

93.Adding Sliders

Use the new slider interaction in Articulate Storyline to let learners manipulate data, explore cause-and-effect relationships, or control other objects in the course.

Adding Sliders

  1. Go to the Insert tab on the ribbon, click Controls, and choose one of the slider types.
  2. Click the slide where you want the slider to appear.

Tip: By default, sliders are horizontal, but you can make them vertical if you'd like. Just rotate them 90 degrees. You can use the rotation handle at the top of the slider or the Rotate drop-down on the ribbon.

Resizing Sliders

Sliders have a track and a thumb that slides along the track.

The track and thumb can be resized together or individually.

  • To resize the whole slider (track and thumb), drag any of the corner sizing handles.
  • To change the length of the slider track, drag the left or right sizing handle.
  • To change the thickness of the slider track, drag the bottom yellow handle up or down.
  • To resize the slider thumb, drag the top yellow handle up or down.

Setting Slider Properties

To control the behavior of a slider, select the slider, go to the Slider Tools—Design tab on the ribbon, and adjust its Slider Properties.

  • Variable: This is the variable associated with your slider. Storyline automatically creates a number variable for each slider in your course. If you want to change the variable that's controlled by a slider, use this drop-down list to select another number variable in your course. (Learn more about variables here.)
  • Update: This controls when the variable is updated. You can update the variable as the learner is dragging the slider (which is the default setting) or only after the learner releases it.
  • Start: This is the starting value for your slider. It defaults to zero. (It can have up to two decimal places.)
  • End: This is the ending value for your slider. It defaults to 10. (It can have up to two decimal places.)
  • Initial: This is the starting position for the slider thumb. It defaults to zero. (It can have up to two decimal places.)
  • Step: This is the incremental value for the slider thumb as it moves along its track. It defaults to one. (It can have up to two decimal places.)

Displaying Slider Values in Text Elements

There may be times when you want to display the value of a slider in a text box or shape. You can easily do that by adding a variable reference to any text element in your course. When the learner drags the slider, the value that's displayed in the text element automatically updates to show the value they selected.

Triggering Actions

Generally, you'll want to perform one or more actions based on the learner's interaction with a slider. To do that, you'll need to add triggers that execute when the slider moves or the variable changes. For example, you might change the state of an object when the learner drags the slider.

Formatting Sliders

To change the styles, colors, and effects for a slider, select the slider, go to the Slider Tools—Format tab on the ribbon, and use the formatting options.

The colors available on the Format tab are based on the theme colors for your course. To customize them, see this tutorial.

You Might Also Want to Explore:

Adding Variable References
Adding Triggers

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