

Another interesting fact about your nostrils, is that you don’tbreathe through them equally all the time. Right now, you will befavouring either your left nostril or your right nostril.鼻孔的另一个有趣的现象是,你并不是总是同时使用两个鼻孔呼吸。此时此刻,你要么是在用你的左鼻孔呼吸,要么就是再用右鼻孔呼吸。
Left nostril for calming – right nostril for energy.用左鼻孔呼吸使人舒缓镇定——用右鼻孔呼吸使人积极活跃。
Your nose is directly linked to your brain and nervous system. TheIndian yogis believe that many diseases can be linked to disturbednasal breathing which, I’m guessing, is why they perfectedpranayama breathing thousands of year ago.Breathing in, onlythrough your left nostril, will access the right “feeling”hemisphere of your brain, and breathing in, only through your rightnostril, will access the left “thinking” hemisphere of your brain.Consciously alternating your breath between either nostril willallow you to activate and access your whole brain. No
w, I’m sure that’s a very handy piece of information to know.鼻孔与大脑和神经系统直接相连。印度的瑜伽专业人士认为人体的许多疾病与呼吸紊乱有关,而我觉得,这也是为什么印度人早在几千年以前就已经精通调息法了。只用左鼻孔呼吸时,气息会连通负责“感知”的右脑,只用右鼻孔呼吸时,气息会连通负责“思考”的左脑。有意识的交替鼻孔呼吸能连通并激活你的整个大脑。现在,我敢肯定个方法非常有效易用。
Alternate nostril breathing is something I first learnt aboutthrough yoga, many years ago, and then from Ayurvedic medicine. Itis one of the simplest and most user friendly relaxation techniquesthat I share at my Womens Rejuvenation Retreats. It helps greatlyto calm a restless mind.我在很多年前第一次学习瑜伽时得知了交替鼻孔呼吸法,之后从传统印度医学中也对此有所了解。这也是在妇女复兴务虚会中最简单最流行的减压技巧之一,对放松紧张的神经有极大帮助。
I encourage you to start today with an easy purifying breathpractice – I’ve shared the steps with you below.我建议您从今日开始就做一些简单的呼吸练习——下面我将告诉您具体方法。
12 benefits of alternate nostril breathing: 交替鼻孔呼吸的12大好处
1: Revitalizes you: 1:让你精力充沛:
A few rounds of alternate nostril breathing is a quick pick me upif you are feeling flat, tired or even stressed. It provides yourbody with a much needed dose of extra energy.只需几次交替鼻孔呼吸练习就能助你摆脱萎靡不振、疲倦不堪甚至意志消沉。为你的身体加油打气。
2: Improves brain function: 2:提高大脑活力:
When you mind is dull – concentration and clarity is poor.Alternate nostril breathing brings equal amounts of oxygen to bothsides of the brain for improved brain function. Five minutes ofalternate nostril breathing before an exam or interview is a greatway to access your whole brain for improved performance.当你感到迷糊犯困、注意力分散、思维混乱之时,交替鼻孔呼吸能够为你的左右大脑提供等量的氧气并提高大脑活力。考试或面试之前进行五分钟的交替鼻孔呼吸能够显著激活大脑、提升表现力。
3: Cleanses your lungs: 3:清理你的肺部:
A daily five minute practice morning and night of alternate nostrilbreathing is great way to remove stale air and impurities from thebottom of your lungs. 每天早晚进行五分钟的交替鼻孔呼吸练习能够让你从肺底排出大量废气和杂质。
It wasn’t until I started reading the The Tao of Natural Breathingby Dennis Lewis that I discovered something I did not know. 70% ofour body’s waste products are eliminated via our lungs. 直到我读了DennisLewis的《自然呼吸之法》后,我才知道我们身体70%的废物是经由肺部消除的。
4: Calms an agitated mind: 4:稳定亢奋的思维:
I’m prone to worrying. A few minutes of focused alternate nostrilbreathing is helpful (for me) in calming my “over thinking” mind.The ancient yogis believe that if you can regulate your breath,then you can control your mind.我经常焦虑。认真做几分钟的交替鼻孔呼吸练习对缓解(我的)“思前想后”病症有所帮助。古代瑜伽修行者认为如果你能调节你的呼吸,你就能掌控你的思维。
5: Merges the left “thinking” brain and right “feeling brain:5:让“感知”的右脑和“思考”的左脑合二为一:
Alternate nostril breathing optimizes both sides of your brain soyou can access your whole brain, and all the benefits that go withit. 交替鼻孔呼吸能够充分利用左右大脑并提高整个大脑的使用能力,并充分利用随之而来的其他好处。
The flip side of course is, single nostril breathing can be used toactivate, just the left”thinking” or just right “feeling” side ofyour brain for specific situations.这句话的另一层意思就是,在某些特殊场合使用单一鼻孔呼吸能够单独激活“思考”的左脑或“感知”的右脑。
Try it out next time you need to drive your car. Cover your leftnostril with your thumb and breathe only through your right nostrilfor one minute. This should keep you more alert when driving.下次开车时你就可以试试,用拇指压住左鼻孔只用右鼻孔呼吸一分钟,这样能够提高你驾驶的警觉性。
6: Encourage a calmer emotional state: 6:有助于稳定情绪:
In times of emotional distress and upset, a few rounds of mindfulnostril breathing will soften the intensity of over reactiveemotional states. The longer you practice, the more stable yourthinking, and the calmer your emotions will become.情绪低落沮丧之时,用心做几组呼吸练习有将缓解对情绪状态的过度反应。你训练的时间越长,你的思维越稳定,同时你的情绪也会日趋平稳。
7: Improves sleep: 7:改善睡眠:
If you can’t sleep at night lay on your right hand side, gentlyclose your right nostril with your right thumb and breath throughyour left nostril. This will activate your parasympathetic nervoussystem which will calm you down and slow your heart rate.如果你晚上不能很快入睡,那么请您朝右侧卧,慢慢用右手拇指压住右鼻孔使用左鼻孔呼吸。这样能激活副交感神经,有助于安神和降低心率。
8: Great preparation for meditation: 8:冥想的绝佳准备:
Alternate nostril breathing is a simple little trick that can bepracticed for a few minutes before you begin your meditationpractice. It’s a very easy way to help you find your meditationgroove. 在开始冥想练习之前,可以先进行几分钟交替鼻孔呼吸法。这样能让你更快速的找到冥想最佳状态。
9: Soothes your nervous system: 9:平抚神经系统:
By focusing on your breath and deepening it, your brain willregister this message and trigger the parasympathetic nervoussystem. You have effectively switched your nervous system from astressed response, into a relaxation response. Single left nostrilbreathing (by closing your right nostril) will direct the flow ofoxygen and energy to the right hemisphere of your brain, allowingonce again, for the parasympathetic nervous system to be switchedon. Gosh, your breath and nose is very clever.有意识的进行深呼吸,你的大脑将接收到这一信息并启动副交感神经系统,这样便有效地将神经系统从受压状态切换到放松状态。仅使用左鼻孔呼吸(堵住右鼻孔)将引导氧气和能量进入右脑,原谅我再说一次,来启动副交感神经系统。天啊,您的鼻子和呼吸真的是很灵敏。
10: Regulates the cooling and warming cycles of the body:10:调节身体内的冷热循环:
Left nostril is feminine, nurturing, calm and cooling. Rightnostril is masculine, heat, competitive and force. Favouring onenostril more than the other can effect the heat or coolness of yourbody.左鼻孔代表女性化、温吞、平静和镇定。右鼻孔代表男性化、火热、激进和力量。较多的使用某一个鼻孔呼吸能够平衡体内冷热。
11: Clears and boosts your energy channels: 11:打通任督二脉:
Slightly forced alternate nostril breathing improves and directsthe flow of energy throughout your body – preventing sluggishness.It oxygenates your blood and allows the energy (prana) in your bodyto be strong and flowing.稍带强制的练习交替鼻孔呼吸法能够提高并指引体内力量流动——防止疲倦犯懒,并能增高血液的含氧量,让力量在体内流动更具活力、更加迅速。
12: Enhances rest and relaxation: 12:快速休息放松:
A restless mind cannot relax. Alternate nostril breathing meltsaway an imbalances between the right and left hemisphere of yourbrain and calms your thinking. This is perfect for helping youaccess rest and relaxation far more efficiently.不静下心来是没法放松的。交替鼻孔呼吸能够平衡左右脑并稳定思维,这也进行快速休息放松的有效手段。
An alternate nostril breathing exercise – purifying breath:
Step one: Use right thumb to close off right nostril.
Step two: Inhale slowly through left nostril 第二步:用左鼻孔慢慢吸气
Step three: Pause for a second 第三步:暂定几秒钟
Step four: Now close left nostril with ring finger and releasethumb off right nostril 第四步:用无名指压住左鼻孔之后拇指放开右鼻孔
Step five: Exhale through your right nostril 第五步:用右鼻孔出气
Step six: Now, inhale through right nostril 第六步:现在用右鼻孔吸气
Step seven: Pause 第七步:暂停
Step eight: Use thumb to close of right nostril
Step nine: Breathe out through left nostril 第八步:用拇指压住右鼻孔
Step ten: This is one round. Start slowly with 1 or 2 rounds andgradually increase.Never force.Sit quietly for a few moments afteryou have finished.第十步:这是一组练习。开始时慢慢先做1-2组,之后慢慢增加,不要勉强。做完之后静静的坐一会儿。
There are many, many different techniques of pranayama such asinhaling for 4, holding for 4 and exhaling for 4.还有很多调息法的其他技巧例如吸气4次、憋气4次并出气4次。
Caution: 警告:
Do not hold your breath if you have high blood pressure. Moreadvanced methods of pranayama (alternate nostril breathing) need tobe practiced with an experienced practitioner. practicing on anempty stomach is preferred.如果你有高血压请勿憋气。专业的调息的方法练习(交替鼻孔呼吸法)需要在有经验医师的指导下进行。空腹练习为宜。
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