


I am the owner of <<yourdomain.com>> and am in the early stages of listing my domain for sale when I looked up the <<location/term>> on Google and found your website. I had planned to develop this into a <<whatever>> site, but other projects are currently encompassing my time. 

<<yourdomain.com>> is short, very descriptive, and could be used for your main site or for one to complement it. The term "yourdomain" got <<123456>> searches in the month of May alone and has well over <<123456>> hits on Google search. The term is extremely easy to market and would be very presentable and professional on business cards, stationary, and other forms of major media, such as television and newspaper. I wanted to be courteous enought to ask someone who actually utilizes this <<location/term>> with their own endeavors and/or services. If you have any interest in owning my domain <<yourdomain.com>>, please let me know. If this email was a bother to you, I deeply apologize and will move on elsewhere. The sale is now open to offers (although, I do have a price point in mind), so please contact me at your earliest convenience. Thank you for your time <<sir/madam>>.

Best Regards,


Sub: Very Rare and Special Domain name WWW.-----.COM is for sale.

We have this registered domain www.-----.com for sale. We thought it is most suitable for your company since ---- [the name] can be applied for your company and its business activities.

It is one of a kind rare and special domain which has endless applications. It has also got very high resale value and can be reused for any other purpose.

Please send your offers to us at the earliest. Minimum price expected is US $ 10,000.00 [US Dollars Ten Thousand ] or approximately Rs 5,00,000.00 [Rupees five lakhs ] This is a non negotiable minimum expected price. Please do not send offers below this price.

Kindly forward this message to the appropriate authority in your organisation for consideration. Thank you

Best Regards,


My company has a domain name we think will interest you. The name is CustomGiftService.com (your domain)it is great for the market your are in. This is because the name itself will give you the edge on your competitors. My company registered this name because we knew it would be of great value for the gift (the names market) market. Please reply if you would like to make and offer. 

(Your Name)
(Your Contact Details)


I recently aquired the domain name xxxx.xxx and found your site 
xxxx.xxx. Thinking you may be interested I am now emailing you to find out if you would like to purchase this name from me before I go ahead and sell it. If you are interested and would like to make an offer please reply to this email. Thank you for your time, I hope to hear from you soon.



I have been browsing the internet and have come across your organization. Apparently i happen to own ______. I believe that this domain is more useful for your organization than me. So, if you are interested in buying this domain please contact me. I am willing to sell my domain ................ 
You can email at this address _________ for further information.

If you are not interested, please mail me back as i will know your intentions.



This domain name is for sale and ready for development. We are contacting you direct, as your business is directly related too the Ink-Jet-Refill industry. 

There is only one .com in any quality domain, and this name fits the bill. Finding a quality, keyword rich domain is not an easy task, as most of the great .com's are already in use.

This domain represents keywords which rec'. XXXX searches monthly...

This domain is listed for auction/sale on various high traffic name auction sites. Our fair asking price is: $XXX 

Feel free too contact me if you are interested in ownership. 

Domain name ownership is free and painless and you can expect a same day ownership transfer. 

I am available to answer any questions you may have by email or telephone. My contact details are below:


Kind Regards
GNM services Corp!


For the urgent attention of 

My name is [NAME] and I am the Registrant and Administrative contact for: 


This domain is currently for sale and I intend to sell it in the immediate future. The domain name is available for immediate transfer. 

I currently have received an offer of US$XXXX for the name. 

Your company features strongly in search engines when looking for [MYDOMAIN] and I believe the domain name would form a useful addition to your business. 

You will be aware that all the important extensions of [DOMAINNAME] are already taken and that the dot com version of any name is the first one most people think of when looking for such a site. 

I am looking for $XXXX for the name which I believe is a fair value. 

If you would be interested in acquiring this name for your business, please contact me by email at 


within the next 24 hours with an indication of what you feel the name is worth to your business. 

Best regards 



ExampleDomain.com - Domain Name Inquiry.

Dear Mr./Mrs. Example:
We own the URL/domain name, "ExampleDomain.com" and we are currently entertaining all reasonable offers for purchase. The domain is registered at ExampleRegistrar and doesn't expire until 00/00/04. We can negotiate and accept an immediate Offer via Paypal ... and then easily "free push" the domain to YOUR account at ExampleRegistrar (the Registrar) within a matter of moments after acceptance.

If you are interested in acquiring this domain name for your site/business and this "Quick Sale" offer, or should you have any questions, please feel free to E-mail me at your earliest convenience. You may also call us toll-free at 1.800.XXX.XXXX!

Thank you for your time and consideration.
-Signed professionally 

Dear (WhoIs, if current) or Sir/Madam, Hello, Greetings, etc.

re: XYZonline.com

I'm writing you today to bring to your express attention, the above mentioned (also in the header's Subject field) domain name/s that is/are currently available for investment at MyResellerSite.com. We're confident you'll agree that this unique identity will prove to be of strategic value to your company's online presence. (For these optional reasons?) Therefore I'm prepared to offer you this opportunity today, at a fair price. Please in/en quire. Thankyou for your consideration. Have an excellent day, week, holiday season, etc. 

Best regards,

Senior Sales Associate
(123) 456.7890


Greetings, Hello, etc.

I'm writing you today in regard to some of the many identities we currently have available for investment at MyResellerSite.com. Hereafter are several names, uniquely relevant to your companies online competativeness. 

Current Offerings:


Please contact us at your earliest convenience to request pricings, or so we can answer any questions you may have, pertaining to these investments. Thanyou for your express consideration. Have an excellent day, Holiday season, etc.

Kind regards,

Sales Associates
(123) 456.7890

Hello <<Potential client name>>,

I have a domain in my posession that is doing real well, however it is in the wrong hands. 

I am a website designer and web host that purchased a domain name for a client some time ago. The client had me partially develop the domain and since then I haven't heard from the client.

If you search google for the term "Valuable realty" you can see this domain in #3 position on the first page. Unfortunately I'm not a realtor to reap the benifits of this great potential.

In the same search I seen that you are local to me and listed on page XX. I have a few offers on this domain from companies in Arizona and California. I have also entertained the idea of listing this domain on greatdomains.com as it has the potential of bringing me a 7 figure sales number. 

My reasoning for contacting you is I see that you are local to me and can use this domain. I'm sure as the domain is sitting in the number 3 slot on google now that if I build a web site for you and keep the domain hosted with my company I can obtain even better results with google.

My asking price for this domain is $xxxx.xx. I know the figure is low for this domain but seeing as you are a local company I'd much rather see someone closeby succeed with this domain.

I also noticed you are having a web design company out of California design your website. I notice your website has not changed in 4 years. I am offering you a complete package on this domain to include free web redesign and hosting for one year if you purchase this domain.

Please contact me if you are interested in pursueing this offer. If I don't hear anything within the next 48 hours I will have to accept you are not interested in this offer and sell the domain to one of the other companies that contacted me. 

Thank You,
Mark Jervis 
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