

Unit 6 知识点讲解

Unit 6 知识点讲解


一. 学习目标 (Language Goal)

1. Learn how to express preferences and causes.


2. Write a review of a book, a movie or a CD.



二.. 重点词组 (Key phrases)

1.sing along with 伴随...歌唱                 

2. dance to the music 随音乐起舞             

3. different kinds of 不同种类的                 

4. prefer... to... 比...更喜欢...                 

5. quiet and gentle songs 轻柔的歌曲          

6. think of 考虑到                         

7. remind sb of sth  提醒某人某事            

8. one CD called Heart Strings一盘叫Heart Strings的CD

9. be important to sb 对...重要                 

10. look for  寻找                          

11. be sure to do sth 肯定做某事              

12. be on display 展览                       

13. see sb do sth  看见某人做了某事                    

14. special events  特殊事件

15. have a great time 过得很愉快             

16. go on vacation  继续度假

17. on a hot day   在热天

18. feel  sick  感到恶心

19. be honest 诚实

20. most of my friends 我的大多数朋友

21.some of students (其中)一些学生

22.the name of ... ...的名字

23.make sb happy 使……快乐

24.over the years 很多年

25. be lucky to do sth 很幸运..

26.in the world 在世界上

27.come and go 来来往往


三. [交际用语]


1. Rosa likes music that’s quiet and gentle. Rosa喜欢轻柔的音乐。

2. --- What kind of music do you like? 你喜欢什么样的音乐?

---I like music that I can sing along with. 我喜欢能随之歌唱的音乐

3. --- What kind of singers do you love? 你喜欢什么样的歌星?

--- I love singers who write their own music. 我喜欢能自己作曲的歌星

4. ---Why do you like this CD? 为什么你喜欢这个CD?

---This music is great because you can dance to it.



四. [重点难点释义](Language Points)


1. prefer v. 更喜爱,更喜欢  choose sth rather than sth else; like sth better.

(1)prefer + n.  e.g.

I prefer groups that play quiet and gentle songs. 我更喜欢演唱轻柔音乐的组合。

Jennifer prefers musicians who write their own lyrics.

(2) prefer sth to sth  比…更喜欢…

e.g. Which would you prefer, coffee or milk? 咖啡和牛奶,你喜欢哪一个?

I prefer milk  to  coffee. 与咖啡相比,我更喜欢牛奶。

I prefer walking to cycling. 我喜欢步行,不喜欢骑自行车。

(3)prefer to do sth 宁愿做某事

e.g. She prefers to be alone at home. 她宁愿独自在家。


2. dance to the music 伴随着音乐跳舞

   sing along with the music 和着音乐一起唱


3. remind sb of sb / sth 提醒,使…记起…

   e.g. This music reminds me of my childhood.  这首曲子使我想起了我的童年。


4. I listened to one (CD) called Heart Strings.  我听了一盘名叫心弦的专辑。

called Heart Strings 是过去分词短语做定语,修饰one CD.

e.g.  a book called Gone With the Wind  一本叫做《飘》的书

       a movie called Matrix 一部名叫《黑客帝国》的电影

       a used car 一部二手车


5. Sth is/are important to sb  某事对某人很重要

e.g. That’s not really important to me. 那对我而言并不重要。

It is important for sb to do sth. 做某事对某人来讲很重要

e.g. It is important for me to have a good sleep every night.


6. He's made some great movies over the years. 这些年来,他已经拍摄了多部精彩的影片。

   's made = has made 为现在完成时态。

   over the years  意思是“多年来”


7. It does have a few good features, though. 然而它的确有些优点。

does 在句子中表示强调,意思是“真的,的确”。如果省略,原句可写成

It has a few good features, though.

e.g. As you know, I do like that car very much.




(1)adv. 副词,用于口语中,in spite of this; however; 意思是 ‘尽管如此,然而’,放在句尾。

(2)e.g. I expect you’re right---- I’ll ask him, though.

          我认为你说得对--- 我去问问他也好。

          She promised to phone. I heard nothing, though. 她答应要打电话来,但我没听到回信儿。

(3)conj. 连词,although; despite the fact that 意思是“虽然,尽管”,放在句首或句中, 不与but连 用。

e.g. She won the first prize, though none of us had expected it.



 8. be sure to do sth 肯定要做某事的;一定要做某事的

e.g. It is sure to rain. 肯定要下雨。

   You’re sure to fail if you do it that way. 如果你那么做肯定要失败的。

   Be sure to write and tell me all your news. 务必来信告诉我你的消息。


9. Over the years, we’ve seen musical groups with pretty strange names come and go.


see sb do sth   看见某人做某事,do 前面省略不定式to.

see sb doing sth  看见某人正在做某事

pretty strange names  相当奇怪的名字  pretty,副词,意思是“相当,十分”


10. Few have stranger names than this band. 有几支(乐队)的名字比这只乐队更奇怪.

few 代词, 有一点儿 修饰可数名词, 相当于 few bands.


11. As the name suggests, the band has lots of energy.

正如乐队的名字所暗示的那样, 这支乐队非常具有活力.


12. There’s just so much to see and do here. 在这里有许多可看可做的事.


五.. 语法知识: (Grammar Focus)----- Attributive Clause (定语从句)

1. 请对比下面两个短语

a. a lovely girl 一个可爱的女孩  在这个短语中,lovely是形容词做定语来修饰名词girl.

b. a girl who likes purple 一个喜欢紫色的女孩  who likes purple 是一个句子来修饰名词girl,它的作用与lovely相同,都是做定语修饰名词girl,我们把它称为定语从句。





   例如: I like music that I can dance to. 我喜欢可以随之跳舞的音乐。

music是先行词,that I can dance to 是定语从句修饰 music ,其中,that 是关系代词引导定语从句。

又如I prefer singers who can write their own songs. 我喜爱能自己写歌的歌星。

singers 是先行词,who can write their own songs是定语从句修饰singers, 其中,who是关系代词。


3. 结构比较

(1)人(n.)+ who +从句

   比较:一位漂亮的女孩 a  beautiful girl    beautiful是形容词做定语

         a girl who is beautiful   从句做定语 (girl是先行词)

(2)物(n.)+ that + 从句

    比较:一本有趣的书 an interesting book    形容词做定语

 a book that is interesting 从句做定语(book是先行词)


4. 关系代词who / that的作用:

a. 做代词, 代替先行词

b. 在从句中担任句子成分:主语或宾语

c. 做连词, 把主句和从句连接起来


5. 成分比较

who\that在从句中可担任: 1.主语   2. 宾语

(1)I love singers who write their own songs.


(2)He is the man who I met yesterday.


(3)I like music that I can dance to.


(4)I prefer a sandwich that is really delicious.



6. who/that在定语从句中做主语时,谓语动词的单复数应与先行词保持一致.

e.g.  I prefer shoes that are cool.

I like a sandwich that is really delicious.

I love singers who are beautiful.

I have a friend who plays sports.


7. 定语从句的关系词与其他从句的引导词的区别 

试比较: I like music that I can dance to.

The music is great because you can dance to it

that 与because 的区别:that是定语从句的关联词,代替music在从句中做dance to

的宾语。而because是原因状语从句的引导词,只起到连词的作用,在句中不做成分。在dance to 后面加it 指代music.


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