

我的春节初体验——口语版2010年2月号美文 2010-3-16
Traditions and Taboos: My First Spring Festival




Part 1  New Year’s Eve 忙碌除夕辞旧岁




Li Xia: Well, this is my house. Welcome. Please, come in.
Jackson: Oh, it’s very…
Li Xia: Shoes!
Jackson: Huh?
Li Xia: Take off your shoes, please.
Jackson: Oh, sorry.
Li Xia: Now, let’s get to work.
Jackson: Work? I just got off a plane.
Li Xia: No time for relaxing, my friend. Tomorrow is the first day of Chinese New Year. We’ve got cleaning to do. It’s tradition to clean the house before the New Year. Then we’ve got to go shopping for the family dinner tonight.
Jackson: No rest for the 1)wicked, huh?
Li Xia: I’m afraid not. You’ve arrived at the busiest time of the year for us. When you kept delaying your trip, I thought you were never going to come. But better late than never, I guess.
Jackson: Okay then, let’s get this over with. Where should I start?
Li Xia: You take the bathroom, I’ll get started on the kitchen. Oh, when will Penny arrive?
Jackson: Tomorrow.
Li Xia: Oh, she will miss the cleaning.
Jackson: Oh, poor Penny.
(A few hours later)
Jackson: OK, the house is 2)sparkling. That toilet is as clean as a 3)whistle. And I just changed my clothes. So, I’m ready. Can we go now?
Li Xia: Yes, but you have to go and change your clothes first.
Jackson: No. I just changed.
Li Xia: No, no, no. You cannot wear black! That is the colour for 4)mourning. We are not going to a 5)funeral. This is a time for celebration. You will have to change into some red clothes.
Jackson: You’re kidding, right?
Li Xia: Do I look like I’m kidding?
Jackson: Oh.
Li Xia: Oh, you poor boy. You have so much to learn.
Jackson: What have I gotten myself into?
Li Xia: Don’t worry, you will pick it all up in no time. Hurry up, we still have to buy all the food for the family dinner tonight. They are all dying to meet you.
Jackson: What food do you eat?
Li Xia: Everything! Rice, fish, chicken, noodles, soup, duck, turtle…
Jackson: Turtle?
Li Xia: Yeah, you will love it.
Jackson: OK. Anything else I need to know
Li Xia: Don’t drop your 6)chopsticks.
Jackson: OK. I’ll do my best.
Li Xia: And don’t break anything. You will have all sorts of bad luck if you do that. Come on, it’s going to be great.
Jackson: I can’t wait.


杰克逊: 就休息一会儿也不行吗?




Smart Sentences
No rest for the wicked, huh? 就休息一会儿也不行吗?
no rest for the wicked: the bad guys should be punished, a joke used here to make fun of the speaker himself(坏人会被处罚,此处说话者用此来自嘲)。例如:
Hey, sis, you need to help with the party. No rest for the wicked.
But better late than never, I guess. 但是我想,迟到总比不到好。
better late than never: it is better to do sth. late than not do it at all(迟做总比不做好)。例如:
You are just now writing back to Grandma? Well, I guess better late than never.
Okay then, let’s get this over with. 那好吧,只好动手干活了。
get (sth.) over with: finish an unpleasant or unhappy experience(熬过/结束一件不愉快但必须做的事)。例如:
Let’s get this dinner over with.
That toilet is as clean as a whistle. 厕所干净极了。
as clean as a whistle: completely clean(非常干净)。例如:
Look at the kitchen; it’s as clean as a whistle.
Do I look like I’m kidding? 我像是在开玩笑吗?
Do I look like I’m kidding?: expression used to indicate the speaker is serious about what he/she means(我像是在开玩笑吗?用以表示说话人所说的话的严肃性)。例如:
—Do you really want me to finish this report by three o’clock?
—Do I look like I’m kidding?
What have I gotten myself into? 我这是在自寻烦恼吗?
get sb. into sth.: cause sb. to be involved in an unpleasant situation(使某人陷入某种不愉快的状态)。例如:
Using the credit card frequently got me deep into debt.


Don’t worry, you will pick it all up in no time. 别担心,你很快就会适应的。
in no time: very quickly, almost immediately(非常快,几乎不用花时间)。例如:
The article doesn’t look too hard. I can finish the translation in no time.


Part New Year’s Day 吉祥如意过新年





Penny: Is Jackson still sleeping?
Li Xia: Yes. He must be very tired. My dad made him drink a lot of wine last night.
Penny: OK, I’ll let him sleep. But I hope he gets up soon. We are going to look around the city.
Li Xia: I prepared some breakfast for you. These are jiaozi.
Penny: Oh, 1)dumplings. Wow, there are so many.
Li Xia: Yes. You must eat all of them. They will bring you lots of money.
Penny: Oh, I really can’t eat so much. I’m watching my weight. I really want to avoid piling on pounds over the winter.
Li Xia: Well, now it’s spring, so you have no excuse. Quickly! Eat!
Penny: OK, I’ll do my best. Oh, I was meaning to ask you, do you have a broom? I just wanted to sweep my bedroom.
Li Xia: Oh, no! You cannot clean today.
Penny: No, really it’s no problem. I would have done it earlier, but I couldn’t find your broom.
Li Xia: No, today is the first day of the new year. You must not sweep the floor. If you do that, you may as well just throw my money out the door!
Penny: Sorry. I didn’t realise. Well, at least let me take the garbage out. Where should I put it?
Li Xia: No, no, no, no, no. You just sit down and take it easy. Garbage cannot be 2)disposed of on New Year’s Day. Oh! Between you and Jackson, I can see I’m going to have my hands full. You have so much to learn. It’s not going to be a walk in the park.
Penny: Sorry. We are not used to so many customs and traditions. I don’t know how you remember them all.
Li Xia: Every Chinese person will know about these things.
Penny: Well, I might just take a quick shower. I feel 3)yucky from being on the plane for so long.
Li Xia: Sure, go right ahead…but don’t wash your hair.
Penny: Excuse me?
Li Xia: You cannot wash your hair for three days. That’s a tradition. You wouldn’t want to wash away your wealth, would you?
Penny: Ah, no…I guess I wouldn’t. But the smell may scare away a few people.



Smart Sentences
I’m watching my weight. 我正在减肥呢。
watch one’s weight: be careful with one’s weight(留意自己的体重)。例如:
You need to watch your weight during Chinese New Year.


I really want to avoid piling on pounds over the winter. 真不想一个冬天就体重暴增。
pile on pounds: gradually adding weight to one’s body(渐渐地增加体重)。例如:
My husband piled on a lot of pounds over the holiday.


If you do that, you may as well just throw my money out the door! 如果你那样做,就跟把钱扔到门外去没什么两样!
may as well: a situation is the same or almost the same as if it were true(与……一样)。例如:
If I go out tonight, I may as well not take the exam tomorrow.
Oh! Between you and Jackson, I can see I’m going to have my hands full. 哦!在你和杰克逊之间,我可以预见我将会忙得团团转。
have one’s hands full: very busy because of sth. (非常忙)。例如:
Sorry, I didn’t call you back earlier. I have had my hands full for the last two days.
It’s not going to be a walk in the park. 这可不是轻而易举的事。
a walk in the park: sth. that is really easy(易如反掌)。例如:
Don’t worry about the class registration. It’s like a walk in the park.


1.  在中国,尤其是北方地区,有春节吃饺子的习俗。每天晚上十一点到凌晨一点这个时间叫做“子时”;年三十的这一时候,不仅是新旧两天的更替,更是新旧岁的更替,因此叫交子,是辞旧迎新的界限。饺子和交子谐音,加上外形与古代的金元宝相似,因此吃饺子有“招财进宝”的意思。
2.  在春节的前三天,“洗头”是禁忌。头发的“发”又有“发财”的意思,因此这时候洗头会被看成是在一年刚开始的时候就把财富洗走的意思。
3.  相传大年初一是扫帚的生日,这一天不能动用扫帚,否则会扫走运气、破财,而把“扫帚星”引来,招致霉运。假如非要扫地不可,必须从外向内扫。



Part 3  The Final Festivities 最后的庆典




Li Xia: Hurry up, guys. We have to make it to the 1)temple before it closes. It’s our last chance to make prayers for the coming year.
Jackson: Man, those fireworks were amazing. I’ve never seen anything like that. They were everywhere. Everyone was getting in on the act.
Penny: Yeah. How cute was that little old lady. But, I must say, my favourite thing was seeing those lion dancers. That’s, like, an 2)iconic image of China. I got some great photos, too.
Li Xia: Actually, you are very lucky to see the fireworks here. Many cities have 3)banned them because of noise pollution and for safety, of course.
Jackson: They were really loud. I think I’m 4)temporarily deaf, actually.
Penny: Pardon?
Jackson: I said…oh.
Penny: Joking, Jackson. So, what should we pray for at this temple?
Li Xia: Anything you want. Fortune, wealth, good health, marriage, a baby…
Penny: A baby?! Whoa, slow down…this is my first visit to a temple. I think I’ll take baby steps, no 5)pun intended, and focus on something like good health.
Jackson: Hey, guys, I really want to buy that bag I saw this morning, but I won’t have enough cash until Saturday. Could one of you tide me over till then?
Li Xia: No, no, no, no ,no.
Jackson: Sorry. I don’t mean to be rude. It’s just that I saw all that money you got in the red packets.
Li Xia: The hong bao? Yes that is my money for good luck. It’s bad luck for me to lend money at Chinese New Year. Another lesson for you, Jackson.
Jackson: How about you, Penny?
Penny: Sorry, I wouldn’t want to give myself bad luck. I guess we all know what you will be praying for at the temple…
(At the airport before leaving China)
Li Xia: I hope you have enjoyed your stay. Now, what have you learned on your trip?
Jackson: Well, I learnt how to clean a toilet…and how to live on a 6)budget.
Penny: And I learnt how to get dirty hair.
Li Xia: And? Did you learn some Chinese expressions?
Penny and Jackson: Yes…
Li Xia: Go on then, don’t be shy.
Penny and Jackson: Xin nian kuai le!
Li Xia: Very good! Hats off to you! I’m so proud of you guys.


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