

Android Q 色彩(颜色)模式解析(一)

Android 色彩(颜色)模式解析(一)

Android Q 在系统设置中提供了可设置的色彩模式,当然这功能很多厂商早就有了~,落后归落后,我们还是看看Android是怎么实现的!

Android Q提供了4种色彩模式:

  • Natural 自然色
  • Boosted 效果增强
  • Saturated 饱和色
  • Adaptive 自动调节



为了实现色彩模式的切换,Android Framework设计了ColorDisplayManager及对应的服务,提供可切换的色彩模式和对应的设置接口。四种色彩模式对应的值如下:

    public static final int COLOR_MODE_NATURAL = 0;    public static final int COLOR_MODE_BOOSTED = 1;    public static final int COLOR_MODE_SATURATED = 2;    public static final int COLOR_MODE_AUTOMATIC = 3;复制代码


* packages/apps/Settings/src/com/android/settings/display/ColorModePreferenceFragment.java    @Override    protected boolean setDefaultKey(String key) {        switch (key) {            case KEY_COLOR_MODE_NATURAL:                mColorDisplayManager.setColorMode(ColorDisplayManager.COLOR_MODE_NATURAL);                break;            case KEY_COLOR_MODE_BOOSTED:                mColorDisplayManager.setColorMode(ColorDisplayManager.COLOR_MODE_BOOSTED);                break;            case KEY_COLOR_MODE_SATURATED:                mColorDisplayManager.setColorMode(ColorDisplayManager.COLOR_MODE_SATURATED);                break;            case KEY_COLOR_MODE_AUTOMATIC:                mColorDisplayManager.setColorMode(ColorDisplayManager.COLOR_MODE_AUTOMATIC);                break;        }        return true;    }复制代码


*  frameworks/base/core/java/android/hardware/display/ColorDisplayManager.java    public void setColorMode(int colorMode) {        mManager.setColorMode(colorMode);    }复制代码


* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/display/color/ColorDisplayService.java    private void setColorModeInternal(@ColorMode int colorMode) {        if (!isColorModeAvailable(colorMode)) {            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid colorMode: " + colorMode);        }        System.putIntForUser(getContext().getContentResolver(), System.DISPLAY_COLOR_MODE,                colorMode,                mCurrentUser);    }复制代码



    private void setUp() {        Slog.d(TAG, "setUp: currentUser=" + mCurrentUser);        // Listen for external changes to any of the settings.        if (mContentObserver == null) {            mContentObserver = new ContentObserver(new Handler(DisplayThread.get().getLooper())) {                @Override                public void onChange(boolean selfChange, Uri uri) {                    super.onChange(selfChange, uri);                    final String setting = uri == null ? null : uri.getLastPathSegment();                    if (setting != null) {                        switch (setting) {                            ... ...                            case System.DISPLAY_COLOR_MODE:                                onDisplayColorModeChanged(getColorModeInternal());复制代码


* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/display/color/ColorDisplayService.java    private void onDisplayColorModeChanged(int mode) {        if (mode == NOT_SET) {            return;        }        mNightDisplayTintController.cancelAnimator();        mDisplayWhiteBalanceTintController.cancelAnimator();        if (mNightDisplayTintController.isAvailable(getContext())) {            mNightDisplayTintController                    .setUp(getContext(), DisplayTransformManager.needsLinearColorMatrix(mode));            mNightDisplayTintController                    .setMatrix(mNightDisplayTintController.getColorTemperatureSetting());        }        updateDisplayWhiteBalanceStatus();        final DisplayTransformManager dtm = getLocalService(DisplayTransformManager.class);        dtm.setColorMode(mode, mNightDisplayTintController.getMatrix());    }复制代码

这里涉及到夜光屏和白平衡,说白了,这些的实现都是跟色彩和亮度有关。我们先留下夜光屏幕和白平衡,单看色彩模式的流程。色彩模式,通过 DisplayTransformManager 的setColorMode接口继续往下传:

* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/display/color/DisplayTransformManager.java    public boolean setColorMode(int colorMode, float[] nightDisplayMatrix) {        if (colorMode == ColorDisplayManager.COLOR_MODE_NATURAL) {            applySaturation(COLOR_SATURATION_NATURAL);            setDisplayColor(DISPLAY_COLOR_MANAGED);        } else if (colorMode == ColorDisplayManager.COLOR_MODE_BOOSTED) {            applySaturation(COLOR_SATURATION_BOOSTED);            setDisplayColor(DISPLAY_COLOR_MANAGED);        } else if (colorMode == ColorDisplayManager.COLOR_MODE_SATURATED) {            applySaturation(COLOR_SATURATION_NATURAL);            setDisplayColor(DISPLAY_COLOR_UNMANAGED);        } else if (colorMode == ColorDisplayManager.COLOR_MODE_AUTOMATIC) {            applySaturation(COLOR_SATURATION_NATURAL);            setDisplayColor(DISPLAY_COLOR_ENHANCED);        }        setColorMatrix(LEVEL_COLOR_MATRIX_NIGHT_DISPLAY, nightDisplayMatrix);        updateConfiguration();        return true;    }复制代码


  • Saturation饱和度
    private static final float COLOR_SATURATION_NATURAL = 1.0f;    private static final float COLOR_SATURATION_BOOSTED = 1.1f;复制代码
  • DisplayColor显示颜色
    private static final int DISPLAY_COLOR_MANAGED = 0;    private static final int DISPLAY_COLOR_UNMANAGED = 1;    private static final int DISPLAY_COLOR_ENHANCED = 2;复制代码




* frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/display/color/DisplayTransformManager.java    private void applySaturation(float saturation) {        SystemProperties.set(PERSISTENT_PROPERTY_SATURATION, Float.toString(saturation));        final IBinder flinger = ServiceManager.getService(SURFACE_FLINGER);        if (flinger != null) {            final Parcel data = Parcel.obtain();            data.writeInterfaceToken("android.ui.ISurfaceComposer");            data.writeFloat(saturation);            try {                flinger.transact(SURFACE_FLINGER_TRANSACTION_SATURATION, data, null, 0);            } catch (RemoteException ex) {                Slog.e(TAG, "Failed to set saturation", ex);            } finally {                data.recycle();            }        }    }复制代码


    private void setDisplayColor(int color) {        SystemProperties.set(PERSISTENT_PROPERTY_DISPLAY_COLOR, Integer.toString(color));        final IBinder flinger = ServiceManager.getService(SURFACE_FLINGER);        if (flinger != null) {            final Parcel data = Parcel.obtain();            data.writeInterfaceToken("android.ui.ISurfaceComposer");            data.writeInt(color);            try {                flinger.transact(SURFACE_FLINGER_TRANSACTION_DISPLAY_COLOR, data, null, 0);            } catch (RemoteException ex) {                Slog.e(TAG, "Failed to set display color", ex);            } finally {                data.recycle();            }        }    }复制代码




status_t SurfaceFlinger::onTransact(uint32_t code, const Parcel& data, Parcel* reply,                                    uint32_t flags) {    ... ...    status_t err = BnSurfaceComposer::onTransact(code, data, reply, flags);    if (err == UNKNOWN_TRANSACTION || err == PERMISSION_DENIED) {        ... ...        int n;        switch (code) {            ... ...            case 1022: { // Set saturation boost                Mutex::Autolock _l(mStateLock);                mGlobalSaturationFactor = std::max(0.0f, std::min(data.readFloat(), 2.0f));                updateColorMatrixLocked();                ALOGE("xm-gfx: 1022 mGlobalSaturationFactor:%f", mGlobalSaturationFactor);                return NO_ERROR;            }            case 1023: { // Set native mode                mDisplayColorSetting = static_cast<DisplayColorSetting>(data.readInt32());                invalidateHwcGeometry();                repaintEverything();                ALOGE("xm-gfx: 1023 mDisplayColorSetting:%d", mDisplayColorSetting);                return NO_ERROR;            }复制代码


void SurfaceFlinger::updateColorMatrixLocked() {    mat4 colorMatrix;    if (mGlobalSaturationFactor != 1.0f) {        // Rec.709 luma coefficients        float3 luminance{0.213f, 0.715f, 0.072f};        luminance *= 1.0f - mGlobalSaturationFactor;        mat4 saturationMatrix = mat4(            vec4{luminance.r + mGlobalSaturationFactor, luminance.r, luminance.r, 0.0f},            vec4{luminance.g, luminance.g + mGlobalSaturationFactor, luminance.g, 0.0f},            vec4{luminance.b, luminance.b, luminance.b + mGlobalSaturationFactor, 0.0f},            vec4{0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f}        );        colorMatrix = mClientColorMatrix * saturationMatrix * mDaltonizer();    } else {        colorMatrix = mClientColorMatrix * mDaltonizer();    }    if (mCurrentState.colorMatrix != colorMatrix) {        mCurrentState.colorMatrix = colorMatrix;        mCurrentState.colorMatrixChanged = true;        setTransactionFlags(eTransactionNeeded);    }}复制代码





bool use_color_management(bool defaultValue) {    auto tmpuseColorManagement = SurfaceFlingerProperties::use_color_management();    auto tmpHasHDRDisplay = SurfaceFlingerProperties::has_HDR_display();    auto tmpHasWideColorDisplay = SurfaceFlingerProperties::has_wide_color_display();    auto tmpuseColorManagementVal = tmpuseColorManagement.has_value() ? *tmpuseColorManagement :        defaultValue;    auto tmpHasHDRDisplayVal = tmpHasHDRDisplay.has_value() ? *tmpHasHDRDisplay :        defaultValue;    auto tmpHasWideColorDisplayVal = tmpHasWideColorDisplay.has_value() ? *tmpHasWideColorDisplay :        defaultValue;    return tmpuseColorManagementVal || tmpHasHDRDisplayVal || tmpHasWideColorDisplayVal;}复制代码




* frameworks/native/services/surfaceflinger/sysprop/SurfaceFlingerProperties.syspropprop {    api_name: "has_wide_color_display"    type: Boolean    scope: Internal    access: Readonly    prop_name: "ro.surface_flinger.has_wide_color_display"}复制代码




std::optional<bool> has_wide_color_display() {    return GetProp<std::optional<bool>>("ro.surface_flinger.has_wide_color_display");}复制代码



void SurfaceFlinger::calculateWorkingSet() {    ... ...    // Set the per-frame data    for (const auto& [token, displayDevice] : mDisplays) {        auto display = displayDevice->getCompositionDisplay();        const auto displayId = display->getId();        if (!displayId) {            continue;        }        auto* profile = display->getDisplayColorProfile();        if (mDrawingState.colorMatrixChanged) {            display->setColorTransform(mDrawingState.colorMatrix);        }        Dataspace targetDataspace = Dataspace::UNKNOWN;        if (useColorManagement) {            ColorMode colorMode;            RenderIntent renderIntent;            pickColorMode(displayDevice, &colorMode, &targetDataspace, &renderIntent);            display->setColorMode(colorMode, targetDataspace, renderIntent);        }复制代码


* frameworks/native/services/surfaceflinger/CompositionEngine/include/compositionengine/impl/DisplayColorProfile.h    struct ColorModeValue {        ui::Dataspace dataspace;        ui::ColorMode colorMode;        ui::RenderIntent renderIntent;    };复制代码



  • Dataspace
* hardware/interfaces/graphics/common/1.0/types.hal@export(name="android_dataspace_t", value_prefix="HAL_DATASPACE_")enum Dataspace : int32_t {    /**     * Default-assumption data space, when not explicitly specified.     *     * It is safest to assume the buffer is an image with sRGB primaries and     * encoding ranges, but the consumer and/or the producer of the data may     * simply be using defaults. No automatic gamma transform should be     * expected, except for a possible display gamma transform when drawn to a     * screen.     */    UNKNOWN = 0x0,    ... ...    /**     * Transfer characteristic curve:     *  E = L     *      L - luminance of image 0 <= L <= 1 for conventional colorimetry     *      E - corresponding electrical signal     */    TRANSFER_LINEAR = 1 << TRANSFER_SHIFT,    /**     * Transfer characteristic curve:     *     * E = 1.055 * L^(1/2.4) - 0.055  for 0.0031308 <= L <= 1     *   = 12.92 * L                  for 0 <= L < 0.0031308     *     L - luminance of image 0 <= L <= 1 for conventional colorimetry     *     E - corresponding electrical signal     */    TRANSFER_SRGB = 2 << TRANSFER_SHIFT,    ... ...    /**     * sRGB gamma encoding:     *     * The red, green and blue components are stored in sRGB space, and     * converted to linear space when read, using the SRGB transfer function     * for each of the R, G and B components. When written, the inverse     * transformation is performed.     *     * The alpha component, if present, is always stored in linear space and     * is left unmodified when read or written.     *     * Use full range and BT.709 standard.     */    SRGB = 0x201, // deprecated, use V0_SRGB    V0_SRGB = STANDARD_BT709 | TRANSFER_SRGB | RANGE_FULL,    ... ...    /**     * Display P3     *     * Use same primaries and white-point as DCI-P3     * but sRGB transfer function.     */    DISPLAY_P3 = STANDARD_DCI_P3 | TRANSFER_SRGB | RANGE_FULL,};复制代码
  • ColorMode
* hardware/interfaces/graphics/common/1.0/types.hal@export(name="android_color_mode_t", value_prefix="HAL_COLOR_MODE_")enum ColorMode : int32_t {    /**     * DEFAULT is the "native" gamut of the display.     * White Point: Vendor/OEM defined     * Panel Gamma: Vendor/OEM defined (typically 2.2)     * Rendering Intent: Vendor/OEM defined (typically 'enhanced')     */    NATIVE = 0,    ... ...    /**     * SRGB corresponds with display settings that implement     * the sRGB color space. Uses the same primaries as ITU-R Recommendation     * BT.709     * Rendering Intent: Colorimetric     * Primaries:     *                  x       y     *  green           0.300   0.600     *  blue            0.150   0.060     *  red             0.640   0.330     *  white (D65)     0.3127  0.3290     *     * PC/Internet (sRGB) Inverse Gamma Correction (IGC):     *     *  if Vnonlinear ≤ 0.03928     *    Vlinear = Vnonlinear / 12.92     *  else     *    Vlinear = ((Vnonlinear + 0.055)/1.055) ^ 2.4     *     * PC/Internet (sRGB) Gamma Correction (GC):     *     *  if Vlinear ≤ 0.0031308     *    Vnonlinear = 12.92 * Vlinear     *  else     *    Vnonlinear = 1.055 * (Vlinear)^(1/2.4) – 0.055     */    SRGB = 7,    ... ...    /**     * DISPLAY_P3 is a color space that uses the DCI_P3 primaries,     * the D65 white point and the SRGB transfer functions.     * Rendering Intent: Colorimetric     * Primaries:     *                  x       y     *  green           0.265   0.690     *  blue            0.150   0.060     *  red             0.680   0.320     *  white (D65)     0.3127  0.3290     *     * PC/Internet (sRGB) Gamma Correction (GC):     *     *  if Vlinear ≤ 0.0030186     *    Vnonlinear = 12.92 * Vlinear     *  else     *    Vnonlinear = 1.055 * (Vlinear)^(1/2.4) – 0.055     *     * Note: In most cases sRGB transfer function will be fine.     */    DISPLAY_P3 = 9};复制代码
  • RenderIntent
* hardware/interfaces/graphics/common/1.1/types.hal@export(name="android_render_intent_v1_1_t", value_prefix="HAL_RENDER_INTENT_",        export_parent="false")enum RenderIntent : int32_t {    /**     * Colors in the display gamut are unchanged. Colors out of the display     * gamut are hard-clipped.     *     * This implies that the display must have been calibrated unless     * ColorMode::NATIVE is the only supported color mode.     */    COLORIMETRIC = 0,    /**     * Enhance colors that are in the display gamut. Colors out of the display     * gamut are hard-clipped.     *     * The enhancement typically picks the biggest standard color space (e.g.     * DCI-P3) that is narrower than the display gamut and stretches it to the     * display gamut. The stretching is recommended to preserve skin tones.     */    ENHANCE = 1,    /**     * Tone map high-dynamic-range colors to the display's dynamic range. The     * dynamic range of the colors are communicated separately. After tone     * mapping, the mapping to the display gamut is as defined in     * COLORIMETRIC.     */    TONE_MAP_COLORIMETRIC = 2,    /**     * Tone map high-dynamic-range colors to the display's dynamic range. The     * dynamic range of the colors are communicated separately. After tone     * mapping, the mapping to the display gamut is as defined in ENHANCE.     *     * The tone mapping step and the enhancing step must match     * TONE_MAP_COLORIMETRIC and ENHANCE respectively when they are also     * supported.     */    TONE_MAP_ENHANCE = 3,    /*     * Vendors are recommended to use 0x100 - 0x1FF for their own values, and     * that must be done with subtypes defined by vendor extensions.     */};复制代码


// Pick the ColorMode / Dataspace for the display device.void SurfaceFlinger::pickColorMode(const sp<DisplayDevice>& display, ColorMode* outMode,                                   Dataspace* outDataSpace, RenderIntent* outRenderIntent) const {    if (mDisplayColorSetting == DisplayColorSetting::UNMANAGED) {        *outMode = ColorMode::NATIVE;        *outDataSpace = Dataspace::UNKNOWN;        *outRenderIntent = RenderIntent::COLORIMETRIC;        return;    }    Dataspace hdrDataSpace;    Dataspace bestDataSpace = getBestDataspace(display, &hdrDataSpace);    auto* profile = display->getCompositionDisplay()->getDisplayColorProfile();    switch (mForceColorMode) {        case ColorMode::SRGB:            bestDataSpace = Dataspace::V0_SRGB;            break;        case ColorMode::DISPLAY_P3:            bestDataSpace = Dataspace::DISPLAY_P3;            break;        default:            break;    }    // respect hdrDataSpace only when there is no legacy HDR support    const bool isHdr =            hdrDataSpace != Dataspace::UNKNOWN && !profile->hasLegacyHdrSupport(hdrDataSpace);    if (isHdr) {        bestDataSpace = hdrDataSpace;    }    RenderIntent intent;    switch (mDisplayColorSetting) {        case DisplayColorSetting::MANAGED:        case DisplayColorSetting::UNMANAGED:            intent = isHdr ? RenderIntent::TONE_MAP_COLORIMETRIC : RenderIntent::COLORIMETRIC;            break;        case DisplayColorSetting::ENHANCED:            intent = isHdr ? RenderIntent::TONE_MAP_ENHANCE : RenderIntent::ENHANCE;            break;        default: // vendor display color setting            intent = static_cast<RenderIntent>(mDisplayColorSetting);            break;    }    profile->getBestColorMode(bestDataSpace, intent, outDataSpace, outMode, outRenderIntent);}复制代码



// Returns a data space that fits all visible layers.  The returned data space// can only be one of//  - Dataspace::SRGB (use legacy dataspace and let HWC saturate when colors are enhanced)//  - Dataspace::DISPLAY_P3//  - Dataspace::DISPLAY_BT2020// The returned HDR data space is one of//  - Dataspace::UNKNOWN//  - Dataspace::BT2020_HLG//  - Dataspace::BT2020_PQDataspace SurfaceFlinger::getBestDataspace(const sp<const DisplayDevice>& display,                                           Dataspace* outHdrDataSpace) const {    Dataspace bestDataSpace = Dataspace::V0_SRGB;    *outHdrDataSpace = Dataspace::UNKNOWN;    for (const auto& layer : display->getVisibleLayersSortedByZ()) {        switch (layer->getDataSpace()) {            case Dataspace::V0_SCRGB:            case Dataspace::V0_SCRGB_LINEAR:            case Dataspace::BT2020:            case Dataspace::BT2020_ITU:            case Dataspace::BT2020_LINEAR:            case Dataspace::DISPLAY_BT2020:                bestDataSpace = Dataspace::DISPLAY_BT2020;                break;            case Dataspace::DISPLAY_P3:                bestDataSpace = Dataspace::DISPLAY_P3;                break;            case Dataspace::BT2020_PQ:            case Dataspace::BT2020_ITU_PQ:                bestDataSpace = Dataspace::DISPLAY_P3;                *outHdrDataSpace = Dataspace::BT2020_PQ;                break;            case Dataspace::BT2020_HLG:            case Dataspace::BT2020_ITU_HLG:                bestDataSpace = Dataspace::DISPLAY_P3;                // When there's mixed PQ content and HLG content, we set the HDR                // data space to be BT2020_PQ and convert HLG to PQ.                if (*outHdrDataSpace == Dataspace::UNKNOWN) {                    *outHdrDataSpace = Dataspace::BT2020_HLG;                }                break;            default:                break;        }    }    return bestDataSpace;}复制代码

说说实话,这个算法没有“看懂”。这里采用一个for循环,检查所有的Layer,也就是说bestDataSpace会被后面的Layer不断的覆盖… …感觉这段法“看不懂”… Anyway,这里将选一个最合适的 bestDataSpace,并且去check有没有HDR的space hdrDataSpace。


  • 可以人为的指定dataspace,通过mForceColorMode:
    property_get("persist.sys.sf.color_mode", value, "0");    mForceColorMode = static_cast<ColorMode>(atoi(value));复制代码
  • 如果是Hdr,将使用HDR的Database。

  • 根据上层给下来的mDisplayColorSetting,确定 RenderIntent。

void DisplayColorProfile::getBestColorMode(Dataspace dataspace, RenderIntent intent,                                           Dataspace* outDataspace, ColorMode* outMode,                                           RenderIntent* outIntent) const {    auto iter = mColorModes.find(getColorModeKey(dataspace, intent));    if (iter != mColorModes.end()) {        *outDataspace = iter->second.dataspace;        *outMode = iter->second.colorMode;        *outIntent = iter->second.renderIntent;    } else {        // this is unexpected on a WCG display        if (hasWideColorGamut()) {            ALOGE("map unknown (%s)/(%s) to default color mode",                  dataspaceDetails(static_cast<android_dataspace_t>(dataspace)).c_str(),                  decodeRenderIntent(intent).c_str());        }        *outDataspace = Dataspace::UNKNOWN;        *outMode = ColorMode::NATIVE;        *outIntent = RenderIntent::COLORIMETRIC;    }}复制代码

也就是从 mColorModes 中选取一个合适的模式!~ mColorModes从哪儿来的?其实,添加屏幕的时候,就会去初始化这些参数,在DisplayColorProfile的初始函数中:

* /frameworks/native/services/surfaceflinger/CompositionEngine/src/DisplayColorProfile.cppDisplayColorProfile::DisplayColorProfile(DisplayColorProfileCreationArgs&& args)      : mHasWideColorGamut(args.hasWideColorGamut),        mSupportedPerFrameMetadata(args.supportedPerFrameMetadata) {    populateColorModes(args.hwcColorModes);    std::vector<ui::Hdr> types = args.hdrCapabilities.getSupportedHdrTypes();    for (ui::Hdr hdrType : types) {        switch (hdrType) {            case ui::Hdr::HDR10_PLUS:                mHasHdr10Plus = true;                break;            case ui::Hdr::HDR10:                mHasHdr10 = true;                break;            case ui::Hdr::HLG:                mHasHLG = true;                break;            case ui::Hdr::DOLBY_VISION:                mHasDolbyVision = true;                break;            default:                ALOGE("UNKNOWN HDR capability: %d", static_cast<int32_t>(hdrType));        }    }    float minLuminance = args.hdrCapabilities.getDesiredMinLuminance();    float maxLuminance = args.hdrCapabilities.getDesiredMaxLuminance();    float maxAverageLuminance = args.hdrCapabilities.getDesiredMaxAverageLuminance();    minLuminance = minLuminance <= 0.0 ? sDefaultMinLumiance : minLuminance;    maxLuminance = maxLuminance <= 0.0 ? sDefaultMaxLumiance : maxLuminance;    maxAverageLuminance = maxAverageLuminance <= 0.0 ? sDefaultMaxLumiance : maxAverageLuminance;    if (args.hasWideColorGamut) {        // insert HDR10/HLG as we will force client composition for HDR10/HLG        // layers        if (!hasHDR10Support()) {            types.push_back(ui::Hdr::HDR10);        }        if (!hasHLGSupport()) {            types.push_back(ui::Hdr::HLG);        }    }    mHdrCapabilities = HdrCapabilities(types, maxLuminance, maxAverageLuminance, minLuminance);}复制代码


sp<DisplayDevice> SurfaceFlinger::setupNewDisplayDeviceInternal(        const wp<IBinder>& displayToken, const std::optional<DisplayId>& displayId,        const DisplayDeviceState& state, const sp<compositionengine::DisplaySurface>& dispSurface,        const sp<IGraphicBufferProducer>& producer) {    DisplayDeviceCreationArgs creationArgs(this, displayToken, displayId);    creationArgs.sequenceId = state.sequenceId;    creationArgs.isVirtual = state.isVirtual();    creationArgs.isSecure = state.isSecure;    creationArgs.displaySurface = dispSurface;    creationArgs.hasWideColorGamut = false;    creationArgs.supportedPerFrameMetadata = 0;    const bool isInternalDisplay = displayId && displayId == getInternalDisplayIdLocked();    creationArgs.isPrimary = isInternalDisplay;    if (useColorManagement && displayId) {        std::vector<ColorMode> modes = getHwComposer().getColorModes(*displayId);        for (ColorMode colorMode : modes) {            if (isWideColorMode(colorMode)) {                creationArgs.hasWideColorGamut = true;            }            std::vector<RenderIntent> renderIntents =                    getHwComposer().getRenderIntents(*displayId, colorMode);            creationArgs.hwcColorModes.emplace(colorMode, renderIntents);        }    }    if (displayId) {        getHwComposer().getHdrCapabilities(*displayId, &creationArgs.hdrCapabilities);        creationArgs.supportedPerFrameMetadata =                getHwComposer().getSupportedPerFrameMetadata(*displayId);    }    auto nativeWindowSurface = getFactory().createNativeWindowSurface(producer);    auto nativeWindow = nativeWindowSurface->getNativeWindow();    creationArgs.nativeWindow = nativeWindow;    // Make sure that composition can never be stalled by a virtual display    // consumer that isn't processing buffers fast enough. We have to do this    // here, in case the display is composed entirely by HWC.    if (state.isVirtual()) {        nativeWindow->setSwapInterval(nativeWindow.get(), 0);    }    creationArgs.displayInstallOrientation =            isInternalDisplay ? primaryDisplayOrientation : DisplayState::eOrientationDefault;    // virtual displays are always considered enabled    creationArgs.initialPowerMode = state.isVirtual() ? HWC_POWER_MODE_NORMAL : HWC_POWER_MODE_OFF;    sp<DisplayDevice> display = getFactory().createDisplayDevice(std::move(creationArgs));    if (maxFrameBufferAcquiredBuffers >= 3) {        nativeWindowSurface->preallocateBuffers();    }    ColorMode defaultColorMode = ColorMode::NATIVE;    Dataspace defaultDataSpace = Dataspace::UNKNOWN;    if (display->hasWideColorGamut()) {        defaultColorMode = ColorMode::SRGB;        defaultDataSpace = Dataspace::V0_SRGB;    }    display->getCompositionDisplay()->setColorMode(defaultColorMode, defaultDataSpace,                                                   RenderIntent::COLORIMETRIC);    if (!state.isVirtual()) {        LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(!displayId);        display->setActiveConfig(getHwComposer().getActiveConfigIndex(*displayId));    }    display->setLayerStack(state.layerStack);    display->setProjection(state.orientation, state.viewport, state.frame);    display->setDisplayName(state.displayName);    return display;}复制代码


void DisplayColorProfile::populateColorModes(        const DisplayColorProfileCreationArgs::HwcColorModes& hwcColorModes) {    if (!hasWideColorGamut()) {        return;    }    // collect all known SDR render intents    std::unordered_set<RenderIntent> sdrRenderIntents(sSdrRenderIntents.begin(),                                                      sSdrRenderIntents.end());    auto iter = hwcColorModes.find(ColorMode::SRGB);    if (iter != hwcColorModes.end()) {        for (auto intent : iter->second) {            sdrRenderIntents.insert(intent);        }    }    // add all known SDR combinations    for (auto intent : sdrRenderIntents) {        for (auto mode : sSdrColorModes) {            addColorMode(hwcColorModes, mode, intent);        }    }    // collect all known HDR render intents    std::unordered_set<RenderIntent> hdrRenderIntents(sHdrRenderIntents.begin(),                                                      sHdrRenderIntents.end());    iter = hwcColorModes.find(ColorMode::BT2100_PQ);    if (iter != hwcColorModes.end()) {        for (auto intent : iter->second) {            hdrRenderIntents.insert(intent);        }    }    // add all known HDR combinations    for (auto intent : hdrRenderIntents) {        for (auto mode : sHdrColorModes) {            addColorMode(hwcColorModes, mode, intent);        }    }}复制代码


// ordered list of known SDR render intentsconst std::array<RenderIntent, 2> sSdrRenderIntents = {        RenderIntent::ENHANCE,        RenderIntent::COLORIMETRIC,};// ordered list of known HDR render intentsconst std::array<RenderIntent, 2> sHdrRenderIntents = {        RenderIntent::TONE_MAP_ENHANCE,        RenderIntent::TONE_MAP_COLORIMETRIC,};复制代码

这块贴的代码有点多,是为了保存完整性,很多细节可以先不看!我们先关注一下,上层设置下来的参数,到哪里去了。!这里AddColorMode时,根据dataspace和renderintent生成key,再将hwc支持的对应的hwcDataspace, hwcColorMode, hwcIntent保存下来。


    static ColorModeKey getColorModeKey(ui::Dataspace dataspace, ui::RenderIntent intent) {        return (static_cast<uint64_t>(dataspace) << 32) | static_cast<uint32_t>(intent);    }复制代码

根据key,去选取hwcDataspace, hwcColorMode, hwcIntent。所以这里的流程梳理下:

  • 屏幕初始化时,获取屏幕支持的hwcDataspace, hwcColorMode, hwcIntent,转换为SurfaceFlinger中的RenderIntenthedataspace的key来保存
  • 上层设置的DisplayColorSetting转换为对应的RenderIntent
  • 根据显示内容,确定最合适的besedataspace
  • 根据RenderIntent和besedataspace,选取对应的hwcDataspace, hwcColorMode, hwcIntent。



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