



Sadhguru: Most people are under-worked and they have ill-health today. Healthy is life's way. If you allow life to function fully it is healthy. Only by using this body you can keep it well. The more you use it the better it gets.


There was a young physician once, he went to his senior colleague, and said he had some problem with his diagnosis of a patient. then the senior colleague said, 'oh nerves vommiting, isn't it?'' Yes, but I don't find any medical reason for him to be having nerves and vomiting.' So the senior colleague suggested you ask him if he's playing golf. If he's playing you tell him to stop. If he says I'm not playing ask him to play. He will become okay.


Health is like that. Oh really? Some people are over-worked and they have ill-health. Most people are under-worked and they have ill-health today. If you lived here on this planet 200 years ago,  physically you would be doing at least 20 times more activity than what you are doing right now, physically, definitely. Isn't it? You would walk in this place, you would have done everything with your hands. You would be doing minimum 20 times more activity, I think I'm wrong, hundred times probably, some of you 250 times. So if you were doing that much activity and I would have told you take a break, take some rest. Now the body has not been used. Only by using this body you can keep it well.  When you say health, you are talking about physical health. You must use this body. The more you use it the better it gets.


A few years ago when we were a small group of people here, I took them on a track. So when we were walking at that time,almost 6 weeks before that, an naval helicopter took off from Mangalore. I heard stories about it.  I don't know how far is, 2 people said there was some important documents on the plane and things like that on the helicopter with four senior officer three senior officers and the pilot, the helicopter crashed into the jungle. It's very thick western gart. The mountains and the jungle is very very thick. And 6 weeks later, they have not found the helicopter. So full Battalion of army was camped there combing the jungle. From one end to another to locate this helicopter and recover whatever they had to recover from the place. So there was a whole Battalion of arm personal, maybe about 250 people camped. And they were combing the jungles. They were being there for 6 weeks.


So when we walked in, we were like, we were having problems cooking and everything because it was pouring rain and we had walked for a whole day. Then we walked into the army camp and made ourselves into uninvited guests because the food was smelling good. And you really know only the value of food,  only when you're used your body like that, you walk 20-30 km in a day. At the end of the day if you're not eating the whole day, you really value food. So we walked in and this officer was very generous. He welcomed us and he was very happy to have us, the captain who was there. And one of the sergeants in Indian in Indian army, and this guy just looked at us and he asked us why are you walking.  He said, 'it's like that, you want to walk?'  He couldn't believe it. 'Just like that?We are here for six weeks,  we just waiting when this damn thing will be over. Every day we have to walk 20-30 kilometers searching for this damn helicopter which we can't find, and you are just walking for fun?' He just wouldn't believe us.  Is it possible that somebody could just walk for fun? Blisters in your legs and you know. He just couldn't believe that. He doesn't understand what he's doing as a force exercise in the Army  is keeping him so healthy and well. Yes? He doesn't understand that.


So health, one of the simplest things about health is just to use the body. If you sufficiently use the body, body is everything to create health for the itself. Does it mean to say that's our only thing and nothing else will happen to me, I'll be perfect. I would say, if we physically use our body as much as we should, I would say 80% of the elements on this planet would just disappear 80%, the remaining 20%, in that, another 10% is because of the type of foods that people are eating, they change the food habbit, another 10% would disappear, that means only 10% element would remain. That is happening because of variety reasons. One is karmic, another could be atmopheric and there are other aspects that could happen in the system. It can be looked at. Out of all the sick people, if 90% of them become healthy just by using the body and eating the right food, 10% could be easily handled. But now the volume of ailment is so big  because we don't eat properly, are we eat very properly? and we don't use the body properly.


So, apart from this there are other aspects to life. To put it very simply, as you exercise your body, if you just do this a thousand times a day, just do like this thousand times a day and after 1 month, just see how well your hand will work. Nothing else just sit here and just do this thousand times a day. After 30 days, you'll find your hand works wonderfully well. If you do that with your brains, it will work wonderfully well in a month's time. If you do this to your heart, it'll work wonderfully well. If you do that with your life energies, it would work wonderfully well. When all these things work well, that's health. So you just have to use your body, use your head, and use your energies. If these three things are well exercised and balanced, you will be healthy.


This happened to me once, the way back I'm talking. This is just a second or third bsp program I was conducting, and it was one of those little chores, where you know, you have to run up the staircase up and down any number of times because the arrangement  was like that. I just counted the day one particular day.  I'm teaching but I had to manage the kitchen and everything. I went up and down the staircase hundred and twenty-five times in that day, and I felt very healthy at the end of the Bsp. I'm sure many of you volunteering the bsp program will become very strong and healthy. Sudden burst of activity may lay you down,  but if you build activity into your life, physical, mental and energy all these things if you're building, health will come. Your body is working  your mind is working wellwell,  and your energy that's supporting the two making sure nothing goes wrong.  That's health. Life is happening in full flow. That's health. 


Health is not an idea.  It's not a medical idea. The medical fraternity and the medical knowledge has become more and more essential because we have built in very unhealthy lifestyles. Never before in the world, medicine had the kind of importance as it is having today. Simply because we are becoming more and more sedentary. So we are becoming more and more unhealthy. Hundred years ago, what a 60-year old person was doing physical activity that much activity a 20-year old cannot do it today. That means we are just weakening humanity. A degenerate humanity we will become over a period of time. So you must use it. Health is not something that you invent. Health is not your idea. Health is life happening well. The life processes is happening well, that's health. Health is life's way. If you allow life to function fully it is healthy.  


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最养生的走路方法=The most the walk way of preserve one's health (W.J.YANG140403N)
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