


If you continue to be like this, you will see after some time, they have no choice at all.


Emotion is a very powerful thing. This is not a trick. This is a way of being, this is an intelligent way to exist.


Participant: Sadhguru can you share something on how to build goodwill and manage perceptions.


Sadhguru: So, how to build goodwill? I was doing a program for one of the top awa… you know, really one of the largest multinational company in the world. Top twenty-five executives, it’s a two-day event. I had nine volunteers with me; Isha Foundation is a completely volunteer-run organization. And these nine volunteers were managing everything for the program and on the second day, one of these executives asked me, “Sadhguru, where do you get such people?” Because they are always looking for attrition. You know? “Where do you get such people?” I said, “You don't get them. You got to make them.” “How do you make them?” I said, “You have to make them fall in love with you.” “Oh, how do we do that?” I said, “First you must fall in love with them.” Then they say, “Oh, they don't pay us for that” (Laughter). So, that's all it is.

Sadhguru(萨古鲁):那么,如何营造友善?我那时候在一个顶尖…… 在全球最大的跨国公司之一开设课程,25个顶级执行官,那是一个两天的活动。我带了9个志愿者,Isha基金会是一个完全由志愿者运营的组织,这9个志愿者忙乎着项目里里外外所有事情。第二天的时候,一个执行官问我,“萨古鲁,你在哪里弄来的这些人?”因为他们一直想着减员。你知道吗?“你从哪里弄来的这些人?”我说,“你不是去弄来他们。你得造就他们。”“你如何造就他们?”我说,“你得让他们爱上你。”“噢,我们要怎么做到呢?”我说,“首先你必须爱上他们。”然后他们说,“哦,他们可没付这个钱。”(笑)所以,就是这样。

So, you cannot build goodwill, you have to exude goodwill. If you offer it to everybody, then it comes back to you in many ways. But you don't worry whether it comes back to you or not. This should be your way of living. This should be a way of being that you naturally include everybody in everything that you are. Some will respond, some will not respond and it's fine. It's their choice. But as far as you're concerned, there's no choice. You have fallen in love with everybody. For them, they can choose still. But after some time they’ll lose their choice, they'll have no choice. If you continue to be like this, you will see after some time they have no choice at all. Initially they act like they have a choice. But after a while they'll have no choice.


So, don't try to build goodwill. See, when I say fall in love with something. All I'm saying is what you refer to as love is just a certain pleasantness of your emotion. Emotion is a very powerful thing. Though people talk all intellectual nonsense, still world is driven by human emotion. Yes, isn't it so? Who gets elected is still driven by emotion, isn't it? Who is popular in the country or in the world is still driven by emotion, isn't it? People that you have never set your eyes upon, they are the people you are in love with. Please see. Yes? You see an Amitabh Bachchan or a Tendulkar or a Brad Pitt or somebody or maybe Angelina Jolie, I'm sorry I’m leaving out the women. You're in love with people that you have never seen, because that is the nature of your emotion. So, emotion is a powerful tool.

所以,不要试着去营造友善。你看,当我说爱上某物,我的意思就是,你所说的“爱”,只是你情感的一种愉悦感。情感是很强大的东西,虽然人们谈着各种聪明的废话,这个世界还是由人们的情感驱动的。是的,不是吗?谁会当选,还是受情感影响,不是吗?在这个国家,在这个世界上,谁受欢迎,还是受情感影响,不是吗?你见都没见过的人,你们爱上的都是这些人。请明白。是吗?你看了一部阿米特巴·巴强或腾都卡尔,布莱德·皮特或者…… 也许是安吉丽娜·朱莉的电影。对不起,我漏了女士。你爱上了见都没见过的人,因为这就是你情感的本质。所以,情感是个很强大的工具。

So, if you can manage a steady sweetness of your emotion, you are in love with everything around you. If you are like this, people can't help it. They will fall. this is not a trick. This is a way of being; this is an intelligent way to exist, because whether they fall in love with you or not, your life is very pleasant and sweet. Whether somebody loves you or not doesn't make a difference. It is just that you are loving that makes your life very pleasant. So goodwill, don't… there is no trick to build goodwill. That is called cunning, you know. There is no trick, you just be like this. Those who respond will respond, those who don't, don't. What is the problem?

所以,如果你可以稳定地维持着情感上的甜蜜,你就会爱上身边的所有事物。如果你成了这样,人们就会情不自禁,他们会爱上你,这不是花招,这是一种身心的状态,是一种智慧的活法。因为不论他们会不会爱上你,你的人生都会非常愉悦,非常甜蜜。某个人是否爱上你,没什么差别,重点是,你在爱,是这个让你的人生变得非常愉悦。所以,友善, 别…… 营造友善,没什么花招,那叫狡猾,你知道的。没什么花招,你只要像这样(爱着),会回应的自然会回应,不回应的,就不会,有什么问题呢?



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