

 练习时我的胫骨很易受伤。我如h何能使它变得较硬呢?首先,你必须要明白到强化了的胫骨就是一个神经已死亡的胫骨。胫骨本身就已经很坚硬了,它不太可能变得“更硬”。重点在于把神经弄死以致于在受到撞击时你不会感到疼痛。但是无论如何,你必须明暸到在把神经弄死的过程中不可以去伤害你的胫骨。这一点只能借着泰式脚靶及沙包的练习来达成。泰式脚靶及沙包较你的胫骨软,但当你重复的用你的胫骨踢脚靶及沙包时,其坚硬度却足以伤害你皮肤的神经。这个过程需要一点时间,端看你用功的程度及练习的次数。在开始阶段是会痛的,你必须接受这一点。你挑选了世界上最严苛的运动之一,而这种运动是有痛苦伴随的。这仅仅是开始而已,有一天当你的对手朝你的脚踢上一记泰式扫踢时,其痛苦的程度足以把你唤醒,让你知道强化胫骨的痛苦只是小儿科而已。在心理上必须要告诉自己这只是一个起始过程。在某个时候你的胫骨自然会得到适当的强化。有一些膏药可减轻痛苦,你可用膏药当你需要的时候,但要知道没有一种膏药可使你的强化过程毫无痛苦。我不想看到你们用快捷方式的方法去强化胫骨,譬如利用木头或玻璃瓶等。当我听到有些人被他们的教练要求用这种方法来强化胫骨时,我感觉到惊讶。如果你的教练告诉你要用木棒敲打你的胫骨或是用玻璃瓶滚压你的胫骨时,那你应该换一间泰拳馆。如果你采取这种非常手段来强化你的胫骨,会发生什么事情呢?首先你会感觉到你的胫骨强化得很快。为什么?因为你的神经迅速坏死,所以你较感觉不到痛。但是利用较你胫骨硬的东西来做,你亦已经伤害到你的胫骨。猜猜下半辈子会怎么样?你会常常需要去看医生,因为骨头的问题。这种疯狂的方法来自于对泰拳手用胫骨踢树的迷思。但真相是在未有脚靶与沙包的年代,泰拳手是踼香蕉树的。香蕉树的纤维是有弹性的而且较人的胫骨软。它跟橡树不一样。(macautiger按:有作过踢香蕉树练习的就知道,香蕉树虽然较软,但其反作用力非常巨大,初练时会让你非常疼痛,个人认为其比脚靶或沙包更快使你的神经死亡)。唯一与你的胫骨一样硬或较你胫骨硬的东西而你有一天需要去碰撞它的只能是你对手的胫骨及手肘,切记。但是如果你踢到对手的提膝而伤到胫骨,你仍然会因受伤而痛苦。你要做的是尽量在训练阶段减少伤害,把你的好运留待用在擂台上。最重要的是有问题时要咨询你的医生,他知道得最清楚。(注:不一定是逐字翻译,翻译不对处请见谅) 以下是编译者macautiger的一点补充:会产生强化胫骨需要用木棍或玻璃瓶敲打的迷思应该是来自早期的踢拳道拳手的训练法。在1960年代末期,日本空手道顶尖高手挑战泰拳大败而归。其中空手道冠军白羽秀树被击倒十七次,剩下半条命在医院躺了几个月。伤愈后改名泽村忠,成为踢拳道手,与野口修等人吸收泰拳的技术发展出踢拳道,并成为第一代的踢拳王。泽村忠一直寻求向泰拳复仇的机会,但因为起步较晚,必需采取较激烈的训练方法,以求速成。这是日本人的武士道精神,不惜牺牲,以求得到剎那间的灿烂,所谓樱花文化。当时泽村忠有几项所谓「超特训练」,其中以啤酒瓶敲胫骨即为其中之一,泽村忠多次在记者面前表演以胫骨把啤酒瓶敲碎,引起轰动。电视、漫话、卡通等亦把这种训练方法作为题材,以彰显男子气概,传媒的影响力不可忽视。泽村忠后来与泰拳师的比赛取得不错的成绩,被封为踢拳王,当时其它的踢拳手亦仿效他的训练法。但这是有时代背景的,后来当踢拳道渐渐成熟,世代交替时,必会回归较正常及科学的训练法。难道魔裟斗还是用泽村忠土法炼钢的「超特训练」,我不认为会这样。总之,一些的锻炼以安全为前提,尤其是你不是职业拳手时,更要小心,不要因要练武强身而变成伤身。故此有一些未成年的练武者问我有关硬度的练法,我的回复都是目前你不需要练。题外话:泽村忠于1970年代曾到香港作踢拳道的表演,在香港时口出狂言,说中国功夫根本不堪一击,引起公愤,当时香港即有十位拳师联名向他挑战(包括东南亚武术大赛冠军,后来以36及40岁高龄两度ko日本踢拳手的电影明星陈惠敏),但当时泽村忠不接受挑战,香港拳师商议在表演时直接跳上擂台求战,不由他不打,但当时警方为了安全,派警队把擂台四周用人墙围起来,整个表演赛就在这种环境下进行。翻译原文:Howdo I condition my shins?It hurts so much when I train. How do Imake my shins harder? First, you must realize that a conditionedshin is one with deadened nerves. The shin is already hard and willunlikely get much harder. The key is to deaden the nerves so thatyou wouldn't feel the pain upon impact. However, you must alsorealize that you should not damage the shin bone while trying todeaden the nerves. This can be done only by practicing on the Thaipads and bags. The Thai pads and bags are softer than your shinbone while hard enough to damage the nerves on the skin above yourshin bone with repeated impact. This process can take a whiledepending on how hard you train and how frequently you train. Youmust accept that in the beginning, it will be painful. You've justpicked one of the most demanding sports in the world. There will bepain to go with it. This is only the beginning. The first time anopponent lands a hard Thai kick on your legs, you will get a wakeup call more painful than shin conditioning. Mentally tell yourselfthat this is the initiation process. In time your shins will beproperly conditioned. There are ointments that may alleviate someof the pain. Use them as needed. But understand that no ointmentwill make the process painless.What I don't want to see any of youdo is to try and take the shortcut at shin conditioning by usinghard objects like wood or bottles. I was shocked to hear that somepeople were actually told by their trainers to take this route. Ifyour trainer tells you to beat your shins with sticks or roll hardbottles on them, seek another Muay Thai gym. This is what willhappen if you take these drastic measures. You will at first feelthat your shins are conditioned fast. Why? Your nerves have beendeadened fast so that you now feel little pain. But by using anobject harder than your shin bone you've just damaged the bone too.Guess what will happen later in life? That's right, you will haveto see a doctor for bone problems. This crazy method probablystarted from the myth that Thai boxers in Thailand kicked treeswith their shins. The truth is long ago before the availability ofpads and bags, Thai boxers kicked banana trees. The texture of abanana tree is rubbery and is softer than a person's shin. It isnot like the wooden oak tree sitting in your backyard. The onlything as hard as or harder than your shin bone that you may one dayhit are the shins, knees, and elbows of your opponents. And if youend up hurting your shin bone as a result of kicking into youropponents raised knee, then you may still suffer an injury. Justtry to minimize injuries in training and save your luck for thering. Most importantly, always consult a physician with yourconcerns.
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