

    401. Learning Chinese, you must have goodcomprehension.学习汉语,必须要有很强的理解力。
402. Don’t worry, take you time.不要着急,慢慢来。
403. Let’s read the seventh lesson that is a beautifulprose.让我们读一下第七课这篇优美的散文。
404. About the exercise.No.1,choose the right answer ,please.就练习1, 选取正确的答案。
405. Don’t hesitate to ask me if anything is not clear to you.如果你有什么不太明白,问我可不要犹豫。
406. Raise your hands if you can’t followme.要是不能理解,就举手示意我。
407. What punctuation shall we puthere?此处应是什么标点?
408. The word order is wrong.词序错了。
409. Precisely.正好,正是如此。
410. I’m afraid it’s wrong.我想恐怕这错了。
411. Let’s read the brief introduction of the writer about thetextfirst.让我们先看看这篇课文的作者简介吧。
412. Can you tell us sth about the primary emotion of theprose?你能说说这篇散文的基调吗?
413. What’s the figure of speech of thesentence?这句话用了什么修辞格?
414. Let’s revise something we did lasttime.让我们修改上次做的部分内容。
415. Who wants to have a try ?谁想试一下?
416. Don’t be afraid.不要害怕。
417. Can I help you?我能帮你吗?
418. The question is very difficult, please think itover.这个问题较为困难,请大家仔细考虑。
419. Your parents are very pity, you must study hard for yourparents.你的父母不容易,可要好好学习为他们争光啊。
420. Your future will be wonderful, please studyhard.你的未来是美好的,一定要刻苦学习。
421. Didn’t you feel that you had made progress thisterm?你感到你这学期里的进步了吗?
422. I think you’ll make more progress sooner andlater.我想你迟早会取得大的进步。
423. You’ve improved alittle.你已经取得了一定进步。
424. He’s in the section of schoolaffairs.他在学校的一个部门里工作。
425. The old man is in charge of generalaffairs.那位年纪大的人负责总务后勤。
426. She’s from politics teaching-researchgroup.她是政治教研组的人。
427. The gate-house of our school is next to Class One, GradeTwo.传达室就在二年级一班的隔壁。
428. Grasp the main ideas of the text, and you will be able toanswer the questions.
429. That’s old news.那已是陈年旧闻。
430. What’s your oral examination? And yourwritten?你的口试情况怎么样?笔试呢?
431. You’d better do your teaching with the method of elicitationnext class.下节课你最好用启发式教学法。
432. You should have your ID card when you are 18 yearsold.等到18岁的时候,你也会有身份证。
433. I ask you to be in great form in class, and you will take arest well before.
434. Let me give you the standards of grading on the mid-termtest.我来给大家说一下这次期中考试的得分标准情况。
435. Some of you need to make-up Maths examination nextweek.一些同学下周要补考数学。
436. We’ve got to ready(made preparations) for theexam我们要为考试做些准备。
437. My older sister is a teacher in a key university in ourShandong province.
438. This university is a half-day systemschool.这所大学是所半日制学校。
439. Next year, we’ll be the graduateclass.明年,我们就是毕业年级了。
440. I’m sorry that you’ve neglected yourduty.我很遗憾,你忘记了你的责任。
441. You haven’t done your duty wellenough.你没有尽到你的责任。
442. We will not only study English, but also study Japanese nextterm下学期我们不仅学英语,还要学日语。.
443. It’s necessary to attend each other’slectures.相互听课很有必要。
444. We often teach and learn from oneanother.我们经常互帮互学。
445. At the end of the term, the teachers are checkedup.学期结束时,老师们要接受检查。
446. My teacher has many resources(materials) on(for)teaching.我的老师有很多教学资料。
447. You’re to make-up study on Englishnow.现在你们要补学英语。
448. Our examination system isn’t still wonderfulnow.我们现在的考试制度还不是很完美。
449. You’d better form the habit ofstudying.大家最好养成学习的好习惯。
450. No smoking here.这里严禁吸烟。
451. Smoking is harmful to your health.吸烟有害健康。
452. A foreign language is a useful weapon in economicstruggle.外语是一种经济斗争的有力武器。
453. He never lose heart(lost hope).他从不失去信心。
454. He went on fighting until the victory wasgot.他仍在奋斗,直到取得胜利。
455. We still need to move on.我们还是要坚持前进。
456. Stop living in thepast.不要总是生活在过去的阴影里。
457. He gave his life to the cause of revolutionary.他为革命事业献出了自己的一生。
458. We must fight for the aftertime(future) of ourmotherland.我们一定要为我们祖国的未来而奋斗。
459. The people helped each other in their fight against theflood.大家齐心协力,与洪水展开决战。
460. I will be proud of you when you make great contribution forthesociety.你们能对社会做出伟大贡献,我也会很自豪。
461. The town has changed a great deal sincereformation.改革以来这座城市发生了很大变化。
462. At last, we entered(joined) the World TradeOrganization.终于,我们进入了世贸组织。
463. We’d fight for freedom and democracy with all thelife.我们将用毕生精力为自由和民主而战。
464. Women play an important part in our socialistconstruction.妇女在社会建设中扮演重要角色。
465. It’s necessary to keep on the wonderful familytraditions.保持家庭传统美德,很有必要。
466. Fight, only fight, we have our wonderfulfuture(aftertime).奋斗,只有奋斗,我们才有美好的未来。
467. The Party led us from one victory toanother.党领导我们从胜利走向胜利。
468. Led by the Party, the Chinese people are going all out tobuild socialism.
469. Knowledge is power.知识就是力量。
470. It’s very important to getalong(well).和睦相处很重要。
471. It’s glorious for you to have a laborhabit.劳动最光荣。
472. He spoke out in favor ofreforms.大胆发言,赞成改革。
473. It’s much important to reform the educationsystem。教育改革,事关重大
474. All things are difficult before they areeasy.万事开头难。
475. We could do nothing, but try our best.除了努力,我们别无选择。
476. From small beginnings come greatthings.伟大始于渺小。
477. Nothing is impossible to a willingheart.有志者事竟成。
478. The long travel comes from the firststep.千里之行始于足下。
479. A thousand-li journey starts with the firststep.千里之行始于足下。
480. Nothing seek, nothingfind.没有追求就没有收获。
481. Cease to the struggle and cease to thelife.生命不止,奋斗不息。
482. Everyone can make friends with eachother.每个人都可成为朋友。
483. Fortune is grasped by ownhands.命运掌握在自己手中。
484. You have to believe in yourself, that is the secret ofsuccess.自信是成功的秘诀。
485. If you doubt yourself, then indeed you stand on shakyaround.如果怀疑自己,你的出发点就不稳固了。
486. Confidence in yourself is the first step on the road tosuccess.自信是踏上成功之路的第一步。
487. look ahead.面向未来。
488. as fit as a fiddle.体壮无比。
489. as dull as ditch-water.枯燥无味。
490. Without rhyme or reason.无缘无故。
491. birds of a feather.物以类聚
492. Those who know more act as teachers.能者为师。
493. Good things come to him who works.天道酬勤。
494. No autumn fruit without spring blossoms.春花秋实。
495. Constant dropping wears the stone.水滴石穿。
496. can’t help doing情不自禁。
497. all along(all the time).自始自终
498. all at sea(s).茫然不知。
499. get along.和睦相处。
500. A fly in the ointment.美中不足。
501. Study hard, up and up .好学向上。
502. up and down.上窜下跳
503. It’s raining cats and dogs.暴雨倾盆。
504. as poor as a church mouse.一贫如洗。
505. as difference as day andnight.黑白分明(天壤之别)。
506. it’s unbelievable.难以置信。
507. nothing to offer.无可奉告。
508. as strong as an ox.体壮如牛。
509. Dream comes true.梦想成真。
510. Too many cooks spoil the broth人浮于事。
511. eat like a bird.细嚼慢咽。
512. eat like a pig.狼吞虎咽。
513. drink like a fish..嗜酒如命。
514. improve the occasion.因势利导。
515. out a figure.崭露头角。
516. Anything is good with me(It’s up to you.).悉听尊便
517. be looking forward to doing 热望良久。
518. Wait for me a while (a moment).稍等片刻。
519. take care of yourself.好自为之。
520. Good trip.一路顺风
521. know mistake and put right.知错必改。

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