

Self Motivation Tips: How to Motivate Yourself

Self motivation is the stimulus that drives you to act, and leads to success. It means self-provocation for action and improvement. Here are some tips and techniques that will be helpful to you.

A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work.
― Colin Powell

Self motivation is the inspiration for your behavior and actions. It helps you to reach your goal, without external influence. It improves your confidence and self-esteem, as well as gives you strength to achieve your goal.

Self motivation is important in every aspect of your life, be it career, social life, relationship, health and fitness, spirituality or personality development. Firstly, you must find out what motivates you. Some people may get motivated by influential people, while, some by reading inspirational books, stories or poems. Self motivation is a very efficient method. Reading motivational books will inspire you temporarily. If you can motivate yourself, you do not have to depend on any external factors. Self motivation is the best inspirational technique.
Tips to Motivate Yourself


"You have to dream before your dreams can come true."
― A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

You need to have a dream, a goal in mind that you have to achieve. You must have observed how obsessed great men are with their dreams. Everyone is aware of Martin Luther King, Jr's famous speech, 'I Have A Dream'. Only when you have a dream, you will be determined to follow it and make it real.

Make concrete plans

"A goal without a plan is just a wish."
― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

It is very important to make goals. They may seem unattainable at the beginning, but should be realistic. Firstly, discover your strengths, your fortes, and also your limits. Then set your goals accordingly. You should also have a blueprint of your plan and the different ways you can follow to execute it. Your action plan must be flexible in order to overcome obstacles.

Positive attitude

"A positive attitude can really make dreams come true - it did for me."
― David Bailey

Your attitude is your biggest asset. Positive thinking is extremely important as your thoughts and attitude will influence your plans and actions. Do not let negative thoughts or people influence you. Do not get frustrated or depressed if things do not work out your way. Recall the famous song, Some Days Are Diamonds, Some Days Are Stone. Write down your positive aspects and achievements and focus on them. It will definitely boost your self-confidence.

Start with a small step

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step."
― Lao Tzu

It takes a lot of effort to initiate the planned course of action. It is observed that many people have their plans ready, but they find it extremely difficult to make a start. You must at least take a single step to begin your work. Once you begin, it is easier to continue. Do not fear making mistakes because the more you fear, more likely you are to commit one. You may experience failure. But, remember that failure is often followed by success.

Block external forces

"Believing in negative thoughts is the single greatest obstruction to success."
― Charles F. Glassman

External forces likes negative thoughts and ideas (provided by others) must be completely blocked. You should never lose your mental balance under any circumstances. You may at times be nervous or depressed. But, do not let emotions empower any of your actions.


"Part of courage is simple consistency."
― Peggy Noonan

Steadiness and regularity in your actions is very essential. It is possible that you may get discouraged or tired, once the initial excitement of new things is over. But, you have to be focused and try to strengthen your interest and desire to succeed. Determination will help you accomplish your goal. You must not let any kind of obstacles affect you or your action plans. Remember, commitment is the key word.

Procrastination is your enemy

"Procrastination makes easy things hard, hard things harder."
― Mason Cooley

Delaying your day's work will lengthen your time in achieving your goal. Avoid being lazy or procrastinating. Taking breaks to get refreshed is necessary, but do not put things off for the next day frequently. Procrastination is a hindrance in your progress.

Never quit

"Never give up. Today is hard, tomorrow will be worse, but the day after tomorrow will be sunshine."
― Jack Ma

If you follow the right plan and work hard, you are sure to succeed. But, there may be times when things can go wrong. However, you must never lose hope. Keep on trying, find out what is wrong, but do not quit. Memorize the famous quote, Losers quit when they are tired, Champions quit when they hold gold.

So, gear up and get started. Reward yourself, even if you make a single accomplishment. Believe in yourself so that you can easily motivate yourself. Recall these self motivation skills daily, and you are sure to succeed. Good luck!
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