

There are many opportunities in life
that we should strive for by ourselves. The destiny, depends on oneself to grasp, the life, is own drawing board, why should depend on others coloring? People with dreams do not give up any chance to work hard. Even if they fail one hundred times, they will fight one hundred and one times, and the glory of life will be shown.
Who told me that youth is a drink for preservation? Shallow sips, painful drinks, exhaustion, longitudinal flow along the whiskers. The time after folding willows is used
for waiting and sorrow. For that time. I've exhausted everything. br/>
You have to believe that the person who will spend the whole life with you in the future will endu
re the same loneliness in the same time as you, and that person will surely come to meet you with full expectation and without stopping.
四、如果赚钱能让我过得好一点,我不介意在二十几岁的时候这么拼命,因为我不知道未来的我,或者是三四十岁的我有了其他生活羁绊后还有没有拼命的资本。 If making money can make my life better, I don't mind working so hard in my twenties, because I don't know what I will be in the future, or whether I will have the capital to work so hard after I have other life fetters in my thirties and forties.
If two people are together. If you don't quarrel, you can see happiness in the future. Two people's adaptation is a kind of inner feeling, not a ki
nd of vision. Never ignore the feeling because of satisfying the vision!
Don't think that the person who left suddenly remembered to leave. Look ba
ck and see how much cold water you spilled. For a commitment that needs to be sustained for a long time, if you break your promise three times, or more, it's not much different from rhetoric.
七、千万不要后悔你人生中的哪一天,好日子带给你幸福,坏日子带给你经验,两者都是人生必不可少的。幸福让你甜蜜,考验让你强大,失败让你谦虚,成功让你闪光。 Never regret the day in your life. Good days bring you happiness. Bad days bring you experience. Both are indispensable to life. Happiness makes you sweet, test makes you strong, failure makes you modest, success makes you shine. br/>八、亲情,友情,爱情。留得住就留,留不住就放手,何必为难了别人,勉强了自己。有人说,再冷的心终有被捂热的一天;可是,他们忘了,再热的心,也有被冻伤的那天。
Family, friendship, love. If you can keep it, you can keep it. If you can't keep it, you can let it go. Why bother others and force yourself? Some people say that the coldest heart is covered with heat one day at last, but they forget that the warmer heart is also frostbitten that day.
在你人生的各种选择中,如果你选择了对的,选择了适合的,就会变得很轻松很幸福。No matter how good you are, you must meet people who know the goods; if you pay more, you must meet people who are grateful; if you are sincere, you must catch up with people who are interested; if you are modest, you must also face people who are cherished. Among all the choices in your life, if you choose the right one and choose the right one, you will become very relaxed and happy. br /
十、不要为了等一个不该等的人,选择放弃了自己。人生很多事,就像智齿。最佳的解决方式,是拔掉。而不是,忍受。别把糖果撒给路人,枪口对准家人。受得了你脾气的都是爱你的人。 Don't choose to give up yourself in order to wait for someone who shouldn't. There are many things in life, like wisdom teeth. The best solution is to pull it out. Not, endure. Don't throw candy to passers-by, shoot at family. Those who can stand your temper are those who love you.十一、生活其实很简单,就是给自己微笑,给身边的人温暖,把颜色留给岁月,把简单留给自己。放开怀抱,坦然面对,以喜悦之心迎接每一个清晨,以淡然之心送走每一个黄昏。
Life is actually very simple, that
is, to smile to yourself, to warm the people around you, to leave the color to the years, to leave the simplicity to yourself. Open your arms, face calmly, greet every morning with joy, and send away every evening with indifference.
People's biggest rival is often not others, but their own laziness. Don't count on luck. It can't be on you forever. You have to depend on your ability to eat at all times. You have to do your b
est to be qualified to say you are unlucky.
十三、我们都有缺点,所以彼此包容一点。我们都有优点,所以彼此欣赏一点。我们都有个性,所以彼此谦让一点。我们都有差异,所以彼此接纳一点。 We all have shortcomings, so be tolerant of each other. We all have advantages, so we appreciate each other a little. We all have personalities, so be modest with each other. We are all different, so accept each other a little.十四、人生苦短,用心生活。面对困难、挫折、挑战只要你肯相信自己,不断努力的付出,哪怕你现在的人生是从零开始,你都可以做得到。那些转错的弯,那些走错的路,那些流下的泪水,那些滴下的汗水,那些留下的伤痕,会让你成为独一无二的自己。
Life is short and hard. Faced with difficulties, setbacks, challenges, as long as you believe in yourself, and continue to work hard to pay, even if you are now living from scratch, you can do it. Those wrong turns, those wrong paths, those tears, those sweat, those scars will make you unique.
Life can not be smooth sailing, there are successes, there are failures; there are joys,
there are losses. If we take these ups and downs in life too seriously, then life for us will never be calm, never laugh. Life should be pursued, but not for the time being will not hinder the happiness of daily life. Therefore, having an ordinary mind is the essential lubricant of life.
十六、你有最美的年纪,别辜负了最好的自己。他就是不爱你,不是忙,不是疏忽,不是不懂,不是考验,不是暂时遗忘,不是性情孤僻,只是不爱你。 You have the most beautiful age, don't let down the best of yourself. He just does not love you, is not busy, is not negligent, is not ignorant, is not a test, is not temporary forgetting, is not lonely, just do not love you.十七、人生路漫漫,每个人最终的归宿都将是自己。 明白了这句话,就会多爱自己一点。 若是烦恼了,就去健身宣泄。若是孤独,就多出去看看。若是迷惘,就多阅读书籍。 这个世界能给你的,远比你想象的还要多,多去享受,多去汲取。 不要辜负自己健康的身体,与默默牵挂着自己的人。
Life is a long way, everyone's final destination will be their own. If you understand this sentence, you will love yourself a little more. If you are upset, go to the fitness vent. If you are lonely, go out and see more. If you are confused, read more books. The world can give you more than you think. Enjoy more and learn more. Don't let down your healthy body, and quietly care about your own people.
If you are happy, keep happy, if you are not happy, try to make yourself happy! Everything has a fixed number, everything is arranged, so there is a natural reason for the existence of such arrangements! ____________ It's the so-called "come and go"!
十九、 一个人至少拥有一个梦想,有一个理由去坚强,一切美好的事物都是曲折的接近自己的目标。做一个安静的人,读书,旅行,等待爱情。给自己一段柔软的时光。从此不打扰,不想念,愿现世安稳,各自安好。努力是人生的一种精神状态,往往最美的不是成功的那一刻,而是那段努力奋斗的过程。朋友,愿你努力后的明天更精彩。
A person has at least one dream, a reason to be strong, all good things are twists and turns close to their goals. Be a quiet person, read, travel, wait for love. Give yourself a soft time. From now on, do not disturb, do not want to miss, wish the world is stable, their own well. Effort is a state of mind in life, often the most beautiful is not the moment of success, but the process of struggle. Friends, wish you a better tomorrow after your hard work.
二十、不管你现在多迷茫,过得多累,走得多艰辛,请相信,生命中总有一段路是要你自己走完的,总有一段时间是寒冷的,不要放弃希望,不要放弃自己,再怎么冰冷也有阳光,再怎么艰辛都得努力。生命中,总得有一段回忆起来足够感动自己的时光。No matter how confused you are, how tired you are, how hard you are going, please believe that there is always a way in life for you to finish. There is always a cold time. Don't give up hope, don't give up yourself, no matter how cold there is sunshine, no matter how hard you have to work hard. In life, there must always be a period of memory that touches you enough.
来源:网络。 雅荷淡香书馆
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