



第Ⅰ卷 (选择题88分)




( )1.A.


















()6.What's Tom going to be?

A.Computer programmer. B.English Teacher.

C.Science teacher.

()7.How's Tom going to do that?

A.To study acting. B.To play computer games.

C.To study computer science.


()8.What are they preparing for?

A.A meeting. B.A party. C.A class.

()9.How do they make people play the games?

A.They will eat more if they win.

B.They will bring food if they come.

C.They will get small gifts if they win.


()10.What does the woman think of the robot will do?

A.Cook. B.Just do the cleaning.

C.Do the housework.

()11.How long will it take to finish the robot?

A.One year. B.Two years. C.Three years.


()12.Who's going to visit Jeff?

A.Nick. B.Sam. C.Sam's parents.

()13.When is Sam leaving?

A.This Wednesday. B.Next Monday.

C.Next Wednesday.

()14.What are they going to do on Monday night?

A.Go bike riding. B.Go shopping. C.Hang out.


()15.What dish does Anna want to learn to make?

A.Turkey dinner. B.Russian soup. C.Fruit salad.

()16.How many potatoes do they need?

A.One. B.Four. C.Three.

()17.How long do they need to cook the dish in total (总共)?

A.30 minutes. B.20 minutes. C.10 minutes.


()18.What are they talking about?

A.The future life. B.The schoolwork C.The future job.

()19.Who thinks people will have robots in the future?

A.Jack. B.Mary. C.People.

()20.Why does Mary want to have the robot now?

A.It can help her do housework.

B.It can do hard work.

C.It can help her with homework.



()21.When will the Winter Camp start?

A.On January 11th. B.On January 20th. C.On January12th.

()22.Who can take part in the Winter Camp?

A.Children from 6-13. B.Children from 7-14.

C.Children from 8-16.

)23.How much should each child pay if he wants to take part in one activity?

A.150 yuan. B.300 yuan. C.200 yuan.

()24.Which of the activities can you do there?

A.Playing chess. B.Playing basketball.

C.Playing tennis.

()25.What is the passage?

A.An ad (广告). B.A message. C.A letter.



()26.—What are you planning to do________four years?

I'll go to college! I'll be there________four years.

Ainin B.forfor C.infor D.forin

)27.—Tell me something about your New Year's________,Jake.

I'll take more exercise.

Aparty B.resolutions C.interests D.job

()28.—I don't like the shirt's color.Can you show me________one?

Sure.Here you are.

Aanother B.other C.the other D.others

()29.—You did a good job.Please________my best wishes for you success.

Thank you very much.

Arefuse B.accept C.delete D.share

()30.—I think it is________for robots to take human's place in the future!

I agree! If sowhat should people do in the future?

Apossible B.meaningless

Cimpossible D.interesting

()31.—When did you leave your office?

I didn't leave my office________I finished my work.

Aif B.until C.unless D.when

()32.—What can I do for the party?

You can________any of the party preparations.

Acare about B.think of

Chelp out with D.look after

()33.—I don't know how to spend my weekends.

Why not________some interesting lessons like playing the guitar or drawing pictures?

Atake out B.take up C.take off D.take after

()34.—Do you think________more pollution in the future?

Yes! So we must do something to protect our earth!

Athere will have B.there is

Cthere are D.there will be

()35.—Next Sunday is my birthday.Can you come to my party?

—________.I have to see my grandparents.

AI hope so B.SureI'd love to

CI am afraid not D.I'd love to



Jennifer was sitting on the bench.'It's getting __36__,' she thought.'I should go home.' She wanted to know her parents' reactions (反应) when she __37__ home after the three days she was missing.It was really dark when she finally got to home's front door. It was __38__.

__39__ looked after the outside garden for __40__ days.It was so strange because her father usually worked hard to keep everything __41__ and tidy.She couldn't understand what was going on.She walked into the __42__.First,she went into the kitchen __43__ she saw a note written by her father.He said,'Dear Ellen,here is some coffee.I am looking for her out.' Ellen was her mother,but __44__ is she?She went to her parents' room.She saw her there.Her __45__ was lying on the bed and was sleeping.Her face looked so tired as if she wasn't asleep for days.Jennifer wanted to wake her up.However,she looked too tired,__46__ Jennifer just fell asleep beside her.

When Jennifer __47__,something was different: She wasn't in her mother's room and she wasn't __48__ the old clothes she ran away in.She was on her own bed.It felt so good being back home.Suddenly she __49__ a voice,'Are you __50__ better now,dear?You know you made us all very,very afraid.'

()36.A.early B.late C.warm D.angry

)37.A.got B.get C.gets D.will get

()38.A.interesting B.important C.difficult D.different

()39.A.Everybody B.Somebody C.Anybody D.Nobody

()40.A.many B.lots of C.a few D.much

()41.A.clean B.dirty C.quiet D.busy

()42.A.school B.room C.house D.library

()43.A.if B.or C.what D.and

)44.A.when B.who C.where D.what

()45.A.mother B.father C.friend D.sister

()46.A.and B.so C.but D.though

()47.A.got up B.woke up C.put up D.cleaned up

()48.A.putting on B.dressing C.wearing D.taking

()49.A.heard B.listened C.sounded D.listened to

()50.A.feel B.feels C.feeling D.to feel


第一节 阅读下面三篇短文,根据短文内容,从所给的ABCD四个选项中选出最佳选项。(共14小题;每小题2分,满分28分)


Dear Bob,

I'm going to climb the mountain next weekend.Tim,Lily,Mona and Peter will go with me.We will meet at the bus stop at 7:30 a.m.on Saturday.Will you go with us?Please reply by Thursday.Hope to see you then!



Dear Mike,

Thank you for your invitation.I'd love to go with you,but I am very busy next weekend.Next Saturday is my brother's birthday.So I have to go shopping in the morning,clean the house and help my parents to cook in the afternoon.In the evening we'll have a birthday party for him.On Sunday,I will have guitar lessons from 7:30 a.m.to 11:00 a.m.In the afternoon,I will visit my grandfather by bike.I hope you can have fun climbing the mountain!



()51.Who makes the invitation?

ABob. B.Tim. C.Peter. D.Mike.

()52.How many people are going to climb the mountain?

AFour. B.Five. C.Six. D.Seven.

()53.When will Bob go to visit his grandfather?

ANext Saturday morning. B.Next Saturday afternoon.

CNext Sunday afternoon. D.Next Sunday evening.

()54.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Mike hopes to get the reply by Friday.

B.Mike will meet his friends at the bus stop on Saturday.

C.Bob doesn't want to climb the mountain at all.

D.Mike has to take piano lessons on Sunday.


In America,students usually get up at seven on weekdays.Then they wash their faces and have breakfast.They usually have eggs,bread,fruit and milk.After breakfast they walk or take a yellow school bus to school.They get to school at about half past eight.Then they put their schoolbags in their lockers (柜子) and take only one book,a notebook and a pencil to each class.In middle school students have classes for six hours.Their classes are English,writing,math,music,art and so on.

At noon students have lunch at school.They usually eat meat,fruit,vegetables,bread and a drink.Students don't have a short sleep.They go back to have classes after lunch until three o'clock.Then they go home.

Students usually play or watch TV before dinner.They have supper at six in the evening.The supper is usually called dinner.After dinner they do their homework.Sometimes they play or talk with their parents.

()55.American students usually get up at________on weekdays.

Afive B.six C.seven D.eight

()56.American students usually have________for breakfast.

Aeggsbreadfruit and milk

Bmeatfruitvegetables and bread

Chamburgerscoffee and milk

Dbreadchickenfruit and hamburgers

( )57.American middle school students have classes for ________ a day.

A.8 hours B.7 hours C.6 hours D.9 hours

( )58.Students usually watch TV________.

Abefore dinner B.after dinner

Cbefore going to bed D.after finishing homework

( )59.The passage mainly tells us ________.

A.American student's school life

B.how often American students exercise

C.how long American students study

D.what American students do on weekends


What will our homes be like in the future?Here are some predictions:

◆Do you want to take a shower when you get home?You'll be able to let your smart water heater (热水器) to start heating up when you're on your way home.

◆Did I turn off the oven?Did I close the window?Everyone may have a moment like that.But in the future,your home will check these for you.

◆In your home of the future,all of your devices (设备) can work together to make your life more comfortable.When you turn on the lights in the morning,your windows will open at the same time.The lights will slowly turn off by themselves after the sun appears.

◆Your home may have dangers.The hackers (黑客) could open your door and cause a mess (造成麻烦) at your home through your phone or other devices.Your home will tell you about it but you can't arrive in time.So people will have to be careful of their personal information.

( )60.In the futurewhat can we do on our way home?

ATake a shower.

BLet the water heater work.

CKeep working.

DHave a look at our smart home devices.

( )61.What will our life be like in the future in smart homes?

AMore comfortable. B.Very busy.

CVery safe. D.More boring.

( )62.Who will let you know if someone breaks into your home in the future?

AYour friend. B.Your home.

CThe police. D.Your neighbor.

( )63.What can we NOT learn from the passage?

AThere might be dangers about smart homes in the future.

BThe hackers might only come into your home through the phone.

CThe lights will turn off by themselves when the sun comes out.

DYou don't need to worry if you forget to close windows in the future.

( )64.What's the best title of the passage?

A.Some Beautiful Houses B.Some Famous Predictions

C.A Better World D.Homes of the Future

第二节 阅读还原题(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


Thanksgiving Day was coming soon.65.____'Please draw a picture to show your thanks,'said Miss Green.66.____But Toma shy boydrew a different thing.67.____His classmates were surprised.One child said,'It must be his father's hand.'Others agreed.68.___Miss Green asked the little boy whose hand it was.He answered,'It's yours.You often teach me how to hold a pencil.' 69.__Miss Green was moved(感动).

AHe only drew one hand.

BHe dislikes his teacher.

CMost students drew a turkey or their traditional things.

DMiss Green gave her students special homework.

EBecause his family was very poorhis father had to work hard.

FThe boy was showing his thanks to his teacher.


卷 (非选择题32分)



In Britainpeople usually begin their talks with weather. For examplethey will say'It's a fine day70.​​​​​​____(be)it' 'Do you think it will rain'

Many people believe that they are able to tell 71._____ the weather will be like.But they never agree 72._____ each other. One man may say,'How 73.____(cloud)it is now! It's going to rain.' Another man will 74._____(say),'Noit's going to be fine 75. ____(late).'

People always hope the weather they want. For examplewhen a farmer 76.____(need)waterhe looks for something to tell him it's going 77.____(rain).When a man wants to travelhe is sure the weather will be fine quickly.

Now almost everyone 78.____(listen)to the weather report. It doesn't always tell us 79. ____weather we want. It only tells us what the weather will be like. But sometimes it makes mistakes.




How often do you________ your parents?


Everyone should ________in saving the earth.


We should say thanks to our parents because they always ________us so well.


____________ a New Year's concert next Monday.


When she_________she wants to be a village teacher.


I want ________what happened to you.


Yesterday Mr.Huang asked us not___________________ any more.


假设你是Li Ming,以下是你的美国笔友Tina发给你的一封邮件,请你根据该邮件内容给Tina回一封邮件。


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