


我节选了《TIME 》之《iPhone 7 Review: Apple’s Best iPhone Ever, But Just Barely》的部分内容,希望可以跟大家分享一些实用点。

Sam 说:
I'm sure most of you are aware of the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus release. Perhaps some of you are even planning on purchasing one! I'm a big fan of iPhones myself and I've been contemplating whether or not I should upgrade to an iPhone 7. Before taking the plunge; however, I thought it would be wise to read some reviews on the new iPhones.

This year’s iPhone marks a turning point for the Cupertino,Calif. company. 

Turning point: a point at which a significant change occurs
  • That job was a major turning point in her career.

  • Lang Ping's return to China was a turning point for the women's volleyball team.

Yes, the iPhone 7 looks very similar to the iPhone 6s. But there are some subtle changes. Most notably, the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus come in two new finishes, Black and Jet Black. The standard Black model is similar to Apple’s other finishes, but in a darker shade than the Space Gray variant. It has a clean, matte look that feels fresh alongside Apple’s gray and silver options. Meanwhile, the Jet Black finish is a striking departure from Apple’s usual style. It has a glossy, piano-like look that vaguely resembles the iPhone 5C’s shiny aesthetic. It’s nice, but there’s a drawback: The Jet Black model is a magnet for fingerprints and other smudges, meaning buyers will probably want to add a case that largely hides the finish anyway.

Let's have a look at some useful words for describing a product's physical appearance.
  • Finish: the final coating on a surface or the appearance produced by such a coating.

  • Matte: having a surface that is not shiny

  • Glossy: having a shiny, smooth surface

  • Aesthetic: concerned with beauty or the appreciation of beauty

Sam 说:
I personally prefer matte finishes over glossy finishes. Personal electronics with matte finishes, in my opinion, have a much cleaner aesthetic. My wife, on the other hand, likes glossy finishes. For example, she likes glossy lipstick and nail polish.

The real trick to telling the iPhone 7 apart from its predecessor is flipping it upside-down in search of a headphone jack, because the new iPhone doesn’t have one. That’s a highly controversial move. Anybody who wants to bring their old, wired headphones to this particular party will need to use Apple’s included adapter, which connects them through the iPhone 7’s Lightning port. 

The trick to sth. = the secret to something.
  • The real trick to making a killer fried rice is using leftover rice.

  • The trick to extending my phone's battery life is dimming the screen.

Highly controversial: relating to or causing much discussion, disagreement, or argument: likely to produce controversy.
  • You won't find too many highly controversial books in China's bookstores.

  • Some of the more controversial traffic laws have angered local drivers.

Both of Apple’s new iPhones have gotten a noticeable boost when it comes to photography. This is especially apparent in three specific areas: low-light performance, color capture, and, for the iPhone 7 Plus model only, zooming.

When it comes to sth.: as for sth; speaking about sth
  • When it comes to supermarkets, City Super carries the most imported foods.

  • In my opinion, iPhones perform better than Android phones when it comes to mobile photography

Apple fans serious about mobile photography will probably want to opt for the iPhone 7 Plus model, which features a big benefit missing from the smaller model: A second camera lens. This extra lens, which is telephoto instead of the typical wide-angle glass, is designed to take better zoomed-in photos, long an Achilles’ heel of smartphone cameras. 

To opt for sth.: to choose a particular option
  • I always opt for the king size bed when I reserve hotel rooms.

  • I opted out of the package deal because I didn't need everything in the bundle.

Achilles' heel: a small but fatal weakness; a vulnerable point
  • Ice cream is my Achilles' heel when it comes to dieting.

There’s certainly room for improvement — quick-charging would be nice — but the iPhone7 delivers on these vital points. It doesn’t “wow” like so many Apple products have. But then again, maybe it doesn’t need to. It’s not a huge upgrade, but it helps Apple’s smartphone remain one of the best around.

To deliver on sth: to do sth one has promised or is expected to do
The signature dish really delivered on flavor.
Our office manager delivers on everything she says she will do.
Then again: from another standpoint; on the other hand
I usually opt for red wine over white wine. Then again, white wine is quite delicious with seafood.
It seems like a controversial standpoint. Then again, perhaps we ought to be more tolerant.

Sam 说:
All in all, it seems like I might benefit from purchasing the new iPhone 7 Plus, as I am big on mobile photography. Since I rarely listen to music on my phone, the lack of a headphone jack doesn't bother me that much. When it comes to aesthetics, I think I would opt for the matte black finish. But then again, the finish actually doesn't matter that much because it would be covered by the phone case. Well, we'll have to see if my wife approvesof my decision!

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