


2023.02.28 北京






A news report vividly illustrates the addiction of Chinese online novels: an American man claims that reading Chinese online novels can cure his drug addiction. After six months of reading Chinese fantasy novels, he finally gave up cocaine. Internet novels seem to be as addictive as drugs, but the only difference is that they will not harm your health (except your eyesight). Chinese online fiction writers know very well how to constantly attract readers.


Generally speaking, network novels can be divided into three stages.


1) The vulnerable and powerless stage of the protagonist:


A typical online novel usually features a young man who experiences a tragedy, such as being rejected by a clan/sect; For example, at the beginning of Breaking the Sky, the hero Xiao Yan suddenly lost everything - his strength, reputation and commitment to his mother. His fiancee laughed at him and broke their original engagement.


2) Training and learning stages:

2) 修炼和学习阶段:

As the story unfolds, the protagonist often tries to learn several powerful witchcraft. Sometimes, the protagonist will train secretly and wait patiently until he has a chance to show his skills, which will surprise those who initially look down on him. Again, Xiao Yan met Yaolao (a powerful alchemist), who promised to teach him alchemy and martial arts. They went to training together. During this time, Xiao Yan managed to absorb the flame of the earth's lotus flower and got a seven color snake (like Medusa) as a pet.


3) Revenge stage:

3) 复仇阶段:

At the end of the story, the protagonist appears as a powerful martial artist, and few people can match him. He used his ability to retaliate.


Readers are addicted to these online novels because it is easy to get into the plot on a personal level, see and feel how powerless the protagonists are, and the tragedy they have experienced. Readers can also expect to see how the protagonist slowly becomes more powerful to achieve its goals.


The classic hook of online novels is called playing a pig to eat a tiger, which literally means 'pretending to be a pig to eat a tiger'. This means keeping a low profile to achieve ambitious goals. In order to illustrate this seemingly strange narrative style, just think of those top students who pretend that they have not studied, and the exam results are always among the best. In Chinese online novels, the protagonist sometimes deliberately keeps a low profile and is always looked down upon by his opponents. When the protagonist succeeds in something impossible, he will always face his arrogant opponent.

网络小说的经典钩子叫做扮猪吃老虎, 字面意思是“假装成猪捕食老虎”。这意味着保持低调,以实现远大抱负。为了说明这种看似奇怪的叙事方式,只要想想那些假装自己没有学习的优等生,考试结果总是名列前茅。在中国网络小说中,主角有时刻意保持低调,并且总被对手看不起。当主角成功做到一些不可能的事情时,它总是会打脸傲慢的对手。

The plot of revenge is another main reason why Chinese novels are popular among western readers. In western superhero cartoons, the protagonists usually have a kind heart like gold to forgive everyone, while in Chinese novels, the protagonists have their own 'villain' period and never mind revenge.



Some readers have also observed that online novels are closer to real life than western superhero cartoons. In real life, good and evil cannot be easily defined. In this sense, network novels are more like what people experience in life. You really can't think that any MC protagonists are pure good people, because they will do bad things, such as killing their relatives and lovers.


日本网友Ayden Ye的回答

I am Japanese, and I have read Chinese online novels for about five years. I carefully observed the development of the online novel industry, read more than 1000 novels, and spent about 2000 hours in total. I am also a cartoon fan. I have watched anime for about 4 years. I can tell you that as you read more and more, you will understand that Chinese online novels are mainly rubbish. Yes, some things can make you cry, but most of them are just repeated adjectives and stories. As far as I know, there are about hundreds of online novel types in China, and usually only the first few are good.


I just want to talk about some common problems in Chinese online novels.


1. Racism+incorrect political influence.


In any network novel, a very common factor related to modern society includes some factors, no matter what type. Anti Japanese/ideas and racism of any western country. Because of the Japanese aggression during the Second World War and some conflicts between China and the United States in the past, as far as I know, most Chinese people have negative feelings towards Japanese and white people. It is obvious from the author's poor writing that all Japanese have the dream of invading China. All beautiful Japanese women either behave like women or become part of the protagonist's harem. Almost all Japanese men are described as insidious and narrow-minded.


2. Gender discrimination and R18 scenarios.


Chinese online novels like to use R18 scenes very much. Good writers can take it as a tool for the protagonist to develop in life; Ordinary writers will use it as a self satisfaction without a girlfriend in real life, giving the protagonist a huge harem. Most of the time, these scenes are not only annoying, but also make the novel seem unprofessional and bad.


3. Lack of professionalism


I can say that 99% of Chinese online novel writers are not professional in writing novels; In fact, they should not be professional. In China, anyone from primary school students to professional writers can write Chinese online novels at any time and publish them on their favorite websites. It directly leads to a crazy decline in the quality, thinking and theme behind these stories. According to my experience, I have been unable to find an interesting novel for about half a year, because the quality of most novels is very poor.


In addition, authors can write as they wish. One hundred percent of online novels do not have perfect performance, because readers and authors cannot complete thousands of chapters of perfect writing. Chinese online novels are usually updated every day. The way Chinese online novels are updated determines that they can never be compared with Japanese and British novels that have more time to think and proofread stories.


4. Overcrowded stories and useless space


Unlike novels anywhere outside China, the number of chapters in Chinese online novels has risen from hundreds to about a million. I have read many novels, many of which have more than 5000 chapters. Almost every Chinese reader does not know what he has read in the past few minutes, because the way we read a large number of chapters is to let our brain automatically skip useless or partial stories. It directly causes people to forget the names of characters and even the details of previous stories.


5. Why not read something else?


Literally speaking, once you go deep into Chinese online novels, you will eventually reach a boring point. My suggestion is to read all the readable novels and give up the rest. There is no need to waste time on unreadable rubbish. Yes, Chinese online novels have some characteristics, which are their uniqueness in background and story style, but any other novels and stories have their own uniqueness. Why don't you try some good anime instead of spending hundreds of hours looking for Chinese online novels? It makes no sense. The only reason why Chinese online novels are popular in western society is that they are different from others. There are many cool points that cater to Westerners.



First of all, I want to clarify some rumors about Chinese online novels. In Chinese online novels, there are some literary works of Jack Su, including immortal heroes or fantasy novels, in which the hero has upgraded from an ordinary person with mediocre qualifications to fighting against various villains, and has always achieved great success and married several beautiful wives. This is by no means the reason why I like Chinese online novels.


In fact, Chinese online novels are very diverse. There are many types of Chinese online novels: urban novels, immortal heroes, historical works, science fiction, realistic novels and light novels.


If we trace back to the source, we will be surprised to find that Chinese online novels are the inheritance of Chinese mystery novels, legendary novels, storytelling novels, classical dream novels of the Ming and Qing dynasties, mandarin ducks and butterflies school, and popular novels of Hong Kong and Taiwan. However, in the past few decades, it has had a broader vision, and has grafted Japanese animation, British and American fantasy films, European and Japanese detective stories and other foreign elements.


In addition, Chinese network novels also have novel imaginative themes. Different from traditional Chinese literary works in the past, Chinese online novels are more down-to-earth and unique, and have some interesting and popular themes.


First, infinite flow. This kind of novel usually describes a story in which the protagonist is summoned to some supernatural force, accepts tasks in the main god space, and then continuously enters various worlds to complete tasks.


Second, female dominated novels. The plot of this kind of novel is based on the growth process and relationship of the heroine. According to some reports, female dominated novels are becoming more and more popular in France, because some French think: 'Aha! It turns out that women are not just supporting role, they can control their own destiny.'


Third, the superpower. It refers to a theme in which the protagonist has some special abilities beyond ordinary people. Generally speaking, special abilities are acquired mainly through natural possession, awakening and encountering special events.


Fourth, anti pattern novels. It breaks the original patterns in Chinese online novels (such as Mary Sue and Jack Sue), makes the plot develop in an unexpected direction, and even makes fun of those traditional patterns.


With the improvement of Chinese network literature, it has even gradually become the knowledge learning portal of Chinese Generation Z. Some Chinese readers say that because they have read online novels, they may enter an unfamiliar field. For example, after reading 'The sideburns are not crabapple red', some readers read many popular science books and the biography of the older generation singing Peking Opera. After reading online novels about criminal investigation, some readers read many books about criminal investigation technology and crime research. In addition, more and more readers begin to discuss the 'core knowledge' involved in online novels in the comment area. For example, many readers enthusiastically discuss radio knowledge in the novel We Live in Nanjing.


More importantly, Chinese online novels and Chinese films and series are also a process of mutual investment. On the one hand, excellent and popular online novels will be adapted into movies or TV dramas and put on the screen. In recent years, many popular TV dramas in China have originated from online novels. On the other hand, when some excellent film and television works resonate with the audience, derivative literature is born in this way.


As the name implies, derivative novels use familiar characters in popular works to write other branch stories, which have nothing to do with the stories in the original book. Just as some people are used to publishing derivative works on AO3, we Chinese like to publish them on loft. The main difference is that lofter is profitable. It contains pictures and text content.



First, let's talk about the popular online novels on some English websites, such as Wuxiaworld.


Those novels are very popular among people of different ages. If you take a bus or train, you may notice that there are always several people reading some text on the mobile phone screen, and they may be reading online novels.


In the early years, online novels were only popular among adolescents. Most books were originally serialized in some forums. At that time, the Internet was not so popular. Mobile phones are not smart. Readers download these texts from the forums and share them with friends through USB drives or MP3 players. Later, some websites such as 'Starting Point' provided a business platform for the author.


People regard them as 'fast food' books. Most of them are not as 'nutritious' as serious books, but they meet the needs of many readers, make people relax and feel a little excited from the plot.


A common pattern is revenge. For example, the MC protagonist was initially bullied by an arrogant bully. Then one day, the MC lead counterattacked and humiliated him in public for the sake of getting rid of his former shame. Of course, there are other 'highlights' (cool points) of 'advanced cool articles'.

一种常见的模式是复仇。例如,MC主角起初被一个傲慢的恶霸欺负。然后有一天,MC主角逆袭,为了一雪前耻而当众羞辱了他。当然还有其他“亮点”(爽点) 的“高级爽文”。

Over the years, people have discovered its commercial value. Some have been adapted into dramas, animes or video games. Top writers became very rich. Some writers even became university lecturers. Of course, some novice writers can only meet the basic needs of food and clothing.


Wuxia is a bigger topic. Wu means martial arts. Xia means just people, such as Marvel's superhero. Compared with today's online novels, martial arts novels are more 'traditional'. They are more printed as paper books sold by bookstores, while online novels are usually published in digital form. Wuxia has some fantastic scenes, such as internal power, which is like a magical energy in the human body. Some settings even exaggerate the effect of some traditional Chinese medicine treatments.

武侠是一个更大的话题。武的意思是武术。夏的意思是正义的人,比如漫威的超级英雄。与今天的网络小说相比,武侠小说更为“传统”。它们更多地被印刷成书店出售的纸质书,而网络小说通常以数字形式出版。武侠有一些奇幻的场景,比如内力, 这就像人体内的一种神奇能量,有些设置甚至夸大了某些中药治疗的效果。

Xianxia is mainly a category of online novels. Compared with traditional martial arts stories, its setting is more exaggerated and fantastic. Most fairy tales are about the cultivation of immortals by ordinary people. This is the result of the traditional cultivation of Taoism. Taoists believe that human beings can train themselves to become immortal people and then fly to heaven.


Jin Yong is the most famous writer of martial arts novels. He died a few years ago at the age of 94. Compared with today's network novels, his works have mature writing skills and deeper themes. They are closer to serious literature.


For more than half a century, Jin Yong's works have been popular among all Chinese on the planet. Today's young writers are more or less influenced by his works.


As far as I am concerned, after getting tired of reading comics, I began to contact online novels. I still read comics, but I don't read so much anymore.


I read Chinese online novels only because after reading Japanese online novels, I can't adapt to them, because I am used to reading Japanese comics. However, the reason why I like reading them is that compared with Japanese online novels and cartoons, the plot and story of Chinese online novels are completely different.


Chinese online novels are usually martial arts (is this too general?) They were in ancient places to cultivate strength for future battles. It can stimulate adrenaline more, which is more to my taste (maybe I'm sick, or I don't like the fluffy romance in the Japanese comics I've read?).


I have been trying to read online novels in China (and other countries) on novel updates. Some Chinese online novels I have read include:


God Killer, Lingtian Legend, Nine Tripods, the strongest sword god, predestined marriage, ghost like masked prince Xiao: indulging and doting on lovely little princess, gifted doctor: black lady, charming ghost doctor. So far, my collection list is very long, which is not even half of what I follow.


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