

阿林铁陨石 Sikhote Alin IIAB 资料

阿林铁陨石 Sikhote Alin  IIAB 资料


1947212日下跌  滨海边疆区俄罗斯

由于陨石大约14公里/ s的速度行驶进入大气层开始分崩离析并且碎片在一起海拔约5.6公里最大质量显然打破了在剧烈的爆炸



(由于陨石落在白天它是由许多目击者的观察这一观测数据允许V.G. fesenkov评价苏联科学院陨石委员会主席的话,估计流星体的轨道之前,它遇到了地球这个轨道椭圆最大距离点离太阳位于小行星带类似于许多其他小天体穿越地球轨道这样的轨道可能是碰撞在小行星带

作者Roy A.格兰特的Sikhote阿林摘录再现

仅仅三天之后,S-A罢工飞行员发现了秋天的网站在雪地里,一群明亮的褐色斑块明显覆盖针叶林揭示了两个重要的特点fallit陨石坑形成它是两个月后,一个调查小组,著名的天文学家V.G. fesenkov黑客通过几乎坚不可摧的针叶林他们位于122其中最大的第一个被调查的直径28米,6此外,他们数了78

E. L. krinov后来的探险扮演了主要角色Tsvetkov领导者认为分散区1 2公里与长轴表明NNW SSE注意divari不同意说他的180多名目击者烟迹固定北北东方向入口krinov最有可能把烟火流星轨迹真实过程1975以后Tsvetkov工作是为了证明divari权利它总是krinov过时的作品在英语中出现的科学出版社1975的远征也是导致krinovTsvetkov之间冲突的主要领域

krinov是他工作不知疲倦的调查员和细致检查实际上在他1的森林地板平方米2公里的弥散椭圆的程度,映射每个陨石坑的位置,每个的陨石碎片相关的确切位置krinov Tsvetkov描述更为符合第十九世纪后期一位博物学家特性作为一名深谙现代科学1975次探险结束Tsvetkov建议krinov认为他仍然10小组而不是继续进行费时的检查方法的面积检查25地块与这样200米。地块之间的距离25网格每平方Tsvetkov觉得他可能得到边界的一个更具包容性的测定得到的krinov已经在具体的演员出版物

锡霍特是一个巨大的秋天流星的总体规模已被估计900000公斤krinov此前估计的流星体大气质量70000公斤通过Tsvetkov最近的估计(和其他人提出的质量100000公斤左右——来自 翻译软件自动翻译 未整理。)



Iron, IIAB
Fell February 12, 1947
Primorskiy kray, Russia

At around 10:30 am on February 12, 1947, eyewitnesses in the Sikhote-Alin Mountains , Primorye, Russia , observed a large bolide brighter than the Sun that came out of the north and descended at an angle of about 41 degrees. The bright flash and the deafening sound of the fall were observed for three hundred kilometers around the point of impact not far from Luchegorsk and approximately 440 km northeast of Vladivostok . A smoke trail, estimated at 32 km long, remained in the sky for several hours.

As the meteorite — traveling at a speed of about 14 km/s — entered the atmosphere, it began to break apart, and the fragments fell together. At an altitude of about 5.6 km, the largest mass apparently broke up in a violent explosion.

On November 20, 1957 the Soviet Union issued a stamp for the 10th anniversary of the Sikhote-Alin meteorite shower. It reproduces a painting by P. J. Medvedev, a Russian artist who witnessed the fall: he was sitting in his window starting a sketch when the fireball appeared, so he immediately began drawing what he saw.

Because the meteorite fell during daytime, it was observed by many eyewitnesses. Evaluation of this observational data allowed V. G. Fesenkov, then chairman of the meteorite committee of the USSR Academy of Science, to estimate the meteoroid's orbit before it encountered the Earth. This orbit was ellipse-shaped, with its point of greatest distance from the sun situated within the asteroid belt, similar to many other small bodies crossing the orbit of the Earth. Such an orbit was probably created by collisions within the asteroid belt.

The site was meticulously mapped and hunded by E.L. Krinov.

An excerpt from author Roy A. Gallant's Sikhote-Alin Revisitied:

It took investigators 19 years to launch the first expedition to the Tunguska site in 1927. But only three days after the S-A strike, pilots spotted the fall site marked by a group of bright auburn patches in the snow-covered taiga. This revealed two important features of the fallit was crater-forming, and it was multiple. Two months later a team of investigators led by the well-known astronomer V. G. Fesenkov hacked their way through the nearly impenetrable taiga to the crater field. They located 122 craters, the largest of which and first to be investigated was 28 meters in diameter and 6 meters deep. Additionally they counted 78 "pits." Four years later more than 20 tons of iron-nickel fragments were in the Soviet Academy of Sciences warehouse.

E. L. Krinov, the leader of later expeditions in which Tsvetkov played a major role, concluded that the dispersion zone was 1 by 2 km with a major axis suggesting that the swarm had rained down from NNW to SSE. N. B. Divari disagreed, saying that his more than 180 eyewitness accounts of the smoke trail fixed the entry direction from NNE to SSW. Krinov said that the wind most likely blew the smoke trail off the bolide's true course. Tsvetkov's later work in 1975 was to prove Divari right, yet it is invariably Krinov's dated writings that appear in the English language scientific press. The 1975 expedition also was to cause major areas of conflict between Krinov and Tsvetkov.

Krinov was a tireless investigator and meticulous in his work, to the extent of examining virtually every square meter of forest floor in his 1 by 2 km dispersion ellipse, mapping every crater position, and the exact location of meteorite fragments associated with each crater. Tsvetkov described Krinov as being more in keeping with a natural historian characteristic of the late 19th century than as a man well versed in modern science. Toward the end of the 1975 expedition, Tsvetkov suggested to Krinov that he remain with a small group of 10 and, instead of continuing the time-consuming method of examining every square meter of the area they instead examine a grid of 25- by 25-m plots with a distance between plots of 200 m. In this way, Tsvetkov felt that he might get a more inclusive determination of the boundary than Krinov had obtainedand earlier cast in concrete by publication.

Sikhote-Alin is a massive fall. The overall size of the meteoroid has been estimated at just under 900,000 kg. Krinov had estimated the post atmospheric mass of the meteoroid at some 70,000 kg. A more recent estimate by Tsvetkov (and others) puts the mass at around 100,000 kg.

The strewn field for this meteorite covered an elliptical area of about 1.3 km2. Some of the fragments made craters, the largest of which was about 26 m across and 6 m deep . Fragments of the meteorite were also driven into the surrounding trees as seen in the specimen below.


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