine and the world community.

Using the IPMA Delta maturity assessment helped the ChNPP significantly to develop its organisational competence in managing projects. The main benefits realized through the assessment:

  • comprehensive and honest determination of the actual maturity in project and programme management

  • basis for the strategic orientation of the organisation in project and programme management under the guidance of top management

  • starting point for planning and developing the organisation, the methodology as well as the competences of all people involved

  • better understanding and communication amongst the stakeholders - including top management-regarding the role of project and programme management

  • improved performance of the project and programme management

Results of this IPMA Delta certification will be considered as standard for carrying out procedures of similar certifications at other enterprises of the Ukraine and in Europe.


Maturity in project management is an increasingly important success factor for all kinds of organisations, especially organisations dealing with a variety of projects, programmes and portfolios. Since the 1990s professional associations develop maturity models to support organisational development. Together with some of its Member Associations, IPMA also developed an approach, which is based on the organisational competence in managing projects. This competence perspective, a perspective differentiating IPMA from other international organisations, builds on concepts like the core competences, the resource-based view or the dynamic capabilities of an organisation.

IPMA Delta is a holistic assessment of the organisational competence in managing projects. Three modules are used to assess the competence of selected individuals (module I), the application of project management in selected projects (module P) and the organisation´s approach of managing projects (module O). Through the assessment an organisation gets insights in regard to the current maturity and the Delta to a desired target state. Recommendations drive the continuous development of organisational competences in managing projects, which is shown in the case of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. This case study also reveals insights in the benefits realized through such a holistic maturity assessment.

This article is excerpted from:

IPMA Delta and IPMA Organisational Competence Baseline (OCB): New approaches in the field of project management maturity

Author Introduction:

Sergey D. Bushuyev

President of Ukrainian Project Management Association (UPMA) & Professor at Kiev National University of Construction & Architecture


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