




Hello, everyone. I’m so happy to talk to you today, about reading, about reading with your family. And I will begin with some ideas about why doing read and how it can help the family and be part of the time family get together. So, the first thing that I want to share with you today is about why we read and how important it can be for building relationship in the family. So many many many times we hear “Read! Read!” to your children. But what does it do to the children besides telling them the story? So, one thing, a very important thing is that the reading gives children the sense of happiness. 第一个观点,亲子共读可以有效链接家庭关系,我们无数次的让孩子读,读,读,但是除了故事之外,孩子获取的那种和谐家庭氛围里开心阅读的幸福感是最重要的。

So when the children have time with their parents, they are so happy. It doesn’t matter really what they do, because parents, these days, are so busy. We have so many things to do, so much work, so many responsibilities. We are trying to do everything the best for our children. And sometimes the children have so much time alone, or so much time away from mother and father. So, reading time can be a nice quiet time you use to sit together, you hold your child and give the child feeling of love and make them happy to have the attention. And also they are all the time learning from their parents. 如今我们的家长实在是太忙碌了,为了孩子美好的未来,我们有很多的事情需要做,同时孩子们也经常一个人或者不在父母身边。这样一个安静的,和孩子一起阅读的时间,可以让孩子感到被关注,感到爱的流动。

So, when they have this time with mother and father, any activity that you do together becomes a special kind of loving activity. And reading, in the modern times, sometimes, we think, why is it so important? That we have all information from internet, from videos, from television and radio. We have satellite radio, all kinds of other ways, to get our information. But still reading is so important for the development of the child’s brain. So it is so important it is the happy activity for the children. So when we read to the children, it makes this very happy activity that gives them much chance for learning and bringing development. 网络科技发达的今天,我们通过各种渠道获得信息,阅读为什么还如此重要?阅读对孩子的成长有至关重要的意义,在这个幸福的活动中,他们有充分的自我价值,信心满满的学习,从而实现个人成长。

And in this time, when the children are so young, they are still learning so much about the world. And even with a video or internet, sometimes they need time to look at the world in a different way. And the books can do that for them. And when they do it with the parent, it becomes an excitement for learning and knowing new things. So we can use the books to introduce new things, but more than words, more than pictures. The books have a special way of introducing ideas and beliefs and all kinds of understanding using the mixture of the words and pictures. So sometimes the pictures are as important as the words. 尽管有各种电子设备,有时候孩子们还是需要不同的看世界的角度,书本恰恰可以做到。当和父母一起开心阅读时,孩子们是如此的兴奋去学习新鲜的事物。所以,我们可以用书做媒介,向孩子们传递理想,信念和对世界的不同认识。

OK, so we can see that the reading with the children can give them a new kind of feeling and relationships, and a new kind of communication and learning, especially for the young children as maybe they do not know words.They learn to point to the pictures. They can have little conversation with you through the book and through the new ideas. And we can choose books that make the children feel different feelings and they can start to develop their emotions through looking in the pictures and talking about pictures and the story with the parents. They can start to learn about different things, maybe sadness or feeling with people. 亲子共读给了孩子全新的感觉和关系,全新的沟通和学习模式。各种各样的书,可以帮助孩子理解不同的感情,从而发展他们的情绪,比如悲伤这样的情绪。

So reading can help the child learn to understand some very complicated things and emotions, many things we cannot talk with them about without the pictures and the story. We can use the story to create a conversation when something important happens in the child’s life. Maybe it can be learning about something very sad or some new kind of surprise. Or for me, Viosan is new brother. I’m doing reading books about new baby, new brother. How do we understand that the family can grow? When my son cannot talk about this, we can use pictures and the story. And it can make him very happy about this new thing. 阅读可以帮助孩子们理解更为复杂的事情和情感。我们可以用书来帮助孩子认识发生在他生活中的比较重要的事情。比如,我经常和儿子一起阅读关于新生儿,兄弟之间的故事,这样儿子就可以理解一个家庭是如何成长的,从而期待小弟弟的到来。

It’s important to know that sometimes it takes a while for reading with the child to have this kind of feeling or make this relationship with the parent. Sometimes children don’t have the attention at first for reading. They are distracted. They don’t want to sit for a long time and listen to the story. So we can start very small or we just stop the story when the child longs to stop. But we can continue doing it again and again and make it routine. And this is the next step; this is how we read with the family. 有时候,执行亲子共读并不是很容易的事情。孩子们不能集中精力,长时间安静。那么父母们不要着急,我们可以从最简单的开始,逐渐的在家里形成阅读的惯例。(惯例,这个词是学校教育,家庭教育和亲子关系中非常有效的工具!)

The next thing is how to do the process. It’s important that there aren’t a lot of other things for the child to have distractions. We don’t want to read with our child when they have in front of them their favorite video game or something that they want to go away and do different activity for a while. It’s important to create a kind of quiet time or time when the family is usually together. Early in the morning or in the evening are very good times when the child is more likely to sit still or one’s mother or father to hold them, so that they can have that kind of feeling together. 如何形成惯例呢,其实也不难。我们需要找到合适的场景和合适的时间。孩子的注意力不会被分散,同时是家庭成员经常在一起的时间。

So if I read to my child when he or she already has that feeling,er... I want to see my mommy, I want to see Daddy, I want someone to hold me, and talk to me, and look at me, that is a good time to do this kind of quiet activity. And my child will not feel that I want to do something more exciting, I want to go away, I want to be outside. My mother always did this after dinner when we had eaten our food, we all ready we all together. You know your family. You know when you are usually together and have time. That’s a good time to plan a short reading time. 当孩子们感觉到想和父母在一起的时候,是阅读的最好时机。我妈妈经常在饭后给我们阅读。所以当家庭成员都在一起的时候,是阅读的最佳时机。

Also it’s important if you have the small child, to hold the child while you’re reading. This is really important to get that feeling of happiness about reading. When the child feels so happy that I have the attention from mother or father I want to be held and feel love from mom or dad, then they start to connect that feeling with the reading activity and reading time. This makes reading a happy activity for the child. So many children today don’t feel interested in reading. Partly they don’t feel that it is an activity that is enjoyable for them. And one way to do that is to connect the feeling of love in family to reading. 当孩子感觉到被父母关注,他们就把这种美好的体验和阅读活动紧密联系在一起。如今,很多孩子不爱阅读,是因为阅读不是个愉悦的行为。我们家长就要创造机会,把家庭的爱的氛围和阅读关联起来

So, now we have, we read for the family time and the connection. We read in a time when we are quiet and we are together, and there aren’t distractions, myself and my child, we don’t feel a hurry to go somewhere else or to dosomething else. We create a routine where the child feels the sense of regular and normal activity and something that is a part of the family and a part of the daily activity. It can be any place, right? But sometimes it’s good to help the child feel routine by choosing one time and one place the same every day. 当我们和孩子在一起阅读是,我们是安静的,全神贯注的,而不是有匆忙离开的想法。这样,我们和孩子共建了一个惯例,让孩子感到了常规,规律。每天同一时间,同一地点,他开始期待同样的美好。

Finally, we can involve the child in the reading and help them learn that the reading is not just activity that mother and father do for me, but they are a part of the reading and part of the story. They don’t have to know reading. They don’t have to know how to read. They don’t need to know even many words. When I read to my child, I can ask him or her questions, I can show the pictures, I can let my child point, or smile, or laugh if it’s a funny book.That way of reading is not just activity that happens to the child, they don’t feel like that happens to me; it is an activity that I do. That’s the fina l thing that makes reading part of a child’s life. 和孩子建立家庭共读的惯例,重要的是让孩子成为阅读的一部分,而不是被动的接受阅读,最终阅读会成为他们生活的一部分。

After my child is used to reading, and participates in the reading activity, the one big important benefit for the child is the learning of critical thinking. This is why we want to involve the child in the reading, the reason I ask questions, the reason I have the child turn the pages. Maybe we go back and forth and look at different pages more than one time or my child can start to communicate with me through the pictures, through pointing or asking questions or telling me the story of the picture, because the involvement of my child’s thinking helps to develop a problem solving and communication process. 当阅读形成惯例,最大的好处是,孩子开始了他们的思考过程,也就是批判性思维的形成。问题的互动,书本的来回翻阅,促进了孩子交流沟通的欲望。这样,孩子的思考的过程就会促进他们解决问题和沟通能力的提高。

So the sooner my child can develop this process, the better ways of critical thinking he or she will develop. They will, my children will learn to ask questions as they observe. They will learn to observe all the story or all the picture. This eventually will transfer into life, into school and into problem-solving for personal life. They will start to see how I can step back and look at more details, how I can ask more questions, or get more information, or I can learn to connect different information from different parts. 孩子越早形成这样的惯例,越有助于他们形成批判性思维的能力。他们通过观察,提出问题。然后这些思考最终转化到他们的生活中,学习中,解决个人问题中。

So this is the academic and life benefit of reading for the child. But it begins with developing the relationship and developing the communication process in a safe and happy place with the parents. It will build confidence of the child to ask questions, to share ideas, to share observations and to try to solve problems, feeling confident that I can find information, I have a good observation, I have a way to get and to share information. And that’s the critical thinking process. 这是阅读给孩子带来的学术和生活方面的利益。但是,这些都是开始于安全的开心的时间地点,家庭关系的建立,沟通过程的确立。孩子自信的提出问题,分享观点,分享观察,解决问题。这些就是批判性思维的开始。

Finally, the last benefit that I see from reading is that the child has a new skill. As they get older, they read better and better. They can read to mother and father, instead of mother reading to them. It will become an enjoyable activity. It can become a life-long hobby, one way of learning and gaining information, but also a peaceful way of containing something enjoyable where the child can look for topics that he or she enjoys and it will continue as a hobby into adulthood. 我的观点里,阅读也是孩子的一个新技能。当她们不断的成长,她们开始爱上阅读, 开始给父母阅读,然后阅读成为了陪伴孩子终身的爱好和技能。

Finally, reading also changes the activity of the brain. Of course,we can get the same story from a video, or from radio, even if someone is reading the story. But the activity of reading uses the brain in different ways. We know from studying adult learners that memory changes, the way we remember things when we read and write is different from how we remember them when we watch a movie or listen to something. So there’s this benefit of the brain activity that can be an exercise for the brain. All these things are so important. 同时,阅读改变大脑的行为。阅读的过程中,大脑的工作不同于看视频,听录音。在阅读的过程中,大脑的记忆路径是不同的。

The first thing we want to do to get our child start in the critical thinking and asking questions is to be a good model. That means you ask thequestion, and ask questions where the child must think about the response, ask when, and why, and how, and what do you think. These are really important ways to get the child thinking and connecting different information, or to look more deeply in the story, to look more deeply in the pictures, to find answers that are not in the words of the story. 想要让我们的孩子形成批判性思维的能力,首先我们要做模范。你要学会问问题,各种问题可以促进孩子深入思考。

After that, the child will start to see the possibilities of thinking more deeply, and will start to realize or know there can be more in the story than the words. The child, not all children, not really think this way. Some do. And that’s very easy. Some children are very full of questions. So we can just encourage more questions and give them praise and be excited when they ask questions. 在和父母的问题互动过程中,孩子发现了更多的深入思考的可能性,然后就意识到了,文字背后有更多的未知。如果你的孩子是个爱问问题的人,那么你一定要表扬,赞赏,同时当她们问有意思的问题时,你要表达你的激动。

If the child does not have a lot of questions, my questions will help him or her. And after sometime they see there’s more in the story than the words. The child will start to ask more questions. Most children do this naturally. If they are shy, or they don’t want to ask questions, then after some practice and seeing parents asking questions, you can tell them what do you think and start to encourage the child ask their own questions.有些孩子不是很容易提出问题,但是,父母坚持提出问题,发表观点,鼓励思考,这样他们就会自然开始提出问题。

One thing I want to add before we finish today is that it is never too early and never too late to start reading with your child, from baby to all their children. All children love to have time with their parents, and all children love to have someone to tell them a story. Even an adult would like to hear stories. So it’s never too early, never too late. Happy reading! 家庭阅读什么时候都不早,什么时候都不晚。所有的孩子都喜欢听父母读故事。

Thank you so much for joining us today. I’m really happy to be able to share my way of reading with children and talk about the why and how and when. I hope the information is helpful for you and can help you to create a good reading environment in your house. 感谢大家收听,祝愿大家能创造一个和谐的家庭阅读氛围。



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