



翻译:Mangosteen | 校对:FungChuh

Many people believe that free market capitalism is selfish, even immoral. They say it's about greed, about a hunger for money and power; that it helps the rich and hurts the poor. 


They're wrong. The free market is not only economically superior, it is morally superior to any other way of organizing economic behavior. Here's why.


The free market calls for voluntary actions between individuals. There's no coercion. In a free market, if I want something from you, I have to do something for you.


Let's say I mow your lawn and you pay me twenty dollars. What does that twenty dollars really mean? When I go to the grocer and say, 'I would like to have four pounds of steak' He, in effect, says to me, 'You want a lot of people to serve you -- ranchers, truckers, butchers, and packagers. All these people have to be paid. What did you do to serve your fellow man?”

比方说我修剪你家草坪,你支付我 20 美元。这 20 美元究竟意味着什么呢?当我去食品杂货店说:「我想要四磅牛排。」实际上,他对我说:「你想要很多人来为你服务,牧场主、卡车司机、肉贩、包装商。所有这些人都得拿到报酬。你做了什么来服务他人呢?

'Well,' I say, 'I mowed my fellow man's lawn.' And the grocer says, 'Prove it.' Then I offer him the twenty dollars. Think of the money that you've earned as a certificate of performance. It's proof that you've served your fellow man.

「好吧,」我说,「我帮人修剪了草坪。」然后这个杂货店主说:「证明一下。」接着我给了他这 20 美元。把你赚到的钱想作是你表现的证明。这是你为他人服务了的证明。

People accuse the free market of not being moral because they say it's a zero-sum game, like poker, where if you win, it means that I have to lose. But the free market is not a zero-sum game. It's a positive sum game. You do something good for me, such as give me that steak and I'll do something good for you -- give you twenty dollars. 

人们指控自由市场是不道德的,因为他们说这是个零和博弈,就像扑克牌,如果你赢了,意味着我一定输了。但自由市场不是零和博弈。它是正和博弈。你为我做了些好事,比如给我那块牛排,那我就也为你做好事——给你 20 美元。

I'm better off because I valued the steak more than I valued the $20 and the grocer is better off because he valued the $20 more than he valued the steak. We both win.

我的境况更好了,因为比起那 20 美元,我更重视这牛排;杂货店主的境况也更好了,因为比起牛排,他更重视那 20 美元。我们都赢了。

Ironically, it's the government, not the free market, that creates zero-sum games in our economy. If you use the government to get a food stamp, a farm subsidy or a business bail out, you will benefit -- but at the expense of your fellow citizens. 


Isn't it more moral to require that people serve their fellow man in order to have a claim on what he produces rather than not serve others and still have a claim?


But, a lot of people ask, what about giant corporations? Don't they have too much power over our lives? Not in a free market. Because in a free market We, the People, decide the fate of companies who want our business.


Free market capitalism will punish a corporation that does not satisfy customers or fails to use resources efficiently. Businesses, big and small, that wish to prosper are held accountable by the people who vote with their dollars. And, again, it's the government that can undo this.


Take the example of the American automobile industry. It was struggling to survive in 2009. Why? Because they were producing cars that did not please a sufficient number of their fellowmen. In a free market, they would therefore have gone bankrupt. 

以美国汽车行业为例。2009 年它还在挣扎着生存。为什么?因为它们在生产的是无法令足够多人满意的汽车。在一个自由市场,他们将因此破产。

The market would have said, 'Look, you're done. Sell your plant and equipment to somebody who can do a better job.' But when Chrysler and General Motors failed, they went to Washington D.C. and got the government to bail them out.


The government bailout essentially meant to them: 'You don't have to be accountable to customers and stock holders.' No matter how inferior your product is and no matter how inefficient you are, we'll keep you in business by taking your fellow man's money. When government interferes in this way, it takes the power away from the people and rewards companies that couldn't compete successfully in the marketplace. 


That may work out very well for politicians, big unions and corporate officers, but it seldom does for the tax payer. That's why a free market system can only work if there is limited government. Limited government means you and I decide which businesses survive.


That's the America that our Founding Fathers envisioned -- a limited government that has only a few specifically mentioned -- or enumerated -- powers that are listed in Article I, Section 8 of the United States Constitution. It's this brilliant, limited-government notion that produced the wealthiest nation in history. 


In a free market, the ambition and the voluntary effort of citizens, not the government, drives the economy. That is: people, to the best of their ability, shaping their own destiny.


Sounds pretty moral to me.


I'm Walter Williams of George MasonUniversity for Prager University.

我是乔治梅森大学的沃尔特·威廉姆斯,为 PragerU 制作。

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