

在船舶运营中最熟悉的应该是海事声明,所谓海事声明的定义是船舶在航行或停泊时遭遇自然灾害或意外事故,估计可能发生船货损害或损害难以避免,但实际情况又不详时,由船长代表承运人向有关方提出要求免责或保留索赔权利的一种书面声明。  在使用海事声明应特别注意的细节:在航行过程中,如果您的船只是或经历过恶劣天气或任何性质的特殊事件,您担心您的船舶和/或货物造成损坏或损失,您必须准备一份抗议声明,并在到达和/或在24小时后(不包括节假日、周六和星期日)在公证人公证。应由船长把海事声明递交给当地的海事管理机构,在国外则提交本国驻当地领事馆或其他有关机构签证,有时也可交公证机关签证。海事声明一般要附加遭遇不可抗力期间的航海日志摘要。海事声明的法律地位各国不一,欧洲大陆国家一般作为法定依据;美国则认为仅是单方面的事实记录,不能作为对船方有利的证明文件。  船上在提交这种声明时还需要做足相关的功课,“抗议的声明”应该在你认为它最重要和必要的时候去做,而不是为了这样做。例如,如果有可能产生来自另一方的索赔;如果您怀疑仅对船舶造成了损坏(即通过恶劣天气、接触底部、撞锁等)。没有必要发出“抗议说明”,同样可以在“事实记录”上陈述;当写这样的“抗议的声明”时,请记住,你必须坚持事实,并且只保持它尽可能的简短和清楚。如有需要,可以在以后延长。也不要表达任何意见。这种意见陈述可能而且确实会在以后导致不必要的复杂和/或混淆。  另外还需要特别注意的,如果“抗议声明”(或“海上抗议声明”)已由公证人公证,则不得忽视在方便的时间将副本留底或邮寄公司存档。还一定要在你的船的航海日志中做出所有适当的记录,严格地说,抗议声明不是合法的文件,但包含事件叙述或事实陈述的文件通常发生的一些不法行为的现状或后果与船长或船员的努力相反。例如,在货物操作过程中,一些超出船长控制的东西消失了或错了,船长无法做对,就像从岸上的装载或卸货作业、忽视货物搬运、违反安全工作习惯等。上述行为或发生应该是如此重要,船长感觉到自己应尽的义务并将这些应注意的事项告诉各方,以便立即采取行动或供将来参考,但它仍然没有任何法律文件效力来保护船长的立场。  此外,由于海事声明的格式不具有法律和合同的约束力,所以世界各地的公证人使用各种类型/表格作为“抗议声明”,很难承认/提供任何标准表格,船长可以根据当时的情况按照合适的格式编写海事声明,最常见的表格如下。
1. Note of Marine or Sea Protest
Note of sea protestXxx shipping companyDate ____Port _____To:  1) port authority ,or     2 ) diplomatic representative ,or     3)notary publicDear sirs ,Name of ship : kind of cargoGRT : Tons of cargo :NRT : port of registryMy vessel sailed from port of ___on ____20xx, bound for the port of ___and arrived atthe port of ___on ____20xx.As fearing loss or damages to the vessel andcargoes owing to _______during the voyage , I hereby note my protest against all losses, damages,etc and reserving my right to claimagainst parties concerned and extend same at time and place convenient .(whenever necessary)I hereby affirm that report mentioned above is correct and true,                      Yours truly,                      _________                                                  Master’s sign                                                  (ship’s stamp chopped here)Witness on board:
NOTE OF PROTEST (US)On this day ____ of ____ in the year Two Thousand Two Hundred and personally appeared and presented himself before me____ Consul/Notary Public____,____ Master of the____ called the____ of____ Officia1 Number and____ Tons Register, which sailed from____ on or about the____ day of with a cargo____ of bound for____and arrived at____ on the ____day ofand fearing loss of damage____ owing to____ he hereby notes his protest againstall losses, damages & etc., reserving right to extend the same at time and place convenient.Signed before me____(signed)Consul                MasterNotary Pub1ic at ____ (signed)this ____day of____ Two Thousand…..I certify the foregoing to be a true and correct copy of the origina1 Note of Protest, entered in the Acts of this Consulate and copied therefrom.Consul                 Date
N O T E O F P R O T E S T (UK)                        Be it hereby made known:That on this the 15th day of February in the year of Our Lord,Two Thousand and twenty and personally appeared and presented himself in the officeof Attorneys and Notaries before me, John Mills ,Notary Public, by the authority of Government, duly admitted and sworn, Henry J.Smith , Master or Commander of the MV AAAA which sailed on a voyage from Neaples on the 23rd day January 20 laden with a full and complete cargo of furniture in containers calling at Algeciras and Port of New York and arrived at this Port on 15th day of February 2004 now lying within the harbour. And the said Appearer did hereby declare to note his protest against all perils, dangers, casualties and occurrences of all nature or kind whatsoever and all loss or damage thereby occasioned,reserving to himself the right to extend the protest   in times and places convenient, and  causing this minute of all singular the premises to be entered in this register.                                             (Signed)Agents____.                       Master____.
Notary Public____
N O T E O F P R O T E S T (general)Notary Office:Genoa, ItalyI , Master of the M/V under the flag of theRepublic of Croatia, owned by , Croatia, Gross Tonnage , Net.Tonnage , sailed from Rijeka, Croatia on , to Genoa, Italy, via Venice,Italy with a full load of bulk wheat of Tonnes.During the voyage the vessel met with stormy weather and heavy seas, theship suffered rolling and pitching, heavily shipping water fore and aft and sprayingoverall.All precautions were taken to save the cargo and the ship but nevertheless,fearing damage to the cargo during the bad weather, I state the present sea protest,reserving the right to extend the same at the time and place convenient.Master____.Witnesses:1.____ , Second Mate2.____ , Chief Engineer,3.____The Notary Office
NOTE OF PROTESTI, ________ (name) Master Mariner and Commander of the M/V ___AAAA___ (nationality ofvessel), of gross and _ net registered tons, under _ flag, registered at _ by OfficialNumber now laying at (anchor/berth No___ ) in the port of _ where she arrived on this dayof_ in the year 19 __, solemnly declare that, On the (date) the said vessel, being tight,staunch and substantially and sufficiently manned and furnished with everything necessary forsuch a vessel and intended voyage, in every respect seaworthy, her engine and machinery ingood order, her loaded cargo properly stowed, sailed from the port of _ laden with a cargo of_ (tons) of _ (name of cargo) in bulk, for delivery at this port (or at port of _______) untoMessrs _ (Cargo Receivers), and that, During the prosecution of the said voyage and on thedate (here describe the accident, machinery breakdown, or heavy weather). (example ofheavy weather:) 'on the dates of the vessel encountered heavy weather with winds offorce_ and heavy seas which caused her to roll, pitch, labor and strain heavily, and wavesbreaking on the decks, in consideration of which fearing loss or damage to the vessel and hercargo, even though the ship's course and speed were altered to ease her according to goodseamanship under the circumstances'.Whereof, I, the undersigned, hereby note my protest against all losses, damages, etc.,reserving the right to extend the same at time and place convenient,At the port of ____ On the _________________________________The Master of M/V AAAACaptain
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