

读书札记 || 李道(Richard Berengarten)著诗集《变易》(Changing)

2024.01.04 湖南


Richard Berengarten, Changing, with a preface by Edward L. Shaughnessy and Calligraphy by Yu Mingquan. Bristol, United Kingdom: Shearsman Books Ltd., 2016.

最近又把李道(Richard Berengarten)的诗集(或组诗)《变易》(Changing)读了一遍。上一次读这本书还是在2019年的时候,疫情还没有开始,再读时疫情基本上已经过去了。

Richard Berengarten给自己取的中文姓名是李道。据他自述,他是1962年第一次接触到《易经》的,那时候他还是一位19岁的剑桥大学本科生,专业是英语语言文学,而他出版这部以《易经》为基础而写的诗集则是54年之后了。(p. 521-523)现在的他,是剑桥大学教授、住校诗人、国际著名诗人。

他也自述,他的这部诗集,从结构上讲,是完全模仿《易经》(或确切说是《周易》)六十四卦的结构,每一首诗都有序部,相当于卦辞,也有六首小诗,相当于爻辞;由于乾坤两卦还有用九用六,所以这两首包括七首小诗。(p. 525)

另外,李道还将自己读别的中国文献,又与《周易》关联度很高的,也写入了这部诗集中,例如他曾将张载写入三首小诗,也许他对横渠四句也很认可,或者他也读了张载的易学著作。而且,他也把与《易经》息息相关的“Change”和“I Ching”也写入了诗歌之中,让人有互文之感。



2. What Zhang Zai thought

Out walking alone as an autumn

sun was going down and a yellow ball

of a hunter's moon coming up,

Zhang Zai sat on a tree stump

and quietly forgot about time and

mortality and himself awhile

as he soaked himself into

and through things. Not much of

a life, he thought, if you can't

or don't get a chance to see

patterns and images of heaven

and earth as merely sediment

of marvellous transformations.

And not much of a view if you've

forgotten it. Better be poor and

remember his than have power

and wealth and forget heaven is

text and context for all wisdom. (p. 6)

第2诗节“Responding, Corresponding”(坤)

3. Change

How shall changes

let alone Change itself

be understood and

measured? The one

immeasurable law that

governs all things, at

least in this universe,

is that everything every-

where is constantly

on the move through-

out spacetime, jsut as

reciprocally spacetime

itself is always on

the move through

things. The one

common inhering

condition that never

changes is Change. (p. 17)

7. Being simple

This is where we start

every time -- in purposeless

potential, in a before so far

'back' 'behind' all other

befores, it can't really be counted

as being in time of any kind,

let alone pertaining to or

belonging to time. Its isness --

meshed so tight and sheer

into its notness that neither

is extricable from the other --

yields a pointless point

neither passive nor active,

neither this nor that but both --

point of departuer and

eternal return -- and if an

image at all, then one that is

not-an-image, a not-image. (p. 21)


6. A white horse

Master Ni Yue enjoyed

arguing a white horse isn't

a horse. Effortlessly he

aruged strips off

all-comers. By alternately

confuting and separating

subcategory and kind

he ran rings around even

most sophisticated

intellecutal adversaries

never failing to walk away

laughing. But when

Ni Yue rode through

West City Gate on his own

white horse, imperial

frontier guards, following

standard procedures, taxed

him. For owning a horse. (p. 54) 

第8诗节“According, Binding”(比)

2. Something and nothing

'Before any something, was

there a nothng? Or was there

a something else? if nothing

came first, wasn't that nothing

a something in its own notness, its

very elseness?' asked Duke Ai.

Zhuangzi said, 'Whether thinghood

came out of notness, of nothing else

or something else, how can I,

who know nothing abouth something

and nothing about nothing, possibly

tell the difference between the first

of all somethings and the very

first nothing? Skies pass and are

still and always sky. We, who

ask and watch, dream and

wake beneath them. Each one

of us, a something. A nothing.'

3. The third other

'And you and I together, by our

union itself, generate a third -- not

that passing shadow who walks

at times beside one or other of us,

whom both have glimpsed through

curtained windows, in half-light,

hovering behind a chair, or

behind half-closed eyes, between

sleep and waking -- but another

other, belonging to neither,

to neither one nor the other, formed

out of our eachness, our

isness, our othernesses,

our bothnesses -- our selves --

an entirely separate being.

Once this third other arrives,

history begins. How many more

shall time and space allow?' (p. 67)


6. Lines unbroken and broken

So we copied, counted

and measured, from what

we saw and heard --

eggs, shards, shells,

seeds, casings, stones,

cones, bones, entrails,

tails, scales, wings,

leaves, flowers, stems,

feathers, nails, bark,

thunder, waves, winds,

roots, shoots, shadows --

and so learned forms

and figures. So too we

carved necessity and made

patterns of our own

and from their cracks

and fissures drew lines

unbroken and broken. (p. 166)


1. Chameleon

Regard chameleon -- if

you can find him. He was

on branch behind rock

before light below sur-

face inside rain between

morning and evening

(through glistening and

glistening) on star-dot and

through and in blinding

blaze of sun. Catch his

position and you will not

track his movement and

vice-versa. How beauti-

ful chaemeleon ungraspable

as moment leaping and

in less than whisper less

than breath -- gone. And

you? Who might you be? (p. 305)

第48诗节“Welling, Replenishing”(井)

4. I Ching

Fifty years my

friend, companion

and spirit-guide

always trustworthy,

never diffident

never irrelevant

solid yet flowing

firm yet yielding

radiating images




ever-fresh well --

in pluming you

I soar

feet still

grounded rooted

in his here now. (p. 388)

第50诗节“Cooking, Sacrificing”(鼎)

4. What the Delphic Oracle said

I spy by butterfly. I dowse by bee

and I have filtered water's memory

to count for every droplet in the sea.

I sail disasters and ride distant storms

to track the links and paradoxal forms

reclusive among averages and norms.

My inner eyes read souls. My spirit-hands

finger sea-beds and uncroll distant lands

to calculate their particles of sands.

I coil hatched hurricanes in wax-sealed jars

and count on Chronos and his avatars

to read the rings and number of the stars.

I excavate gone dialects of bone

and know the thoughts forgotten men have thrown --

thining themselves unheard -- at rock and stone.

Your death's an empty window I've seen through.

I've walked out and surveyed the long dark view

as if it were an evening avenue. (p. 404)

第55诗节“Abounding, Brimming”(丰)

4. What Zhang Zai said

Zhang Zai said, Earth is

a thing. Heaven is a marvel.

One look up at the stars

at night far from any city,

and what he meant is clear.

Yet since this world

floats on, in, across

and through heaven, doesn't

being in and on the world

mean being in and on heaven

too? And if so, don't seas, rocks,

soil, air contain as much

heaven as stars and

interstellar spaces up there?

Therefore, isn't heaven

as much in my fleshed

mortal hands and yours as

it might lurk in any god's? (p. 444)

6. What Zhang Zai knew

Heaven is more

than discernible sky.

Your could never

see all of heaven

or even imagine it.

Zhang Zai knew

heaven is actually

where we are already --

fully empty and

emptily full,

unfathomable and

insubstantial, both

by substance and by

our irreducible material

sources and ends

in the way of ways.

Buoyed in void we

rise, fall, rise, fall. (p. 446)


3. Looking for [the] Revolution

Brave Iulian Shchutskii,

sinologist, historian, translator,

knew Manchu, Mandarin,

Cantonese, Mongolian, Viet-

namese, Japanese, German and

English. Researched the I Ching.

His favourite joke: a Russian,

up a pole, scans [the] horizon

for [the] Revolution. When

asked to come down, the

Russian refuses, this being his 

'permanent full-time job'.

For this, for being who

and what he was, Shchutskii

incurred Stalin's wrath, got

arrested by NKVD (1937)

and perished (1938) aged 41,

skull crushed by a chain. (p. 499)

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