

9月21日雅思阅读原题详解:A Brief History of Chocolate

9月21日的雅思阅读考试考到了教主刘洪波老师编著的《雅思阅读真经5》中的两篇原文!分别是《A Brief History of Chocolate》和《From Novices to Experts》。

今天我们先来看第一篇《A Brief History of Chocolate》的详细解析~


When most of us hear the word chocolate, we picture a bar, a box of bonbons, or a bunny. The verb that comes to mind is probably “eat,” not “drink,” and the most apt adjective would seem to be “sweet.” But for about 90 percent of chocolate’s long history, it was strictly a beverage, and sugar didn’t have anything to do with it. “I often call chocolate the best-known food that nobody knows anything about,” said Alexandra Leaf, a selfdescribed “chocolate educator” who runs a business called Chocolate Tours of New York City.



The terminology can be a little confusing, but most experts these days use the term “cacao” to refer to the plant or its beans before processing, while the term “chocolate” refers to anything made from the beans, she explained. “Cocoa” generally refers to chocolate in a powdered form, although it can also be a British form of “cacao.” Etymologists trace the origin of the word “chocolate” to the Aztec word “xocoatl,” which referred to a bitter drink brewed from cacao beans. The Latin name for the cacao tree, T h e o b r o m a c a c a o , means “food of the gods.”

Word & Expression

1.     picture

1) ① n.照片;图画;相片;描绘

    ② v. 想象;描述;描写;设想

My visits enabled me to build up a broad picture of the culture.参观游览使我对这个文化有了大致的了解。(build up a broad picture of对...有大致的了解)

2)搭配:out of the picture不知道详情, 不熟悉一切


2.     a bar of


He's holding a bar of chocolate in his right hand and a bottle of lemonade in his left hand.他右手拿着一块巧克力左手拿着一瓶柠檬水。


3.     bonbon (认识即可)

n. 夹心软糖;(法)小糖果;棒棒糖


4.     bunny (认识即可)

n. 兔子


5.     come to mind


Surveillance is the first application that comes to mind.监控是我们想到的第一个应用。


6.     apt

1)    adj. 易于…的, 有…倾向的;恰当的, 适宜的;聪明的, 灵巧的

She is apt at languages.她善于学习语言。

2)    同义替换: appropriate, suitable, fitting, pertinent, right, proper, capable

3)    搭配:be apt to倾向于


7.     beverage

n. 饮料

The sale of alcoholic beverages is restricted to those over 21.酒精饮料只能出售给21岁以上的成年人。


8.     have something to do with

1)    和…有关

That might have something to do with how hunger heightens your sensitivity for saltiness and sweetness.这也许和饥饿有关。饥饿使你对咸甜味更加敏感。

2)    have nothing to do with和…无关


9.     best-known

adj. 众所周知的; 著名的

It may not be the among the best-known of the city's museums, but this monument to sex education, history, and cultural significance isn't just for academics.它也许还称不上是纽约最知名的博物馆,但它在性的教育、历史、文化意义上所具有的纪念碑意义并不仅仅是对学者而言。


10.  run a business


2) run



11.  terminology

n. 专门用语;术语;术语学; 术语用法

The article uses rather specialized musical terminology.这篇文章用了相当专业的音乐术语。(rather  adv.相当地)


12.  refer to

vt. 涉及, 指的是, 提作, 参考, 适用于

Writers often refer to a dictionary.作家时常参考字典。


13.  bean

1)    ① n. 豆;豆荚

       ② vt.击…的头部

Jimmy hadn't a bean to his name.吉米什么值钱的东西都没有。

2)    搭配:not have a bean没钱;不名一文


14.  process

1) ① vt. 处理;加工

    ② n. 过程,进行;方法,步骤;作用;程序;推移

    ③ vi. 列队前进

    ④ adj. 经过特殊加工(或处理)的

How can we preserve our cultural urban legacies in the process of development?在这发展的进程中我们怎样保护我们的城市文化遗产?

2)    同义替换:deal with, handle, treat, manage; procedure, course, development, progression, method, means

3)    搭配:in process在进行中;过程中的


15.  make from(常用被动

1)  某物由.....构成的

They were made from hard plastics and that's why they were very breakable.它们是由硬塑料制成的, 所以非常的容易碎裂。

2)  make of与make from区别

make of 的原材料是看的到的,即平常我们说的物理现象

make from的原材料是看不到的


16.  etymologists(认识即可)

n. 语源学


17.  trace

1)    ① vi. 追溯;沿路走

        ② vt. 追踪,查探;描绘;回溯

        ③ n. 痕迹,踪迹;微量;迹线;缰绳

The book traces the history of the game back to an incident in 1863. 该书把这种运动的历史追溯至1863 年的一起事件。(trace back to追溯到…)

2)    同义替换:find, locate, discover, draw, outline, mark out; suggestion, hint, sign, indication


18.  brew

①  vt. 酿造;酝酿

②  vi. 酿酒;被冲泡;即将发生

③ n. 啤酒;质地

This wine is brewed from rice.这酒是用大米酿造的




B.虽然有点儿让人无法理解,可如今的大多数专家都用“可可”这一术语指代可可树或尚未加工的可可豆,而用“巧克力”这一术语指代任何经由可可豆加工而成的食品。一般而言,“可可粉”是指粉末状的巧克力,虽然它在英国人眼里也是“可可”的一种形式。词源学家对“巧克力”一词追根溯源,认为它来自阿兹特克语中“xocoatl”一词,该词指的是一种由可可豆酿制而成的苦涩饮料。在拉丁语中,可可树被称作“Theobroma cacao”,意为“神灵的食物”。


Many modern historians have estimated that chocolate has been around for about 2000 years, but recent research suggests that it may be even older. In the book The True History of Chocolate, authors Sophie and Michael Coe make a case that the earliest linguistic evidence of chocolate consumption stretches back three or even four millennia, to pre-Columbian cultures of Mesoamerica such as the Olmec. Last November, anthropologists from the University of Pennsylvania announced the discovery of cacao residue on pottery excavated in Honduras that could date back as far as 1400 B.C. It appears that the sweet pulp of the cacao fruit, which surrounds the beans, was fermented into an alcoholic beverage of the time.



It’s hard to pin down exactly when chocolate was born, but it’s clear that it was cherished from the start. For several centuries in pre-modern Latin America, cacao beans were considered valuable enough to use as currency. One bean could be traded for a tamale, while 100 beans could purchase a good turkey hen, according to a 16th-century Aztec document.

Word & Expression

1.     estimate

1) ① vi. 估计,估价

    ② n. 估计,估价;判断,看法

    ③ vt. 估计,估量;判断,评价

Some estimates put the figure at as high as 50%. 有些估计这一数字高达50%。

2)  同义替换:approximation, guess, quote, price, valuation; assess, reckon, value, appraise

3)    搭配:at an estimate据某种估计


2.     be around


I'm glad we're not going to be around when that happens.我很庆幸这种情况发生时我们已经不在了。


3.     make (out) a case (for) 


The researchers did not make out a case for the phenomenon.研究人员们没有找到充分的理由解释那种现象发生的原因。


4.     consumption

1)    n. 消费, 消耗; 消费[耗]量;肺病; 结核病

Doctors say that children need to increase their consumption of fruit and vegetables.医生们说儿童需要多吃水果和蔬菜。

2)    同义替换:feeding, eating, drinking, intake, ingestion, use, expenditure, utilization, spending


5.     stretch back


Warnings that curiosity can be destructive stretch back to the very beginning of civilization.对于好奇心具有破坏作用的警告可以追溯到教化之初。


6.     anthropologist (认识即可)

1) n. 人类学者,人类学家

2) -ist后缀,表示“…家”

scientist 科学家


pianist 钢琴家


7.     announce

1)    ① vt. 宣布;述说;预示;播报

       ② vi. 宣布参加竞选;当播音员

The company proudly announced the launch of its new range of cars. 该公司骄傲地宣布其新一系列的轿车已投放市场。(launch  n.产品的上市)

2)    同义替换:proclaim, make known, publicize, broadcast, declare, say, pronounce, state

3)    搭配: announce to通知某人;向…宣布


8.     residue

1)    n. 残渣;剩余;滤渣

She had the gunshot residue on her hands.她手上还有枪药的残留物。

2)    同义替换:remains, rest, scum, filtrate


9.     excavate

1)    vt. 挖掘, 开凿; 挖出, 发掘

Archaeologists excavated fossilized dinosaur tracks from the riverbed.考古学家从河床中挖掘出恐龙的足迹化石。

2)    同义替换:dig, mine, exhume, unearth, hollow out


10.  date back


They found that the snails dated back almost 46,000 years.他们发现这些蜗牛可追溯到约46000年前。


11.  pulp

n. (水果的)果肉

After the abstraction of the juice from the orange, only a tasteless pulp is left.柳橙里的汁去掉後,只剩下不可口的肉了。(abstraction  n.提取,抽取)


12.  ferment

1)    ① n. 酵素;发酵;动乱

        ② vi. 发酵;动乱

       ③ vt. 使发酵;使动乱;酝酿

The country was in ferment. 这个国家那时正处在动乱中。

2)    同义替换:agitation, commotion, confusion, excitement, turbulence, turmoil, upheaval, uproar; agitate, incite, provoke


13.  pin down


As with any evolving art form, trying to pin down the rules is impossible.如同任何不断发展的艺术形式,舞蹈没有一成不变的规则。


14.  cherish

1)    vt. 珍爱, 珍视, 爱护;怀有, 抱有

We should learn how to cherish time and use it efficiently.我们该学习如何珍惜时间且有效率的利用它。

2)    同义替换:treasure, value, appreciate

3)    搭配:cherish the memory of怀念(某人)


15.  currency

1)    n. 货币;通货

They make money by speculating on the currency markets. 他们通过在货币市场投机赚钱。(make money赚钱   speculate  v.投机)

2)    同义替换:money, coinage, exchange, cash, bills, paper money, prevalence, frequency


16.  purchase

1)    ① n. 购买;紧握;起重装置

       ② vt. 购买;赢得

       ③ vi. 购买东西

They purchased the house from an elderly couple.他们从一对老夫妇手中买了那套房子。

2)    同义替换:buy, merchandise, grip, grasp, hold; pay for, acquire, obtain, win, gain



C. 据许多现代历史学家估算,巧克力已有大约两千年的历史,但最新研究表明,它的历史可能还要更久。在《巧克力的真实历史》一书中,作者索菲和迈克尔·科以充分的证据证实,关于食用巧克力的最早文字记录可追溯至三千甚至四千年前,那是哥伦布发现新大陆之前的中美洲文明——如奥尔梅克文明——所在的年代。去年11月,宾夕法尼亚大学的人类学家宣布在从洪都拉斯出土的瓷器上发现了可可豆残渣的遗迹,其年代之久远可追溯至公元前1400年。看来,当时人们好像把包裹可可豆的甜美果肉发酵酿制成了一种含酒精的饮料。



Both the Mayans and Aztecs believed the cacao bean had magical, or even divine, properties, suitable for use in the most sacred rituals of birth, marriage and death. According to the book The Chocolate Connoisseur, Aztec sacrifice victims who felt too melancholy to join in ritual dancing before their death were often given a gourd of chocolate (tinged with the blood of previous victims) to cheer them up.



Sweetened chocolate didn’t appear until Europeans discovered the Americas and sampled the native cuisine. Legend has it that the Aztec king Montezuma welcomed the Spanish explorer Hernando Cortes with a banquet that included drinking chocolate, having tragically mistaken him for a reincarnated deity instead of a conquering invader. Chocolate didn’t suit the foreigners’ taste buds at first—one described it in his writings as “a bitter drink for pigs”—but once mixed with honey or cane sugar, it quickly became popular throughout Spain.

Word & Expression

1.     property

1)    n. 财产;性质,性能;所有权

The property is set in a convenient location.这片房地产开发在一处交通便利的地方。

2)    同义替换:belongings, goods, material goods, estate suitable


2.     ritual

1)    ① n. 仪式;惯例;礼制

       ② adj. 仪式的;礼节性的;例行的

we still practice some of these rituals today.我们至今仍然遵循这些礼节。

2)    同义替换:rite, ceremony, formality, custom, habit, practice, routine; procedural, ceremonious, formal, customary, habitual, usual, normal


3.     melancholy

1)    ① n. 忧郁, 悲哀

       ② adj. 忧郁的, 悲伤的

That image contributes to the strong feeling of melancholy that pervades this book.这样的画面渲染了书中弥漫着的强烈忧郁之感。

2)    同义替换:sorrow, sad, miserable, gloomy, unhappy


4.     a gourd of


Native Americans would take a pouch of seeds and a gourd of water on their trips.美国的土著人在他们的旅程中会食用一袋这种种子和一瓢水。


5.     tingle

1)    ① vi. 感到刺痛;(耳朵等)鸣响

        ② vt. 使激动;刺痛

        ③ n. 刺痛感;激动;鸣响

The crowd tingled with excitement.群众大为兴奋。

2)    同义替换:prickle, sting, itch, prick


6.     cheer up

高兴起来, 振作起来

He encouraged the family to cheer Up.他鼓励这个家庭振作起来。


7.     sample

1) ① vt. 取样;抽样检查;尝试

     ② n. 样品;样本;例子

     ③ adj. 作为例子的;试样的,样品的

A larger sample size yields more reliable data. 样本越大,得出的数据就越可靠。(yield  v.产出)

2)    同义替换:test, try, experiment, check out; example, model, trial


8.     legend has it that


Legend has it that there are lots of treasures on the treasure mountain.传说中的宝山上藏有很多财宝。


9.     banquet

1)    n. 宴会, 盛宴

A banquet was held in her honour. 为她设宴。(in one’s honor专门为了某人举办,为了纪念)

2)    同义替换:feast, dinner, meal

3)    搭配:banquet at public expenses公款吃喝


10.  mistake

1)  ①n.错误;误解;误会;失误


      v. 弄错;误解;误会;误认

I think you’re mistaken about the time.我想你弄错时间了。

2)  同义替换:wrong, incorrect, false, erroneous, misguided, faulty, flawed, fallacious, inaccurate

3)    搭配:① by mistake错误地;由于差错

                  ② make a mistake犯错误


11.  reincarnate (认识即可)

vt. 赋予新形体,使转世化身

adj. 转世化身的

Some people believe they may reincarnate in the form of an animal.有些人相信他们死後可能转生为动物。


12.  deity (认识即可)

1)    n. 神;神性

Many animals were seen as the manifestation of a deity.许多动物被看作神的化身。

2)    diet  n.饮食 (注意拼写的区别)


13.  invader

1)    n. 入侵者,侵略者;侵入物

The invaders sacked the city.侵略者把这座城市洗劫一空。(sack  v.破坏)

2)    同义替换: attacker, aggressor, trespasser, intruder, interloper suit


14.  taste bud


You need your taste bud to taste food.你需要味觉去品尝食物。



E. 玛雅人和阿兹特克人都认为可可豆具有神秘的甚至是神圣的特性,适合在诸如出生、结婚和死亡这些最神圣的仪式上使用。根据克洛艾·杜特-鲁塞尔的《巧克力鉴赏家》一书所述,阿兹特克的被献祭者因极度抑郁而无法参加祭祀之舞时,人们就在他们被献祭之前给他们喝下一瓢巧克力(含有少许已故祭祀品的血),使他们振奋起来。

F. 后来,欧洲人发现了美洲大陆,并品尝了当地的菜肴,至此加糖的巧克力才出现。据传说,阿兹特克国王蒙提祖马准备了一桌以巧克力为饮料的盛宴,为西班牙探险者埃尔南多·科尔特斯接风洗尘——国王不但没有把他当做前来征战的入侵者,反而可悲地误以为他是转世神灵。起初,外国人并不能接受巧克力的味道——有人在著作中把巧克力描述为“一种给猪喝的苦涩饮品”——不过,在添加了蜂蜜或蔗糖以后,巧克力饮料立刻红遍西班牙各地。


By the 17th century, chocolate was a fashionable drink throughout Europe, believed to have nutritious, medicinal and even aphrodisiac properties. But it remained largely a privilege of the rich until the invention of the steam engine made mass production possible in the late 1700s.



In 1828, a Dutch chemist found a way to make powdered chocolate by removing about half the natural fat (cacao butter) from chocolate liquor, pulverizing what remained and treating the mixture with alkaline salts to cut the bitter taste. His product became known as “Dutch cocoa,” and it soon led to the creation of solid chocolate. The creation of the first modern chocolate bar is credited to Joseph Fry, who in 1847 discovered that he could make a moldable chocolate paste by adding melted cacao butter back into Dutch cocoa. By 1868, a little company called Cadbury was marketing boxes of chocolate candies in England. Milk chocolate hit the market a few years later, pioneered by another name that may ring a bell—Nestle.

Word & Expression

1.     aphrodisiac (认识即可)

adj. 引起性欲的

n. 壮阳剂,春药


2.     privilege

①  n.荣幸;荣耀;特殊利益;优惠待遇

② v. 给予特权;特别优待

It is a great privilege to be attending this conference.参加这次会议是莫大的荣幸。


3.     mass production


Scientists say if everything goes smoothly, the glass will be in mass production within a year.科学家称如果该项目进展顺利,一年内这种玻璃就可以投入大规模生产。


4.     liquor

1)    ① n. 酒,含酒精饮料;液体;烈酒;溶液

       ② vi. 喝酒,灌酒

       ③ vt. 使喝醉

He keeps away from liquor and tobacco.他不喝酒, 不抽烟。

2)    搭配:be in liquor喝醉


5.     pulverize

1)    vt. 将…弄碎,将…弄成粉末或尘埃;摧毁,粉碎

He had a winning car and pulverized the opposition.他有一辆战无不胜的好车,从而击败所有对手。

2)    同义替换:grind, crush, mash, chop up, pound, thrash


6.     alkaline(认识即可)

adj. [化]碱性的,碱的

This plant prefers alkaline soil, though it will readily tolerate some acidity.这种植物在酸性土壤中也能生存,但硷性土壤更加适宜。


7.     lead to


He said he was worried that jumping to conclusions would lead to widespread panic.他说,他担心直接下定论会引起全面恐慌。


8.     be credited to


Your success should be credited to me.你的成功应该归功于我。


9.     moldable

adj. 可模压的;适于模压的;可塑造的

Manufacturers were starving for a better insulator that was easily moldable and inexpensive.厂商当时正在寻求一种易模塑、廉价的绝缘体。(starve for 渴望)


10.  hit

1)    ① vt. 袭击;碰撞;打击;偶然发现;伤…的感情

        ② vi. 打击;打;碰撞;偶然碰上

        ③n. 打击;打;(演出等)成功;讽刺

He hit the ball with authority.他熟练地击球。

2)    搭配:① hit the market上市, 冲击市场, 打入市场

                  ② make a hit获得成功


11.  pioneer

① n. 拓荒者; 开发者;先驱者; 创始者; 先锋

② vt. 开拓, 开发, 创始

He is a pioneer in modern medical practice.他是现代医学实践的先驱。


12.  ring a bell


I can't remember anyone of that name; and yet somehow it seems to ring a bell.我记不得叫这个名字的人了,可又好像能隐约回忆起来。



G. 到17世纪时,巧克力成了风靡整个欧洲的时髦饮品。人们认为它有营养,能入药,甚至还能催情。但它仍旧是有钱人才能享用的奢侈品,直到18世纪末蒸汽机的发明使得大规模生产成为可能以后,这种情况才得以改善。

H. 1828年,一位荷兰化学家找到了制作巧克力粉的方法:他从巧克力饮料中去除了近一半的天然脂肪(即可可脂),然后把剩下的成分研磨成粉,并在其中添加碱盐以减轻苦涩味道。他的产品被称为“荷兰可可粉”,由此很快诞生了固态巧克力。第一条现代巧克力棒的产生应归功于约瑟夫·弗赖伊。1847年,弗赖伊发现,通过往荷兰可可粉中重新添加融化的可可脂,能够做出可塑形的糊状巧克力。到了1868年,一家名为“吉百利”的小公司开始在英国出售盒装巧克力糖果。几年以后,另一个令人耳熟的公司——雀巢——开发出的牛奶巧克力面市了。


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