

A white woman who has figured out the toxic Asian female

White women have figured out Asian women to the fullest extent:

"Hello. I have been reading through this thread and i would just like to say a few things. Their mentality is much more messed up than what people see on the surface.

The status seeking is one of those things that are just on the surface. But thats just the "welcome sign" of the crapstorm behind the door that its hanging off of. Its long but I've come to this conclusion from my years of observations.

Im going to use their view of a AMWF couple as an example.

A lot of these Asian women (as many have already pointed out) has a complex. They wish they were white women SO bad. It's to a point where they want to replace white women. A lot of the fantasies from what I hear involves white women leaving a white man for them. It's cringy.

Their self hatred of being Asian can also be seen through how they express so much hatred towards Asian men. They get particularly angry when they are with a white woman because:

A: White women are with someone who they detest and deem below them is with a woman who they want to replace which is another really messed up complex. The women they want to replace is out of the picture but someone who they want to be and envious of their beauty, and what they envy and want to replace at the same time (which is why they go after white men). Seeing them with Asian men, whom they look down on, makes them gave a mental breakdown.

B: Their back up plan is gone. Incase they cant get a white man, they get a well off Asian man (who probably never got attention from any race of woman) and marry him. Thats why they go to crazy lengths to stop that from becoming a trend. Which is why they say horrible to stuff to non-Asian women and join in the racism to keep them from being desirable and kills their self esteem. Easier to control when they are married that way to. They are refereed to as bananarangs.

Are you getting a grasp at the level of their insanity?

Also another reason why WMAF happens so often is because they really are easy. Also since they are trying to please the white men they have so they are more inclined to marry them. Theres an unbelievable amount of degrading things they do in the bedroom. Something NO SELF RESPECTING WHITE WOMAN would do.

They do this in mass so the guys just simply get a "preference" for Asian women."


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