

英语学习者特征研究:智力与学能 - 英语教学法原著选读100


英语学习者特征研究:概述 - 英语教学法原著选读99



以下英文原文取自上海外语教育出版社引进出版、授权转载的“外语教学法丛书”之九《语言学习机制》第三章“Factors affecting second language learning(影响第二语言学习的因素)”:

原文(作者:Lightbown & Spada)


Heading: Research on learner characteristics



The term ‘intelligence’ has traditionally been used to refer to performance on certain kinds of tests. These tests are often associated with success in school, and a link between intelligence and second language learning has sometimes been reported. Over the years, many studies using a variety of intelligence (‘IQ’) tests and different methods of assessing language learning have found that IQ scores were a good means of predicting how successful a learner would be. Some recent studies have shown that these measures of intelligence may be more strongly related to certain kinds of second language abilities than to others. For example, in a study with French immersion students in Canada, it was found that, while intelligence was related to the development of French second language reading, grammar, and vocabulary, it was unrelated to oral productive skills (Genesee 1976). Similar findings have been reported in other studies. What this suggests is that, while intelligence, especially as measured by verbal IQ tests, may be a strong factor when it comes to learning which involves language analysis and rule learning, intelligence may play a less important role in classrooms where the instruction focuses more on communication and interaction.


It is important to keep in mind that ‘intelligence’ is complex and that individuals have many kinds of abilities and strengths, not all of which are measured by traditional IQ tests. In our experience, many students whose academic performance has been weak have experienced considerable success in second language learning.



There is evidence in the research literature that some individuals have an exceptional aptitude for language learning. Lorraine Obler (1989) reports that a man, whom she calls CJ, has such a specialized ability. CJ is a native speaker of English who grew up in an English home. His first true experience with a second language came at the age of 15 when he began learning French in school. CJ also studied German, Spanish, and Latin while in high school. At age 20, he made a brief visit to Germany. CJ reported that just hearing German spoken for a short time was enough for him to 'recover the German he had learned in school’. Later, CJ worked in Morocco where he reported learning Moroccan Arabic through both formal instruction and informal immersion. He also spent some time in Spain and Italy, where he apparently ‘picked up’ both Spanish and Italian in a ‘matter of weeks’. A remarkable talent indeed!


Learning quickly is the distinguishing feature of aptitude. The aptitude factor has been investigated most intensively by researchers interested in developing tests which can be used to predict whether individuals will be efficient learners of a foreign language in a classroom setting. The most widely used aptitude tests are the Modern Language Aptitude Test (MLAT) and the Pimsleur Language Aptitude Battery (PLAB). Both tests are based on the view that aptitude is composed of different types of abilities:


(1) the ability to identify and memorize new sounds; (2) the ability to understand the function of particular words in sentences; (3) the ability to figure out grammatical rules from language samples; and (4) memory for new words. While earlier research revealed a substantial relationship between performance on the MLAT or PLAB and performance in foreign language learning, these studies were conducted at a time when second language teaching was based on grammar translation or audiolingual methods (see Chapter 5). With the adoption of a more communicative approach to teaching, many teachers and researchers came to see aptitude as irrelevant to the process of language acquisition. Unfortunately, this means that relatively little research has actually explored whether having a skill such as the ability to identify and memorize new sounds is advantageous when classroom instruction is meaning-oriented rather than focused on drills or metalinguistic explanations.


Successful language learners may not be strong in all of the components of aptitude. Some individuals may have strong memories but only average abilities in the other components of aptitude. Ideally, one could determine learners’ profiles of strengths and weaknesses and use this information to place students in appropriate teaching programs. An example of how this can be done is described by Marjorie Wesche (1981). In a Canadian language program for adult learners of French, students were placed in an instructional program which was compatible with their aptitude profile and information about their learning experiences. Students who were high on analytic ability, but average on memory, were assigned to teaching that focused on grammatical structures, while learners strong in memory but average on analytic skills were placed in a class where the teaching was organized around the functional use of the second language in specific situations. Wesche reported a high level of student and teacher satisfaction when students were matched with compatible teaching environments. In addition, some evidence indicated that matched students were able to attain significantly higher levels of achievement than those who were unmatched.

成功的语言学习者可能并不是在学能的每一方面都表现得很好。一些人可能有很强的记忆力,但在其他能力上只是平均水平。理想情况下,可以通过确定学习者的优势和弱点给他们画像,并使用这些信息将学生置于适当的教学计划中。马乔里·韦舍(1981)描述了如何做到这一点的一个例子。在加拿大一个针对成人学习者的法语课程中,学生被安排在一个与他们的学能画像、学习经历信息相匹配的教学计划中。分析能力强但记忆能力一般的学生被分配到专注于语法结构的教学组; 而记忆能力强但分析能力一般的学生安排进的班级,其教学是围绕第二语言在具体情境中的功能来开展的。韦舍说到,当学生与和谐的教学环境匹配时,学生和老师的满意度都比较高。此外,一些证据表明,匹配的学生所达到的语言水平比那些未能匹配的学生要显著地高出一截。

While few second language teaching contexts are able to offer such choices to their students, teachers may find that knowing the aptitude profile of their students will help them in selecting appropriate classroom activities for particular groups of students. Or, if they do not have such information, they may wish to ensure that their teaching activities are sufficiently varied to accommodate learners with different aptitude profiles.





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