

华山论剑之-老外谈C++ VS Fortran-谁更适合CFD计算

As so often, the choice depends on (1) the problem you are trying to solve, (2) the skills you have, and (3) the people you work with (unless it's a solo project). I'll leave (3) aside for the moment because it depends on everyone's individual situation.


Problem dependence: Fortran excels at array processing. If your problem can be described in terms of simple data structures and in particular arrays, Fortran is well adapted. Fortran programmers end up using arrays even in non-obvious cases (e.g. for representing graphs). C++ is better suited for complex and highly dynamic data structures.


Skill dependence: it takes a lot more programming experience to write good C++ programs than to write good Fortran programs. If you start out with little programming experience and only have so much time to learn that aspect of your job, you probably get a better return on investment learning Fortran than learning C++. Assuming, of course, that your problem is suited to Fortran.


However, there's more to programming than just Fortran and C++. I'd recommend to anyone going into computational science to start with a dynamic high-level language such as Python. Always remember that your time is more valuable than CPU time!


I think that both C++ and Fortran are good enough and work well.


However I think that Fortran is better for numeric scientific computing, for algorithms that can be expressed using arrays and don't need other sophisticated data structures, so in fields like finite differences/elements, PDE solvers, electronic structure calculations. Fortran is a domain specific language. In particular I think that it is easier to write fast programs in Fortran than in C++, by a scientist (not necessarily a computer science expert).


C++ is a general purpose language, so one can express any algorithm in it, and it is most definitely better for algorithms that can't be expressed using arrays, from HPC field probably some graphs, mesh generators, symbolic manipulation and so on.


It is also possible to write array algorithms in C++, but in my experience, it requires much more computer science knowledge and in general more work (i.e. one needs to create or reuse classes for array manipulation, and handle memory management by hand or using some library like Teuchos from Trilinos). Non-experts tend to write pretty good Fortran programs, but horrible C++ programs (talking from my own experience).


Disclaimer: I personally like Fortran a lot and I prefer it over C++ for numeric computing. I have spent over 2 years of programming in C++ daily, and almost a year programming in modern Fortran daily (in finite elements area). I use Python and Cython a lot too.


I couldn't disagree with this response more. Our finite element code would not have been possible to write in Fortran. In fact, it started 15 years ago as a mix of plain C and Fortran (the latter being for the numerically intensive parts of the method), and it gradually moved to pure C and then to C++ over the course of several years. The code got consistently shorter, faster, and easier to understand, and it was more capable after each iteration. I agree with others that point out that C++ gives you plenty of rope to shoot yourself with. Pick the language you're most comfortable with. – Bill Barth


I'm also throwing my two cents in kind of late, but I've only just seen this thread and I feel that, for posterity, there are a few points that desperately need to be made.


Note in the following that I will talk about C and not C++. Why? Well, otherwise it's apples and oranges to compare a full-fledged dynamically typed object-oriented language with something as static as Fortran. Yes, some modern implementations of the latest Fortran standards can do more than just that, but very few people actually use them, and so when we speak of Fortran, we think simple, static, and imperative language. That's where C is too, so I'll replace C with C++ for the following.


First of all, any discussion of Fortran/C having better compilers is moot. Dedicated C/Fortran compilers are a thing of the past. Both gcc/gfortran and icc/ifc are just different front-ends to the same back-end, i.e. your program will be transformed into an abstract description by the front-end and then optimized and assembled by the back-end. If you write, semantically, the same code in Fortran or in C, the compiler will, in both cases, produce the same assembly which will run just as fast.


This now leads to my second point: why do we still see differences? The problem is that most comparisons are made by Fortran programmers trying something in C or vice-versa. Ever notice how most authors or poets prefer to write in their native languages? Would you want to write poetry in a language in which you don't feel completely confident or at home? Of course not... I myself consider C to be my "native" programming language. I did, however, also spend three years working in a group that used only Fortran, in which I have achieved a certain level of fluency. I would, however, never write anything on my own in Fortran since I'm more comfortable with C and, as a consequence, the resulting code will be better, whatever you define that as.


So the main difference is in the programmer, not the language. So there are no differences? Well, not quite. Here are a few examples:


SIMD: Whether it's SSE, SSE3 or AltiVec, if you want to use them in Fortran, you better hope and pray that the compiler guesses exactly what you want and does it so. Good luck. In C you generally have intrinsic functions for each architecture, or, more recently, general SIMD vector types in gcc. Most Fortran compilers will only use SIMD instructions to unroll loops, but if you have a kernel which works on short vectors of data in a non-obvious way, the compiler will very probably not see it.


Different hardware architectures: The whole CUDA architecture is built around kernels in C. Yes, the Portland Group now has a CUDA-capable fortran compiler too, but it's commercial, and most importantly, it's not from NVIDIA. Same goes for OpenCL, for which the best I could find is a recent project which only supports a few basic calls.

不同的硬件架构:整个CUDA架构都是围绕c内核构建的。是的,Portland Group现在也有一个支持CUDAfortran编译器,但它是商业的,最重要的是,它不是来自NVIDIAOpenCL也是如此,我能找到的最好的是最近的一个项目,它只支持一些基本的调用。

Parallel programming: Yes, both MPI and OpenMP work just fine with both C and Fortran. However, if you want real control of your threads, i.e. if you have a fully dynamic shared-memory computation, you'll be out in the cold with Fortran. In C you have the standard pthreads which, while not warm and fuzzy, will still get you through the storm. In general, most computations that rely on access to the operating system, e.g. threads, processes, file system, etc... are better served with C. Oh, and don't try to do your own networking with Fortran.


Ease of use: Fortran is closer to Matlab than C is. Once you've gotten over all the different keywords and how to declare variables, the rest of the code looks like Matlab, making it more accessible to users with limited programming experience.


Interoperability: When you create a struct in C, the layout of the actual data is straight-forward and deterministic. In Fortran, if you use pointer arrays or structured data, the actual layout of the data is strongly compiler-dependent, not straight-forward, and usually completely undocumented. You can call C from Fortran and vice-versa, but don't start thinking it may be as easy to pass anything more than a static array from one to the other and back.


This is all somewhat geeky, low-level stuff, but this is High-Performance Computing we're talking about, right? If you're not interested in how to best exploit the underlying hardware paradigms, i.e. implementing and/or developing algorithms which are best for shared/distributed memory, threads, SIMD vectorisation, GPUs using SIMT, and so-on, then you're just doing math on a computer.


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