



1 It's my treat today.(此处有个略读,treat中的“t”是不发音的)

2 It's a deal.(这里有个连读, s和a可以连起来,有点像“刺饿”)

3 Look before you leap.(这里look中的K也是不发音的,因为有before的b)

4 What does it mean?(这里有连读吗?有!does的s和it的i,读成zit)

Does it fit? (同上)

?5 Teenagers should eat a lot of beef.(这个我还吃不准,我听见的是should的d不发音,eat的t不发音,lot of 连读)

6 It's only a slip of tongue.这只是口误(silp和of 连读p?f)

7 He knows a bit of everything.(两处连读,konws和a,发成z?,bit of 发成t?f)

8 Would you pick up the stick for me?(would you连读成有点想“我舅”,pick up发成k?p)

Would you please mob the lunch today?(would you同理,mob的b不发音)

9 You bet it.(bet it 连读dit,bet 中的t接近d)

Forget it(同理)

10It depends.(it的t不发音)

11 What a mess!(what a 连读成d?)  

12 I get your message.(get your 连读成t??,这个连读大多数人是不知道的)

13 Better late than never.(better中的t接近d,late的t不发音,than中的n不发音)

14 Remember to check out before you leave.(check out 连读ka?t)

15 It's not the end of the world.(这个句子,99%不会读,not 中的t不发音,end of 连读d?f,关键是world这个词,至少模仿一千遍比才会)

16 I’ll catch you later(catch you 连读,keit??,later 的t接近d)

17 I'll now let the cat out of the bag.(cat的t不发音,out of 连读a?tf)

18 Please pay for the bag at the cash desk.(at发成)

19 Pack the baggage in the back of the taxi.(back of 发成k?f)

20But me no buts.(But 的t不发音)

21 Don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.(这个句子是联系后L的,超爽)

22 This is a two-thumb-up moive.(thumb 和up 连读b?p)

23 The cup's filled up.(cup's 发成k?ps,filled up 连读,dp)

24 Butter would not melt in his mouth.(would的d不发音,not 的t不发音,melt的t不发音,in his有个超级的连读,发成niz 这个我也昨天才发现,这样一来读起来舒服多了)

25 Birds of a feather flock together.物以类聚,人以群分(Birds of a 连读“ 瓷?v?”)

26 He is an early bird(He is an early连读 hiz? n?li,这个昨天研究出来的)

27 He is never nervous in front of girls.(he is发成hiz,front of 发成d?f),当然本人在女孩面前紧张的。哈哈

28 It's a promise.(it's a 发成刺?)

29 Friends must part聚散总有时(must中的t不发音,试试,感觉很爽)

30She dropped the bottle of water.(这个句子的发音规律出乎我的意料,dropped中的ed不发音,bottle of water也没有连读,of当然弱读成f)  

31 He always comes to the top of the class.(top of 连读p?f)

32 Let's call it today. (call it发成klt)

33 She likes to walk along the wall every morning.(walk along 连读 wk?l)

34 You can either push it or pull it.(can either连读kni:push it连读 pu?it,pull it 连读pult)

35 They should put on their hoods. (put on 连读 pud??)

36 He took the cushion and shook it(shook it 连读 kt)

37 She is looking at a good cookbook.(at a 发成d,good 的d不发音,cookbook第一个k不发音,以前这个句子老读不顺,今天终于顺了)

38 They shook hands and stood talking for a while(for a while连读f?r? wail)

39 It's too good to be true.(good的d不发音)

40 I have just bought a new blus suit.(just的t也同理不发音)

41 Would you please book a ticket for me?(would you 前面说过的,类似“我舅”,book a连读bk?)

42 It's a season to recruit new members again.(It's a 前面说过,类似刺)

43 小诗,练习爆破和模糊L

At noon I took a good book(at发成t,took a 连读 tuk,good的d不发音)

And sat by the pool in the wood(and的d不发音,sat的t不发音)

I soon took off my boot(took off 连读 tukf)

And put my foot in the pool(put的t不发音,foot 的t不发音)

Oh! How cool, how cool(模糊的L,终于会了,没老师说的那么悬乎,简单的方法就可以发出,这里就先不说)

44 Call a spade a spade实事求是(call a连读kl)

45 More haste, less speed欲速则不达(less的s不发音)

?46 Success came after many failures.(came after 连读mt),这个我觉得有连读,但是录音好像没有,我觉得连读更顺。

47 The train was delayed by the rain. (delayed的ed由于后面的b不发音)

48 What's your name?(your 弱读为j,试试吧,比jr好很多)

49 Let's bake a cake to celebrate Jane's birthday(bake的k,cake的ke,都是不发音的)

50 Man proposes,God disposes谋事在人,成事在天(dispose的p记得发成b) 

51 A rolling stone gathers no moss.滚石不生苔。这个句子纯属好句,没发音技巧

52 There is no smoke without fire. (there is连读时 is 发成z)

53 He posed for a group of photo with his old fellows. (group of 连读时,pof发成b?f, for a 有连读吗?我听不出来)

54 Strike while the iron is hot 趁热打铁(iron is 连读air?niz)

55 Out of sight, out of mind.眼不见,心不烦(out of 连读 aud?f)

56 Time and tide wait for no man.时间不等人(time and 连读taim?n)

57 Where did you buy your hi-fi(did you 发成did?a)

58 There is no doubt about it.(there is 连读时,is发成z,doubt about it 连读daud? baudit)

59 Sound in body, sound in mind(sound in 连读 saudi)

60 This is out-and out power politics.这是彻头彻尾的强权政策(out and out连读 audnaut)

61 He is a night owl.(He is 连读 hiz)

62 Let's get out of here now.这句话老外常用(get out of 连读 ge dau d?f)

63 He is out of town very now and then(同理out of 连读, he is 同理hiz)

64 One man's meal is another's poision.l萝卜青菜各有所爱(is another 这里有连读,注意到没?发成iz? n?e)

65 Spare the rod , spoil the chlid不打不成材

66 He pointed at a coin.(pointed 的ted读did,at a 连读d? )

67 She is a spoiled girl (she is 连读iz)

68 Do you know what is boiling point? (what is 连读wdiz ,注意到没?)

69 今晚继续总结。呵呵

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