






Section 1:租房——男女转租,10笔记  

Section 2:介绍——健走项目,5单选+5配对   

Section 3:学生——毛利灭绝语言的保护,4单选+6配对  

Section 4:学术讲座-二氧化碳排放,10笔记



Section 1


场景: 租房——男女转租




1. Empty for 2 weeks from August 1

2. Rent: $400/Month

3. Address No.: apartment number 17A

4. Landladys telephone number: 889740

5. Switch on: - water heater and 

6. - fridge

The price of hiring a cleaning maid: $25

Rules: before go outside must lock all windows

Rules: must not play music after midnight

Please call landlady for further information


解析: 比较简单的租房场景,其中包含很多数字,water heater这个词在我们的雅思词汇中第一个list就给出了,大家背熟了吗?

参考练习: C9T1S2C8T3S1


Section 2



题型: 5单选+ 5匹配

11-15)  Multiple choices

the reason for most      of people join this program is:

A. online ads infoemation

B. leaflet

C. people have done this before


12. What hat changes this year?

A. change its meal every year

B. changes it every year

C. change its route


13. New guided first learn to guide by

A. students note

B. accompany with another

C. take a part in as a tourist


14.  How will they travel?

A. People will be on the same route

B. they will go on the same route

C. they will go for different directions


15. What kind restaurant will be chosen to eat after tour?

A. inexpensive

B. one provides local food

C. one with attractive surroundings


16-20) Matching

16. Leader D

17. Anthonys Assistant B

18. one new guide G

19. experienced tour guide A

20. tourist walkers C





Section 3

新旧情况: 11317

场景: 学生——毛利灭绝语言的保护



21-24) multiple choices

21. compare with other languages; Pacific language preserving difficulties??

C. Too less study on them


22. saving language measures to be taken firstly

B. to raise money


23. The Maoris attitude toward outside language

A. very cautious


24. Which area preserve the language best?

B. city in New Zealand


25-30) Matching

25. A korao on New Zealand C

26. Parliament PERMIT F

27. The 3rd Language B

28. First study diploma D

29. Radio broadcast H

30. The Aotearoa Maori G




Section 4


场景: 学术讲座-二氧化碳排放



31. To bury underground, yet it is expensive

32. Holland: flowers

33. US: industrial production of plastics

34. medicines

35. China: process working with coal mine and limestone work

36. industry of airline

37. UK: Portland Cement: strength cannot be ensured

38. it needs a high temperature when it hardens

39. cities in range

40. May be used to produce fuel






一、  考试概述:



二、  具体题目分析

Passage 1

题目: Is Ethanol the answer?乙醇是答案么?

题型: 判断5+填空5+简答3






1. TRUE 乙醇是一种非常清洁的能源

2. NOT GIVEN在美国,乙醇已经被大量生产并使用

3. FALSE乙醇生产过程中,每一步都需要,天然气,(错,原文说一些步骤)

4. TRUE乙醇生产过程当中,可以得到很多副产品

5. FALSE同样加仑的乙醇比同样加仑的汽油产生的热量多(错,原文说少)



6. fiber 通过蒸的方法可以使秸秆中的fiber我露出来

7. bioreactor 之后把fiber放入到一个生物反应容器bioreactor当中

8. Lignin 生物反应之后可以得到副产品木质素lignin(本词不认识也不影响答题)

9. Distiller 经过生物反应之后产生的糖放到蒸馏器distiller里面去

10. Distillage 蒸馏器之后,可以得到蒸馏副产物distillage(此单词不认识也不影响答题)



11. water运输石油的管道,不能用来运输乙醇,是因为管道被水污染

12. 7%如果把全美国所有的玉米都用来制作乙醇,也只能生产全国所有能源提供的7%

13. Carbon dioxide 乙醇燃烧产物中,二氧化碳Carbon dioxide对全球变暖有影响



Passage 2

题目: Parental involvement in educating家长参与教育






14.   TRUE 在美国,有各个层级的法律,支持家长参与孩子的教育

15.   NOT GIVEN在美国家长向学校施压,以得到更多机会参与孩子的教育过程(原文未提及)

16.   TRUE在欧洲普遍认为,家长的参与可以提升孩子的教学质量

17.   FALSE在加拿大有,法律,鼓励家长参与其中(错!原文说的是在加拿大,几乎没有任何法律的保障)

18.   TRUE贫穷家庭的父母较少会出席学校里面的需要家长参与的活动

19.   FALSE有充足的证据证明家长的参与可以帮助孩子提升考试分数(原文说没有充足的证据)



20. E教授DR认为,家长会参与学校活动,并帮助孩子提升水平

21. C教授A认为,应该去做更多的实验,去证明这一结论

22. B教授B认为,家长参与nursery class是非常valuable

23. E教授DR认为,需要新的实验,以便更好评估实验结果

24. D教授W认为,家长的参与,能够促进学校的管理

25. A教授J认为,,来自贫穷家庭的家长缺乏信心来出席学校活动



26.   通过整篇文章,我们可以得出的结论,






Parental involvement in educating


It may be one of the least controversial statements in American education: Parent involvement can make a difference in a childs education. Two-thirds of teachers surveyed (Public Agenda, 2003) believed that their students would perform better in school if their parents were more involved in their childs education, while 72% of parents say children of uninvolved parents sometimes fall through the cracks in schools (Johnson & Duffett, 2003).


The conflict can come, though, on how to create that involvement, and whether all involved feel the particular activities are worthwhile. While virtually all schools promote parent involvement, there are different types of involvement, ranging from encouraging volunteering and fundraising to providing parents with home-based learning activities. Joyce Epstein of the Johns Hopkins University, Center on School, Family and Community Partnerships, one of the nations leading experts on parent involvement, has divided school parent involvement programs into six broad categories:


Parenting, in which schools help families with their parenting skills by providing information on childrens developmental stages and offering advice on learning-friendly home environments;

Communicating, or working to educate families about their childs progress and school services and providing opportunities for parents to communicate with the school;

Volunteering, which ranges from offering opportunities for parents to visit their childs school to finding ways to recruit and train them to work in the school or classroom;

Learning at home, in which schools and educators share ideas to promote at-home learning through high expectations and strategies so parents can monitor and help with homework.

Decision-making, in which schools include families as partners in school organizations, advisory panels, and similar committees.

Community collaboration, a two-way outreach strategy in which community or business groups are involved in education and schools encourage family participation in the community.


Not surprisingly, participation was greater for parents with K-8 students than for those with high school students. At the K-8 level, 92 percent of parents reported attending a school or PTO/PTA meeting compared with 83 percent of parents of high schoolers. The gap was even more pronounced in volunteering, which was evident among 52 percent of parents of K-8 students but only 34 percent of parents with high school students.


Yet the survey found some distinct variations by race, particularly in contrasting typical volunteer involvement with involvement in the childs education at home. K-8 parents of white students were more likely than parents of African American or Hispanic students to attend a school event, volunteer or serve on a school committee and participate in school fundraising. However, when it came to homework, the data showed that parents of white students trailed other groups in involvement. While 82 percent of parents of white students said an adult checked their childs homework, the rates were higher among parents of African American and Hispanic students which had rates of 94% and 91%, respectively. (The report did not specify what was involved in checking homework.)


Indeed, other studies have shown that lower-income and minority parents often have the same level of involvement in education even though it may not necessarily be reflected at PTA meetings or school fundraisers. In a study of standards-based reform practices by Westat and Policy Studies Associates (2001) for the U.S. Department of Education, researchers found that income level had no bearing on parent involvement in a major reform effort at Title I schools.


In summarizing findings of this study and others in a major meta-analysis, scholars at the Southwest Educational Development Laboratory (SEDL, 2002) concluded that educators and policymakers should have no pre-conceived notions about parent involvement. Recognize that all parents, regardless of income, education or cultural background, are involved in their childrens learning and want their children to do well, SEDL said.


But good intentions on either side only go so far. As noted by Epstein and Sanders (2000), Teachers, parents, and students have little understanding of each others interests in children and schools.Most teachers do not know the goals that parents have for their children, how parents help them learn, or how parents would like to be involved. Most parents do not know much about the educational programs in their childrens school or what teachers require of them. Effective parent involvement comes when a true partnership exists between schools and families. Creating that partnership, especially around academics, is what works for student achievement. Following is what the research found about how that happens.


The SEDL report, A New Wave of Evidence, synthesizes research from 51 studies over the preceding decade to reach conclusions about the effect of parent involvement on student learning. While few of the studies were experimental or quasi-experimental in design and many were correlational or case studies, when synthesized, the report had positive findings. For example, SEDL found that students with involved parents, no matter their income or background, are more likely to: Earn higher grades and test scores, and enroll in higher-level programs; Be promoted, pass their classes and earn credits; Attend school regularly; Have better social skills, show improved behavior and adapt well to school; Graduate and go on to post-secondary education


Nonetheless, when drilling down to determine what types of involvement work best, SEDL found one common factor: Programs and interventions that engage families in supporting their childrens learning at home are linked to higher student achievement. Other forms of involvement among Epsteins six factors (volunteering, attending school events) appeared to have less direct effect on student achievement, particularly in high school.


SEDLs conclusions are reflected in other studies as well. Catasambis (1998) uncovered similar findings in reviewing National Educational Longitudinal Study (NELS:88) data, analyzing data on 13,500 families as their children progressed through school. She measured the value of the six types of parent involvement and also concluded that techniques to enhance learning at home had the strongest effect. For older students, these techniques largely focused on enabling parents to convey high expectations to their children, encouraging them to take and succeed in rigorous courses with an eye toward college.

Passage 3

题目:Take Back the Time Should Americans Work Less?








27.   E人们应该减少工作时间

28.   C超时工作,会导致差的心情

29.   F人们可以放松休闲的具体例子

30.   C超时工作会显著降低工作效率

31.   A举例说明,超时工作的危害

32.   H一个美国人可以学习的好的例子(介绍了挪威的例子)

33.   D多休闲多购物的一个反面例子(介绍了阿联酋的例子)

34.   B如果美国人如此辛苦的工作,我们的地球会变成四个



35.   B教授CJ认为,美国人工作超时严重

36.   A教授AR认为,政府应该减少工时,并保证不失业

37.   C教授WP认为,减少消费并不是不爱国(阿联酋的例子)

38.   A教授AR认为,美国人应该花更多的时间陪伴家人和朋友

39.   D教授ML认为,我们可以向其他国家学习(挪威的例子)

40.   B教授CJ认为,美国人的工作效率非常高(一个地球变成四个地球的例子)




Writing Task 1

The table describes the proportion of adults using public transport for work or study in seven Australian cities in 1996 and 2006. The table also shows the change in this decade.


In 1996, the percentage of adults taking public transport for work or study was the highest among the seven cites, constituting 23%. While the data for the other five cities varied slightly from 11% to 14%.


However, during the one decade period from 1996 to 2006, different cities witnessed different changes. The data in Brisbane saw a dramatic increase from 12% to 16%, rising from the third place to the second place. In contrast, the data in Canberra plummeted from 12% to 9%, dropping from the forth place to last place. Figures for the other five cities remained relatively stable during this period.


Overall, the proportions of adults taking public transport for work or study was the highest in both years and all cities excluding Hobart and Canberra saw an upward trend during this period.



Writing Task 2




In many countries, more and more men are   staying at home to look after their children when women work full-time. What   are the reasons? Is it or negative development?


参考范文(Word Count: 272

It is a normal belief that males are to support the family while females should take care of chores and children. However, it is no longer a fixed belief in the modern society. In many countries, this custom has disappeared, followed by an increasing number of women working to support their family and more men staying at home.


With the changes in social belief, more parents send their children for higher education instead of preparing them for getting married, which enhances the capable and educated women workforce. In many fields, for instance, teaching, designing, cooking and financing, women are outperforming men and this has created a requirement for female employees in the talent market. The movement calling for equal rights has led to a great impact on the empowerment of women and this has become quite regular for mothers to work at offices while fathers decide to stay at home to take care of their children. This decision is often on account of mutual understanding between the couples. This has been socially accepted in most of the developed countries though some developing countries in Asia are yet to totally accept this trend.


From my point of view, this trend has more positive outcomes and should be regarded as an improvement. It is a great opportunity that allows the parents to decide who to go out and provide for the family and who to take care of the children without basing on social and traditional belief. Besides, this trend would eliminate the gender discrimination and advocate the equal rights, giving full play to the potential of each gender and helping to boost self-actualization.




1. Describe an experience that you taught something

2. Describe a good decision made by other people you know

3. Describe an achievement that you are proud of

4. Describe someone who is a good parent

5. Describe a dream home



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