



2. 早上起来后发现外面正在下小雨,我和老爸一起把小鸡小鸭从笼子里放出来,赶尽圈里给他们弄点吃的喝的。

3. 几乎一整天都在下雨,我们也没啥事干,于是我干脆躺在床上看视频。偶然间我才知道,原来南派三叔又写了新小说《万山极夜》。

4. 中午老爸突然跑过来找我说他踩死了一只小鸡儿。我这才知道,原来那只小鸡太胆大了一直跟在老爸脚边,结果一不小心就被老爸踩死了。这本来是一件小事儿,但是老爸和我说起这事时小心翼翼的样子,让我感觉他像个犯了错的孩子似的。

5. 下午我正在午休,老爸气冲冲地跑过来跟我说那些鸭子和鹅跑进菜园里,把辣椒苗全都吃光了,还说都怪我,只知道躺在床上玩手机,不知道出去看一下小鸡小鸭。当场就把我给气笑了,于是我也给他怼了回去:“你不也是在家里看了一天的电视吗?还说我……”结果老爸一听我说这就悻悻的走了,那样子像个泄气的皮球似的。这时我才发现原来老爸是知道小鸭小鹅犯了错,害怕我说他于是干脆先来找我的麻烦来了。

6. 晚上和小妹聊起这两件事时,我才发现原来老爸真是越老越像个小孩。

1. Perhaps it was because there were too many peppers and sesame oil in the cold dishes I ate last night, so at more than 2 o'clock in the middle of the night, I was woken up unbearably itchy ears. After waking up, I supplemented yesterday's diary, and then got up to go to the toilet, and by the way, gave the chicks and ducklings something to eat and drink. I was busy until almost 4 o'clock, and finally I was a little sleepy again, and then I was ready to sleep again.

2. When I got up in the morning, I found that it was drizzling outside. My father and I released the chicks and ducklings from the cage together and drove them into the pen to give them something to eat and drink.

3. It was raining almost all day, and we had nothing to do, so I simply lay in bed and watched videos. By chance, I learned that the三叔 in the South had written a new novel "The Extreme Night of Ten Thousand Mountains" again.

4. At noon, my father suddenly came to me and said that he had stepped on a chick to death. Only then did I know that the chick was too bold and kept following at my father's feet. As a result, it was accidentally stepped on to death by my father. This was originally a small matter, but the way my father talked to me about it carefully made me feel like he was a child who had made a mistake.

5. In the afternoon, when I was taking a nap, my father rushed over angrily and told me that those ducks and geese ran into the vegetable garden and ate up all the pepper seedlings, and also said that it was all my fault, only knowing to lie in bed and play with the phone, not knowing to go out and look at the chicks and ducklings. I was immediately amused, so I also retorted to him: "Aren't you also watching TV at home all day? And still say me..." As a result, when my father heard what I said, he walked away dejectedly, looking like a deflated ball. Only then did I realize that my father knew that the little duck and the little goose had made a mistake, and was afraid that I would say something about him, so he simply came to find trouble with me first.

6. When I talked about these two things with my younger sister in the evening, I realized that my father is really more and more like a child as he gets older.

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提花或十字绣小品---- Ducklings“小鸭”
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