

全书目 || “海外中国研究丛书”(1988—2023)已出版35周年了

2023.12.06 湖南




1.《中国的现代化》(The Modernization of China),[美]吉尔伯特·罗兹曼(Gilbert Rozman)主编,国家社会科学基金“比较现代化”课题组译,沈宗美校


2.《寻求富强:严复与西方》(In Search for Wealth and Power:Yan Fu and the West),[美]本杰明·史华兹(Benjamin A. Schwartz)著,叶凤美译

3.《中国现代思想中的唯科学主义(1900—1950)》(Scientism in Chinese Thought, 1900-1950),[美]郭颖颐(D. W. Y. Kwok)著,雷颐译

4.《台湾:走向工业化社会》(Becoming an industrialized nation : R.O.C. development on Taiwan),[美]吴元黎(Yuan-li Wu)著


6.《胡适与中国的文艺复兴:中国革命中的自由主义,1917—1937》(Hu Shih and Liberalism in the Chinese Revolution, 1917-37),[美]格里德(Jerome B. Grieder)著,鲁奇译

7.《德国思想家论中国》(Deutsche Denker über China),[德]夏瑞春(Adrian Hsia)编,陈爱政等译


8.《摆脱困境:新儒学与中国政治文化的演进》(Escape from Predicament: Neo-Confucianism and China's Evolving. Political Culture),[美]墨子刻(Thomas A. Metzger)著,颜世安、高华、黄东兰译


9.《儒家思想新论:创造性转换的自我》(Confucian Thought: Selfhood as Creative Transformation),[美]杜维明(Wei-ming Tu)著,曹幼华、单丁译,周文彰等校


10.《洪业:清朝开国史》(The Great Enterprise: The Manchu Reconstruction of Imperial Order in Seventeenth-Century China),[美]魏斐德(Frederic Evans Wakeman, Jr.)著,陈苏镇、薄小莹、包伟民、陈晓燕、牛朴、谭天星译,阎步克等校

11.《走向21世纪:中国经济的现状、问题和前景》(China’s Modern Economy in Historical Perspective),[美]D. H. 帕金斯(D. H. Parkins)著,陈志标编译

12.《中国:传统与变革》(China: Tradition and Transformation),[美]费正清(John K. Fairbank)、赖肖尔(Edwin O. Reischauer)主编,陈仲丹、潘兴明、庞朝阳译,吴世民、张子清、洪邮生校


13.《中华帝国的法律》(Law in Imperial China),[美]卜德(Derk Bodde)、C.莫里斯(Clarance Morris)著,朱勇译,梁治平校

14.《梁启超与中国思想的过渡(1890—1907)》(Liang Ch'i-Ch'ao and Intellectual Transition in China, 1890-1907),[美]张灏(Hao Chang)著,崔志海、葛夫平译

15.《儒教与道教》(Confucianism and Daoism),[德]马克斯·韦伯(Max Weber)著,洪天富译


16.《中国政治》(Politics in China),[美]詹姆斯·R.汤森(James R. Townsend)著,顾速、董方译

17.《文化、权力与国家:1900—1942年的华北农村》(Culture ,Power and the State: Rural North China ,1900–1942),[美]杜赞奇(Prasenjit Duara)著,王福明译

18.《义和团运动的起源》(The Origins of the Boxer Uprising),[美]周锡瑞(Joseph W. Esherick)著,张俊义、王栋译

19.《在传统与现代性之间:王韬与晚清革命》(Between Tradition and Modernity:Wang T'ao and Reform in Late-Ch'ing China),[美]柯文(Paul A. Cohen)著,雷颐、罗检秋译


20.《最后的儒家:梁漱溟与中国现代化的两难》(The Last Confucian: Liang Shu-ming and the Chinese Dilemma of Modernity),[美]艾恺(Guy Salvatore Alitto)著,王宗昱、冀建中译

21.《蒙元入侵前夜的中国日常生活》(Daily Life in China on the Eve of the Mongol Invasion),[法]谢和耐(Jacques Gernet)著,刘东译

22.《东亚之锋》(The Eastasia Edge Roy),[美]小R. 霍夫亨兹(Roy Hofheinz, Jr.)、K. E. 柯德尔(Kent E. Calden)著,黎鸣译

23.《中国社会史》(Le Monde Chinois;or A History of Chinese Civilization),[法]谢和耐Jacques Gernet著,黄建华、黄迅余译

24.《从理学到朴学:中华帝国晚期思想与社会变化面面观》(From Philosophy to Philology: Intellectual and Social Aspects of Change in Late Imperial China),[美]艾尔曼(Benjamin A. Elman)著,赵刚译


25.《孔子哲学思微》(Thinking through Confucius),[美]郝大维(David L. Hall)、安乐哲(Roger T. Ames)著,蒋弋为、李志林译


27.《东亚文明:五个阶段的对话》(East Asian Civilizations:A Dialogue in Five Stages),[美]狄百瑞(Wm. Theodore de Bary)著,何兆武、何冰译

28.《五四运动:现代中国的思想革命》(May Fourth Movement: Intellectual Revolution in Modern China),[美]周策纵(Tse-tsung Chow)著,周子平等译

29.《近代中国与新世界:康有为变法与大同思想研究》(A Modern China and a New World: K'ang Yu-wei, Reformer and Utopian, 1858–1927),[美]萧公权(Kung-chuan Hsiao)著,汪荣祖译


30.《功利主义儒家:陈亮对朱熹的挑战》(Utilitarian Confucianism: Ch'en Liang's Challenge to Chu Hsi),[美]田浩(Hoyt C. Tillman)著,姜长苏译


31.《莱布尼兹和儒学》(Leibniz and Confucianism),[美]孟德卫(David Mungello)著,张学智译

32.《佛教征服中国:佛教在中国中古早期的传播与适应》(Buddhist Conquest of China, the Spread and Adaptation of Buddhism in Early Medieval China),[荷兰]许理和(Erik Zürcher)著,李四龙、裴勇等译

33.《新政革命与日本:中国,1898—1912》(China, 1898-1912: The Xinzheng Revolution And Japan),[美]任达(Douglas Reynolds )著,李仲贤译

34.《经学、政治和宗族:中华帝国晚期常州今文学派研究》(Classicism, Politics, and Kinship: The Ch'ang-chou School of New Text Confucianism in Late Imperial China),[美]艾尔曼(Benjamin A. Elman)著,赵刚译

35.《中国制度史研究》(Study in Chinese Institutional History),[美]杨联陞(Lien-sheng Yang)著,彭刚、程钢译

36.《汉代农业:早期中国农业经济的形成》(Han Agriculture: The Formation of Early Chinese Agrarian Economy),[美]许倬云(Cho-Yun Hsu)著,程农、张鸣译,邓正来校

37.《转变的中国:历史变迁与欧洲经验的局限》(China Transformed: Historical Change and the Limits of European Experience),[美]王国斌(Roy Bin Wong)著,李伯重、连玲玲译



39.《中国农民经济:河北和山东的农民发展,1890—1949》(The Chinese peasant economy; agricultural development in Hopei and Shantung, 1890-1949),[美]马若孟(Ramon Hawley Myers )著,史建云译

40.《汉哲学思维的文化探源》(Thinking from the Han: Self, Truth, and Transcendence in Chinese and Western Culture),[美]郝大维(David L. Hall)、安乐哲(Roger T. Ames)著,施忠连译

41.《近代中国之种族观念》(The Discourse of Race in Modern China),[英]冯客(Frank Dikötter)著,杨立华译

42.《血路:革命中国中的沈定一(玄庐)传奇》(Blood Road: The Mystery of Shen Dingyi in Revolutionary China,[美]萧邦奇(R. Keith Schoppa)著,周武彪译


43.《历史三调:作为事件、经历和神话的义和团》(History in Three Keys:The Boxer as Event,Experience,and Myth),[美]柯文(Paul A. Cohen)著,杜继东译


44.《斯文:唐宋思想的转型》("This culture of ours": intellectual transitions in T'ang and sung China),[美]包弼德(Peter K. Bol)著,刘宁译

45.《宋代江南经济史研究》(Economic History in Lower Yangtze Delta in Sung Dynasty),[日]斯波义信著,方健、何忠礼译

46.《一个中国村庄:山东台头》(A Chinese Village - Taitou, Shantung Province),[美]杨懋春(Martin C. Yang )著,张雄、沈炜、秦美珠译

47.《现实主义的限制:革命时代的中国小说》(The Limits of Realism: Chinese Fiction in the Revolutionary Period),[美]安敏成(Marston Anderson)著,姜涛译

48.《上海罢工:中国工人政治研究》(Shanghai on Strike: The Politics of Chinese Labor),[美]裴宜理(Elizabeth J. Perry)著,刘平译


49.《中国转向内在:两宋之际的文化转向》(China Turning Inward: Intellectual-Political Changes in the Early Twelfth Century),[美]刘子健(James T. C. Liu)著,赵冬梅译

50.《孔子:即凡而圣》(Confucius: The Secular as Sacred),[美]赫伯特·芬格莱特(Herbert Fingarette)著,彭国翔、张华译


51.《18世纪中国的官僚制度与荒政》(Bureaucracy and Famine in Eighteenth-Century China),[法]魏丕信(Pierre-Étienne Will)著,徐建青译

52.《他山的石头记:宇文所安自选集》(Borrowed Stone: Selected Essays of Stephen Owen),[美]宇文所安(Stephen Owen)著,田晓菲(Xiaofei Tian)编译

53.《危险的愉悦:20世纪上海的娼妓问题与现代性》(Dangerous Pleasures: Prostitution and Modernity in Twentieth-Century Shanghai),[美]贺萧(Gail Hershatter)著,韩敏中、盛宁译

54.《中国食物》(The Food of China),[美]尤金·N.安德森(Eugene N. Anderson)著,马孆、刘东译,刘东审校

55.《大分流:欧洲、中国及现代世界经济的发展》(The Great Divergence: Europe, China, and the Making of the Modern World Economy),[美]彭慕兰(Kenneth Pomeranz)著,史建云译


56.《古代中国的思想世界》(The World of Thought in Ancient China),[美]本杰明·史华兹(Benjamin I. Shcwartz)著,程钢译,刘东校

57.《内闱:宋代的婚姻和妇女生活》(The Inner Quarters: Marriage and the Lives of Chinese Women in the Sung Period),[美]伊沛霞(Patricia Buckley Ebrey)著,胡志宏译

58.《中国北方村落的社会性别与权力》(Gender and Power in Rural North China),[加]朱爱岚(Ellen R.Judd)著,胡玉坤译

59.《先贤的民主:杜威、孔子与中国民主之希望》(Democracy of the Dead: Dewey, Confucius, and the Hope for Democracy in China),[美]郝大维(David L. Hall)、安乐哲(Roger T. Ames)著,何刚强译

60.《向往心灵转化的庄子:内篇分析》(Chuang-Tzu for Spiritual Transformation: An Analysis of the Inner Chapters),[美]爱莲心(Robert E. Allinson)著,周炽成译

61.《中国人的幸福观》(China und die Hoffnung auf Glück),[德]鲍吾刚(Wolfgang Bauer)著,严蓓雯、韩雪临、吴德祖译


62.《闺塾师:明末清初江南的才女文化》(Teachers of the Inner Chambers: Women and Culture in Seventeenth-Century China),[美]高彦颐(Dorothy Y. Ko)著,李志生

63.《缀珍录:十八世纪及其前后的中国妇女》(Precious Records: Women in China's Long Eighteenth Century),[美]曼素恩(Susan L. Mann)著,定宜庄、颜宜葳译

64.《革命与历史:中国马克思主义历史学的起源,1919—1937》(Revolution and History: Origins of Marxist Historiography in China, 1919-1937),[美]德里克(Arif Dirlik)著,翁贺凯译

65.《竞争的话语:明清小说中的正统性、本真性及所生成之意义》(Competing Discourses: Orthodoxy, Authenticity, and Engendered Meanings in late Imperial Chinese Fiction),[美]艾梅兰(Maram Epstein)著,罗琳译

66.《中国妇女与农村发展:云南禄村六十年的变迁》(Chinese Women and Rural Development:Sixty Years of Change in Lu Village Yunnan),[加]宝森(Laurel Bossen)著,胡玉坤译

67.《中国近代思维的挫折》(Setbacks of Thinking in China's Modern Times),[日]岛田虔次著,甘万萍译

68.《中国的亚洲内陆边疆》(Inner Asian Frontiers of China),[美]拉铁摩尔(Owen Lattimore)著,唐晓峰译

69.《为权力祈祷:佛教与晚明中国士绅社会的形成》(Praying For power: Buddhism and the Formation of Gentry Society in Late-Ming China),[加]卜正民(Timothy J. Brook)著,张华译

70.《天潢贵胄:宋代宗室史》(Branches of Heaven: A History of the Imperial Clan of Sung China),[美]贾志扬(John W. Chaffee )著,赵冬梅译

71.《儒家之道:中国哲学之探讨》(The Ways of Confucianism:Investigations in Chinese Philosophy),[美]倪德卫(David S. Nivison)著,[美]万白安(Bryan Van Norden)编,周炽成译


72.《都市里的农家女:性别、流动与社会变迁》(Rural Women in Urban China,Gender Migration,and Social Change),[澳]杰华(Tamara Jacka)著,吴小英译

73.《另类的现代性:改革开放时代中国性别化的渴望》(Other Modernities: Gendered Yearnings in China after Socialism),[美]罗丽莎(Lisa Rofel)著,黄新译

74.《近代中国的知识分子与文明》(Intellectuals and Civilization in Modem China),[日]佐藤慎一著,刘岳兵译

75.《繁盛之阴:中国医学史中的性(960—1665)》(A Flourishing Yin: Gender in China's Medical History),[美]费侠莉(Charlotte Furth)著,甄橙主译,吴朝霞主校

76.《中国大众宗教》(Chinese Popular Religion),[美]韦思谛(Stephen C. Averill)编,陈仲丹译

77.《中国诗画语言研究》(L'écriture poétique chinoise, Vide et plein : le langage pictural chinois),[法]程抱一(François Cheng)著,涂卫群译


79.《德国与中华民国》(Germany and Republican China),[美]柯伟林(William C. Kirby)著,陈谦平、陈红民、武菁、申晓云译,钱乘旦校



81.《回应革命与改革:皖北李村的社会变迁与延续》(A Response to Revolution and Reform: Social Change in Northern Li and Continuation[]韩敏(Min Han)著,陆益龙、徐新玉译

82.《中国现代文学与电影中的城市:空间、时间与性别构形》(The city in modern Chinese Literature & Film: Configurations of Space, Time, and Gender),[美]张英进(Yingjin Zhang)著,秦立彦译

83.《现代的诱惑:书写半殖民地中国的现代主义(1917—1937)》(The Lure of the Modern: Writing Modernism in Semicolonial China, 1917-1937),[美]史书美(Shu-mei Shih)著,何恬译

84.《开放的帝国:1600年前的中国历史》(The Open Empire : A History of China to 1600),[美]芮乐伟·韩森(Valerie Hansen)著,梁侃、邹劲风译

85.《改良与革命:辛亥革命在两湖》(Reform and Revolution in China:The 1911 Revolution in Hunan and Hubei),[美]周锡瑞(Joseph W. Esherick)著,杨慎之译

86.《章学诚的生平及其思想》(The Life and Thought of Chang Hsüeh-ch'eng [1738-1801]),[美]倪德卫(David S. Nivison)著,杨立华译

87.《卫生的现代性:中国通商口岸卫生与疾病的含义》(Hygienic Modernity:Meanings of Health and Disease in Treaty-Port China),[美]罗芙芸(Ruth Rogaski)著,向磊译

88.《道与庶道:宋代以来的道教、民间信仰和神灵模式》,[美]韩明士(Robert P. W. Hymes)著,皮庆生译

89.《间谍王:戴笠与中国特工》(Spymaster, Dai Li and the Chinese Secret Service),[美]魏斐德(Frederic Evans Wakeman, Jr.)著,梁禾译


90.《中国的女性与性相:1949年以来的性别话语》(Women and Sexuality in China: Dominant Discourses of Female Sexuality and Gender Since 1949),[英]艾华(Harriet Evans)著,施施译

91.《近代中国的犯罪、惩罚与监狱》(Crime, Punishment and the Prison in Modern China),[荷]冯客(Frank Dikötter)著,徐有威等译,潘兴明校

92.《帝国的隐喻:中国民间宗教》(The Imperial Metaphor: Religion in China),[英]王斯福(Stephan Feuchtwang)著,赵旭东译

93.《王弼〈老子注〉研究》(The Craft of a Chinese Commentator: Wang Bi on the Laozi),[德]瓦格纳(Rudolf G. Wagner)著,杨立华译

94.《寻求正义:1905—1906年的抵制美货运动》(In Search of Justice. The 1905–1906 Chinese Anti-American Boycott),[美]王冠华(Guanhua Wang)著,刘甜甜译

95.《传统中国日常生活中的协商:中古契约研究》(Negotiating Daily Life in Traditional China: How Ordinary People Used Contracts, 600-1400),[美]韩森(Valerie Hansen)著,鲁西奇译

96.《从民族国家拯救历史:民族主义话语与中国现代史研究》(Rescuing History from the Nation: Questioning Narratives of Modern China),[美]杜赞奇(Prasenjit Duara)著,王宪明、高继美、李海燕、李点译

97.《欧几里得在中国:汉译〈几何原本〉的源流与影响》(Euclid in China: The Genesis of the First Translation of Euclid’s Elements, Books I–VI [Jihe yuanben, Beijing, 1607] and Its Reception up to 1723,[荷]安国风(Peter Engelfriet)著,纪志刚、郑诚、郑方磊译

98.《十八世纪中国社会》(Chinese Society in the Eighteenth Century),[美]韩书瑞(Susan Naquin)、罗友枝(Evelyn Sakakida  Rawski)著,陈仲丹译

99.《中国与达尔文》(China and Charles Darwin),[美]浦嘉珉(James Reeve Pusey著,钟永强译

100.《私人领域的变形:唐宋诗词中的园林与玩好》(Metamorphosis of the Private Sphere: Gardens and Objects in Tang-Song Poetry),[美]杨晓山(Xiaoshan Yang)著,文韬译

101.《理解农民中国:社会科学哲学的案例研究》(Understanding Peasant China:Case Studies in the Philosophy of Social Science),[美]李丹(Daniel Little)著,张天虹、张洪云、张胜波译

102.《山东叛乱:1774年的王伦起义》(Shantung Rebellion: the Wang Lun Uprising of 1774),[美]韩书瑞(Susan Naquin)著,刘平、唐雁超译


103.《毁灭的种子:战争与革命中的国民党中国(1937—1949)》(Seeds of Destruction: Nationalist China in War and Revolution, 1937-1949),[美]易劳逸(Lloyd Eastman)著,王建朗、王贤知、贾维译

104.《缠足:“金莲崇拜”盛极而衰的演变》(Cinderella's Sisters: A Revisionist History of. Footbinding),[美]高彦颐著,苗延威译

105.《饕餮之欲:当代中国的食与色》(Appetites: Food and Sex in Post-Socialist China),[美]冯珠娣(Judith Farquhar)著,郭乙瑶、马磊、江素侠译

106.《翻译的传说:中国新女性的形成(1898—1918)》(Tales of Translations: Composing the New Woman in China, 1898-1918),[美]胡缨(Ying Hu)著,龙瑜宬、彭珊珊译

107.《中国的经济革命:二十世纪的乡村工业》(A Chinese Economic Revolution: Rural Entrepreneurship in the Twentieth Century),[美]顾琳(Linda Grove)著,王玉茹、张玮、李进霞译

108.《礼物、关系学与国家:中国人际关系与主体性建构》(Gifts, Favors, and Banquets: the Art of Social Relationships in China),杨美慧(Mayfair Mei-Hui Yang )著,赵旭东、孙珉译,张跃宏译校

109.《朱熹的思维世界》(Confucian Discourse and Chu Hsi's Ascendancy,[美]田浩(Hoyt C. Tillman)著,姜长苏译

110.《皇帝和祖宗:华南的国家与宗族》(Emperor and Ancestor: State and Lineage in South China),[英]科大卫(David Faure)著,卜永坚译


112.《中国美学问题》(The Problem of a Chinese Aesthetic),[美]苏源熙(Haun Saussy)著,卞东波译,张强强、朱霞欢校



114.《大萧条时期的中国:市场、国家与世界经济》(China During the Great Depression: Market, State, and the World Economy, 1929-1937),[日]城山智子著,孟凡礼、尚国敏译,唐磊校

115.《美国的中国形象(1931—1949)》(American Images of China, 1931-1949),[美]T.克里斯托弗·杰斯普森(T. Christopher Jespersen)著,姜智芹译

116.《技术与性别:晚期帝制中国的权力经纬》(Technology and Gender: Fabrics of Power in Late Imperial China),[英]白馥兰(Francesca Bray)著,江湄、邓京力译


118.《千年末世之乱:1813年八卦教起义》(Millenarian Rebellion in China:The Eight Trigrams Uprising of 1813),[美]韩书瑞(Susan Naquin)著,陈仲丹译



121.《矢志不渝:明清时期的贞女现象》(True to Her Word: The Faithful Maiden Cult in Late Imperial China),[美]卢苇菁(Weijing Lu)著,秦立彦译


123.《中华帝国晚期的欲望与小说叙述》(Desire and Fictional Narrative in Late Imperial China),[美]黄卫总(Martin Huang)著,张蕴爽译


124.《虎、米、丝、泥:帝制晚期华南的环境与经济》(Tiger, Rice,Silk,and Silt: Environment and Economy in Late Imperial South China),[美]马立博(Roberts Marks)著,王玉茹、关永强译

125.《一江黑水:中国未来的环境挑战》(The River Runs Black: The Environmental Challenge to China's Future),[美]易明(Elizabeth C. Economy)著,姜智芹译


127.《施剑翘复仇案:民国时期公众同情的兴起与影响》(The Assassin and Her Revenge: A Tale of Moral Heroism and Female Self-Fashioning in an Age of Mass Communication),[美]林郁沁Eugenia Y. Lean著,陈湘静译

128.《义和团运动前夕华北的地方动乱与社会冲突》,[德]狄德满(Rolf G. Tiedemann)著,崔华杰译

129.《铁泪图:19世纪中国对于饥馑的文化反应》(Tears from Iron: Cultural Responses to Famine in Nineteenth-Century China),[美]艾志端(Kathryn Edgerton-Tarpley)著,曹曦译

130.《饶家驹安全区:战时上海的难民》(The Jacquinot Safe Zone: Wartime Refugees in Shanghai),[美]阮玛霞(Marcia R. Ristaino)著,白华山译

131.《危险的边疆:游牧帝国与中国》(The Perilous Frontier: Nomadic Empires and China. 221 BC to AD 1757),[美]巴菲尔德(Thomas J. Barfield)著,袁剑译

132.《工程国家:民国时期(1927—1937)的淮河治理及国家建设》(Engineering the State: The Huai River and Reconstruction in Nationalist China, 1927-1937),[美]戴维·艾伦·佩兹(David Allen Pietz)著,姜智芹译

133.《历史宝筏:过去、西方与中国妇女问题》(The Precious Raft of History: The Past, the West, and the Woman Question in China),[加]季家珍(Joan Judge)著,杨可译

134.《姐妹们与陌生人:上海棉纱厂女工,1919—1949》(Sisters and Strangers: Women in the Shanghai Cotton Mills, 1919-1949),[美]韩起澜(Emily Honig)著,韩慈译

135.《银线:19世纪的世界与中国》(China Upside Down: Currency, Society, and Ideologies, 1808-1856),林满红(Man-houng Lin)著,詹庆华、林满红译


136.《寻求中国民主》(In search of Chinese democracy: civil opposition in Nationist China, 1929-1949),[澳]冯兆基(Edmund S. K. Fung)著,刘悦斌、徐硙译

137.《墨梅》(Ink Plum: The Making of a Chinese Scholar-Painting Genre),[美]毕嘉珍(Maggie Bickford)著,陆敏珍译


139.《男性特质论:中国的社会与性别》(Theorising Chinese Masculinity: Society and Gender in China),[澳]雷金庆(Kam Louie)著,[澳]刘婷译


141.《跨太平洋位移:20世纪美国文学中的民族志、翻译和文本间旅行》(Transpacific Displacement: Ethnography, Translation, and Intertextual Travel in Twentieth-Century American Literature),黄运特Yunte Huang著,陈倩译


142.《认知诸形式:反思人类精神的统一性与多样性》(Cognitive Variations: Reflections on the Unity and Diversity of the Human Mind),[英]G. E. R. 劳埃德(Geoffrey Ernest Richard Lloyd)著,池志培译

143.《中国乡村的基督教:1860—1900年江西省的冲突与适应》(Christianity in Rural China: Conflict and Accommodation in Jiangxi Province 1860-2000),[美]史维东(Alan Richard Sweeten)著,吴薇译

144.《假想的“满大人”:同情、现代性与中国疼痛》(The Hypothetical Mandarin: Sympathy, Modernity, and Chinese Pain),[美]韩瑞(Eric Hayot)著,袁剑译

145.《中国的捐纳制度与社会》(China ’s Subscription System and Society),伍跃著



147.《城市里的陌生人:中国流动人口的空间、权力与社会网络的重构》(Strangers in the city: reconfigurations of space, power, and social networks within China's floating population),[美]张骊(Li Zhang)著,袁长庚译

148.《性别、政治与民主:近代中国的妇女参政》(Gender, politics, and democracy: women’s suffrage in China),[澳]李木兰(Louise Edwards)著,方小平译


150.《狮龙共舞:一个英国人笔下的威海卫与中国传统文化》(Lion and Dragon in Northern China),[英]庄士敦(Reginald Fleming Johnston)著,刘本森译,威海市博物馆、郭大松校

151.《人物、角色与心灵:〈牡丹亭〉与〈桃花扇〉中的身份认同》(Persons, Roles, and Minds: Identity in Peony Pavilion and Peach Blossom Fan),[美]吕立亭(Tina Lu)著,白华山译

152.《中国社会中的宗教与仪式》(Religion and Ritual in Chinese Society),[美]武雅士(Arthur P. Wolf)著,彭泽安、邵铁峰译,郭潇威校

153.《自贡商人:近代早期中国的企业家》(The Merchants of Zigong: Industrial Entrepreneurship in Early Modern China,[美]曾小萍(Madeleine Zelin)著,董建中译

154.《大象的退却:一部中国环境史》(The Retreat of the Elephants: An Environmental History of China),[英]伊懋可(Mark Elvin)著,梅雪芹、毛利霞、王玉山译



156.《儒学与女性》(Confucianism and Women: A Philosophical Interpretation),[美]罗丽香(Li-hsiang Lisa Rosenlee)著,丁佳伟、曹秀娟译

157.《行善的艺术:晚明中国的慈善事业》(新译本)(The Art of Doing Good: Charity in Late Ming China),[美]韩德玲(Joanna Handlin Smith)著,曹晔译

158.《近代中国的渔业战争和环境变化》(Fishing Wars and Environmental Change in Late Imperial and Modern China),[美]穆盛博(Micah S. Muscolino)著,胡文亮译

159.《权力关系:宋代中国的家族、地位与国家》(Powerful Relations: Kinship, Status, and the State in Sung China, 960-1279),[美]柏文莉(Beverly Bossler)著,刘云军译

160.《权力源自地位:北京大学、知识分子与中国政治文化,1898—1929》(The Power of Position: Beijing University, Intellectuals, and Chinese Political Culture, 1898-1929),[美]魏定熙(Timothy B. Weston)著,张蒙译

161.《工开万物:17世纪中国的知识与技术》(The Crafting of the 10,000 Things: Knowledge and Technology in Seventeenth-Century China),[德]薛凤(Dagmar Schäfer)著,吴秀杰、白岚玲译

162.《忠贞不贰?辽代的越境之举》(Unbounded Loyalty: Frontier Crossings in Liao China),[英]史怀梅(Naomi Standen)著,曹流译

163.《内藤湖南:政治与汉学(1866—1934)》(Politics and Sinology: the Case of Naito Konan ,1866-1934),[美]傅佛果(Joshua A. Fogel)著,陶德民、何英莺译

164.《他者中的华人:中国近现代移民史》(Chinese Among Others: Emigration in Modern Times),[美]孔飞力(Philip Kuhn)著,李明欢译、黄鸣奋校

165.《古代中国的动物与灵异》(The Animal and the Daemon in Early China),[英]胡司德(Roel Sterckx)著,蓝旭译

166.《两访中国茶乡》(Two Visits To The Tea Countries Of China and The British Tea Plantations In The Himalaya),[英]罗伯特·福琼(Robert Fortune)著,敖雪岗译

167.《缔造选本:〈花间集〉的文化语境与诗学实践》(Crafting a Collection: The Cultural Contexts and Poetic Practice of the Huajian ji),[美]田安(Anna M. Shields)著,马强才译


168.《扬州评话探讨》(The Oral Tradition of Yangzhou Storytelling),[丹麦]易德波(Vibeke Børdahl)著,米锋、易德波译,李今芸校译

169.《〈左传〉的书写与解读》(The Readability of the Past in Early Chinese Historiography),李惠仪(Wai-yee Li)著,文韬、许明德译

170.《以竹为生:一个四川手工造纸村的20世纪社会史》(Eating Rice from Bamboo Roots: The Social History of a Community of Handicraft Papermakers in Rural Sichuan, 1920-2000),[德]艾约博(Jacob Eyferth)著,韩巍译,吴秀杰校


171.《东方之旅:1579—1724耶稣会传教团在中国》(Journey to the East: The Jesuit Mission to China, 1579–1724),[美]柏理安(Liam Matthew Brockey)著,毛瑞方译


173.《技术、性别、历史:重新审视帝制中国的大转型》(Technology, Gender and History in Imperial China: Great Transformations Reconsidered,[英]白馥兰(Francesca Bray)著,吴秀杰、白岚玲译


175.《历史上的黑暗一页:英国外交文件与英美海军档案中的南京大屠杀》(A Dark Page in History: The Nanjing Massacre and Post-Massacre Social Conditions Recorded in British Diplomatic Dispatches, Admiralty Documents, and U. S. Naval Intelligence Reports,[美]陆束屏编著/翻译


176.《罗马与中国:比较视野下的古代世界帝国》(Rome and China. Comparative Perspectives on Ancient World Empires),[奥]沃尔特·施德尔(Walter Scheidel)主编,李平译


178.《唯一的希望:在中国独生子女政策下成年》(Only Hope: Coming of Age Under China’s One-Child Policy),[美]冯文(Vanessa L. Fong)著,常姝译

179.《国之枭雄:曹操传》(Imperial Warlord. A Biography of Cao Cao 155-220 AD),[澳]张磊夫(Rafe de Crespigny)著,方笑天译

180.《汉帝国的日常生活》(Everyday life in early Imperial China during the Han period 202 BC-AD 220),[英]鲁惟一(Michael Loewe)著,刘洁、余霄译

181.《大分流之外:中国和欧洲经济变迁的政治》(Before and Beyond Divergence: The Politics of Economic Change in China and Europe),[美]王国斌(Roy Bin Wong)、罗森塔尔(Jean-Laurent Rosenthal)著,周琳译,王国斌、张萌审校

182.《中正之笔:颜真卿书法与宋代文人政治》(The Upright Brush: Yan Zhenqing's Calligraphy and Song Literati Politics,[美]倪雅梅(Amy McNair著,杨简茹译,祝帅校译


184.《忍辱负重的使命:美国外交官记载的南京大屠杀与劫后的社会状况》(A Mission under Duress : The Nanjing Massacre and Post-Massacre Social Conditions Documented by American Diplomats),[美]陆束屏(Shuping Lu)编著/翻译


185.《修仙:古代中国的修行与社会记忆》(Making Transcendents: Ascetics and Social Memory in Early Medieval China,[美]康儒博(Robert Ford Campany)著,顾漩译

186.《烧钱:中国人生活世界中的物质精神》(Burning Money: The Material Spirit of the Chinese Lifeworld,[美]柏桦(C. Fred Blake)著,袁剑、刘玺鸿译

187.《话语的长城:文化中国历险记》(Great Walls of Discourse and Other Adventures in Cultural China),[美]苏源熙(Haun Saussy)著,盛珂译


189.《盟友背信:一战中的中国》(Betrayed Ally. China in the Great War),[英]吴芳思(Frances Wood)、克里斯托弗·阿南德尔(Christopher Arnander )著,张宇扬译

190.《亚里士多德在中国:语言、范畴和翻译》(Aristotle in China: Language, Categories and Translation),[英]罗伯特·沃迪(Robert Wardy)著,韩小强译

191.《马背上的朝廷:巡幸与清朝统治的建构,1860—1785》(A Court on Horseback: Imperial Touring and Construction of Qing Rule,1680-1785),[美]张勉治(Michael Chang)著,董建中译

192.《申不害:公元前四世纪中国的政治哲学家》(Shen Pu-hai: A Chinese Political Philosopher of the Fourth Century B.C.),[美]顾立雅著,马腾译





196.《中国思想的道家之论:一种哲学解释》(A Daoist Theory of Chinese Thought: A Philosophical Interpretation,[美]陈汉生(Henson Chan著,周景松、谢尔逊等译,张丰乾校译

197.《中国逻辑的发现》(The Discovery of Chinese Logic,[德]顾有信(Joachaim Kurtz)著,陈志伟译

198.《诗歌之力:袁枚女弟子屈秉筠(1767—1810)》(Poetry as Power: Yuan Mei's Female Disciple Qu Bingyun [1767-1810]),[加]孟留喜(Louis Liuxi Meng)著,吴夏平译





202.《宋帝国的危机与维系:信息、领土与人际网络》(Information, territory, and networks: The crisis and maintenance of empire in Song China),[比利时]魏希德(Hilde De Weerdt)著,刘云军译

203.《中国精英与政治变迁:20世纪初的浙江》(Chinese elites and political change: Zhejiang Province in the early twentieth century),[美]萧邦奇(Robert Keith Schoppa)著,徐立望、杨涛羽译,李齐校

204.《北京的人力车夫:1920年代的市民与政治》(Rickshaw Beijing: City People and Politics in the 1920s,[美]史谦德著,周书垚、袁剑译,周育民校

205.《1901—1909年的门户开放政策:西奥多·罗斯福与中国》(Defining and Defending the Open Door Policy : Theodore Roosevelt and China, 1901-1909),[美]格雷戈里·摩尔(Gregory Moore)著,赵嘉玉译

206.《清帝国之乱:义和团运动与八国联军之役》,[美]明恩溥(Arthur Henderson Smith)著,郭大松、刘本森译


207.《宋代文人的精神生活(960—1279)》(Out of the cloister: Literati Perspectives on Buddhism in Sung China, 960-1279),[美]何复平(Mark Halperin)著,叶树勋、单虹泽译

208.《梅兰芳与20世纪国际舞台:中国戏剧的定位与置换》(Mei Lanfang and the Twentieth-Century International Stage: Chinese Theatre Placed and Displaced),[美]田民(Min Tian)著,何恬译


210.《德与礼:亚洲人对领导能力与公众利益的理想》(Nobility and Civility:  Asian Ideals of Leadership and the Common Good),[美]狄培理(Wm. Theodore de Bary)著,闵锐武、闵月译

211.《棘闱:宋代科举与社会》(The Thorny Gates of Learning in Sung China: A Social History of Examinations),[美]贾志扬(John W. Chaffee)著

212.《通过儒家现代性而思》(Thinking Through Confucian Modernity. A Study of Mou Zongsan’s Moral Metaphysics),[法]毕游塞(Sebastien Billioud)著,白欲晓译




216.《声色:永明时代的宫廷文学与文化》(Sound and Sight: Poetry and Courtier Culture in the Yongming Era [483-493]),[新加坡]吴妙慧著,朱梦雯译


217.《神秘体验与唐代世俗社会:戴孚〈广异记〉解读》(Religious Experience and Lay Society in T'ang China: A Reading of Tai Fu's "Kuang-I Chi"),[英]杜德桥著,杨为刚、查屏球译,吴晨审校


219.《铁路与中国转型》(Railroads and the Transformation of China),[德]柯丽莎(Elisabeth Köll)著,金毅译

220.《生命之道:中医的物、思维与行动》(A Way of Life: Things, Thought, and Action in Chinese Medicine),[美]冯珠娣(Judith B. Farquhar)著,刘小朦、申琛译


222.《异史氏:蒲松龄与中国文言小说》(Historian of the Strange: Pu Songling and the Chinese Classical Tale,[美]蔡九迪(Judith T. Zeitlin)著,任增强译,陈嘉艺审校



225.《帝国之后:近代中国国家观念的转型(1885—1924)》(After Empire: The Conceptual Transformation of the Chinese State, 1885–1924),[美]沙培德(Peter Zarrow)著,刘芳译

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