





(2008-04-27 22:49:42)


(山西四)榆次老城,大同老街 Shanxi 4 The old city of Yuci,Datong oldstreet
一、榆次老城 The old city of Yuci
1 《榆次老城》 榆次老城是隋开皇二年(582 年),在汉城旧址上修筑起来的,迄今已有 1400多年的历史。榆次老城历史悠久,文化深厚,集古民居、古城墙、古县衙、古寺院、古街道、古商铺等人文景观和自然景色为一体,融晋商文化、民族文化、黄河文化、三晋文化、都市文化于一炉。现在的榆次老城在我眼里已经是座“死城”,当地政府为了“保护”老城,所以将原住民全部移居,变成了一座没有生气、仅供观赏的空城。不知道又是哪位高人,借着酒劲发明的这种“木乃伊”保护法!
The old city of Yuci With its history of more than 1400 years,theold city of Yuci was built on the basis of old site of Hanchengcity in AD582. It is famous for its architecture of ancientstyle,the enchanting scenery as well as its rich deposits. And itis known to all by its combination of cultures of Jin and Shangdynasties,of the minotities,of Huanghe iverside areas,of the moderntime and so on. But nowadays,this old city has lost its dynamism.The residents here were ordered to move to other places by thegovernment in order to protect this old city. I was wondering whohad thought such a stupid way to protect the old city.

2 《回家》 也有很多原住民回来看看,玩玩!
Backing home Among the tourists,there are some people who livedhere before. Now they backed home to have a look.
Listening to the Shanxi Opera Shanxi Opera is a kind of ancientChinese opera. It is characterized by its a high agitation andacute shortness. It can be heard even in an area
far away. One who sang it should roar face up to the neck with headstretching and shrinking
one after another. The singer should make his Qi in the stomachfirst and then suddenly roar.
The expression in his face is so fierce that it seems that he isquarrying with other people.
In the past,from the television or radio,I have heard ShanxiOpera,but at that time,I had
no feeling and didn’t pay attention to it at all. But thistime,hearing it by myself,I was
shocked by its charming. That is an extremely desolate tone. Itdisplayed that the people in
the poor condition were extremely shortage of material life so theyneeded the support of spiritual strength. So this kind of songcould express poor people’s feelings very much,
it was a kind of way to relief theirsufferings. 
4 《曾经的老字号》 老字号的商铺,如今已是大门紧锁的景点之一。
The old and famous shops The shops of the old and famous productsin the past are closed now. But with their architectures of ancientstyle,they can be scenery.
5 《明清古街和思凤楼》 The old street and Sifenglou of Ming and Qingdynasties 
The gallery of stills On the wall of old city,there were hangingmany stills of films,which were made here. But when saw them,I feltawful and could not be understandable. Why the city
with its history of more than 3000 years must raise its fame bythese stills?
Sketching A lot of students of art college came here to dosketching. They become scenery of the old city and attracted a lotof bystanders. Yucheng city was very beautiful but I just tookthese photos to share with you.
二、大同 Datong
The old streets of Datong Someone comes to Datong,he or she will goto visit the famous historical sites here,such as YungangGrottoes,Xuankong Temple,Bukak Hengshan Mountain. But for me,I liketo visit those old streets,which are beside the main streets andnearly disappear in the world. Acturally,in these streets;there arealso a lot of ancient istorical trace and many houses of the styleof ancient time. These unknown old streets of Datong wereprosperous in the past.
2 《大同最繁华的地方》 The most prosperous area in Datong
3 《手迹》 铜像光亮的地方,是被手经常摸过的。
The vestige of touching Some areas of the bronze statue are brightbecause they were
often touched by the spectators.
4 《“联通”》 Linking with each other
5 《华严寺》 华严寺殿宇嵯峨,气势雄伟壮观,是现存最大的辽金佛殿之一。
Huayan temple As one of the largest Buddha palaces existed in theworld,the Huayan
Temple is magnificent and imposing.
6 《三成肉食店》 Sancheng meat shop
7 《老街生活》 走进老街,过道两边都是低矮的老式房屋。老街虽然日渐衰落,但生活依然按部就班。
The life of old street The both sides of the old street are shortold houses.Although the
old street is declining,the life of local people here are just likebefore.
8 《现炸鸡排》 The chicken-fried steak
9 《“??树立大卫生观??”》To cultivate the concept of keeping the clearenvironment
10 《还是屋外凉快!》 老街的街道两边,蹲了不少到屋外乘凉的居民,还能相互闲聊。
Cool outside There were a lot of residents sitting beside theroad,cooling themselves
and chatting with each other.
11 《道路改造》The road transformation
12 《炊烟》 Wisps of smoke
13 《改造进行时》 老街的路重新翻修中,还未来得及铺上水泥。
Under the transformation The roads of old street were renovated.They were far away
from complementation because they were not covered with cements atthat time.
14 《土堆也是小孩子喜欢玩乐的地方》 The children on the mound
15《 休闲的老街人》可能老街大部分人都等待着或期盼着拆迁建新房。
The free people of the old street The people of the old street arealways leisure. It seems they are waiting for the demolition oftheir houses and construction of the new houses.
1 6 《老街人家的大门 》The gate of the house in the old street
17 《刷上蓝漆的小房子》 The small house with blue paint wall
Feeding pets I found a very common phenomenal. That is every familyfeeds at least a pet
dog no matter their live conditions is good or not. In myopinion,that is because our Chinese people have become the ownerssince 1949.Of course,we can be the owners of pets.
19 《打量》 看到我的相机,也许他们在想,可能是记者来解决问题了!
Stocktaking Seeing me and my camera,the neighbor felt surprised.May be they thought I was the journalist came to solve problems forthem.
20 《送煤车》 The coal delivery truck
21 《积水》 老街的道路坑坑洼洼,下雨天积水后,人们都得绕道而行。
The puddles on the road The road of the old street were broken. Andthere are a lot of puddles on the rainy days. It is too difficultto walk here.
22 《广告语》 爆米花小摊的广告语,别有新意。“会花的是钱,会品的是味!”
The advertisement The advertisement of the popcorn stall is verycreative. It says “spend some money and get delicious taste. It isdefinitely worth your money”.
23 《门口闲聊的老人》 The leisure elders 
2 4 《破败的古民居 门 头 》 T h e broken gate of the ancientresidence
25 《休闲乘凉》 老街人的生活,总的来说,还是很平和的,大家都在自己的方式中,消磨时光。
The leisure life in the old street General speaking,the life ofpeople the old street is very calm. They spend the time indifferent ways.
26 《小商铺》 小商铺外由于道路改造,而显得环境杂乱无章。
The small shop Because of the road transformation,the roadsideshops were very dusty and in wild disorder.
The old streets of Datong The old streets of Datong were so old andbroken,just like a dying person. Very soon,they will be demolishedand take the place by new houses.
28 《翻围墙》 本来是对外关闭的喇嘛塔,但它的围墙,小孩子都可以自由翻越。
Climbing over the wall The Lama tower is closed to the peopleoutside,but it is easy to get into its short fence.
29 《远眺老街》 The distance view of the old street
30《喇嘛塔》这是大同唯一的喇嘛塔,在市内东北隅塔寺街。建于清代。塔下为一高3米的六边形塔台,台边砌有花墙。门为砖券洞式券门,上有匾额,刻“小洞天”三字。整座塔身高8米,呈白色,十分俊秀雅致。TheLama tower Built in Qing dynasty and located in the northeast partof Tasi Street of the Datong city,Lama tower is the only tower inDatong. The 8 meter-height white tower is beautiful and elegantwith its special design: the three-meter hexagonal tower,thepainted
walls of the tower,the brick doors with carves and a board.
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