




Autoimmune diseases (Ads) are chronic, often debilitating and potentially life-threatening conditions that collectively affect up to 23.5 million Americans, and their incidence is rising. They are heterogeneous in pathology but share common etiopathogenic factors such as intestinal hyperpermeability. Although up to 100 ADs have been identified, there are likely more. Genetics plays clear role in the predisposition for the development and phenotype AD, but various combinations of factors, such as toxins, endogenous hormone imbalances, microbes (including ofGI origin), infections, stress and food antigens, are involved in disease . Standard treatments include NSAIDs, steroids, anti-neoplastic agents and tumor necrosis factor-alpha antagonists. These tools have potentially devastating side effects and are often applied regardless of the diagnosis. Frequently, they are only modestly effective in relieving symptoms and limiting the advancing disease process. Direct healthcare costs of AD are estimated at around 100 billion dollars per year in the United States. By comparison, cancer care costs about 57 billion dollars per year. The rising incidence of this debilitating and costly group of conditions dictates that safe, alternative approaches to treatment be considered now.




At age 56, MP presented with a diagnosis of psoriatic arthritis that was progressively worsening despite aggressive medication therapy. He experienced severe pain, decreased range of motion, and swelling in his feet, ankles, knees, and hands. He walked with a limp. His left shoulder was also frequently painful. All symptoms became worse in the morning. He had been taking etodolac and methotrexate for the past 3 years, and adalimumab for the past 6 months. The onset of psoriatic arthritis occurred with the development of pain and redness in his right great toe, for which he was treated unsuccessfully with antibiotics. Shortly thereafter, he developed psoriasis behind his knees, on his feet, and behind his ears. He had psoriatic nails for most of his life.


Just prior to receiving the diagnosis of psoriatic arthritis, he had a left knee arthroscopy that was negative for degenerative disease but positive for synovitis. He also developed a hemorrhagic Baker's cyst, causing complained of esophageal reflux, a severe recent swelling and pain in his left foot and knee. MP also 15-pound weight gain, and intermittent depression.


MP's past medical history included migraine headaches and disc protrusion with sciatica at L5一S1. His mother, at age 82, was diagnosed with congestive heart failure, malnutrition, rheumatoid arthritis, depression, and schizophrenia. MP's father died at age 62; he had suffered from cancer, obesity, and alcoholism. His brothers were diagnosed with cancer, inflammatory arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, alcoholism, and depression and his sisters with alcoholism, depression, and bipolar disorder. MP's son was diagnosed with schizophrenia and his daughter with ADHD. There was hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, and depression on both sides of the extended family.


In addition to etodolac, methotrexate, and adalimumab, MP took aspirin, omega-3 fatty acids, and a multivitamin and mineral. His past history included multiple courses of antibiotics. MP led a stressful life with a highly demanding job. His schedule had little time anon, although he reported meditating daily. MP was married with two children one who had been diagnosed with schizophrenia and lived at home.


MP's usual dietary intake included oatmeal with milk and sugar for breakfast; tuna with soup and cookies for lunch; fish or meat with vegetables and potato or pasta for dinner. He snacked on cookies and protein bars. He avoided chocolate and fatty foods. He ate out more than 5 times per week and craved sweets and caffeine, consuming 3 to 4 cups of coffe and one diet soda per day (357 to 464 mg caffeine). MP drank about 12 alcoholic beverages per week, including wine and the occasional scotch. He reported that his liver enzymes had been elevated, and he showed some concern about his drinking. Because of his schedule, he didn't exercise regularly, but he was interested in starting. He had a history of mold exposure and his teeth contained many mercury amalgams.



In his systems review, it was found that he was sensitive to loud noises, had dry eyes crusty secretions, was intolerant of perfumes and auto exhaust, and had canker esophageal reflux, and chronic constipation. He also had some difficulty with concentration irritability. His blood pressure was 138/87, height 70.5, weight 204 pounds and body mass index was 28.85.


Initial Laboratory Results

1. IgG foods: Food reactions have been associated with psoriatic arthritis pathogenesis, and may contribute to inflammation. Many IgG reactions demonstrate intestinal hyper permeability also a factor in inflammatory arthritis. Removing offending foods, if present, will reduce systemic inflammation.

2. DQ genotype (celiac genes) and celiac panel: Celiac disease and psoriatic arthritis have been linked, and share common inflammatory etiopathogenic features.

3. Inflammatory markers: Monitoring general inflammatory markers is standard practice for assessment of treatment efficacy

4. Multiprofile panel: A comprehensive assessment including fatty acids, amino acids, organic acids, oxidative stress markers, and whole blood toxic metals. These tests assist in finding individual etiopathogenic factors that can affect treatment considerations. (Not all findings are discussed below. Panel results not grouped together)

5. Metabolic panel and lipids: General assessment of metabolic imbalances associated with inflammation

6. Thyroid panel: Subclinical hypothyroidism is frequently found in those with complex, chronic disease.

7. DNA microbial stool profile: Assessment of GI microbial status and GI function. GI imbalances are a common finding in inflammatory conditions.

1. 免疫球蛋白G:银屑病关节炎的发病机制和食物反应存在关系,食物可能造成炎症。许多免疫球蛋白G反应证实,肠道通透性增高也是炎症性关节炎的一个诱因。如果现在停止食用这些食物,那么感染全身炎症的可能性就会降低。
2. DQ基因型(腹腔基因型)和腹部检查:腹腔疾病和银屑病关节炎存在关系,且炎症发病机理特征相同。
3. 感染标志:跟踪调查显示,一般炎症感染标准是由实际治疗效果评估来决定的。
4. 多型检查:广泛评估包括脂肪酸、氨基酸、有机酸、氧化应激指标和血液中有毒金属等,这些检测有助于找到个体的发病机理因素,从而用来决定治疗方法。(并没有讨论完所有研究结果且检查结果未分类。)
5. 新陈代谢检查及脂类:新陈代谢失调的一般性评估和炎症存在关系。
6. 甲状腺检查:这些复杂的慢性疾病通常伴有临床症状不明显的甲状腺功能减退。
7. DNA微生物粪便评估:肠道微生物状况评估和肠道功能,炎症状况下通常伴有肠道菌群不均衡现象。

Pertinent Negative Laboratory Results 

Given MP's high number of amalgams, there was concern about mercury. According to the

CDC, up to 75% of an individual's mercury exposure may be from amalgams. MP's whole blood toxic metals were within normal limits, ruling out significant current toxic release from amalgams. A DMPS-challenged urine toxic element test was also ordered to assess body burden, but MP had not completed the test at the time of this publication.


Initial Assessment

Psoriatic arthritis


Psoriatic nails


Aphthous stomatitis

Gastroesophageal reflux disease

Chronic constipation

Migraine headaches


Intestinal hyperpermeability

Gluten sensitivity

Multiple IgG food sensitivities

Hypovitaminosis D

Inflammation and oxidative stress

Suspected fatty liver

Metabolic syndrome

Subclinical hypothyroidism

GI yeast overgrowth

Mercury toxicity (multiple amalgams)

Family history of heart disease, hypertension, psychiatric disorders, diabetes, autoimmunity

※ 银屑病性关节炎
※ 牛皮癣
※ 银屑病甲
※ 眼睑缘炎
※ 抑郁症
※ 口疮性口炎
※ 胃食管返流
※ 慢性便秘
※ 偏头痛
※ 肠道通透性
※ 麸质敏感性
※ 多种抗体食物过敏
※ 维生素D缺乏
※ 炎症和氧化应激
※ 疑似脂肪肝
※ 代谢综合征
※ 亚临床甲状腺功能减退
※ 胃肠道酵母增多
※ 汞毒性(多汞合金)
※ 家庭病史,包括心脏病、高血压、精神病史、糖尿病、自身免疫系统疾病。

Initial plan

Dietary changes: 100% gluten and dairy free; avoid yeast and eggs; discontinue alcohol, caffeine, sugar; eat whole, low glycemic-index foods, good fats, and proteins. Recommend prepared hypoallergenic meals.

Anti-inflammatory medicinal food, 2 scoops QD

450 billion CFU probiotic, 1 packet BID

Vitamin D3 5000 IU, 2 caps QD

EPA/DHA 6:1, 1 cap BID

Methyl donors (B12, folic acid and B6), 1 cap BID

Amino acids (taurine, glycine, N-acetyl-cysteine, methionine), 3 caps BID

High-dose multivitamin and mineral without iron, 4 tabs BID

Fluconazole 100 mg, 1 tab QD*30 days

Continue daily meditation practice

※ 改变饮食:限制谷蛋白和奶制品,避免食用酵母和鸡蛋,戒酒、咖啡因和糖,只吃低糖食物、有益脂肪和蛋白质。建议食用低致敏食物。
※ 有抗炎作用的药用食品,2匙/天
※ 4500亿益生菌,一包/天
※ 维生素D3 5000IU,2粒/天
※ EPA/DHA 6:1,1粒,BID
※ 甲基供体(B12、叶酸和B6),1粒,BID
※ 复合氨基酸(牛磺酸、甘氨酸、乙酰基半胱氨酸、蛋氨酸),3粒,BID
※ 高剂量复合维生素和(不含铁)微量元素,4粒/天
※ 氟康唑100mg,一粒/天,服用30天
※ 坚持每日冥想练习

Treatment plan rationale: Treatment for MP was focused on removing the antigenic foods and GI yeast, reducing inflammation, restoring GI mucosa, and providing needed nutrients. It was expected that thyroid and metabolic imbalances would normalize with these general interventions. Given his busy lifestyle, MP benefited from hypoallergenic, low glycemic-index prepared meals. Fluconazole was given for the Candida, followed by a mucosal-restoring medicinal food and high-dose probiotic.


Omega-3 fatty acids were given to support production of anti-inflammatory eicosanoids. Vitamin D (10,000 IU/day) was given to increase serum D levels to within 55 to 70 ng/mL, which is considered an optimal range in complex chronic disease. A supplement containing methyl donors was given to improve methylation and sulfuration activity based on the understanding that increased activity in these pathways may help with mood, metabolic imbalances, cardiovascular health and hepatic detoxification. The amino acid combination of taurine, glycine, N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC), and methionine was also prescribed to support hepatic methylation and sulfuration. Taurine, glycine, and NAC are also known to have anxiolytic properties. A high-dose multivitamin and mineral supplement was given for general micronutrient support, and to ensure adequate availability of cofactors and coenzymes. Metabolic polymorphisms can result in a lowered affinity of an enzyme for its coenzyme; thus, increased levels may be needed for optimal (or even adequate) functioning. MP was encouraged to continue with his meditation practice as meditation has been shown to improve well-being by reducing stress, inflammation and depression.


Five-Month Follow-up

MP arrived pain-free the day of the office visit, stating that he hadn't felt so good in years. He reported an 80% reduction in pain on average with improved mobility. He could climb stairs more quickly and was no longer limping. Morning pain and stiffness were gone. Previously, his hands were swollen and difficult to open. Now, the swelling was resolved and movement was normal. MP had not used any non-steroidal anti-inflammatory or adalimumab for two months. He reduced his usage of methotrexate from 15 to 5 mg per week。


His reflex and migraines were gone. His mood had improved and he was less irritable. He was no longer constipated. He reported having a single, well-formed bowel movement daily. He was still under a great deal of stress, working 80 hours a week, but meditation continued to be helpful. He reported that he was still getting occasional canker sores.


He quit caffeine and reduced alcohol intake considerably. He started hypoallergenic, gluten-, yeast-, dairy-, and soy-free prepared meals, which were perfect for his busy lifestyle, enabling him to follow the dietary suggestions. He was taking his supplements regularly. He was losing weight, his clothes fit much better and he was satisfied with his dietary changes. Overall, he was pleased with his progress.


Blood pressure: 118/73 LAS (5 months ago: 138/87)

Pulse: 58 BPM

Weight: 190 pounds (5 months ago: 204 lbs)



注:文章部分内容来自Case Studies in Integrative  and Functional Medicine

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228.Psoriatic arthritis(银屑病关节炎)
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