

Quotes for everyone directly from the heart

Quotes directly from the heart

The largest collection of one liners, quotes and sayings on each and every topic and famous authors, great writers and famous personalites. Easy to pick and clean template so that you can place your quotes/ sayings/ one liners directly to the wall of Facebook, status of orkut, Myspace and share quotes or sayings with your friends by sms.

Life is the beautiful journey having all kinds of emotions and periods. We as people try to express our feelings in form of words but many a time we don’t have exact words to express our feeling. And at that moment we use quotes and one-liners to express what our feelings are through the quotes.

Now question arises why we use quotes to express our feeling and simple answer is that the quotes are the way to communicate the exact emotion or feeling in form of short one line. And in the life of social networking what we do is we put on the quote as our status and our friends know what exactly is going through our mind and in turn they comment and we get to know there response. It is not like that quotes are only meant for good times, even in life lows I feel quotes are more helpful to encourage a person like “Failures are the pillar of success”. And hence our collection of quotes is just to help out you people to express yourself in this social networking age with appropriate words.

Inspirational Blogs and real life experinces
Over Confidence Parents Love Generation Gap

Top 9 Categories

Quotes according to Categories as in alphabatic order

Quotes according to Authors as in alphabatic order

The collection of quotes is created to provide variety of quotes at a single page instead of hovering to other web sites. The dedicated staff is working and daily new 10 categories will be made live along with new 20 authours daily. And we are going to create section to creat quotes, sayings and one liners and also prizes will be given whom quotes or sayings or one liner will be the best.

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