

5 Photographers Offer Their Surprising Tips for St...

Pictured: [1] Tomatito [2] Tomatito

Pro Tip

The most enjoyable way to shoot macro is probably waking up in the early morning when all the insects are still sleeping. Take your macro lens, camera, and tripod, and go into a forest or a meadow. Usually, the insects will still be covered in morning dew in the early hours, and the light can be amazing during sunrise.

If you want a great macro lens for cheap, you can purchase an old manual 28mm, 35mm, or 50mm lens and put it on your camera reversed. You can usually tape it with electrical tape on some cheap extension tubes. That will give you fantastic magnification and sharpness. Because the lens is manual, you can also set an aperture which provides you with a deeper depth of field. I wish someone would have told me this many years ago.

Another fantastic tip is to diffuse the flash from your camera with tissue paper. Tissue paper softens the light. Many times, I have created a sort of “tunnel” with paper to direct the light towards my subject. In this case, the flash won’t travel all around the room but to a specific place. This method can deliver fantastic results, and you won’t need to buy an expensive additional macro flash. It’s an excellent DIY project on a budget, and it’s also fun!


2. “Look for a perfect angle and a breathtaking background.”

Earnest Tse

Image by Earnest Tse. Gear: Canon EOS 5D Mark III camera, Canon EF 100mm f/2.8L Macro IS USM lens. Settings: Exposure 1/200 sec; f9.0; ISO 800.

What’s the story behind this photo?

Mudskippers are active in grey and black mud flats during the summer, but they often keep a distance from human beings, making them difficult to reach. From what I understand, mudskippers are not as sensitive to things that approach slowly and quietly, so I walked close to a burrow and set up my camera nearby before calmly waiting for its appearance. As expected, the mudskipper was not aware of my slow movements and crawled out. I took this photo at a distance of 30 centimeters.

Image by Earnest Tse.

Pro Tip

It is crucial for you to understand the behaviors of your subject, including its habits, the location and time it generally shows up, and how closely you can approach. You’ll have a higher chance of getting a good photo if you wait for your subject at a particular place rather than chasing after it. If you would like to take pictures of bees or butterflies, for example, stay close to nectariferous plants and set up your gear.

Capturing a spectacular photo with that “wow” factor doesn’t always come down to luck. Instead, you need to make preparations. Look for a perfect angle and a breathtaking background. Additionally, always focus on the eyes of your subject. After all, they are the windows to the soul.


3. “My favorite time is the early morning, when the light is soft and your subjects are still dewy.”

Artur Rydzewski

Image by Artur Rydzewski. Gear: Nikon D5200 camera, El-Nikkor 50mm lens with extension tube, flash with diffuser. Settings: Exposure 1/200 sec; f5.6; ISO 800.

What’s the story behind this photo?

I photographed this bee in the dew early in the morning in a meadow near the forest.

Pro Tip

First, you should have the right equipment, especially lenses, a flash, and a diffuser. The most important is the lens, but you don’t have to buy expensive macro lenses! I use reversed enlarger lenses. My favorite is the El-Nikkor 50mm, f/2.8N, which is ideal for extreme macro photography. You can also use an extension tube for more magnification.

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