

LilianChen C#:委托



  • 定义要使用的委托。对于委托,定义它就是告诉编译器这种类型的委托代表了哪种类型的方法(在定义委托是,必须给出它所代表的方法签名和返回类型等全部细节。理解委托的一种好方式是把委托当作给方法签名和返回类型指定名称。)
delegate void IntMethodInoker(int x);
  • 创建委托的一个或多个实例
 1 using System; 2  3 namespace ConsoleApplication25 4 { 5     class Program 6     { 7         private delegate string GetAString(); 8         static void Main(string[] args) 9         {10             int x = 40;11             GetAString firstStringMethod = new GetAString(x.ToString);12             Console.WriteLine("String is {0}",firstStringMethod());13             Console.ReadLine();14         }15     }16 17     18 }


 1 using System; 2  3 namespace ConsoleApplication26 4 { 5     class Program 6     { 7         private delegate string GetAString(); 8         static void Main(string[] args) 9         {10             Currency balance = new Currency(34, 50);11 12             // firstStringMethod references an instance method13             GetAString firstStringMethod = new GetAString(balance.ToString);14             Console.WriteLine("String is {0}", firstStringMethod());15 16             // firstStringMethod references a static method17             firstStringMethod = new GetAString(Currency.GetCurrencyUnit);18             Console.WriteLine("String is {0}", firstStringMethod());19 20             Console.ReadLine();21         }22     }23 24     struct Currency25     {26         public uint Dollars;27         public ushort Cents;28         public Currency(uint dollars, ushort cents)29         {30             this.Dollars = dollars;31             this.Cents = cents;32         }33 34         public override string ToString()35         {36             return string.Format("${0}.{1,-2:00}", Dollars, Cents);37         }38 39         public static string GetCurrencyUnit()40         {41             return "Dollar";42         }43 44         public static explicit operator Currency(float value)45         {46             checked47             {48                 uint dollars = (uint)value;49                 ushort cents = Convert.ToUInt16((value - dollars) * 100);50                 return new Currency(dollars, cents);51             }52         }53 54         public static implicit operator float(Currency value)55         {56             return value.Dollars + (value.Cents / 100.0f);57         }58 59         public static implicit operator Currency(uint value)60         {61             return new Currency(value, 0);62         }63 64         public static implicit operator uint(Currency value)65         {66             return value.Dollars;67         }68     }69 }


 1 using System; 2  3 namespace ConsoleApplication28 4 { 5     class Program 6     { 7         delegate double DoubleOp(double x); 8         static void Main(string[] args) 9         {10             DoubleOp[] operations = { MathsOperation.MultiplyByTwo, MathsOperation.Square };11             for (int i = 0; i < operations.Length; i++)12             {13                 Console.WriteLine("Using operations[{0}]:", i);14                 ProcessAndDisplayNumber(operations[i], 3.0);15             }16             Console.ReadLine();17         }18 19         static void ProcessAndDisplayNumber(DoubleOp action, double value)20         {21             double result = action(value);22             Console.WriteLine("Value is {0}, result of the operation is {1}", value, result);23         }24     }25 26     class MathsOperation27     {28         public static double MultiplyByTwo(double value)29         {30             return value * 2;31         }32 33         public static double Square(double value)34         {35             return value * value;36         }37     }38 }


ProcessAndDisplayNumber(operations[i], 3.0);


  • operations[i]表示“这个委托”。换言之,就是委托代表的方法
  • operations[i](2.0)表示“调用这个方法,参数放在括号中”。


 1 using System; 2  3 namespace ConsoleApplication29 4 { 5     delegate bool Comparison(object x, object y); 6     class Program 7     { 8         static void Main(string[] args) 9         {10             Employee[] employees = { new Employee("a", 20000), new Employee("b", 10000), new Employee("c", 15000) };11             BubbleSorter.Sort(employees, new Comparison(Employee.CompareSalary));12             foreach (var employee in employees)13             {14                 Console.WriteLine(employee);15             }16             Console.ReadLine();17         }18     }19 20     class BubbleSorter21     {22         static public void Sort(object[] sortArray, Comparison comparison)23         {24             for (int i = 0; i < sortArray.Length; i++)25             {26                 for (int j = i; j < sortArray.Length; j++)27                 {28                     if (comparison(sortArray[j], sortArray[i]))29                     { 30                         object temp=sortArray[i];31                         sortArray[i]=sortArray[j];32                         sortArray[j]=temp;33                     }34                 }35             }36         }37     }38 39     class Employee40     {41         private string name;42         private decimal salary;43         public Employee(string name, decimal salary)44         {45             this.name = name;46             this.salary = salary;47         }48 49         public override string ToString()50         {51             return string.Format("{0},{1:C}", name, salary);52         }53 54         public static bool CompareSalary(object x, object y)55         {56             Employee e1 = (Employee)x;57             Employee e2 = (Employee)y;58             return (e1.salary < e2.salary);59         }60     }61 }





 1 using System; 2  3 namespace ConsoleApplication30 4 { 5     delegate void DoubleOp(double value); 6     class Program 7     { 8         static void Main(string[] args) 9         {10             DoubleOp operations = new DoubleOp(MathOperations.MultiplyByTwo);11             operations += MathOperations.Square;12             ProcessAndDisplayNumber(operations, 3.0);13             Console.ReadLine();14         }15 16         static void ProcessAndDisplayNumber(DoubleOp action, double valueToProcess)17         {18             Console.WriteLine();19             Console.WriteLine("ProcessAndDisplayNumber called with value = {0}", valueToProcess);20             action(valueToProcess);21         }22     }23 24     class MathOperations25     {26         public static void MultiplyByTwo(double value)27         {28             double result = value * 2;29             Console.WriteLine("Multiplying by 2: {0} gives {1}", value, result);30         }31 32         public static void Square(double value)33         {34             double result = value * value;35             Console.WriteLine("Squaring: {0} gives {1}", value, result);36         }37     }38 }


 1 using System; 2  3 namespace ConsoleApplication31 4 { 5     public delegate void DemoDelegate(); 6     class Program 7     { 8         static void Main(string[] args) 9         {10             DemoDelegate dl = new DemoDelegate(One);11             dl += Two;12             try13             {14                 dl();15             }16             catch(Exception)17             {18                 Console.WriteLine("Exception caught");19             }20             Console.ReadLine();21         }22 23         static void One()24         {25             Console.WriteLine("One");26             throw new Exception("Error in one");27         }28 29         static void Two()30         {31             Console.WriteLine("Two");32         }33     }34 }




 1 using System; 2  3 namespace ConsoleApplication31 4 { 5     public delegate void DemoDelegate(); 6     class Program 7     { 8         static void Main(string[] args) 9         {10             DemoDelegate dl = new DemoDelegate(One);11             dl += new DemoDelegate(Two);12             Delegate[] delegates = dl.GetInvocationList();13             for (int i = 0; i < delegates.Length; i++)14             {15                 DemoDelegate d = (DemoDelegate)delegates[i];16                 try17                 {18                     d();19                 }20                 catch (Exception)21                 {22                     Console.WriteLine("Exception caught");23                 }24             }25             Console.ReadLine();26         }27 28         static void One()29         {30             Console.WriteLine("One");31             throw new Exception("Error in one");32         }33 34         static void Two()35         {36             Console.WriteLine("Two");37         }38     }39 }




 1 using System; 2  3 namespace ConsoleApplication32 4 { 5     class Program 6     { 7         delegate string DelegateTest(string val); 8         static void Main(string[] args) 9         {10             string mid = ", middle part,";11             DelegateTest anonDel = delegate(string param)12             {13                 param += mid;14                 param += " and this was added to the string.";15                 return param;16             };17 18             Console.WriteLine(anonDel("Start of string"));19             Console.ReadLine();20         }21     }22 }


  • 在匿名方法内部不能访问不完全的代码
  • 不能访问在匿名方法外部使用的ref和out参数,但可以使用在匿名方法外部定义的其他变量
  • 如果需要用匿名方法多次编写同一个功能,就不要使用匿名方法,而编写一个指定的方法比较好,因为该方法只能编写一次,以后可通过名称引用它

l表达式 : 为匿名方法提供了的一个新语法。

 1 using System; 2  3 namespace ConsoleApplication33 4 { 5     class Program 6     { 7         delegate string DelegateTest(string val); 8         static void Main(string[] args) 9         {10             string mid = ", middle part,";11             DelegateTest anonDel = param =>12                 {13                     param += mid;14                     param += " and this was added to the string.";15                     return param;16                 };17             Console.WriteLine(anonDel("Start of the string"));18             Console.ReadLine();19         }20     }21 }


1. 在括号中定义类型和变量名:

(string param) =>

2. 省去变量类型:

(param) =>

3. 如果只有一个参数,就可以删除括号:

DelegateTest anonDel = param =>


利用l表达式 来写前面的多播委托示例,优点是它删除了类:

 1 using System; 2  3 namespace ConsoleApplication34 4 { 5     class Program 6     { 7         delegate double DoubleOp(double value); 8         static void Main(string[] args) 9         {10             DoubleOp multByTwo = val => val * 2;11             DoubleOp square = val => val * val;12 13             DoubleOp[] operations = { multByTwo, square };14 15             for (int i = 0; i < operations.Length; i++)16             {17                 Console.WriteLine("Using operations[{0}]", i);18                 ProcessAndDiaplayNumber(operations[i], 3.0);19             }20 21             Console.ReadLine();22         }23 24         static void ProcessAndDiaplayNumber(DoubleOp action, double value)25         {26             double result= action(value);27             Console.WriteLine("The result of the value: {0} is {1}", value, result);28         }29     }30 }


 1 namespace ConsoleApplication35 2 { 3     public class DelegateReturn 4     { 5     } 6  7     public class DelegateReturn2 : DelegateReturn 8     { 9     }10 11     public delegate DelegateReturn MyDelegate1();12 13     class Program14     {15         static void Main()16         {17             MyDelegate1 d1 = Method1;18             d1();19         }20 21         static DelegateReturn2 Method1()22         {23             DelegateReturn2 d2 = new DelegateReturn2();24             return d2;25         }26     }27 }



 1 namespace ConsoleApplication36 2 { 3     public class DelegateParam 4     { } 5  6     public class DelegateParam2 : DelegateParam 7     { } 8  9     public delegate void MyDelegate2(DelegateParam2 p);10     class Program11     {12         static void Main(string[] args)13         {14             MyDelegate2 d2 = Method2;15             DelegateParam2 p = new DelegateParam2();16             d2(p);17         }18 19         static void Method2(DelegateParam p)20         { }21     }22 }
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