








模仿朗读 本题6分


Every child in the UK must receive a full-time education until the age of 16. Parents can send their children either to a state school or a private school. The school year is generally divided into three terms. Each term ends in a holiday. The summer holiday is the longest and usually lasts from the middle of July to the beginning of September. Education has two main stages — primary school and secondary school. Primary schools are for students from the age of 5 to 11. Secondary schools are for students from the age of 11 to 16 or 18.

听选信息1 本题3分


M: Thank you for coming to my party. How I miss my life when I was a child!

W: Happy 18th birthday, Kevin! It has been six years since you moved here. Do you remember anything in the countryside?

M: Yeah. There was a small river running through our village. I often swam with my brothers after school.

W: No wonder you swim so fast! When I was a child, I cared about nothing but playing games. How time flies!

1. How old was Kevin when he moved to the city?(He was 16 years old. / He was 12 years old. / He was 20 years old.)


He was twelve years old.

He was twelve years old when he moved to the city.

Kevin was twelve when he moved to the city.

Kevin was twelve then.

He was twelve then.

Kevin was twelve when he moved there.

He was twelve years old then.

Kevin was twelve years old.

2. What is Kevin good at?(Swimming. / Playing games. / Running.)



He is good at swimming.

Kevin is good at swimming.

He's good at swimming.

听选信息2 本题3分


W: James, I joined an activity called "How to have a great day".

M: Sounds good. What will you do then, Tina?

W: We'll think about interesting things to do, such as writing a letter or a poem, calling a friend, reading 50 pages of a novel or something.

M: That's a good plan. But that is too much to do at the same time.

W: Don't worry. I will choose one of them every day. Today I'll read a short story. And before I go to bed, I'll write down three good things of this day. In this way, every day will be more meaningful.

M: Great. Count me in.

3. What will Tina do today?(Write a letter. / Call a friend. / Read a story.)


Read a story.

She will read a story.

Tina will read a story today.

Today she'll read a short story.

She'll read a short story today.

Read a short story.

She will read a short story today.

4. Why did Tina join the activity? (To become a writer. / To learn to make plans. / To have meaningful days.)


To have meaningful days.

She joined the activity to have meaningful days.

Tina joined it to have meaningful days.

Tina joined the activity to have meaningful days.

Because she wants her days to be more meaningful.

听选信息3 本题3分


W: Jason, have you read the book The War of the Worlds?

M: Yes, Alice. It was written by H. G. Wells. He is very good at writing science fiction. I have his other book, The Food of the Gods. I think it's his best one.

W: It's really nice. But my favourite is The Time Machine.

M: What's it about?

W: It is about a scientist building a time machine and travelling to the future. He discovers lots of really interesting things.

M: That's amazing. How I hope I can build a time machine and travel to the future!

W: What will you do with such a machine? Will you bring back the latest technology information?

M: No. I will buy new medicines for serious diseases and come back to save more people's lives.

5. Which book is the best, according to Jason?(The War of the Worlds. / The Food of the Gods. / The Time Machine.)


The Food of the Gods.

According to Jason, The Food of the Gods is the best.

The Food of the Gods is the best according to Jason.

Jason thinks the best one is The Food of the Gods.

Jason thinks that The Food of the Gods is the best one.

The Food of the Gods is the best.

6. What will Jason do with a time machine?(Live in the future. / Buy new medicines. / Bring back technology information.)


Buy new medicines.

He will buy new medicines.

Jason will buy new medicines with a time machine.

He will buy new medicines for serious diseases and come back to save more people's lives.

He will buy new medicines for serious diseases.

Buy new medicines for serious diseases.

回答问题 本题6分


Last Saturday, I met my best friends Sara and Lucy at 7:30 p.m. in a new French restaurant. I arrived 20 minutes earlier and ordered food for them. After they arrived, we had a wonderful meal. At the end of the meal, Sara asked for the bill. The bill was 150 yuan and ten percent for the service. Sara added up everything on the bill and found a mistake. The waiter wrote 1.5 yuan for the service instead of 15 yuan. Lucy suggested that we should not tell the waiter so that we could save 13.5 yuan. But Sara disagreed. She decided to tell him about the wrong bill, or he might get into trouble with his boss. 

7. Where did they meet? 


In a French restaurant.

In a new French restaurant.

They met in a new French restaurant.

They met in a French restaurant.

In a restaurant.

They met in a restaurant.

8. When did the speaker arrive? 


At 7:10 p.m.

She arrived there at ten past seven.

She arrived at the restaurant at 7:10 p.m.

The speaker arrived at the restaurant at 7:10 p.m.

She arrived there at seven ten.

At ten past seven.

At seven ten.

At seven ten in the evening.

At ten past seven in the evening.

She arrived there at seven ten in the evening.

The speaker arrived at the restaurant at seven ten p.m.

9. How much should they pay? 


One hundred and sixty-five yuan.

They should pay one hundred and sixty-five yuan.

They should pay one hundred and sixty-five yuan in total.

One hundred and sixty-five yuan in total.

One hundred and sixty five yuan.

They should pay one hundred and sixty five yuan.

They should pay one hundred and sixty five yuan in total.

One hundred and sixty five yuan in total.

10. What did Sara decide to do? 


To tell the waiter about the wrong bill.

She decided to tell the waiter about the wrong bill.

Sara decided to tell the waiter about the wrong bill.

Tell the waiter about the wrong bill.

信息转述 本题6分


The Experience Of Taking The Elevator

Last Friday was busy as usual for David. At about six, David waited for the lift to his apartment. When the door opened, he followed a girl and got into the lift. The girl pushed "30" and David pushed "13" and "17". Then he looked down at his phone as the lift went up. It stopped at the 13th floor and then at the 17th, but David didn't make a move. The girl asked David why he didn't go out. David realized that he didn't press the button for the right floor. It was because he had worked too long on the computer that day! 


Last Friday was busy as usual for David. At about six, David waited for the lift to his apartment. When the door opened, he followed a girl and got into the lift. The girl pushed "30" and David pushed "13" and "17". Then he looked down at his phone as the lift went up. It stopped at the 13th floor and then at the 17th, but David didn't make a move. The girl asked David why he didn't go out. David realized that he didn't press the button for the right floor. It was because he had worked too long on the computer that day!

询问信息 本题3分



1. 你为什么花那么多时间在电脑上?


Why did you spend so much time on the computer?

Why did you work on the computer for so long a time?

Why did you spend so much time working on the computer?

Why did you spend so much time on the computer, David?

Why did you work on the computer for so long a time, David?

Why did you spend so much time working on the computer, David?

David, why did you spend so much time on the computer?

David, why did you work on the computer for so long a time?

David, why did you spend so much time working on the computer?

2. 你是电脑工程师吗?


Are you a computer engineer?

Do you work as a computer engineer?

David, are you a computer engineer?

David, do you work as a computer engineer?

Are you a computer engineer, David?

Do you work as a computer engineer, David?

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