

1           纯考交际英语的试题。如:从右栏找出对左栏句子做出正确应答的句子;
(    )1  This is Mr. Brown.             A.    Nice to meet you.
(    )2 Good morning!                         B.    Good idea.
(    )3  I’m sorry I’m late.               C.    This is Pingping speaking.
(    )4  Shall we have a walk?           D.    Thank you.
(    )5  You speak good English.              E.    The same to you.
(    )6  What’s the date today?          F.    That’s all right.
(    )7  Happy New Year!                 G.    June 14
(    )8  Who’s that speaking?            H.    Good morning!
答案:1. A     2.H         3.F         4.B         5.D         6.G         7.E         8.C
A:Hello! West Lake Hotel?
B:Yes, this is West Lake Hotel.
B:Room number, please?
A:Room 316.
A:All right.
B:I’m sorry. Mr Brown is out at the moment. ___3___
A:Yes, I think I’ll have a message for him.
B:OK. ___4___
A:Would you ask Mr Brown to give me a ring later today? ___5___ My name’s John Smith.
B:All right. No problem.
A.    I’ll be happy to take it.
B.    Would you like to leave a message?
C.    My phone number is 6085596.
D.    May I speak to Mr Peter Brown.
E.    Wait a minute, please.
1     D            2     E            3     B            4     A            5     C    
例3 完成对话,每空一词。
A:  Hello, Jim! ____1____ to see you again.
B:  ____2____ , Lucy!
A:  ____3____ ____4____ with your right arm?
B:  It was hurt the day ____5____ yesterday.
A:  ____6____ was it hurt?
B:  I fell ____7____ my bike ____8____ ____9____ way home.
A:  Oh! I’m sorry ____10____ ____11____ that. Did you ____12____ the doctor then.
B:  Yes. He said there was ____13____ serious. He told me to stay ____14____ bed and ____15____ a good rest.
答案:1.Nice     2.Hello    3.What’s 4.wrong  5.before  6.How     7.off              8.on        9.my       10.to       11.hear    12.see       13.nothing      14.in       15.have
2     单项填空题设置几道有关交际英语的试题。
—Thank you for your help.
A. OK                       B. Sure
C. That’s all right          D. The same to you
—Will you please pass me the knife?
A. Yes, please.        B. Here you are.
C. Not at all.          D. You are welcome.
3     听力测试注重语言表达,情景交际,如:
1.    W:  Would you like some coffee or tea?
M:   I like them both, but I’d like to have something cold.
Q:   What dose the man want to drink?
A. Something cold         B. Coffee        C. Tea            D. Hot drink
(答案为A,要选对答案,首先要掌握这样几个关键词,即both和转折连词but及其后的would like something cold.)
2.    M:  How much is your new watch?
W:  It’s fifty-two dollars.
M:  Yours is expensive. My friend Jim bought one like yours yesterday. It’s two dollars cheaper.
Q:   How much is Jim’s watch?
A. Fifty-two dollars      B. Fifty dollars       C. Fifty-four dollars       D. Forty-eight dollars
(答案为B,该题涉及简单的数字计算,关键词52和2 dollars cheaper)
3.    M:  Hello, Alice. This is Jack at the office. Is Mike at home?
W:  No, Jack. He’s in class now. He’ll be back home for supper.
       Q:  Where is Jack now?
A. He is at home.                         B. He is in class.    
C. He is at the office.                   D. He is either at home or in class.
4.    M:  Does Mr. More have much money?
W:  Yes, he’s very rich.
       M:  Does he have many friends?
W:  I don’t think so. He isn’t happy.
Q:  Why isn’t Mr. More happy?
A. Because he is very rich.                         B. Because he is too poor.    
C. Because he isn’t rich enough.                 D. Because he has few friends.
(答案为D,不快乐的原因与钱无关,而是He doesn’t have many friends. 即He has few friends.)
4           完形填空,阅读理解等题中都含有较强的交际性。
1     注意掌握中英文功能意念方面的知识
在平时的学习中,同学们都十分重视语言知识的学习与模拟测试的训练。然而,语言知识并不等于语言运用能力,而只是语言运用能力的一个组成部分。语言运用能力还应包括语言功能意念方面的知识。如:“Have you had you dinner yet?”(你吃饭了吗)即使这句话你能读懂、听懂、会写、会说,但是如果不了解这句话的中英文功能意念方面的差异,就可能见到英语国家的友人(不论人家是男,还是女),也不管什么时候、什么场合,就用“Have you had you dinner yet?”与对方打招呼,让人惊愕,尴尬。因为“你吃饭了吗”在中国具有打招呼的功能,相当于英语中的“Hi!”“Hello!”而英语“Have you had you dinner yet?”没有打招呼的功能。他们习惯见面时谈论天气,也是一种寒暄,并不是一定就是问天气。常出现这样的对话—It’s a lovely day, isn’t it? —Yes, isn’t it? —Beautiful weather, isn’t it? —Yes, it certainly is. 因此,为了避免因缺乏语言的功能意念方面的知识而导致交际的失败,我们要在训练与提高语言能力的同时,注意掌握中英文功能意念方面的差异。
2     注意了解并熟悉英语国家的社会、文化、习俗方面的知识,是提高交际能力必不可少的
中国的人名一般姓在前,名在后;而英语国家的人名则是名在前,姓在后。许多人在名与姓之间还有一个中间名。如:James Allan Green,其中James为名(first name 或given name),Allan为中间名(middle name,通常用首字母加点代替);Green则为姓(last name,family name或surname)。在正式场合或介绍某人时,可使用全名James Green,在公文中签名一般用James A. Green(中间名一般情况下不用)。在非正式场合下,朋友与熟人之间可直呼其名James或呼其姓名James Green甚至用昵称Jim。
英语国家的人与中国人对赞扬的反应是不同的。中国人习惯于谦虚、礼让,当别人赞扬自己时要说些谦让的话,而英语国家的人则比较实际,认为得到赞扬受之无愧,对赞扬者表示感谢。如:一个初学汉语的外国朋友,虽然汉语讲得很一般,但如果恭维他:“Your Chinese is very good.”他会回答“Really? Thank you. I’m very glad to hear that.”对这样的回答中国人会认为是不够谦虚或喜欢恭维。而当一个英语说得很流利的中国人听到外国人这样的赞扬时,他一般要说“不行,哪里,还差远了”等表示谦虚的话,而英语国家的人,则会认为这种“谦虚”是无理和不承认他们的鉴赏能力,或认为这种“自贬”是“自卑”,或者是言不由衷的虚伪。
中国人非常客套,对别人的款待总要谦让一番。如:在别人家里作客,别人问:“喝点什么”尽管当时很渴,但总是客气地说:“不,我不渴。”而当主人送上饮料、茶水之后还是照喝不误。而英语国家的人则不然,当中国人问“Would you like to have some tea?”如果他回答“No,thank you.”主人则无须坚持给他沏茶。否则,他会认为你不尊重他的意见,强迫他做不愿意做的事。而英语国家的人问“Would you like to have some tea?”如果你回答“No,thank you.”他就是不会再坚持为你沏茶的,尽管你口渴,你也只能忍着。又如:Nice to meet you.往往用于双方见面时。而当你与别人愉快地谈话之后要离开时,应该说Bye! It was nice talking to you.
中国人喜欢自谦。即使是送给别人很贵重的礼物也会说:“一点薄礼,不成敬意。”请人吃饭,虽然十碗八盘,也会说“家常便饭”。本来饭菜做得不错,还要说:“笨手笨脚,菜做得不好。”而英语国家的人在相同的情况下。他们会说“Here is a beautiful Christmas card.”或“I’ve got a small present for you.. I hope you like it.”或“I’ve got a big meal for you.”
中国人与英语国家的人对于个人隐私都不愿别人过问。然而,英语国家的隐私范围比中国人的广得多。包括如年龄、婚姻状况、个人收入、宗教信仰、政治倾向等都属于个人隐私。如第一册第十二课,一位英国老太太Mary Hyde问中国小姑娘“How old are you?”小女孩答“I’m twelve.”接着女孩子问老太太相同的问题,老太太用低沉而又神秘的声音说,“Ah,it's a secret.”老人忌讳说出实际年龄。询问个人隐私是不礼貌的表现,因此,在与外国朋友交谈时,最好避免这些话题。
在致谢这一点上,中国人与英语国家的人是相通的。但应注意两点:其一,英语国家的人说“Thank you”的频率要高得多。即使关系很亲密如家庭成员或好朋友也经常使用。而中国人在同样情况下使用得则要少得多。即使得到对方的帮助与馈赠也通常不说“谢谢”,中国人认为对亲人或密友言谢反而拉开了彼此距离。其二,对致谢的应答,中国人与英语国家的人是完全不同的。中国人习惯上说:“不用谢,这是我应该做的。”(No thanks. It's my duty.)对于这样的回答英语国家的人会认为这是在尽义务,履行职责。帮助别人而出于无奈,没有绅士风度。他们对于致谢的回答是“You are welcome.”或“With pleasure.”
1     打电话
问:Hello! May I speak to…? (不说Please look for…) Is that…(speaking)?(不说 Are you…?)
答:Hello. This is …(speaking). (不说 I am…) Who is that? (不说Who are you?)
Hold on,please. He/She isn't here right now. Can I take a message for you?
Sorry, you've got the wrong number.
问:I called to tell/ask you…
2     谈论天气
问:What's the weather like today? How's the weather in …?
答:It's fine/cloudy/windy/rainy. etc.
问:It's rather warm/cold/hot, etc., today, isn't it?
3     问路
问:Excuse me. Where's the nearest post office?
Excuse me, can you tell me the way to …?
答:Go down /along this street/road..
Turn right/left at the first/second crossing/turning.
Sorry, I don't know.
问:How can I get to…?I don't know the way.
答:You may go by bus/on foot, etc.
问:Which bus shall I take?
Which bus do I need?
答:The No.2 bus.
问:How far is it?
答:It's about…kilometres away (from here).
4     购物
问:What can I do for you ? May/Can I help you ? (一般不说 What do you want?)
答:I want/I'd like…
How much is it?
That's too much/expensive, I'm afraid.
That's fine. I'll take it.
Let me have … kilo/box,etc.
Do you have any other kind/size/colour, etc. ?
问:How many/much do you want?
What colour/size/kind  do you want?
How do you like…?
What do you think of… ?
5     看病
问:What's wrong/the matter with you?
What's your trouble?
答:There's something wrong with…
I've got a cough.
I feel terrible/bad.
I don't feel well.
I've got a pain here.
This place hurts.
问:I’ve got a bad cold.
答:I’m sorry to hear that.
问:How long have you been like this?
答:Ever since…
问:Let me take your temperature.
Take this medicine three times a day.
Drink plenty of water and have a good rest.
It's nothing serious.
You'll be all right soon.
6     就餐
问:What would you like to have?
Would you like something to eat/drink?
答:I'd like….
问:Would you like something more…?
Help yourself to some …?
答:Thank you. I've had enough. /Just a little,please.
补全对话,也叫做完成对话或情景对话,是考查学生语言运用能力、交际能力和对篇章结构理解能力的测试题型。由于这种题型内容多,层次复杂,综合性强,故给考生造成一定的解题困难。 如何做好补全对话题。
1     仔细审题
2     注意语境
--I’d like to buy a pair of shoes.
A. What are you looking for     B. Do you want to buy something
C. What do you want           D. Can I help you
3     分析信息
    如同汉语一样,英语对话也是"你有来言,我有去语",这种来言或去语就是信息。分析、理解、推断这种信息就是解题的关键。如打电话的下句“This is …speaking.”, 上句就是"Who’s that speaking?”或“Is that…speaking?”又如谈论天气的下句是“It’s rainy today.”上句肯定是"What’s the weather like today?”问日期下句是"It's Oct. l8th."上句肯定是"What’s the date today?"
4     了解差异
    中国文化与英美文化之间存在着较大的差异,体现在交际用语上更是明显,切不可按照汉语的思维习惯和方式去运用英语,而是要根据具体的语言环境和英美文化习俗恰当地作出回答。比如进商店,售货员会问"What can I do for you?”或"Can I help you?”而不会说"What do you want to buy?"(你要什么?); 就餐时主人一般说"Help yourself to…”而不会说"…is delicious. Please eat some."(…好吃,你吃啊)
5     选择答案
6     把握标点
7     检查验证
    这是完成对话的重要一环。把选好的答案带入全篇,根据整篇对话上下文的逻辑关系,加以检查验证是否与整个语言环境相一致。是否符合初中所学基本语法(词法、句法);是否符合全文的逻辑意念;是否符合英语特有的习惯表达法; 是否符合交际英语的规律;对话是否具有连贯性和整体性;对话的人称、数、时态是否前后一致等。
There is some fish on the plate.
Help yourself to some fish.
I don’t think it is good for animals to stay in cages.
The man downstairs found it difficult to get to sleep.
How much is your computer?
How much did you spend on your computer?
What did your computer cost?
What’s the price of your computer?
How much did you pay for your computer?
How much did it take to buy the computer ?
Will/Would/Could you mend my bike?
Mend my bike, will you?
Please mend my bike .
Would you be kind enough to mend my bike?
Can you put my bike right?
Would you mind mending my bike?
Would you mind if I ask you to mend my bike?
I wonder if you can mend my bike.
1           I have a pain in my head.
My head hurts.
2           The children are wearing beautiful clothes.
The children are in beautiful clothes.
3           There is a strong wind today.
It’s very windy today.
4           He walks to school every day.
He goes to school on foot every day.
5     His father took a plane to the USA three days ago.
Three days ago his father flew to the USA.
6     She didn’t want to eat anything.
She didn’t feel like eating anything.
7     Must he stop drinking wine?
Does he have to stop drinking wine?
8     She teaches herself English.
She learns English (all) by herself.
1           Neither of the cars is old.
Both of the cars are new.
2           Xiao Chen lent me a Chinese-English dictionary.
I borrowed a Chinese-English dictionary from Xiao Chen.
3           At that time Han Mei was too young to go to school.
At that time Han Mei wasn’t old enough to go to school. 
4           He isn’t asleep.
He is awake.
I have spent too much money on this coat, but it’s much too large for me.
Will you please lend me the book you borrowed from the library yesterday?
1           May I …? →Please ….
May I come in?
Please let me in.
2           Shall we …? →Let's …, shall we?
Shall we go to the zoo?
Let’s go to the zoo, shall we?
3           Will you please…? →Please …, will you?
Don’t open the door, will you?
Will you please keep the door closed?
4           Why not do …? →Why don't you do?
Why not go with us?
Why don’t you go with us?
5     What is somebody? →What does somebody do?
What’s your father?
What does your father do?
6     It's best to do…→had better do…
It’s best to catch a No.11 bus.
You had better catch a No.11 bus.
7     Where's…? →Which is the way to…? →Tell me the way to…? →How can I get to…?
Could you tell me how to get to…?
8     How+形容词…!→What+(形容词)名词…!
       How clever the girl is!
       What a clever girl she is!
9     somebody spends some time (in) doing something →it takes somebody some time to do something
       They spent ten minutes walking there.
       It took them ten minutes to walk there.
10    somebody spends some money on something/ buying something →somebody pays some money for something/ to buy something →something costs somebody some money
       He spent five pounds on the T-shirt.
       He paid five pounds for the T-shirt.
       The T-shirt cost him five pounds.
11    肯定句,肯定句,too →both…and…
       Mr. Wang is a worker. Mrs. Wang is a worker, too.
       Both Mr. Wang and Mrs. Wang are workers.
12    否定句+instead肯定句 →肯定句+instead of 短语
       They didn’t go to the cinema, instead they went on a field trip.
       They went on the field trip instead of going to the cinema.
13    How do you like…? →What do you think of…?
       How do you like the film?
       What do you think of the film?
14    延续性动词+until… →not+非延续性动词+until…
       They talked on and on until 11 at night.
       They didn’t stop talking until 11 at night.
15       something interest/surprise/excite/worry(使役动词)somebody→somebody be interested/surprised/excited/worried …
The news surprised us.
We were surprised at the news.
We were surprised to hear the news.
The interesting film interests me.
I’m interested in the interesting film.
16.   用with改写句子,表示用,带有,带着等方式或伴随状语。
1. I like the mooncake. The mooncake has nuts in it.
  I like the mooncake _________ nuts in it.
2. She used a knife to cut the cake.
  She cut the cake _________ a knife.
3. He smiled and said, “Good morning!”
  “Good morning!” he said _________ a smile.
4. After saying these words, the tiger jumped into the river.
  _________ these words, the tiger jumped into the river.
5. Little Tom can’t finish the work without your help.
  Little Tom can finish the work _________ your help.
17    否定句,否定句,either. →neither…nor…
       He doesn’t like mutton, and she doesn’t like either.
       Neither he nor she likes mutton.
一、both…and…   ……双方都;又…又…;…和…(两者)都
1.  是对and意义的强化
       He can speak English and French.他会说英语和法语。
       He can speak both English and French.他既会说英语,又会说法语。
2.         连接相同的句子成份
Both you and I were wrong.你和我都错了。(连接主语)
She can both sing and dance.她能歌能舞。(连接谓语)
I like both basketball and football.我既喜欢篮球又喜欢足球。(连接宾语)
This film is both exciting and instructive.这部电影不但激动人心,而且具有教育意义。(连接表语)
3.    不能连接两个以上的并列成份,也不能连接分句
误:Both his mother, his father and his sister are having supper.
正:His mother, his father and his sister are having supper.他爸爸、妈妈和妹妹都在吃晚饭。
误:Both Kate washed the dishes and Jim dried them.
正:Kate washed the dishes and Jim dried them.凯特洗了盘子,吉姆把盘子擦干。
4.    不能用于否定句,只能用于肯定句
误:He can’t speak both Japanese and Italian.
正:He can speak neither Japanese nor Italian.他既不会说日语也不会说意大利语。
both…and…的否定为neither…nor…或not either…or…
二、neither…nor…       既不……也不……;既非……又非……
1.    连接相同的句子成份
       He can neither read nor write.他既不会读书又不会写字。(连接谓语)
       I have neither time nor money.我既没有时间也没钱。(连接宾语)
       The weather today is neither hot nor cold.今天天气不热不冷。(连接表语)
She came just at the right time, neither early nor late.她来得正是时候,不早不迟。(连接状语)
2、    连接两个并列的主语时,动词与靠近的主语一致
Neither he nor I am right.他不对,我也不对。
Neither this book nor that one is interesting.这本书没意思,那本书也没意思。
三、either…or…   不是……就是……;要么……要么……;或者……或者……
1.         连接相同的句子成份,也可连接分句
You may either stand up or sit down.你或者站起来,或者坐下。(连接谓语)
-Do you speak either German or Russian?
-I’m sorry I don’t speak either.
The young woman is either a doctor or a nurse.那位年轻的女子不是医生就是护士。(连接表语)
Come either today or tomorrow.今天或明天来吧。(连接状语)
Mum asked him either to stay at home or to go out for a walk.妈妈叫他要么呆在家里,要么出去散散步。(连接宾语补足语)
Either you leave the house or I’ll call the police.要么你离开这屋子,要么我就要报警了。(连接句子)
2.    连接主语时,动词与靠近的主语一致
Either you or he is wrong.
Either he or you are wrong.不是你/他就是他/你错了。
3.    在否定句中相当于neither…nor…
He can’t speak either Japanese or Italian.他既不会说日语,也不会说意大利语。
简而言之,既A亦B的肯定以both A and B 表示,A或B两者选择其一,以either A or B 表示,非A非B的否定,则以neither A nor B 表示。
1     疑问词+to do →主句+宾语从句
       I don’t know what to do.
       I don’t know what I should do.
2     hope/ decide to do →hope/ decide 宾语从句
       She decided to go there.
       She decided that she would go there.
3     简单句,简单句 →主句+宾语从句
       He can’t come, I think.
       I don’t think he can come.
       What are they talking about? Do you know?
       Do you know what they are talking about?
4     find+宾语+宾补 →find+宾语从句
       We found that he was a clever boy.
       We found him very clever.
       He found it difficult to get to sleep.
       He found it was difficult to get to sleep.
5     too…to… →so…that…
       The box is too heavy for him to carry.
       The box is so heavy that he can’t carry it.
6     enough to do →so…that…→such…that
       The book is easy enough for a child to read.
       The book is so easy that a child can read it.
       It’s such an easy book that a child can read it.
so…that, too…to与enough to 三者的转换关系可归纳为下图:


too…to                                             enough to
7     be born in the same year →be as old as
       Bob and Paul were born in the same year.
       Bob is as old as Paul.
8     what “所……的(事)”连接代词,引导名词从句→名词
       Don’t forget what I said.
       Don’t forget my words.
       I don’t know what he meant.
       I don’t know his meaning.
9     直接引语→间接引语
       He asked, “What are you doing? ”
       He asked what I was doing.
Mrs. Smith said to her daughter, “Don’t read in the sun.”
Mrs. Smith told her daughter not to read in the sun.”
10    最高级→比较级than…
       Is December 22 the shortest day in the year?
       Is December 22 shorter than any other day in the year?
       He runs fastest in his class.
       Nobody runs faster than he in his class.
11    without →if否定句
       The old granny can’t see anything clearly if she doesn’t wear her glasses.
       The old granny can see nothing clearly without her glasses.
I can’t finish the work in time without your help.
       I can’t finish the work in time if you don’t help me.
12    on one's way to →主句+when 从句
       On my way to school I met a friend of mine.
       When I went to school, I met one of my friends.
13    at the age of →主句+when 从句
       He began to learn English at the age of ten.
       He began to learn when he was ten years old.     
14    主语+seem to do →It+seem+that 从句
       She seems to be worried now.
       It seems that she is worried now.
用并列连词and, then, or, but, so等将两个或两个以上的简单句连接在一起的句子叫做并列句。一般说来,英语使用并列连词的频率要比汉语高,汉语可以把两个或更多的句子放在一起而不用联系,这种情况在英语中比较少见。如:
译为英语,At first he didn’t want to go, but later, he changed his mind.
1     A, so B →B because A
       She got up late so she missed the train.
       She missed the train because she got up late.
2     祈使句,and/ then 简单句→If从句,简单句
If you work hard, you will pass the exam.
       Work hard, and you will pass the exam.
3     祈使句,or 简单句→If否定从句,简单句
       Hurry up, or you will be late.
       If you don’t hurry up, you will be late.
       All the boys are laughing except Jim.
All the boys are laughing, but Jim isn’t.
       He finished his homework before he went to bed.
He went to bed after he finished his homework.
The students mustn’t go out of the classroom until class is over.
The students can go out of the classroom only when class is over.
Miss Smith left here after the rain stopped.
       Miss Smith didn’t leave here until the rain stopped.
She is too weak to join us in the girls’ 4×100-metre relay race.
It seems that American fast food is the most popular in the world.
Neither he or his wife will spend their holiday in the city.
               A                   B         C                  D
Though the students have finished their lessons, but they are still in the classroom waiting for their teacher.                       A                             B              C                             D    
Father thought the room was not enough big for both of us to live in. 
              A                                   B                   C         D
Because he was ill, so he didn’t come to school.
       A            B              C        D           
可以用不同的连接词转换句型,如because与so,though与but,但不能像汉语那样连用,一个句子只能使用一种。用了though不用but, 用了so不用because。
1.(He went to school at 7:30. Half an hour later he got there.)
A.    He got to school at 7:30.             
B.    He got to school at 8:00.
C.    He got to school at 8:30.                                                                      (答案:B)        
2.(You can see Jim’s book here and there.)
A.    Jim’s books are here.
B.    You can see Jim’s books over there.
C.    You can see Jim’s books everywhere.                                             (答案:C)
3.(The family was so poor, they couldn’t afford to pay for the boy’s study.)
A.    The boy didn’t go to school because his family didn’t have enough money.
B.    The family was poor, they tried their best to let the boy study.
C.    The boy didn’t go to school because he didn’t want to.                           (答案:A)
4.(Of all the girls, Lucy runs fastest.)
A.    Lucy runs very fast, but she is not the fastest one.
B.    Lucy runs much faster than the other girls.
C.    Some girls run as fast as Lucy.                                                      (答案:B)
That’s all for today. Thank you.
I. 补全对话
                          ( A )
A: Hello! Could I _________to the headmaster, please?
B: ______ on for a moment, please. I’m sorry he isn’t here _________ now. may I help you?
A: That’s very kind _________ you, but I want to speak to him _________ my son, Jim Green. I would like to _________ him as soon as _________, please.
B: Are you _________ later today, Mr. Green?
A: Sorry. I’m free every day _________ today.
B: Are you able to come here tomorrow?
A: I think so. What time?
B: _________8:30 and 9:00.
A: I think so. Yes, I think that would be fine.
B: I’ll _________ a message on his desk.
A: Thank you very much. Goodbye!
B: Goodbye!
                           ( B )
A: _________would you like playing, volleyball or _________?
B: _________. I like football.
A: I like playing football, _________. Let’s go to play football sometime, _________we?
B: OK. I’m very glad _________.
A: When _________ we go, this afternoon _________ tomorrow afternoon?
B: I’m going to _________ a football match of World Cup _________TV.
A: I hear you are going to _________ your grandmother.
B: Yes. But the match is _________ important that I can’t _________ it.
                           ( C )
A: _________  can I  _________ _________ you?
B: I’m looking for a pair of black shoes.
A: _________ _________ _________you like?
B: Size eight.
A: The shoes you want are here. Which pair do you want?
B: The one _________ the right _________ nice. How much?
A: Fifty yuan.
B: I’m afraid that’s _________ _________ expensive. Do you have any _________shoes?
A: Yes, _________ _________ the pair next _________them? Only thirty yuan.
B: OK. Can I _________ them _________, please?
A: Certainly.
B: This pair of shoes _______me quite well. I’ll take it. Here ________ the money. Goodbye
A: Goodbye!
                           ( D )
A: Can I _______ you? Would you like something to _______? What _______ some cakes?
B: No, _________. I think I’d like some bread.
A: Would you like something to _________?
B: A cup of coffee, please.
A: _________sugar?
B: Yes, _________.
A: Some _________ bread?
B: No. the bread is delicious, _________ I can’t eat _________ more. Thank you.
                           ( E )
A: _________me, please. Could you tell me _________ to get to the East Street Hospital?
B: Go _________ this street _________you _________the second traffic lights. _________right and you’ll _________ the hospital at the _________ of the road.
A: How _________ is it?
B: About three kilometers. It’ll _________ you about _________an hour. But you’d _________ catch a bus.
A: _________ bus shall I take?
B: The Number 2 bus will take you _________.
A: Thanks a lot.
B: You’re _________.
                           ( F )
A: Good afternoon! Sit down, please. What’s _________with you?
B: Good afternoon , Doctor. I _________ _________ a headache.
A: Have you _________ your _________?
B: Yes, I have. It’s a bit higher.
A: Jack, _________ your mouth and _________ “Ahh”.
B: Ahh…A. It’s _________ _________. You just have a cold.
A: I’ve got a fever, too.
B: How _________ have you been _________ _________?
A: _________this morning. Do I have to _________ in bed?
B: No, _________this medicine and you’ll be all right soon.
A: Thank you very much, Doctor. Good-bye.
                           ( G )
A: ________ to the radio, Jack. The weather report _________ it’s going to rain tomorrow.
B: Turn it off, please. I _________care about the weather. I’m writing a _________ and I have to post it before noon. It’s _________ my penfriend in China.
A: Would you buy 10 80-fen stamps ________ me, please?
B: OK. Oh, it’s _______ outside now, not _______. Never believe the weather report, Mike.
A: What _________ weather!
B: May I use your raincoat?
A: _________. I left it at home.
(A)  speak     Hold     by     of     about     meet     possible       free     except     Between     leave
(B)  What     basketball     Neither     too     shall     to     shall     or     watch     on     see     so     miss
(C)  What     do for     What size would     on     looks     How   much     much too     cheaper     how/what about     to     try     on     fits     is
(D)  help     eat     about     thanks     drink     With     please     more     but     any
(E)  Excuse     how     along/down/up     until/till     reach/see     Turn     find/see     end     far     take     half     better     Which     there     welcome
(F)  wrong     have got     taken     temperature     open     say     nothing serious     long     like this     Since     stay/lie     take
(G)  Listen   says    don’t    letter/postcard     to     for   raining   
tomorrow    bad     Sorry
1.She doesn’t want to drink milk now.
  She doesn’t ______ ______ ______ milk now.
2.Florence Nightingale was a nurse. She came from a rich family.
  Florence Nightingale was a nurse ______ ______ ______ ______.
3.        Do you often dream?
  Do you often ______ ______ ______ ?
4.        They told the boy not to pick flowers.
  They ______ the boy ______ ______ flowers.
5.        It’s time for our lunch.
  It’s time for ______ ______ ______ lunch.
6.        Don’t worry. I, ’ll look after your baby carefully.
  Don’t worry. I’ll _____ ______ ______ ______ your baby.
7.        People in Japan eat a lot of fish. We eat a lot of fish, too.
  People in Japan eat a lot of fish. ______ ______ ______.
8.        It may have different tastes.
______ it ______ different tastes.
9.        All the other girls are standing behind the tallest one.
  The tallest girl is standing ______ ______ ______ ______ the line.
10.    It takes about fifteen minutes on foot.
It is about ______ ______ ______.
11.    I didn’t have a rest. I went on writing.
I went on writing ______ a rest.
12.    How sweet her voice is!
______ ______ ______ ______ she has!
13.    Beethoven didn’t say any more.
Beethoven said ______ ______.
14.    The man upstairs always dropped his shoes on the floor, so the man downstairs couldn’t get to sleep.
The man downstairs ______ ______ ______ get to sleep ______ the man upstairs didn’t put his shoes ______ on the floor.
15.    I woke up very late this morning, so I was late for school.
I ______ ______ up ______ ______ ______ get to school on time.
16.    If you don’t study harder, you won’t catch up with the others.
If you don’t study harder, ______ ______ ______ the others.
17.    Lin Tao runs faster than the other two boys.
Lin Tao runs ______ of the ______ boys.
18.    He was surprised to find the girl was blind.
_____ ______ ______, he _____ the girl was blind.
19.    This kind of medicine is much too expensive for poor people.
The poor people ______ ______ ______ ______ this kind of medicine.
20.    He is sure to be on time.
I’m sure ______ ______ ______ on time.
21.    I bought this dictionary for 58 yuan.
I ______ 58 yuan ______ this dictionary.
22.    Mark Twain wrote the book.
Mark Twain ______ ______ ______ of the book.
23.    She isn’t free now. She’s at work.
She is ______ ______.
24.    What’s the matter with him?
What’s ______ ______?
25.    Everyone is healthy.
______ one is ______.
26.    Maths is more difficult than physics.
Physics is ______ difficult than maths.
   Physics isn’t ______ ______ ______ maths.
27.    Do you have a favourite band?
______ ______ a band ______ ______ ______ ?
28.    His first visit to China was in 2000.
He ______ China ______ ______ ______ ______ in 20000.
29.    I can help my father with the farm work, or my brother can help him with it.
______ my brother ______ I ______ ______ my father with the farm work.
30.    What other things would you like?
______ ______ would you like?
31.    We are all before you.
You ______ ______ ______ all.
32.    She sat nearest to the doctor’s door.
______ ______ sat ______ to the doctor’s door ______ she did.
33.    Please stand in line.
Please ______ ______ your ______.
   Don’t ______ ______ ______, please.
34.    You mustn’t put the plastic bags here and there.
You mustn’t ______ the plastic bags ______.
35.    If you play football here, you may break the windows.
______ play football here, ______ you may break the windows.
36.    It seems that our class is going to win.
Our class ______ ______ ______.
37.    My father is working here. My uncle is also working here.
______ my father ______ my uncle ______ ______ ______.
38.     Jim doesn’t know how he can swim.
Jim doesn’t know ______ ______ ______.
39.    Hangzhou is very famous, because of its beautiful West Lake.
Hangzhou is ______ ______ ______ beautiful West Lake.
40.    The weather in England is never too cold or too hot.
The weather in English is ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______.
41.    His job is to be an assistant in a shop.
He ______ ______ ______ ______ in a shop.
42.    Bruce will have to go back to Beijing next week.
Bruce will have to ______ ______ ______ next week.
43.    Skating is quite different from skiing.
There are ______ ______ ______ ______ between skating and skiing,
44.    He lent me a ruler last week.
I ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ last week.
45.    He was too tired to walk.
He was ______ tired ______ he ______ ______.
46.    Please tell me where to show our tickets.
    Please tell me ______ ______ ______ ______ our tickets.
47.    We will have two weeks’ holiday.
    We will have a  ______  holiday..
48.    I don’t know how to call it in English.
I don’t know ______ Englishmen ______ it.
49.    “Are you a teacher?” he said.
    He asked me ______ ______ ______ ______ ______.
50.    Listen! Someone is knocking at the door loudly.
Listen! ______ ______ a ______ ______ ______ the door.
51.     Mary doesn’t know much about China.
Mary ______ ______ about China.
52.    Don’t forget my words.
Remember ______ ______ ______.
53.    His father took a plane to the USA three days ago.
Three days ago his father ______ ______ the USA.
54.    He is a scientist, too.
    He is ______ a scientist.
55.    Every one of us had a nice time last night.
_____ of us ______ ______ last night.
56.    It’s possible that she may catch a cold.
It’s ______ ______ ______ to catch a cold
57.    Not all balls are round in the USA.
    ______ ______ are round, but ______ ______ in the USA.
58.    To learn a foreign language is not easy.
    ______ ______ ______ ______ learn a foreign language.
59.    What do you think of the TV play?
______ ______ ______ ______ the TV play?
60.    Why weren’t you in the relay race?
Why ______ you ______ ______ ______ the relay race?
61. She hurried to school.
She ______ ______ school ______ ______ ______.
62. “Don’t play with the cat any more, Jim.” Mum asked.
    Mum told Jim ______ ______ ______ ______ the cat any more.     
63  The boy was very clever. He could make a model plane alone.
    The boy was clever ______ to make a model plane ______ ______.
64. She found him a very good pupil.
    She found him ______ ______ a very good pupil.
She found he ______ ______ ______ ______ ______.
65. People usually call Catherine Kate for short.
Kate  ______ ______ ______ Catherine.
66. Paul is the best basketball player on the city team.
    ______ ______ basketball ______ ______ Paul on the city team.
67. It’s best for you to come to China in spring.
______ ______ ______ to China in spring.
68.How is the weather in Nanjing?
______ the weather ______ in Nanjing?
69.The snow was very heavy last night.
It ______ very ______ last night.
70.In much of China, spring lasts from March to May.
In ______ ______ of China, spring ______ ______ March and ______ ______
______ May.                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
71.Mother doesn’t let me go out alone at night.
    Mother ______ me ______ ______ out alone at night. 
72.Shanghai’s temperature will be 2 to 8 and there will be cloud.
Shanghai will be ______ and ______ temperature will ______ 2 to 8.
  Shanghai will ______ a ______ day ______ temperature ______ 2 to 8.
73. I’m sorry to trouble you.
   I’m sorry ______ ______ you.
74. The man went playing tennis in the morning and he did it every day.
   The man went playing tennis in the morning and it ______ every day.
75. They were drinking happily. Just at that time, a policeman came in.
   They were drinking happily______ ______ ______ ______ ______.
76. I don’t think you have to use them today.
   I don’t think you ______ ______ ______ them today.
77. We are tired of his long speech.
   We ______ ______ ______ ______ his long speech.
78. When she was in the park, she could hear the birds. The birds were singing
   When she was in the park, she could hear ______ ______ ______ ______.
79. You may have the traffic accident if you don’t drive carefully.
   Don’t drive ______, ______it may _______ the traffic accident.
80. Read English as often as possible.
   Read English as often as ______ ______.
不变原意, 改写句子参考答案
1.feel like drinking    2.from a rich family    have a dream    4.stopped, from picking   
5.us to have    6.take good care of    7.So do we    8.Maybe, has    9.at the head of    10.fifteen minutes’ walk    11.without    12.what a sweet voice    13.no more    14.wasn’t able to, because, quietly    15.didn’t get, early enough to    16.you’ll fall behind    17.fastest, three    18.To his surprise, found    19.can’t afford to buy    20.he will be    21.spent, on    22.was the writer    13.busy working    24.his trouble    25.No, sick/ill    26.less,  as/so difficult as    27.Is there, you like best    28.visited, for the first time    29.Either, or, can help    30.What else    31.are after us    32.No one, nearer, than    33.wait for, turn, jump the queue    34.throw, about    35.Don’t, or    36.seems to win    37.Both, and, are working here    38.how to swim    39.famous for its    40.neither too cold nor too hot    41.works as an assistant    42.return to Beijing    43.quite a few differences    44.borrowed a ruler from him    45.so, that, couldn’t walk    46.where we should show    47.two-week    48.how, call    49.if I was a teacher    50.There is, loud knock at/on    51.knows little    52.what I said   53.flew to    54.also    55.Each, enjoyed ourselves     56.possible for her      57.Some balls, some aren’t    58.It isn’t easy to    59.How do you like    60.didn’t, take part in    61.went to, in a hurry    62.not to play with    63.enough, by himself    64.to be, was a very good pupil    65.is short for    66.Nobody plays, better than/ The best, player is    67.You’d better come    68.What’s, like    69.snowed, heavily    70.most parts, starts in, goes on to    71.stops, from going    72. cloudy, its/the, be, have, cloudy, with, from    73.to disturb    74.happened    75.when a policeman came in    76.need to use    77.are fed up with    78.the birds singing beautifully    79.carelessly, or, cause    80.you can

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