



2. 早上6点多起床,和老爸一起喂小鸡小鸭。老爸给它们弄点吃的饲料,而我则负责给它们换水。

3. 期间奕茜给我打了个微信电话,我们一起聊了会儿天。和她的聊天让我越发明白,工作之余一定要有自己的生活,而且更重要的是要在平时多学点逻辑学的东西,同时也让我更加明白,平常多看点小说之类的看似杂乱无用的东西。因为这些看似无用的东西更能让我们了解一些基本常识和人心的基本规律。

4. 早饭后我发现又有点困了,于是干脆又睡了个回笼觉,一觉睡到8点多,起床看看小鸡小鸭。我真是越来越喜欢这种自由的生活了。

5. 10点多整理完4月文章汇总,并简单的总结了一下4月的生活状态,才发现我越发喜欢这种宁静而又自由的田园生活了。

6. 午饭后小憩一会儿,就和老爸一起去地里撒肥料并用旋耕机把地旋了一遍。回来发现小鸭子们自己发现并跑去附近那个长满浮萍的池塘了。

7. 回到家发现小狗们闹腾的厉害,于是骑上自行车带它们出去兜上一圈。

8. 这一天过得又是这么悠闲自在,真爽。


1. I went to bed too early again last night, and as a result, I woke up again at two or three o'clock in the middle of the night. I got up to use the toilet and found that the chicks and ducklings were also awake and making a lot of noise in the cage. So I conveniently gave them something to eat and drink, which made them calm down. Then I went back to bed and listened to a book for a while before falling asleep again.

2. I got up at more than six o'clock in the morning and fed the chicks and ducklings together with my dad. My dad gave them some feed to eat, while I was responsible for changing the water for them.

3. During this period, Yi Xi called me on WeChat, and we chatted for a while. The chat with her made me increasingly understand that one must have one's own life in addition to work, and more importantly, it is necessary to learn more about logic in normal times. At the same time, it also made me more aware that it is better to read more novels and other seemingly useless things in normal times. Because these seemingly useless things can let us understand some basic common sense and the basic laws of people's hearts.

4. After breakfast, I found that I was a little sleepy again, so I simply took a nap again and slept until more than eight o'clock. I got up and looked at the chicks and ducklings. I really like this kind of free life more and more.

5. At more than ten o'clock, I finished sorting out the summary of April articles and simply summarized the living state in April, and only then did I find that I like this kind of quiet and free rural life more and more.

6. After lunch, I took a short nap, and then went to the field with my dad to spread fertilizer and use a rotary tiller to till the land once. When I came back, I found that the ducklings had discovered and run to the nearby pond full of duckweed by themselves.

7. When I got home, I found that the puppies were making a lot of noise, so I rode a bicycle and took them out for a ride.

8. This day passed so leisurely and freely, it's really great.

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