

哈佛: 从小做家务的孩子长大后更独立| 家务清单单词短语大全(音频 图文)


Research from a well-known 75-year Harvard study examined what psychosocial variables and biological processes from earlier in life predict health and well-being later in life. Researchers found that children who were given chores became more independent adults. 


Kids feel competent when they do their chores. Whether they’re making their bed or they’re sweeping the floor, helping out around the house gives them a sense of accomplishment.

当孩子们做家务时,他们觉得自己能干(competent adj. 有能力的)无论是整理床铺还是扫地,帮忙做些家务能给他们一种成就感。

Doing chores also helps kids feel like they’re part of the team. Pitching in and helping family members is good for them and it encourages them to be good citizens.

做家务也能让孩子们觉得自己是团队的一份子参与(pitch in 协力参与;投入并帮助)和帮助家庭成员对他们有好处,会激励他们成为好公民。


Housework 家务(清单)

A. dust the furniture 掸家具上的灰尘

B. recycle the newspapers 回收报纸

C. clean the oven 清理烤箱

D. mop the floor 拖地

E. polish the furniture 擦亮家具

F. make the bed 整理床铺

G. put away the toys 收拾玩具

H. vacuum the carpet 用吸尘器清扫地毯

I. wash the windows 擦洗窗户

J. sweep the floor 扫地

K. scrub the sink 擦洗手槽

L.  empty the trash 倒垃圾

M. wash the dishes 洗盘子

N. dry the dishes 擦干盘子

O. wipe the counter 擦灶台

R. change the sheets 换床单

Q. take out the garbage 将垃圾拿去出(丢了)

Cleaning Supplies 清洁用品

1. feather duster 羽毛掸子

2. recycling bin 资源回收(垃圾)筒

3. oven cleaner 烤箱清洁剂

4. rubber gloves 橡胶手套

5. steel-wool soap pads钢丝绒清洁垫(跟钢丝球类似,但是是那种绒的,钢丝球就是steel-wool/iron wool/)

6. sponge mop 海绵拖把

7. bucket / pail 桶/ 提桶

8. furniture polish 家具上光剂;家具擦光漆

9. rags 抹布

10. vacuum cleaner 真空吸尘器

11. vacuum cleaner attachments 吸尘器附件

12. vacuum cleaner bag 吸尘器吸尘袋

13. stepladder 活梯;折梯

14. glass cleaner 玻璃清洁剂

15. squeegee 橡皮刮水刷;胶绵拖把

16. broom 扫把

17. dustpan 簸箕

18. cleanser 清洁剂

19. sponge 海绵

20. scrub brush 硬毛刷

21. dishwashing liquid 洗碗液/洗洁精

22. dish towel 洗碗巾

23. disinfectant wipes 消毒湿巾

24. trash bags 垃圾袋


3. Household Problems and Repairs 住房维修

1. The water heater is not working. 热水器坏了。

2. The power is out. 停电了。

3. The roof is leaking. 屋顶漏水。

4. The tile is cracked. 瓦片裂开了。

5. The window is broken. 窗户破了。

6. The lock is broken. 锁坏了。

7. The steps are broken. 台阶坏了。

8. roofer 屋顶工;盖顶工人

9. electrician 电工

10. repair person 修理工

11. locksmith 锁匠

12. carpenter 木工

13. fuse box 保险丝盒

14. gas meter 燃气表

15. The furnace is broken. 炉子坏了。(furnace火炉)

16. The pipes are frozen. 管子冻住了。

17. The faucet is dripping. 水龙头在滴水。

18. The sink is overflowing. 水槽水溢出来了。

19. The toilet is stopped up. 马桶堵住了。

20. plumber 水管工

21. exterminator 灭鼠药

22. termites 白蚁

23. ants 蚂蚁

24. bedbugs 臭虫

25. fleas 跳蚤

26. cockroaches / roaches 蟑螂

27. rats 老鼠

28. mice( Note: one mouse, two mice)老鼠

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