

Reader, The Script at IMSDb.
                               THE READER                                                                       Written by                                         David Hare                                        Based on the novel by Bernhard Schlink                    INT. MICHAEL'S APARTMENT. BERLIN. DAY. CREDITS                    1995. A modern apartment, all cool and glass. MICHAEL BERG is          preparing breakfast, laying the table for two. He is 51, dark-          haired, saturnine. He is doing everything with deliberate          quietness, taking the occasional glance towards the bedroom          to check he's not making too much noise. He is boiling an          egg, which he takes out of boiling water and puts on a          sparkling clean plate.                    MICHAEL puts the yolk-stained egg-cup and plate into the          sink, his breakfast eaten, then, as noiseless as he can,          turns on the tap to run water. The bedroom door opens, and          BRIGITTE comes out, naked. She's attractive, younger. The          credits end.                                        BRIGITTE                    You didn't wake me.                                        MICHAEL                    You were sleeping.                                        BRIGITTE                    You let me sleep because you can't                    bear to have breakfast with me.                    It's half-serious. MICHAEL doesn't react.                                        MICHAEL                    Nothing could be further from the                    truth. I boiled you an egg. See?                    MICHAEL produces a second boiled egg in a cup, seemingly from          nowhere, like a magician, and puts it on the table.                                        MICHAEL                    I'd hardly have boiled you an egg                    if I didn't want to see you. Tea or                    coffee?                    BRIGITTE has re-appeared from the bedroom, now in a dressing          gown. She's still half-serious.                                        BRIGITTE                    Does any woman ever stay long                    enough to find out what the hell                    goes on in your head?                    MICHAEL smiles to himself.                                        BRIGITTE                    What are you doing tonight?                                                                             2.                                                            MICHAEL                    I'm seeing my daughter.                                        BRIGITTE                    Your daughter? You've kept very                    quiet about her.                                        MICHAEL                    Have I? She's been abroad for a                    year. Did you say tea?                    INT. MICHAEL'S APARTMENT. BERLIN. DAY                    MICHAEL kisses BRIGITTE on the cheek as she departs.                                        BRIGITTE                    I'm going. Give my love to your                    daughter.                    He closes the door, then turns to the open door of the          bedroom. He looks at the mess of last night's love-making.          Then he goes to the window and looks out. A yellow U-Bahn          goes by.                    INT. TRAM. DAY.                    December 1958. MICHAEL, now 15, is sitting on a tram. He is          in a well-cut suit he's inherited, ill-fitting, with two-tone          shoes and tangled mop of hair. Sweat breaks out all over his          face. A WOMAN is staring at him. He's plainly feeling ill.                    INT. MICHAEL'S APARTMENT. DAY                    1995. MICHAEL stands at the window, looking out.                    INT. TRAM. DAY                    1958. Impulsively MICHAEL gets up, rings the bell and gets          off at the next stop.                    INT. MICHAEL'S APARTMENT. DAY                    1995. MICHAEL closes the window.                    EXT. BANHOFSTRASSE. DAY                    1958. It has come on to rain. MICHAEL is walking along the          street, looking more and more sickly. There is an archway          leading to a courtyard, and impulsively he darts inside to          get out of the rain. He begins to vomit. Opposite him is a          wood workshop open to the yard. A uniformed TRAM CONDUCTRESS          walks past.                                                                              3.                              MICHAEL'S body is turned away, his face invisible, his hand          over his mouth. She puts down her ticket machine on the          pavement and seizes him by the arm.                                          HANNA                    Hey. Hey!                    HANNA SCHMITZ has ash-blonde hair and is in her mid-thirties.          She disappears. He's sick again. She reappears with a bucket          of water to sluice down the pavement. She wipes his face down          with a wet cloth. Then she fills another bucket.                                        HANNA                    Hey, kid. Hey.                                        MICHAEL                    I'm sorry. I'm sorry.                    Effortlessly, HANNA takes MICHAEL in her arms. She holds his          head against her breasts. MICHAEL buries himself and slowly          he stops sobbing. Then he lifts his head.                                        HANNA                    Where do you live?                    EXT. STREET. DAY                    HANNA and MICHAEL walk at a fair pace along a street, dotted          with the scaffolding of new building. HANNA is carrying his          satchel, she is pulling him by the arm.                    EXT. BLUMENSTRASSE. DAY                    They come up the road. It is now snowing. MICHAEL stops          outside his block, as if nervous she might come in.                                        MICHAEL                    It's here. I'll be fine now. Thank                    you.                                        HANNA                    Look after yourself.                    MICHAEL smiles `Thank you' and goes in. HANNA is left alone.          She looks round, frowning, then sets off, stopping          uncertainly at the crossroads to check for the way she came.          MICHAEL turns and watches, curious at her indecision.                    INT. BERG APARTMENT. BLUMENSTRASSE. NIGHT                    CARLA BERG is at the stove in the kitchen. She takes dinner          through for the BERG family, at a round table in a          traditional apartment, under a five-candled brass chandelier.                                                                             4.                              MICHAEL'S father, PETER, is a balding, abstracted man, eating          in oppressive silence. Next to him, his older brother THOMAS,          18, his older sister, ANGELA, and his younger sister, EMILY.          MICHAEL has his book in front of him, not touching his food.                                        CARLA                    I'm worried about him. He looks                    terrible.                                        PETER                    The boy's saying he doesn't need a                    doctor.                                           EMILY                    He does.                                        MICHAEL                    I don't need a doctor.                                           PETER                    Good then.                    CARLA looks reproachful.                                           CARLA                    Peter.                                        PETER                    We're not going to argue about                    this. People have to take                    responsibility for their own lives.                    INT. BEDROOM. BERG APARTMENT. DAY                    MICHAEL is lying in a single bed, his face violently          inflamed. CARLA is with the DOCTOR, a much older man.                                        DOCTOR                    Remind me, how old are you now?                                        CARLA                    Michael's fifteen.                                        DOCTOR                    It's scarlet fever. He'll be in bed                    for several months. At least.                    MICHAEL turns into the pillow, a wet patch beneath his head.          Delusional with fever, he senses a presence at the door. He          turns. It's EMILY. But at once CARLA's arm pulls her away.                                        CARLA                    Keep away. He's contagious.                                                                             5.                                        They vanish. The door closes. In the corridor the DOCTOR is          heard.                                        DOCTOR                    Burn the sheets. Complete                    isolation. And three months is the                    minimum.                    INT & EXT. BERG APARTMENT. DAY                    1959. A sunny day in March. MICHAEL's bed has been moved          beside open windows so he can profit from the weak sun. He is          sitting up, working on his stamp collection. CARLA is moving          round behind him, tidying the room.                                        CARLA                    How are you feeling?                                        MICHAEL                    Better. By the way, I meant to tell                    you, the day I got ill... a woman                    helped me. A woman in the street.                                        CARLA                    She helped you?                                        MICHAEL                    Yes. She brought me home.                                        CARLA                    Do you have her address?                    EXT. BANHOFSTRASSE. DAY                    MICHAEL is standing holding a small bunch of flowers. He is          looking puzzled at a row of bells with numbers only. The          woodyard is busy. WORKMEN come out of the building.                    INT. STAIRS & LANDING. BANHOFSTRASSE. DAY                    MICHAEL comes up the stairwell, once grand, now in decay -          green linoleum and faded red paint. The sound of a          sentimental song at the open door of a small apartment.          Inside, HANNA is ironing in a sleeveless smock, blue with red          flowers. Her hair is fastened in a clip. She looks at him a          moment.                                         HANNA                    Come in.                                                                             6.                                        INT. HANNA'S APARTMENT. DAY                    The flat is without decoration, an enfilade of small rooms. A          stove, a sink, a tub, a boiler, a table, a few wooden chairs.          There is no window, just a balcony door to let light into the          room. HANNA carries on ironing.                                         MICHAEL                    I brought you these flowers. To say                    thank you.                                        HANNA                    Put them down there.                    MICHAEL puts them beside the sink. HANNA has a blanket and a          cloth over the table : nothing disturbs her rhythm, as she          irons one piece of laundry after another, then folds it and          puts it over one of the chairs.                                        MICHAEL                    I would have come earlier, but I've                    been in bed for three months.                                        HANNA                    You're better now?                                           MICHAEL                    Thank you.                                        HANNA                    Have you always been weak?                                        MICHAEL                    Oh no. I'd never been ill before.                    It's incredibly boring. There's                    nothing to do. I couldn't even be                    bothered to read.                    HANNA carries on ironing. He is becoming as comfortable with          the silence as she is. She starts ironing a pair of knickers.          He watches her bare arms moving back and forth. She looks          broad-planed, strong. She is at peace with being watched. She          puts one pair of knickers down, then does another. Then she          upends the iron.                                        HANNA                    I have to go to work. I'll walk                    with you. Wait in the hall while I                    change.                    MICHAEL goes out into the hall. The kitchen door is slightly          open. HANNA takes off her smock and stands in a green slip.          Her stockings are hanging over the back of a chair.                                                                               7.                              She picks one up, rolls it, smooths it up over her calf and          knee, then attaches it to her suspender. She reaches for the          other. The flesh is bare between her legs. MICHAEL watches,          riveted. HANNA seems oblivious. But as she is about to put          the second stocking on, she looks at him. She drops her          dress, and straightens, holding her stare. In response, he          blushes, then panics and runs out of the flat. The door          slams.                    INT. STAIRS. DAY                    MICHAEL runs down the stairs in terror and shame, and out the          front door.                    EXT. COURTYARD. DAY                    The WORKMEN look up, curious, as MICHAEL flies by, slamming          the outer door.                    INT. BEDROOM. DAWN                    MICHAEL is lying in bed. He looks up at the sound of a tram          going by outside.                    EXT. STREET. DAWN                    The tram making its way along the quiet street.                    INT. BEDROOM. DAWN                    MICHAEL gets out of bed and quickly gets dressed.                    INT. TRAM. DAY                    MICHAEL, reading a book, watches unobserved, fascinated as          HANNA collects tickets. She calls out the name of the next          stop. She doesn't see him as she works.                    EXT. BANHOFSTRASSE. DAY                    MICHAEL is standing on the other side   of the street from          HANNA'S courtyard. He is in two minds   about whether to go in.          The WOODWORKERS are loading a van. He   waits for them to          finish before he slips in through the   archway, making his way          to the stairs.                    INT. LANDING. HANNA'S APARTMENT. DAY                    MICHAEL is sitting on the steps of the first landing. Then,          as if from nowhere, HANNA is suddenly standing behind him, in          uniform, carrying a box of coal in one hand, a scuttle in the          other. She looks tired but not surprised to see him.                                                                             8.                                                            HANNA                    There are two more buckets                    downstairs. You can fill them and                    bring them up.                    HANNA walks straight past him. For a moment he tenses as if          there might be some contact. But she goes by.                    INT. CELLAR. DAY                    MICHAEL opens the door. He turns on a dim light. There is a          flight of wooden stairs into the murk of a huge pile of coke,          poured in from the street. He goes down to the bottom, and          picks up a bucket. He digs in to the coke, and at once it          comes tumbling down on him in a cloud of dust.                    INT. HANNA'S APARTMENT. DAY                    HANNA is at the kitchen table, drinking a glass of milk. She          has taken off her jacket and loosened her tie. MICHAEL comes          in with the two buckets of coal, his face and clothes filthy.          She roars with laughter, full-throated.                                        HANNA                    You look ridiculous, look at you,                    kid.                    MICHAEL sees himself in the mirror, but she has already got          up, going towards the tub in the corner of the kitchen.                                        HANNA                    You can't go home like that. Give                    me your clothes, I'll run you a                    bath.                    HANNA opens the tap. There's a boiler, and steaming hot water          comes out. MICHAEL takes off his sweater, then stops.                                        HANNA                    What, do you always take a bath in                    your trousers?                    HANNA takes his sweater and goes to open the balcony door. He          undresses. She puts his sweater on the balcony rail.                                        HANNA                    It's all right, I won't look.                    On the contrary, she turns and walks straight towards him.          MICHAEL is naked. HANNA takes his clothes from the chair. He          gets into the bath. She goes to the balcony. In the bath, he          submerges himself. HANNA goes out and shakes his clothes out          in the open air.                                                                             9.                              When he comes up from under the water, she is laying his          clothes back on the chair. She picks up the shampoo and hands          it to him.                                        HANNA                    Wash your hair, I'll get you a                    towel.                    MICHAEL washes his hair, then submerges again. When he comes          back up, HANNA is holding out a large towel. He gets out,          turning away to hide his erection. From behind, she wraps his          body and rubs him dry. Then she lets the towel fall. She puts          her body against his back, and he realises she's naked. He          turns and faces her.                                        HANNA                    So. That's why you came back.                    MICHAEL looks at her, awed.                                        MICHAEL                    You're so incredibly beautiful.                                        HANNA                    Now, kid, you know that's not true.                    At once she puts her arms round him and they kiss. MICHAEL          goes down onto the floor, HANNA on top of him. All the time,          she's staring into his eyes. He can't take it. He closes his          eyes and, about to come, begins to scream. She puts her hand          over his mouth to smother the noise.                    INT. DINING ROOM. BERG APARTMENT. NIGHT                    The family is half-way through their meal. MICHAEL is sitting          watching them eat, thinking about his lovemaking with HANNA.                                        PETER                    You've inconvenienced your mother.                                        MICHAEL                    How many more times? I've said I'm                    sorry.                                        PETER                    You scared her.                                        MICHAEL                    It's hardly my fault, I got lost,                    that's all. That's why I was late.                    Can I have some more?                    He reaches for more stew. THOMAS goes on eating, a look of          contempt on his face, too superior to engage in this.                                                                            10.                                                            EMILY                    How can anyone get lost in their                    own home town?                                        MICHAEL                    The doctor told me I had to take                    walks.                                        EMILY                    So?                                        MICHAEL                    I meant to head for the castle, I                    ended up at the sports-field.                                        EMILY                    They're in opposite directions.                                        MICHAEL                    It's none of your business.                                        EMILY                    He's lying.                                        CARLA                    He's not lying. Michael never lies.                    CARLA smiles benignly. EMILY knows she's right. They all eat          on for a few moments.                                        MICHAEL                    Dad, I've decided, I want to go                    back to school tomorrow.                                        CARLA                    The doctor says you need another                    three weeks.                                        MICHAEL                    Well I'm going.                                        CARLA                    Peter?                                        PETER                    If he wants to go back, then he                    must.                    MICHAEL can't breathe, as if some decisive moment in his life          has been reached. PETER is looking at him, seeming to know          what's going on.                                                                               11.                                        EXT. SCHOOL. DAY                    A massive brownstone building. The whole SCHOOL is coming          out, but MICHAEL is first, in a desperate hurry, waving          goodbye to his friends and running quickly away.                    INT. STAIRS & LANDING. BANHOFSTRASSE. DAY                    MICHAEL comes quickly up the stairs. The door of HANNA'S          apartment is ajar. He pushes it open.                    INT. HANNA'S APARTMENT. DAY                    HANNA is at the sink. MICHAEL comes in, precipitate, tearing          off his clothes and embracing her at the same time. He drops          his trousers and lifts her onto the sink. He comes in about          twenty seconds. He stands sweating.                                        HANNA                    All right, kid, it's not just about                    you.                    INT. HANNA'S APARTMENT. DAY                    They are on the bed. He is lying underneath her. HANNA leads          his hands to her face, then down her body. She begins to          move, and in response, he moves too. He watches awed as she          comes.                    INT. HANNA'S APARTMENT. DAY                    HANNA has fallen asleep on MICHAEL'S chest. He is awake,          looking at the birthmark on her left shoulder. The sound of          the wood yard below. He kisses the birthmark. She stirs.                                        MICHAEL                    What's your name?                    She opens her eyes. A look of suspicion.                                           HANNA                    What?                                           MICHAEL                    Your name.                                        HANNA                    Why do you want to know?                                        MICHAEL                    I've been here three times. You                    haven't told me your name.                                                                               12.                                        MICHAEL waits a moment.                                        HANNA                    It's Hanna. What's yours, kid?                                         MICHAEL                    Michael.                                        HANNA                    Michael. Hmm. So I'm with a                    Michael.                    HANNA smiles, as if there were something funny about it.                                         MICHAEL                    `Hanna'.                    INT. CLASSROOM. SCHOOL. DAY                    A TEACHER, in his sixties, has scrawled the words `Odysseus',          `Hamlet' and `Faust' on the blackboard. The class of BOYS is          attentive. Next to him, his friend HOLGER SCHLUTER. Across          the way, RUDOLF.                                        TEACHER                    The notion of secrecy is central to                    Western literature. You may say the                    whole idea of character in fiction                    is defined by people holding                    specific information which for                    various reasons - sometimes                    perverse, sometimes noble - they                    are determined not to disclose.                    MICHAEL looks content. The bell goes.                    INT. CORRIDOR. SCHOOL. DAY                    The BOYS come pouring out cheerfully into the corridor and          head to the next classroom. MICHAEL'S demeanour has changed.          There's a knowingness, a swagger, a confidence which is new.          MICHAEL lingers for a moment, then slopes off in the opposite          direction, alone.                    EXT. SCHOOL. DAY                    MICHAEL comes out the back door of the school, unobserved,          climbs over the railings and starts to run down the street.                    INT. HANNA'S APARTMENT. EVE                    Later. Dark. MICHAEL is almost asleep, HANNA awake.                                                                            13.                                                            HANNA                    You never tell me what you've been                    studying.                                          MICHAEL                    Studying?                                        HANNA                    At school. Do you learn languages?                                          MICHAEL                    Yes.                                        HANNA                    What languages?                                          MICHAEL                    Latin.                                        HANNA                    Say something in Latin.                                          MICHAEL                    Oh...                    MICHAEL thinks a moment.                                        MICHAEL                    Quo, quo scelesti ruitis? Aut cur                    dexteris aptantur enses conditi?                    MICHAEL smiles slightly.                                        MICHAEL                    It's Horace.                                        HANNA                    It's wonderful.                                        MICHAEL                    Do you want some Greek?                    MICHAEL grins, pleased to be able to do something. He goes          and gets his satchel. HANNA turns on a light.                                        MICHAEL                    Oi men ippeon stroton oi de pesedon                    oi da naon phais epi gan malainan                    emmenai kalliston, ego de ken otto                    tis eratai.                                        HANNA                    It's beautiful.                                                                            14.                                                            MICHAEL                    How can you tell? How do you know                    when you've no idea what it means?                    HANNA looks at him a moment.                                        HANNA                    What about in German?                                           MICHAEL                    In German?                                        HANNA                    Do you have anything?                                        MICHAEL                    Well, I'm writing an essay. It's                    about a play. By a writer called                    Gotthold Ephraim Lessing. Perhaps                    you've heard of him?                    HANNA makes no reaction.                                        MICHAEL                    The play's called Emilia Galotti.                                        HANNA                    Have you got it?                    MICHAEL reaches down to the satchel and pulls out a book.                                        MICHAEL                    Here. You can read it.                                        HANNA                    I'd rather listen to you.                    There is a silence as MICHAEL absorbs the idea.                                        MICHAEL                    All right. I'm not very good.                    MICHAEL grins, embarrassed, then opens the book.                                        MICHAEL                    Act One. Scene One. The setting :                    one of the prince's chambers.                    Prince - "Complaints, nothing but                    complaints, petitions, nothing but                    petitions. For goodness' sake, just                    imagine that people actually envy                    us."                                                                            15.                                        INT. KITCHEN. NIGHT                    Later. They are in the bath together. HANNA takes a piece of          soap and runs it lovingly down his cheek. Then she passes the          soap across his stomach.                                           HANNA                       You're good at it, aren't you?                                           MICHAEL                       Good at what?                                            HANNA                       Reading.                    He smiles.                                           HANNA                       Why are you smiling?                                           MICHAEL                       Because I didn't think I was good                       at anything.                    INT. GYMNASIUM. DAY                    MICHAEL is playing handball with terrific physical          confidence. A couple of bruising physical encounters. HOLGER,          RUDOLF and MICHAEL all laugh. The whistle blows. Game over.                    EXT. TRAM. DAWN                    An empty tram moving through the eerie early morning streets.          MICHAEL appears walking alongside it and gets on.                    INT. TRAM. DAWN                    MICHAEL is sitting in the second carriage. He looks up. The          CONDUCTRESS is HANNA. At first, she does not notice him.          MICHAEL watches, waiting to be noticed. She turns round and          looks at him. He smiles in greeting but she makes no          acknowledgement at all. She turns away. He frowns,          bewildered.                    EXT. TRAM. DAY                    The tram is heading out of town.                    INT. TRAM. DAY                    HANNA is now talking animatedly to the DRIVER. They are          getting on very well, laughing together and chatting. MICHAEL          is still by himself in the second carriage, looking foolish.                                                                              16.                                        EXT. TRAM. DAY                    The tram comes to a halt and PASSENGERS get on.                    INT. TRAM. DAY                    HANNA is now in the busy second carriage, collecting tickets.          MICHAEL looks up expectantly. But as he holds up his ticket,          HANNA makes no reaction except to clip it. She turns away          without speaking. The tram comes to a halt again, and          MICHAEL, humiliated, bolts for the door.                    EXT. ROAD. DAY                    MICHAEL watches the tram disappears up the hill. He looks          around, lost, in the middle of nowhere. A tractor goes by,          WORKERS heading to the fields. MICHAEL sets off to walk back          to town.                    INT. LANDING. HANNA'S APARTMENT. DAY                    MICHAEL is on the stairs as HANNA comes up, in her uniform.                                        MICHAEL                    What was all that about?                    HANNA lets herself in, saying nothing.                    INT. HANNA'S APARTMENT. DAY                    HANNA has gone in to put down her things at the kitchen          table. MICHAEL follows, desperate.                                        MICHAEL                    I got up - at 4.30 - specially -                    it's the first day of the holidays,                    I'd been planning to surprise you -                                        HANNA                    Poor little baby. Got up at four                    thirty - and on your holidays too.                                        MICHAEL                    What is this? I was on your tram!                    You totally ignored me! What do you                    think I was doing? Why the hell do                    you think I was there?                    MICHAEL has yelled in desperation. HANNA looks him straight          in the eye.                                                                            17.                                                            HANNA                    I haven't the slightest idea. And                    what you do is your business not                    mine.                    HANNA turns and moves away.                                        HANNA                    And if you wanted to speak to me, I                    was in the first carriage. So why                    did you sit in the second?                    HANNA goes to run a bath.                                        HANNA                    And now, thanks very much, I've                    been working, I need a bath. Get                    out, I'd like to be by myself.                                        MICHAEL                    I didn't mean to upset you.                                        HANNA                    You don't have the power to upset                    me. You don't matter enough to                    upset me.                    She takes off her clothes to get in. As soon as she does, he          gets up and goes into the other room. He sits by himself,          miserable. He hears her, bathing. Then finally gets up and          goes back in. She is still in the bath.                                        MICHAEL                    I don't know what to say. I've                    never been with a woman. We've been                    together four weeks and I can't                    live without you. I can't. Even the                    thought of it kills me.                    HANNA looks at him thoughtfully.                                        MICHAEL                    I sat in the second carriage                    because I thought you might kiss                    me.                                         HANNA                    Kid, you thought we could make love                    in a tram?                    They smile. But MICHAEL has a more urgent question.                                                                              18.                                                              MICHAEL                      Is it true what you said? That I                      don't matter to you?                    In the bath, she shakes her head.                                          MICHAEL                      Do you forgive me?                    She nods.                                          MICHAEL                      Do you love me?                    She looks at him. Then she nods.                    INT. BEDROOM. HANNA'S APARTMENT. DAY                    MICHAEL is sitting on the side of the bed. HANNA comes in,          wrapped in a towel.                                          HANNA                      Do you have a book?                                          MICHAEL                      Oh. Well I do. I took something                      with me this morning.                                          HANNA                      What is it?                                          MICHAEL                      It's another play.                    MICHAEL gets it out of his pocket. HANNA has lain down on the          bed, completely content.                                          HANNA                      We're changing the order we do                      things. Read to me first, kid. Then                      we make love.                    MICHAEL sits at the foot of the bed and starts to read.                                          MICHAEL                      Intrigue and Love, a play by                      Friedrich Schiller...                    INT. HANNA'S APARTMENT. DAY                    HANNA is baking bread. MICHAEL is on a chair beside her with          a book.                                                                            19.                                                            MICHAEL                    The Odyssey by Homer.                                        HANNA                    What's an odyssey?                                        MICHAEL                    It's a journey. He sets out on a                    journey.                    He starts to read.                                        MICHAEL                    "Sing to me of the Man, Muse, the                    man of twists and turns                    Driven time and again off course,                    once he had plundered                    The hallowed heights of Troy.                    Many cities of men he saw and                    learned their minds,                    Many pains he suffered, heartsick                    at the open sea,                    Fighting to save his life and bring                    his comrades home...                    INT. HANNA'S APARTMENT. EVE                    HANNA is in the bath. MICHAEL is reading a Shakespeare sonnet          to her.                                        MICHAEL                    "And we will some new pleasures                    prove of golden sands and crystal                    brooks, with silken lights and                    silver hooks..."                                           HANNA                    Come here.                    She pulls him into the bath.                    INT. HANNA'S APARTMENT. NIGHT                    HANNA is sewing. MICHAEL is reading Huckleberry Finn.                                        MICHAEL                    I poked into the place aways and                    encountered a little open patch as                    big as a bedroom, all hung around                    with vines and found a man lying                    there asleep, and by Jinks it was                    my old Jim...                                                                             20.                                        He starts acting out Jim, and the two of them collapse          laughing.                    INT. HANNA'S APARTMENT. DAY                    MICHAEL is at the bottom of the bed. HANNA is lying inside.          He is reading Lady Chatterley's Lover.                                        MICHAEL                    "Lady Chatterley felt his naked                    flesh against her as he came into                    her. For a moment he was still                    inside her...                                        HANNA                    This is disgusting. Where did you                    get this?                                        MICHAEL                    I borrowed it from someone at                    school.                                        HANNA                    You should be ashamed. Go on.                    INT. HANNA'S APARTMENT. EVE                    MICHAEL reads Tin-Tin to HANNA, who is lying on the bed. They          are both looking at the pictures.                                         MICHAEL                    `Blistering Barnacles and a                    thundering typhoon. It is water.'                    `But what on earth did you expect                    it to be?'                                        HANNA                    Whisky.                                        MICHAEL                    Whisky! By thunder, whisky.                    `Whisky? Come now captain, you                    can't be serious.'                                        HANNA                    All right, kid, that's enough for                    today.                    They fall back onto the bed.                                                                               21.                                                            MICHAEL                    I was wondering, do you think you                    could get some time off? Maybe we                    could go for a trip.                                        HANNA                    What sort of trip?                                        MICHAEL                    I'd love to go bicycling. Just for                    two days.                    MICHAEL reaches for a book.                                        MICHAEL                    I've got a guide-book. I've worked                    out the route. Look, what do you                    think?                    HANNA'S look is so far-away she doesn't seem to hear the          question. Silence. Then :                                        HANNA                    I think you like planning, don't                    you?                    She throws the book away and they begin to make love.                    INT. BEDROOM. BERG APARTMENT. DAWN                    First light. Dawn breaking outside the window. MICHAEL is          working at his desk, the surface covered in stamps, his          collection book open. He picks one with a pyramid on it and          looks at it. Underneath, MICHAEL'S VOICE reading Intrigue and          Love by Schiller.                                        MICHAEL'S VOICE                    "I'm not frightened. I'm not                    frightened of anything. Why should                    I be? I welcome obstacles, because                    they'll be like mountains I can fly                    over to be in your arms. The more I                    suffer, the more I'll love...                              INT & EXT. SHOP. DAY                    Seen from outside, a shop full of stamps. MICHAEL and a STAMP          DEALER with white hair and a moustache. MICHAEL is offering          his pyramid stamp, his gestures becoming desperate as the          STAMP DEALER shakes his head, clearly not giving him as much          as he hopes.                                                                            22.                              Then MICHAEL concedes, the DEALER concedes, and a bunch of          notes are handed across. MICHAEL runs exhilarated out into          the street.                                        MICHAEL'S VOICE                    "Danger will only increase my love,                    it will sharpen it, it will give it                    spice. I'll be the only angel you                    need. On this arm, Luise, you will                    go dancing through life. You will                    leave life even more beautiful than                    you entered it. Heaven will take                    you back and look at you and say                    `Only one thing can make a soul                    complete, and that thing is love.'                    EXT. HILL. DAY                    HANNA and MICHAEL are whizzing down a hill together on          bicycles. He has a rucksack. It's a rural paradise - hills on          all sides, a gleaming river below, the sun shining brightly.          She is wearing a blue dress.                    EXT. CAFE. DAY                    They come to a cafe and sit down outside. They pick up the          menus on the table. A WAITRESS arrives.                                        WAITRESS                    So what would you like to have?                                        MICHAEL                    What are you having?                                        HANNA                    You order. I'll have what you have.                    MICHAEL starts giving the order. Next to them are a group of          BOY SCOUTS, who are laughing among themselves.                                        BOYS                    There's sausages, sausages or                    sausages. Give it to me, come on,                    give it here. Let me have a look.                    You always have the same thing.                    They all laugh. HANNA watches them nervously.                    EXT. CAFE. DAY                    The meal finished, MICHAEL is alone, paying the bill.                                        WAITRESS                    I hope your mother was happy.                                                                            23.                                                             MICHAEL                    Thank you. She enjoyed her meal                    very much.                    The WAITRESS goes. HANNA returns from inside. MICHAEL holds          out his arm to her, which she takes. They walk away towards          their bikes. He is smiling. MICHAEL looks round, then dares          to reach across and kiss her on the lips. The WAITRESS          watches.                    EXT. CHURCH. DAY                    They get off their bikes at a small church. MICHAEL stops and          gets out a map and a guide book.                                        MICHAEL                    Here, let me show you where we're                    going.                                        HANNA                    It's OK, kid. I don't want to know.                    The sound of a choir from inside.                    INT. CHURCH. DAY                    MICHAEL and HANNA enter tentatively to find a choir          rehearsing Bach. It is a traditional German scene - whole          families singing together at the altar. HANNA is transported,          entranced at the sound of the music. MICHAEL watches.                    EXT. RIVERSIDE. DAY                    HANNA is in a river, the water up to her calves, her skirt          tied round her thighs. She is completely absorbed. Then she          looks up, aware of being watched. MICHAEL is sitting with a          notebook.                                        HANNA                    What are you doing?                                        MICHAEL                    I'm writing a poem. About you.                                        HANNA                    Can I hear it?                                        MICHAEL                    It's not ready. I'll read it to you                    one day.                                                                               24.                                        INT. MICHAEL'S APARTMENT. BERLIN. DAY                    1995. MICHAEL, now 51, is standing by his desk. He opens a          drawer. He takes out the recognizable notebook. He opens its          yellowing pages and looks at the poetry. Then flips the          pages, to some handwritten lists - the words `Odyssey',          `Schnitzler', `Chekhov', `Zweig' with numbers beside them.          MICHAEL flaps it shut, puts it back and turns to go out.                    INT. STREET. DAY                    MICHAEL leaves his apartment block. He gets into his black          Mercedes.                    INT. CAR. DAY                    MICHAEL is listening on the radio to the same Bach music they          heard in the church. He drives through the thriving modern          city. Beyond, the huge cranes and gouged-out building sites          of a city under construction.                    EXT. STREET. DAY                    MICHAEL swings his car into place. He gets out and heads          across the road, prosperous, purposeful.                    INT. LOBBY. COURTHOUSE. DAY                    An ASSISTANT meets MICHAEL with his robe which he pulls on as          he walks quickly through an elaborate lobby. GERHARD BADE,          also in his fifties, also robed, falls in step.                                        GERHARD                    You all right, Michael?                                          MICHAEL                    I'm fine.                                        GERHARD                    You'd better hurry. You know what                    she's like.                    A robed ASSISTANT is waiting outside the door with documents          he hands to MICHAEL. They all go in.                    INT. COURTROOM. DAY                    MICHAEL joins his CLIENT, just seconds before the FEMALE          JUDGE comes in and everyone stands. Silence. The JUDGE looks          at MICHAEL disapprovingly, sensing his lateness. Everyone          sits. MICHAEL sits, thinking back.                                                                               25.                                        INT. STAIRWAY. SCHOOL. DAY                    1958. A sheriff's posse of sixteen-year old GIRLS, come          laughing, blushing towards the classroom. One of them is          talking excitedly to the other.                                        SOPHIE                    I'm just going to pretend I've been                    here for years, I'm not going to                    behave in any special way.                                        GIRL                    You just wait. You wait and see.                    They smile together and head for the classroom.                    INT. SCHOOL. DAY                    The BOYS are already in place, dotted round, as the GIRLS          come in. There are cries of `Here they come'. Then the          TEACHER comes in.                                        TEACHER                    Good morning, ladies. Gentlemen,                    please welcome your new fellow-                    students, treat them with courtesy,                    please.                    Not far from MICHAEL, a GIRL sits across the aisle, virginal          with brown hair, brown summer skin.                                        SOPHIE                    Hello. My name's Sophie.                                        MICHAEL                    I'm Michael.                    The TEACHER comes in. The class quietens.                    INT. SCHOOL. DAY                    Later. The TEACHER is in full flow. MICHAEL can't take his          eyes off SOPHIE.                                        TEACHER                    Everyone believes that Homer's                    subject is homecoming. In fact, The                    Odyssey is a book about a journey.                    Home is a place you dream of, it's                    not a place you ever attain.                    The TEACHER breaks off.                                                                             26.                                                            TEACHER                    Berg, I don't mean to distract you,                    but we're meant to studying Homer,                    not studying Sophia.                    The whole class cracks up. MICHAEL blushes.                    EXT. SWIMMING LAKE. DAY                    MICHAEL is riveted as SOPHIE swims fast and lithe through the          water. Around him, YOUNG PEOPLE are lounging round on towels.          It's the social centre. HOLGER and RUDOLF are rubbing their          hair with towels as SOPHIE approaches.                                        HOLGER                    Michael the water's fantastic.                                        MICHAEL                    It's wonderful, isn't it?                                        HOLGER                    Wonderful. It's going to be a great                    summer.                    MICHAEL looks across to where a group of AMERICANS are          shouting and playing a very loud game of volleyball.                                        HOLGER                    Now the Americans have allowed us                    back in our own lake.                                        SOPHIE                    Why are they so loud?                                        HOLGER                    You should see their stores. They                    have everything.                                        MICHAEL                    Oh sure. Everything mankind could                    ever dream of.                                        SOPHIE                    You don't like Americans?                                        MICHAEL                    Just it's more fun without them.                    He looks SOPHIE straight in the eye. There is a sudden          silence, MICHAEL looking straight at SOPHIE. SOPHIE looks          down. Then MICHAEL moves slightly to pack up his stuff.                                                                            27.                                                            SOPHIE                    Why do you leave early?                                        HOLGER                    He always leaves early.                    EXT. BANHOFSTRASSE. DAY                    MICHAEL is cycling back towards town, a smile on his face.                    INT. HANNA'S APARTMENT. DAY                    MICHAEL flies up the stairs, then goes in. HANNA is sitting          sewing. He kisses her on the cheek as he gets out a book.                                         MICHAEL                    I'm sorry I'm late. I was held up                    at school.                    At once he sits down opposite her. A ritual.                                        MICHAEL                    The Lady with the Little Dog. By                    Anton Chekhov.                    HANNA looks, seeing right through him.                                        MICHAEL                    "The talk was that a new face had                    appeared on the promenade, a lady                    with a little dog."                    INT. GARAGE. DAY                    A huge tram-shed full of empty trams. HANNA is at the end of          the garage, talking to the SUPERVISER, a large man in his          fifties.                                        SUPERVISER                    Schmitz, one moment. We've got good                    news for you. Your work is good,                    we're going to promote you. To work                    with me in the office. It's more                    money. Congratulations.                    He moves away. HANNA looks distraught.                    EXT. SWIMMING LAKE. DAY                    MICHAEL is watching SOPHIE swimming, a look of anxiety in his          eye, when HOLGER touches his shoulder.                                                                            28.                                                            HOLGER                    Get a move on, we're leaving early                    today.                                        MICHAEL                    Why? What for?                                        HOLGER                    We're going back to Sophie's. It's                    your birthday. We're giving you a                    party.                    HOLGER and RUDOLF disappear to get dressed. SOPHIE appears in          her swimming costume.                                        SOPHIE                    Come on, it's a surprise. We                    thought you'd like it. We've been                    planning it for weeks.                                        MICHAEL                    I'm sorry. Really. I promised                    someone I'd do something else.                    The others are furious with him. They all go off.                    EXT. STREET. DAY                    MICHAEL is cycling towards HANNA'S apartment, his hair wet          from the lake, looking equally unhappy.                    INT. HANNA'S APARTMENT. DAY                    HANNA is sitting unhappily as MICHAEL reads to her. They are          both in a bad mood.                                        HANNA                    Oh kid, kid. Stop.                                        MICHAEL                    What's wrong?                                        HANNA                    Nothing's wrong. It's nothing.                    HANNA just shrugs. She goes and sits at the table to drink          tea. MICHAEL is irritated.                                        MICHAEL                    You never ask, you never bother to                    ask how I am.                                                                            29.                                                            HANNA                    You never say.                                        MICHAEL                    It just happens to be my birthday.                    It's my birthday, that's all. In                    fact, you've never even asked when                    it is.                                        HANNA                    Look if you want a fight, kid...                                        MICHAEL                    No, I don't want a fight. What's                    wrong with you?                                        HANNA                    What business is it of yours?                    She has snapped at him, razor-like.                                        MICHAEL                    It's always on your terms.                    Everything. We do what you want.                    It's always what you want. My                    friends were giving me a party!                                        HANNA                    Well then why are you here? Go back                    to your party. Isn't that what you                    want?                    HANNA puts down her cup, angry. She goes into the bedroom and          slams the door. He sits, the magic of the day gone. He gets          up and opens the bedroom door. HANNA is on the bed.                                         MICHAEL                    And it's always me that has to                    apologize.                    Silence. HANNA lets time go by. Then :                                        HANNA                    You don't have to apologize. No-one                    has to apologize. No-one can make                    you.                    HANNA reaches for a book from beside the bed. She throws it          down on the cover.                                        HANNA                    War and Peace, kid.                                                                             30.                                        INT. HANNA'S APARTMENT. DAY                    HANNA is on the edge of the bath, running water. She has a          pale blue flowered smock. She is running with sweat. The          smock sticks to her. MICHAEL gets out a book. HANNA drops          lavender oil into the bath. MICHAEL stands in the bath and          she washes his body.                    INT. HANNA'S APARTMENT. DAY                    They are making love on the bed. It's intense. At one point          she moves on top of him. She holds his head between her          hands, as if she would crush the life out of him. Then she          lets go.                    INT. HANNA'S APARTMENT. DAY                    They are both sweating, exhausted. She looks a moment.                                        HANNA                    Now you must go back to your                    friends.                    INT. HANNA'S APARTMENT. DAY                    MICHAEL has gone. HANNA washes out milk bottles and empties          them into the sink. Then she picks up her luggage and leaves          the empty apartment.                    EXT. SWIMMING LAKE. DAY                    MICHAEL is sitting on the pier watching as HOLGER, RUDOLF and          SOPHIE swim competitively out to a pontoon, then turn back,          full of energy and high spirits. MICHAEL watches for a while,          then suddenly he gets up and starts to run away from them          all.                                        SOPHIE                    Michael. You all right?                    But MICHAEL is running away across the lakeside beach.                    INT. LANDING & HANNA'S APARTMENT. DUSK                    MICHAEL opens the door. He goes in. The apartment is emptied,          the rented furniture in place, all trace of HANNA gone. He          looks round. He looks at the empty bath, the tap above it. He          opens the kitchen cupboards - some coffee, sugar, that's          about it. He goes into the bedroom, the bed stripped bare. He          lies down on the bed.                                                                            31.                                        INT. HANNA'S APARTMENT. NIGHT                    MICHAEL lying on the bed, curled up, in his clothes, like a          foetus, asleep.                    INT. APARTMENT. DAY                    The family at breakfast. MICHAEL slips quietly in the main          door, trying to go to his room without being heard. EMILY          runs to look.                                           EMILY                    It's him.                    Sheepishly MICHAEL appears.                                        CARLA                    Where were you last night? What                    happened?                                        MICHAEL                    I stayed at a friend's.                                           PETER                    Carla.                    PETER looks. He seems to know exactly what's been going on.                                        PETER                    Get the boy something to eat. I                    think we all knew you'd come back                    to us eventually.                    EXT. SWIMMING LAKE. DUSK                    MICHAEL is alone in the deserted pool. He is on the jetty. He          takes off his clothes and slips into the water. Just his          head, like a seal's, at one end, just out of the water, quite          still.                    INT. COURTHOUSE. NIGHT                    1995. MICHAEL sitting alone, thinking back.                    EXT. SWIMMING LAKE. DUSK                    1958. The sun slants, and for a few seconds the water          dazzles. He slips his head under.                    INT. COURTHOUSE. DAY                    1995. MICHAEL still sitting thoughtfully by himself in the          empty court. Then he looks up. An ASSISTANT has appeared.                                                                              32.                                                            ASSISTANT                    Mr Berg. It is eight o'clock. Your                    daughter.                                           MICHAEL                    Thank you.                    He gets up.                    INT. BRASSERIE. BERLIN. NIGHT                    JULIA is already at the table in a chic modern brasserie. She          is a sympathetic young woman of around 23. MICHAEL          approaches. When she sees him, she gets up.                                        JULIA                    I was early.                    MICHAEL leans in and kisses her on the cheek.                                           MICHAEL                    Julia.                    They're uneasy. She looks a moment, then they sit down.                                        MICHAEL                    Welcome back.                    INT. RESTAURANT. NIGHT                    Later. They have eaten. They both have big glasses of red          wine. It's more relaxed.                                        MICHAEL                    So how will you decide?                                        JULIA                    I don't know. I'm happy back in                    Berlin, I suppose.                                        MICHAEL                    You've seen your mother?                    JULIA nods.                                        JULIA                    I wanted to get away. There was                    nothing more to it. It was Paris,                    but it could have been anywhere.                                        MICHAEL                    Away from your parents?                                                                            33.                                        JULIA doesn't answer.                                        MICHAEL                    I'm aware I was difficult. I wasn't                    always open with you. I'm not open                    with anyone.                                        JULIA                    I knew you were distant. I'd always                    assumed it was my fault.                                        MICHAEL                    Julia. How wrong can you be?                    JULIA colours, on the verge of tears. Then she looks away.                    INT & EXT. CAR. NIGHT                    They drive through the gleaming streets. It's been raining -          Berlin is glistening. Their voices :                                        MICHAEL                    I admit it now, I was nervous.                                        JULIA                    I was nervous too. It's silly isn't                    it?                                        MICHAEL                    It is silly.                                        JULIA                    Thank you for dinner.                                        MICHAEL                    I'll see you very soon.                    EXT. CAR. DAY                    MICHAEL lets JULIA out, and is watching her safely to her          door from the car.                                        JULIA                    Good night, Dad.                    MICHAEL suddenly gets out himself.                                        MICHAEL                    Julia, wait. I want to ask you a                    favour.                                        JULIA                    What favour?                                                                            34.                                                            MICHAEL                    I want to take you on a trip. I                    want to show you something.                                           JULIA                    When?                                        MICHAEL                    Tomorrow, maybe. Can I pick you up                    in the car?                    JULIA doesn't need to say anything.                                        MICHAEL                    At ten, say.                    JULIA smiles.                                           MICHAEL                    Then good.                    MICHAEL hugs her, his heart aching with love. JULIA goes in          to her place. MICHAEL is left standing still in the plaza          outside, not moving. Underneath the sound of what follows,          thirty years previously.                    INT. LECTURE ROOM. HEIDELBERG LAW SCHOOL. DAY                    1966. A WOMAN LECTURER has a class of about 75 STUDENTS. From          their hair, their dress, it could only be the 1960s.                                        LECTURER                    Those of you for the special                    seminar group on The Legal System                    in the Third Reich, please stay on                    in this room. Professor Rohl will                    be here in a moment.                    Nearly all the STUDENTS leave, talking among themselves. Just          eight are left, dotted around the huge room. MICHAEL is one          of them, now 22, in a corduroy jacket and tie. There is a          lull. MICHAEL looks round at the group of oddballs, then          finds ROHL, distinguished, greying, is already in front of          them.                                        ROHL                    Well, we seem to be quite a small                    group. A small group and a select                    one. Clearly, this is going to be a                    unique seminar. Let me start by                    thanking those of you who've chosen                    to take part. Good for you. A                    reading list, gentlemen.                              (MORE)                                                                            35.                                        ROHL (cont'd)                    Karl Jaspers, The Question of                    German Guilt...                    A calm STUDENT with long hair smiles at MICHAEL. She looks          like Francoise Hardy. She murmurs.                                        MARTHE                    And ladies.                    INT. STUDENT DIGS. NIGHT                    MICHAEL is working alone at his desk, a light on. The door of          his extremely modest student digs is open. MARTHE appears at          the door, silently. He looks up.                                        MARTHE                    So this is where you are.                                        MICHAEL                    Yes. Come in.                    But neither of them move. MARTHE just smiles from the door.                                        MARTHE                    You take work seriously.                                        MICHAEL                    Oh I don't know.                                        MARTHE                    You're rather a serious boy.                    MARTHE shrugs slightly.                                        MICHAEL                    It's how I was brought up. What                    about you? Are you serious?                                        MARTHE                    You're sure you want to work                    tonight?                                        MICHAEL                    Well I do. But I won't work every                    night.                                        MARTHE                    See you tomorrow.                    They smile at one another. She goes.                                                                             36.                                        INT. TRAIN. DAY                    The seminar group, long-haired, hippyish, is on the train :          PROFESSOR ROHL, with MARTHE, DIETER and a few others. MICHAEL          catches MARTHA'S eye. They smile. Then he opens the window,          cheerful.                    EXT. TOWN HALL. MANNHEIM. DAY                    The STUDENTS are having a cigarette in front of the huge          building. Two black vans with barred windows come by,          carrying prisoners. The first one veers close to MICHAEL on          the pavement, then disappears into the inner courtyard. ROHL          smiles at MICHAEL.                                        MICHAEL                    Why all the police?                                        ROHL                    They're worried about                    demonstrators.                                        MICHAEL                    For or against?                                          ROHL                    Both.                    INT. TOWN HALL. DAY                    A courtroom has been improvised inside the town hall. There          are large windows, with milky glass, down the left-hand side.          As ROHL and the STUDENTS arrive, the court is a melee of          PHOTOGRAPHERS, LAWYERS and PUBLIC. The three JUDGES are          already in place, next to six selected CITIZENS. MICHAEL and          the others take places in the gallery                                        CLERK                    All photographers are now asked to                    leave.                    The PHOTOGRAPHERS go.                                        JUDGE                    The defendants, please.                    From being noisy and chaotic, the court is now silent.                                        JUDGE                    The first thing I'm going to do is                    hear motions from each of the                    defendants' lawyers.                              (MORE)                                                                            37.                                        JUDGE (cont'd)                    They're going to be arguing that                    there's no reason to keep the                    defendants in jail until the                    outcome of the forthcoming trial.                    DIETER grins at MICHAEL in anticipation.                                        JUDGE                    I am going to take these cases one                    by one.                    MICHAEL is leaning down to get stuff out of his briefcase, as          MARTHE shakes a pen which isn't working.                                        MICHAEL                    Do you want a pen?                                        MARTHE                    I've got a pen.                    So MICHAEL doesn't hear as the JUDGE speaks.                                        JUDGE                    Hanna Schmitz.                    There is a row of six DEFENDANTS. The fifth woman is HANNA,          her hair tied in a knot, her gaze fixedly into the middle          distance, not looking towards the SPECTATORS. She is wearing          a grey dress with short sleeves. They all sit, sideways to          the gallery. HANNA rises to her feet. The words seem to come          very quietly, across a great distance.                                        JUDGE                    Your name is Hanna Schmitz?                                        HANNA                    Yes.                    It is only when the JUDGE repeats the name that MICHAEL looks          up, hearing it for the first time.                                        JUDGE                    Can you speak louder please?                                        HANNA                    My name is Hanna Schmitz.                    MICHAEL is rigid, blank, just staring.                                        JUDGE                    Thank you. You were born on October                    21st, 1922?                                                                            38.                                                            HANNA                    Yes.                                         JUDGE                    At Hermannstadt. And you're now 43                    years old?                                        HANNA                    Yes.                                        JUDGE                    You joined the SS in 1943?                                        HANNA                    Yes.                                        JUDGE                    What was your reason? What was your                    reason for joining?                    HANNA doesn't answer.                                        JUDGE                    You were working at the Siemens                    factory at the time?                                        HANNA                    Yes.                                        JUDGE                    You'd recently been offered a                    promotion. Why did you prefer to                    join the SS?                    HANNA has a DEFENCE COUNSEL, a young man, beside her, who is          about to get up. But the JUDGE forestalls him.                                        JUDGE                    I'll re-phrase my question. I'm                    trying to ascertain if she joined                    the SS freely. Of her own free                    will.                    Everyone waits.                                        JUDGE                    Well?                                        HANNA                    I heard there were jobs.                                        JUDGE                    Go on.                                                                             39.                                                            HANNA                    I was working at Siemens when I                    heard the SS was recruiting.                                        JUDGE                    Did you know the kind of work you'd                    be expected to do?                                        HANNA                    They were looking for guards. I                    applied for a job.                    MICHAEL is intent now, so are the STUDENTS beside him.                                        JUDGE                    And you worked first at Auschwitz?                                          HANNA                    Yes.                                        JUDGE                    Until 1944. Then you were moved to                    a smaller camp near Cracow?                                          HANNA                    Yes.                    ROHL leans into MICHAEL.                                        ROHL                    Are you OK?                                          MICHAEL                    I'm fine.                                        JUDGE                    You then helped move the prisoners                    west in the winter of 1944 in the                    so-called death marches?                    INT. TRAIN. DAY                    MICHAEL is hanging out of the window of the train, smoking a          cigarette.                    INT. TRAIN. DAY                    MICHAEL sits down in his seat. ROHL moves to sit opposite          him.                                        ROHL                    So what did you think?                                                                            40.                                                            MICHAEL                    I don't know. It wasn't quite what                    I expecting.                                        ROHL                    Wasn't it? In what way? What were                    you expecting?                    ROHL is looking at him. MICHAEL doesn't answer.                                        DIETER                    I thought it was exciting.                                          ROHL                    Exciting?                                          DIETER                    Yes.                                        ROHL                    Why? Why did you think it exciting?                                        DIETER                    Because it's justice.                    EXT. COUNTRYSIDE. DAY                    The train hurtles through the German countryside.                    INT. STUDENT DIGS. NIGHT                    A student party, in a candle-lit room. MARTHE is singing to a          guitar. It's been going on for hours - the STUDENTS are on          the floor with beer and cigarettes. The front door is open.          DIETER, beer in hand, looks out to the balcony where he can          see MICHAEL bent away from them, all by himself.                    EXT. STUDENT DIGS. NIGHT                    MICHAEL, his arms on the balcony, is smoking, looking out          into the night. His eye lands on a student room in which a          couple are making love.                    INT. LECTURE ROOM. HEIDELBERG LAW SCHOOL. DAY                    The small STUDENT GROUP is now rattling around informally in          the big lecture room.                                        ROHL                    I need to correct an impression.                    Dieter said yesterday this was                    about justice. But is it?                              (MORE)                                                                    41.                                        ROHL (cont'd)                    If it were about justice you might                    ask why has it taken so long? The                    war ended twenty years ago.                    Remember, there've been no                    significant trials between                    Nuremburg in 1946 and the Auschwitz                    trials a couple of years ago.                    That's a long gap. What's the                    reason for the gap?                    ROHL waits a moment for a STUDENT to answer.                                        DIETER                    I'd have thought it was obvious.                                        ROHL                    Say.                                        DIETER                    Cowardice. It's cowardice, isn't                    it? It's bad conscience. It's the                    big cover-up.                                        ROHL                    Go on.                                        DIETER                    After the war. The German people                    didn't want to look at what they'd                    done.                                        ROHL                    Is that right?                                        DIETER                    Because they had too much to hide.                    All our parents are liars. All                    right, mine are. So it's left to                    us, isn't it?                                        ROHL                    How so?                                        DIETER                    Because we're not implicated.                                        ROHL                    Aren't you? Good. So that's all                    right then.                    Everyone laughs.                                                                            42.                                                            MARTHE                    No, but seriously, Dieter's right.                    My parents, I can't even talk to                    them. I don't love them. How could                    I? How could anyone love them?                    Because they've told themselves so                    many lies, they can't remember the                    truth, let alone admit it. Isn't                    that why we signed up for this                    seminar?                                        ROHL                    I don't know. You tell me.                                        MARTHE                    Speaking for myself.                                         ROHL                    Michael?                                        MICHAEL                    I'm not sure any more.                    ROHL is staring at him thoughtfully.                                        ROHL                    What did your father do, Dieter?                                         DIETER                    If you want to know, he was in the                    Waffen SS.                    There are some smiles, but DIETER rides over the reaction.                                        DIETER                    That's what I mean, that's what I'm                    saying. So were a million other                    Germans.                                        ROHL                    That's exactly my point. That's why                    it's better not to pretend this is                    about justice. Forgive me, nor is                    it about getting into an emotional                    state. It has no purpose if it's                    just the young giving their parents                    a bad time.                    There's a silence. That's clearly why some of them are there.                                        MARTHE                    So what is it about? What do you                    think?                                                                              43.                                                            ROHL                    Societies think they operate by                    something called morality. But they                    don't. They operate by something                    called law. You're not guilty of                    anything merely by working at                    Auschwitz. 8,000 people worked at                    Auschwitz. Precisely 19 have been                    convicted, and only 6 for murder.                    To prove murder you have to prove                    intent. That's the law. Remember,                    the question is never `Was it                    wrong?' but `Was it legal?' And not                    by our laws, no, by the laws at the                    time.                    DIETER frowns, unhappy.                                        DIETER                    But isn't that...                                        ROHL                    What?                                        DIETER                    Narrow?                                        ROHL                    Yes. The law is narrow.                    ROHL looks unapologetic.                                        ROHL                    On the other hand, I suspect people                    who kill other people tend to be                    aware that it's wrong.                    INT. COURTROOM. MANNHEIM. DAY                    ROHL is leaning forward, attentive. HANNA is standing,          opposite the JUDGE, who holds up a book called MOTHER &          DAUGHTER : A STORY OF SURVIVAL.                                        JUDGE                    Miss Schmitz, you're familiar with                    this book...                                        HANNA                    Yes...                                        JUDGE                    Parts of it have already been read                    out in court.                              (MORE)                                                                            44.                                        JUDGE (cont'd)                    It's an American publication, which                    has been translated. It's by a                    survivor, a prisoner who survived,                    Ilana Mather...                                        HANNA                    Yes I know. I know Ilana Mather.                                        JUDGE                    She was in the camp, wasn't she,                    when she was a child? She was with                    her mother.                    The judge waits. HANNA seems arrogant, defiant.                                        JUDGE                    In the book, she describes a                    selection process. At the end of                    the month's labour, every month,                    sixty inmates were selected. They                    were picked out to be sent from the                    satellite camp back to Auschwitz.                    That's right, isn't it?                                        HANNA                    Yes, it's right.                                        JUDGE                    And so far, each of your fellow                    defendants has specifically denied                    being part of that process. Now I'm                    going to ask you. Were you part of                    it?                                        HANNA                    Yes.                    There is a stir among the other DEFENDANTS and in the court.          They start talking to their LAWYERS.                                        JUDGE                    So you helped make the selection?                                        HANNA                    Yes.                                        JUDGE                    You admit that? Then tell me, how                    did that selection happen?                    HANNA shrugs slightly, as though it were obvious.                                                                            45.                                                            HANNA                    There were six guards, so we                    decided we'd choose ten people                    each. That's how we did it - every                    month. We'd all choose ten.                                        JUDGE                    Are you saying your fellow                    defendants took part in the                    process?                                        HANNA                    We all did.                                        JUDGE                    Even though they've denied it? But                    you admit it. You're saying you                    took part in the process.                    The other DEFENDANTS stir with animosity, but the JUDGE is          intent, following his own line.                                        JUDGE                    Did you not realise you were                    sending these women to their                    deaths?                    He waits. HANNA nods slightly.                                        HANNA                    Yes but there were new arrivals,                    new women were arriving all the                    time, so of course we had to move                    some of the old ones on.                                        JUDGE                    I'm not sure you understand...                                        HANNA                    We couldn't keep everyone. There                    wasn't room.                    The JUDGE frowns, genuinely surprised that she doesn't seem          to understand his point.                                        JUDGE                    No, but what I'm saying : let me                    rephrase : to make room, you were                    picking women out and saying `You                    you and you have to be sent back to                    be killed.'                                                                            46.                                                            HANNA                    Well, what would you have done?                    HANNA is looking at the JUDGE - a perfectly straight          question. MICHAEL smiles slightly, proud of her. Everyone in          the court waits for the JUDGE to answer. Silence. ROHL is          impassive. But HANNA follows her own thoughts. She quietly          asks herself a question.                                        HANNA                    So should I never have signed up at                    Siemens?                    INT. LOBBY. TOWN HALL. DAY                    MICHAEL is alone, smoking. On a bench, side by side, are two          women. One is very small, dark, in her sixties. The other is          composed, formidable, elegant, in her thirties. ROSE and          ILANA MATHER. They look up, catching MICHAEL's eye. Then a          CLERK leans in to the younger woman.                                        CLERK                    Ms. Mather, they're ready for you                    now.                    The two women go into the court. The door closes.                    INT. LOBBY & COURTROOM. DAY                    MICHAEL is alone in the now-deserted lobby, unwilling to go          back. Then he goes to the door. He opens it a little. The          sound of the trial. He opens the door fully. MICHAEL can see          that it is ILANA who is testifying. The court is          conspicuously packed. Large black-and-white photographs of          the labour camp now dominate the room. MICHAEL comes quietly          into the back of the room as the trial goes on.                    MICHAEL has pushed past a couple of people to sit down near          ROSE who is sitting in the body of the court. He looks across          to the DEFENDANTS. RITA BECKHART, a large older woman, is one          of a couple who isn't bothering to listen.                                        PROSECUTOR                    In your book you describe the                    process of selection...                                        ILANA                    Yes. You were made to work and                    then, when you were no longer any                    use to them, then they sent you                    back to Auschwitz to be killed.                                                                            47.                                                            PROSECUTOR                    Are there people here today who                    made that selection?                                        ILANA                    Yes.                                        PROSECUTOR                    I need you to identify them. Can                    you please point them out?                    ILANA points with her finger at the DEFENDANTS.                                        ILANA                    Her. And her. And her. And her. And                    her. And her.                    The last finger has been to HANNA. MICHAEL watches, but HANNA          does not react.                                        ILANA                    Each of the guards would choose a                    certain number of women. Hanna                    Schmitz chose differently.                                        JUDGE                    In what way differently?                                        ILANA                    She had favourites. Girls, mostly                    young. We all remarked on it, she                    gave them food and places to sleep.                    In the evening, she asked them to                    join her. We all thought - well,                    you can imagine what we thought.                    HANNA stares back, impassive. MICHAEL watches.                                        ILANA                    Then we found out - she was making                    these women read aloud to her. They                    were reading to her. At first we                    thought this guard, this guard is                    more sensitive, she's more human,                    she's kinder. Often she chose the                    weak, the sick, she picked them                    out, she seemed to be protecting                    them almost. But then she                    dispatched them. Is that kinder?                    HANNA looks back, not apologizing.                                                                            48.                                        INT. LOBBY. TOWN HALL. DAY                    MICHAEL sits alone, head in hands, in despair.                    INT. COURTROOM. DAY                    Now ROSE is testifying. The court is quiet, focused.                                        JUDGE                    I want to move on now to the march.                    As I understand it, you and your                    daughter were marched for many                    months.                                        ROSE                    Yes. It was the winter of 1944. Our                    camp was closed down, we were told                    we had to move on. But the plan                    kept changing every day. Women were                    dying all around us in the snow.                    Half of us died on the march. My                    daughter says in the book, less a                    death march, more a death gallop.                    MICHAEL looks along the row to where ILANA is now sitting.                                        JUDGE                    Please tell us about the night in                    the church.                    MICHAEL watches as ROSE looks across to ILANA. ILANA stares          back at her. MICHAEL watches the exchange as ROSE nods, as if          accepting she must go ahead and speak.                                        ROSE                    That night we actually thought we                    were lucky because we had a roof                    over our heads. We'd arrived in a                    village, as always, the guards took                    the best quarters, they took the                    priest's house. But they let us                    sleep in a church. There was a                    bombing raid. In the middle of the                    night. At first we could only hear                    the fire, it was in the steeple.                    Then we could see burning beams,                    and they began to crash to the                    floor. Everyone rushed, rushed to                    the doors. But the doors had been                    locked on the outside.                                                                               49.                                                               JUDGE                       The church burned down? Nobody came                       to open the doors? Is that right?                                           ROSE                       Nobody.                                           JUDGE                       Even though you were all burning to                       death?                    ROSE nods.                                           JUDGE                       How many people were killed?                                           ROSE                       Everyone was killed.                                           JUDGE                       How did you survive?                                           ROSE                       I needed to get away from the other                       women. Because they were panicking,                       they were screaming. I couldn't                       stand it. I couldn't stand their                       screaming. I was more frightened of                       the other women than I was of the                       fire. So I too my daughter and led                       her to the upper floor. I can't                       defend what I did. It's impossible                       to defend. I took Ilana in my arms                       and I led her towards the fire.                       There was a small gallery at the                       side of the church on the upper                       level. It saved our lives. The                       gallery didn't burn.                    ROSE turns, in tears, to look at ILANA.                                           JUDGE                       Thank you. I want to thank you for                       coming to this country today to                       testify.                    INT. LECTURE ROOM. LAW SCHOOL. DAY                    The group is back in the big hall. But the atmosphere is          grim. It's a while before DIETER speaks.                                                                            50.                                                            DIETER                    I don't know. I don't know what                    we're doing any more.                                           ROHL                    Don't you?                                        DIETER                    You keep telling us to think like                    lawyers, but there's something                    disgusting about this.                    ROHL is very still, like an analyst who is finally leading          his patient to the heart of things.                                           ROHL                    How so?                                        DIETER                    This didn't happen to the Germans.                    It happened to the Jews.                    Everyone is shocked at his violent passion.                                        DIETER                    What are we trying to do?                                        MICHAEL                    We're trying to understand.                                        DIETER                    Six women locked    three hundred Jews                    in a church, and    let them burn.                    What is there to    understand? Tell                    me, I'm asking :    what is there to                    understand?                    MICHAEL can't answer. DIETER gets up, outraged now.                                        DIETER                    I started out believing in this                    trial, I thought it was great, now                    I think it's just a diversion.                                        ROHL                    Yes? Diversion from what?                                        DIETER                    You choose six women, you put them                    on trial, you say `They were the                    evil ones, they were the guilty                    ones'. Brilliant!                              (MORE)                                                                            51.                                        DIETER (cont'd)                    Because one of the victims happened                    to write a book! That's why they're                    on trial and nobody else. Do you                    know how many camps there were in                    Europe?                    DIETER turns, furious.                                        DIETER                    People go on about how much did                    everyone know? `Who knew?' `What                    did they know?' That isn't the                    question. The question is `How                    could you let it happen?' And -                    better - `Why didn't you kill                    yourself when you found out?'                    One of the group walks out.                                        DIETER                    Thousands! That's how many. There                    were thousands of camps. Everyone                    knew.                    DIETER'S passion is so great that everyone is shaken.                                        DIETER                    Look at that woman...                                        MICHAEL                    Which woman?                                        DIETER                    The woman you're always staring at.                    I'm sorry but you are.                    MICHAEL is white. The atmosphere is electric.                                        MICHAEL                    I don't know which woman you mean.                                        DIETER                    You know what I'd do? Put the gun                    in my hand, I'd shoot her myself.                    EXT. EMPTY ROAD. DAY                    MICHAEL walks along an empty wooded road, miles from          anywhere. The sun is shining through the trees behind him.                                                                              52.                                        EXT. STRUTHOF CAMP. DAY                    The wire fence of a concentration camp, deserted. MICHAEL,          with a back-pack, goes alone through the metal gate. MICHAEL          walks among the deserted empty huts.                    INT. STRUTHOF CAMP. DAY                    Inside one of the huts, MICHAEL is by himself staring at a          line of empty beds. He moves on, overwhelmed, lost. He passes          through the showers. Then he comes to a room with vast metal          cages on either side. In the cages, the countless dusty shoes          of the exterminated.                    INT. STRUTHOF CAMP. DAY                    MICHAEL opens a door and walks into a room with a line of gas          ovens. He walks past them. Then he stands beside them, his          head down.                    INT. COURTROOM. DAY                    HANNA is standing being examined by the JUDGE. Large          photographs and maps of the village, with the lay-out of the          church, are now on display.                                        JUDGE                    Why did you not unlock the doors?                    He waits. HANNA doesn't reply.                                        JUDGE                    Why did you not unlock the doors?                    The JUDGE turns to the row of DEFENDANTS.                                        JUDGE                    I've asked all of you and I'm                    getting no answer. Two of the                    victims are in this court. They                    deserve an answer.                    ILANA and ROSE are not far away from MICHAEL and the          STUDENTS. The JUDGE puts down a bound handwritten document.                                        JUDGE                    Here, this is the SS report. You                    all have copies.                    There is a flurry of paperwork among the DEFENDANTS and          LAWYERS as they turn to their copies.                                                                            53.                                                            JUDGE                    This is the report which was                    written, approved and signed by all                    of you immediately after the event.                    In the written report, you all                    claim you didn't even know about                    the fire until after it happened.                    But that isn't true, is it?                    The JUDGE waits.                                        JUDGE                    Well? It isn't true.                                        HANNA                    I don't know what you're asking.                                        JUDGE                    The first thing I'm asking is, why                    didn't you unlock the doors?                    HANNA takes a look to the other DEFENDANTS. For the first          time her poise is crumbling.                                        HANNA                    Obviously. For the obvious reason.                    We couldn't.                                        JUDGE                    Why? Why couldn't you?                                        HANNA                    We were guards. Our job was to                    guard the prisoners. We couldn't                    just let them escape.                                        JUDGE                    I see. And if they escaped, then                    you'd be blamed, you'd be charged,                    you might even be executed?                                           HANNA                    No.                                           JUDGE                    Well then?                    The JUDGE waits.                                        HANNA                    If we opened the doors, then there                    would have been chaos. How could we                    have restored order?                              (MORE)                                                                             54.                                        HANNA (cont'd)                    It happened so fast. It was                    snowing. The bombs - There were                    flames all over the village. Then                    the screaming began. It got worse                    and worse. And if they'd all come                    rushing out, we couldn't just let                    them escape. We couldn't. We were                    responsible for them.                                        JUDGE                    So you did know what was happening?                    You did know? You made a choice.                    You let them die rather than risk                    letting them escape.                    HANNA can't answer - she has no answer.                                        JUDGE                    The other defendants have made an                    allegation against you. Have you                    heard this allegation?                    HANNA does not reply.                                        JUDGE                    They say you were in charge.                                        HANNA                    It isn't true. I was just one of                    the guards.                    The other DEFENDANTS interrupt to call out `She was in          charge'.                                        JUDGE                    Did you write the report?                                        HANNA                    No. No. We all discussed what to                    say. We all wrote it together.                                        BECKHART                    She wrote it! She wrote the report.                    She was in charge.                                        JUDGE                    Is that true?                                        HANNA                    No. And I didn't write the report.                    Does it matter who did?                    RITA BECKHART has called out from her place. The JUDGE looks          at HANNA a moment.                                                                            55.                                                            JUDGE                    I need to see a sample of your                    handwriting.                                        HANNA                    My handwriting?                                        JUDGE                    Yes. I need to establish who wrote                    the report.                    At once HANNA'S COUNSEL rises.                                        HANNA'S COUNSEL                    I'm sorry, but I really don't see                    how that's appropriate. Nearly                    twenty years have gone by.                                        JUDGE                    Somebody take her this piece of                    paper.                                        HANNA'S COUNSEL                    Are you really going to compare                    handwriting of twenty years ago,                    with handwriting of today?                                        JUDGE                    Give her the paper. Counsel,                    approach the bench.                    A piece of paper and a pen are put down in front of HANNA.          Her COUNSEL moves to the bench. MICHAEL stares, first at her,          then at the pen and paper, an apprehension rising in him.                    INT & EXT. DAY AND NIGHT. FLASHBACKS                    MICHAEL thinks back, to HANNA in her bedroom saying `No you          read', to her looking puzzled at the menu on the bicycle          trip, and to her throwing a book away in the apartment. At          this moment, MICHAEL realises she is illiterate.                    INT. COURTROOM. DAY                    Back in the courtroom, HANNA looks up to the JUDGE to stop          the conference.                                        HANNA                    There's no need. I wrote the                    report.                                                                            56.                                        MICHAEL, in a panic, pushes along his row, past ROHL and the          others, who all look up, knowing something is going on. HANNA          turns, as if sensing him behind her.                    INT. STAIRS. HEIDELBERG LAW SCHOOL. DAY                    MICHAEL is sitting on the steps outside the lecture room.          ROHL walks straight past him.                                        ROHL                    You've been skipping seminars.                    INT. LECTURE ROOM. HEIDELBERG LAW SCHOOL. DAY                    MICHAEL comes into the room and sits down, smoking a          cigarette. ROHL waits.                                        ROHL                    So?                    MICHAEL looks at him.                                        MICHAEL                    I have a piece of information.                    Concerning one of the defendants.                    Something they're not admitting.                                        ROHL                    What information?                    MICHAEL stubs out his cigarette.                                        ROHL                    You don't need me to tell you. It's                    perfectly clear you have a moral                    obligation to disclose it to the                    court.                                        MICHAEL                    It happens this information is                    favourable to the defendant. It can                    help her case. It may even affect                    the outcome, certainly the                    sentencing.                                        ROHL                    So?                                        MICHAEL                    There's a problem. The defendant                    herself is determined to keep this                    information secret.                                                                            57.                                        Two STUDENTS come in for the seminar.                                        ROHL                    A moment, please. Please.                    Chastened, they leave.                                        ROHL                    What are her reasons?                                        MICHAEL                    Because she's ashamed.                                        ROHL                    Ashamed? Ashamed of what?                    MICHAEL doesn't answer.                                        ROHL                    Have you spoken to her?                                        MICHAEL                    Of course not.                                        ROHL                    Why of course not?                                        MICHAEL                    I can't. I can't do that. I can't                    talk to her.                                        ROHL                    What we feel isn't important. It's                    utterly unimportant. The only                    question is what we do.                    ROHL gets up.                                        ROHL                    If people like you don't learn from                    what happened to people like me,                    then what the hell is the point of                    anything?                    INT. REMAND CELL. EVE                    HANNA is sitting on the edge of her bed. A GUARD comes to the          door.                                        GUARD                    You have a visitor. Michael Berg.                    HANNA is taken aback for a moment. Then she gets up.                                                                              58.                                        EXT. PRISON WAITING ROOM. DAY                    MICHAEL is standing smoking a cigarette in the waiting area.          A whole number of visitors, old people, children, families          are waiting. Some kids are playing with a football. Then a          GUARD arrives and calls out names. MICHAEL's name is called.                    INT. MEETING ROOM. PRISON. DAY                    HANNA is led swiftly down a prison corridor towards her          meeting and sat down at a desk to wait.                    EXT. PRISON YARD. DAY                    MICHAEL is led in the GROUP towards the visiting room. It has          come on to snow. As he walks towards the room, he loses          heart. He changes his mind. The rest of the GROUP go on, as          he falls behind, watching them go. He begins to turn back.                    INT. MEETING ROOM. PRISON. DAY.                    HANNA sits down at the empty table, waiting.                    EXT. PRISON YARD. DAY                    MICHAEL turns away and heads back the way he came.                    INT. MEETING ROOM. PRISON. DAY                    HANNA looks round. Nobody is coming. She waits more.                                           GUARD                    Time's up.                    INT. PRISON. EVE                    HANNA is still waiting. Then she is led back to her cell.                    INT. MARTHE'S ROOM. STUDENT DIGS. NIGHT                    MICHAEL appears at the door of MARTHE'S room. She is working          at her desk. He smiles and closes the door.                                        MARTHE                    You've taken your time.                    They kiss. She starts to pull his clothes off. He lets her.          He makes no move to undress her. She takes all his clothes          off until he is naked, and she remains clothed. He looks at          her a moment, then takes her in his arms and they go down on          the bed. They make love.                                                                            59.                                        INT. MARTHE'S ROOM. NIGHT                    MARTHE is apparently asleep, MICHAEL awake. As quietly as he          can MICHAEL tries to slip away.                                        MARTHE                    Where are you going?                                        MICHAEL                    I'm sorry. I need to sleep by                    myself.                    INT. REMAND CELL. DAWN                    HANNA is standing naked at the sink, preparing herself for          the day.                    INT. STUDENT DIGS. MICHAEL'S ROOM. DAWN                    MICHAEL is lying in his own bed, staring up at the ceiling,          not able to sleep. MICHAEL reluctantly pushes back the cover          and gets naked out of bed. Slowly he begins to dress.                    INT. REMAND CELL. DAY                    HANNA washes herself, naked.                    INT. STUDENT DIGS. DAY                    MICHAEL is dressed now. He stands in front of his mirror,          adjusting his tie.                    INT. REMAND CELL. DAY                    HANNA stands in front of the mirror, tying her tie. There is          a small, inadequate mirror in which she checks her dress - a          black suit, a white blouse and black tie. She looks very          formal.                    INT. PRISON. DAY                    HANNA is led through the prison by a GUARD.                    EXT. TOWN HALL. DAY                    A lot of people heading into the courtroom. As the seminar          group goes in, MICHAEL hangs back. ROHL looks at him as he          goes through the doors. MICHAEL is left outside, then goes to          watch as the vans arrive.                                                                             60.                                        INT. COURTROOM. TOWN HALL. DAY                    HANNA and the PRISONERS are led into the court. HANNA'S suit          is so formal that members of the public call out. `Nazi!          Nazi!' DIETER leans in to MARTHE. HANNA walks on to her          place.                    INT. COURTROOM. DAY                    Everyone rises as the JUDGES come in to take their places.          HANNA's face is resigned, without expression. The JUDGES sit.          The whole court goes quiet.                                        JUDGE                    The court finds guilty the                    defendants Rita Beckhart, Karolina                    Steinhof, Regina Kreutz, Angela                    Zieber, Andrea Luhmann jointly                    aiding and abetting murder in three                    hundred cases. The court finds the                    defendant Hanna Schmitz guilty of                    murder in three hundred cases.                    There are tears in MICHAEL's eyes as he watches.                                        JUDGE                    The court sentences the accused as                    follows. Rita Beckhart, Karolina                    Steinhof, Regina Kreutz, Angela                    Zieber, and Andrea Luhmann, you                    will each serve a total sentence in                    prison of four years and three                    months.                    ROHL, MARTHE, DIETER and the students are looking down on the          sentencing. MICHAEL is crying.                                        JUDGE                    Hanna Schmitz, in view of your own                    admissions and your special role,                    you are in a different category.                    The court sentences the accused                    Schmitz to imprisonment for life.                    HANNA is impassive, not reacting. Then she turns and looks up          to the gallery.                    EXT. COURTHOUSE. DAY                    MICHAEL walks away through the cameras and news crews.                                                                               61.                                        INT. TRAIN. DAY                    MICHAEL sits on the train, thinking. The younger MICHAEL          becomes the older.                    INT. TRAIN. DAY                    1976. MICHAEL is sitting beside JULIA. MICHAEL is 32, JULIA          is a bright little 4 year-old in a coat. The countryside          speeding by.                                        JULIA                    Where are we going?                                         MICHAEL                    I said : I'll tell you when we get                    there. You told me you liked                    surprises.                                        JULIA                    I like surprises.                    EXT. BLUMENSTRASSE. DAY                    MICHAEL walks with JULIA towards their old house. He looks          round, the memory of coming with HANNA as a sick boy 18 years          earlier clear in his mind. The same landmarks.                    INT. DINING ROOM. BERG APARTMENT. DAY                    They are all three eating at the dinner table, eating a small          roast chicken.                                        MICHAEL                    She's grown, hasn't she?                                        CARLA                    I don't know. It's so long since I                    saw her, Michael, how can I tell?                                        MICHAEL                    My fault. We shouldn't have come                    unannounced.                                        JULIA                    Daddy, why's she angry?                    MICHAEL smiles. Even CARLA smiles slightly.                                        MICHAEL                    I'm afraid I've have some bad news.                    Julia knows.                              (MORE)                                                                            62.                                        MICHAEL (cont'd)                    We've already told her. Gertrud and                    I are getting a divorce.                                        JULIA                    Daddy's going to live in his own                    house.                                        CARLA                    You didn't come for your father's                    funeral, but you come for this?                                        MICHAEL                    You know, it's not easy for me to                    visit this town.                                        CARLA                    Were you really so unhappy?                                        MICHAEL                    That's not what I'm saying. It's                    not what I meant.                                           CARLA                    Well then?                    CARLA looks at him hard.                                        MICHAEL                    You mustn't worry about Gertrud.                    I'm going to look after her. And                    anyway, let's face it, she's                    already a state prosecutor, she                    earns far more than I do.                                        CARLA                    Michael, I'm not worried about                    Gertrud. I'm worried about you.                    INT. TRAIN. EVE                    Exhausted by her day, JULIA is sleeping in MICHAEL'S arms. He          looks down at her, full of love.                    EXT. SCHONEBERG. BERLIN. NIGHT                    On the other side of a busy Berlin street full of traffic,          MICHAEL holds JULIA'S hand, a loving father, to guide her          across the street.                    INT. LANDING. GERTRUD'S APARTMENT. BERLIN. NIGHT                    GERTRUD has come to the door, a shrewd-looking intelligent          woman, a little older than MICHAEL, very thin, in slacks and          a blouse. MICHAEL is standing outside with JULIA.                                                                            63.                                                            JULIA                    Hello Mummy.                                        GERTRUD                    Hello beautiful.                    GERTRUD leans down and scoops JULIA up, kisses her. MICHAEL          stands on the step, hovering.                                        GERTRUD                    Do you mind if I don't ask you in?                                        MICHAEL                    I don't mind at all. I've a lot to                    do, in fact.                    It doesn't look like it. He stands, not going.                                        MICHAEL                    I took her to see where I grew up.                                        GERTRUD                    You went to the West? My God, what                    a trip.                                        JULIA                    We went to say hello to granny.                                        GERTRUD                    Oh. Daddy took you to see Carla,                    did he?                                        JULIA                    She was strange.                                        GERTRUD                    Come on, let's see what's on TV.                    GERTRUD gives JULIA her supper and puts her in front of the          TV. Then she comes back to MICHAEL.                                        GERTRUD                    I bet she was strange.                                        MICHAEL                    You could say.                                        GERTRUD                    She always was. Why on earth did                    you decide to do that?                                        MICHAEL                    I don't know. Impulse.                                                                            64.                                        GERTRUD says nothing.                                        MICHAEL                    I suppose if I'm honest we went                    because I wanted to re-establish                    contact.                                        GERTRUD                    With your mother? And did you                    succeed?                    They both smile.                                        MICHAEL                    Are you all right?                    He touches her arm.                                        GERTRUD                    Michael you're meant to be an                    intelligent man. Don't you know,                    it's very hard to receive contact                    if you're not willing to give it?                    GERTRUD looks level, not unkind.                                        GERTRUD                    Say goodbye to Julia.                                        JULIA                    Goodbye, Daddy.                    MICHAEL turns to say goodbye.                    INT. MICHAEL'S APARTMENT. KREUZBERG. NIGHT                    MICHAEL standing in the empty room. It's eerily silent. He          goes to his bookcase. He runs his fingers along the spines,          as HANNA once did. He takes out a paperback of the Odyssey.          He looks at it a moment, then he starts to read to himself.                                        MICHAEL                    "Sing to me of the Man, Muse, the                    man of twists and turns                    Driven time and again off course,                    once he had plundered                    The hallowed heights of Troy...                    He sits back.                                                                               65.                                        INT. HANNA'S CELL. DAWN                    HANNA is in her cell, folding her blanket. She is 53, a new          austerity, a greyness about her. Her cell is modern, but          without decoration.                    INT. PRISON. CORRIDOR. DAY                    A GUARD comes along the corridor, calling out `Mail'. She          leans into Hanna's cell to tell her she has mail. HANNA is          obviously surprised.                    INT. MAIL ROOM. PRISON. DAY                    HANNA reports to the mail room where she is given a big          parcel, which she is told to open. Inside, a huge batch of          casette tapes and a tape machine.                    INT. CELL. DAY                    HANNA is opening the box, taking out the tapes.                    INT. MICHAEL'S APARTMENT. EVE                    MICHAEL gets out a tape machine.                    INT. CELL. DAY                    In her cell HANNA takes out the machine.                    INT. MICHAEL'S APARTMENT. EVE                    MICHAEL holds the microphone.                                        MICHAEL                    Testing. Testing. 1-2-3.                    INT. CELL. DAY                    HANNA puts a cassette into the machine.                                        MICHAEL'S VOICE                    The Odyssey by Homer.                    In panic, she turns it off.                    INT. MICHAEL'S APARTMENT. EVE                    MICHAEL presses the recording button and speaks into the          machine.                                                                               66.                                                            MICHAEL                    The Odyssey by Homer.                    "Sing to me of the Man, Muse, the                    man of twists and turns                    Driven time and again off course,                    once he had plundered                    The hallowed heights of Troy...                    Many cities of men he saw and                    learned their minds,                    Many pains he suffered, heartsick                    at the open sea,                    Fighting to save his life and bring                    his comrades home...                    INT. MICHAEL'S APARTMENT. NIGHT                    Later. MICHAEL is now walking up and down, in his shorts and          T-shirt, microphone in hand, still reading.                                        MICHAEL                    "Ah, how shameless - the way these                    mortals blame the gods.                    From us alone, they say, come all                    their miseries...                    INT. BEDROOM. NIGHT                    Middle of the night. MICHAEL is lying on his back, still          reading.                                        MICHAEL                    "Who are you? Where are you from?                    Your city? Your parents?                    I'm wonderstruck - you drank my                    drugs, you're not bewitched..."                    INT. LIVING ROOM. DAY                    MICHAEL takes a cassette and puts it into a white box. He          writes on the side ODYSSEY 6. Then he reaches up to put it on          a shelf next to boxes separately marked ODYSSEY 1,2,3,4,5.          Then he takes out a small notebook and cross-references the          new tape in a handwritten list.                    INT. CELL. NIGHT                    It's dark. HANNA is lying on the bed.                                        MICHAEL'S VOICE                    Zeus from the very start, the                    thunder king                    Has hated the race of Atreus with a                    vengeance -                              (MORE)                                                                            67.                                        MICHAEL'S VOICE (cont'd)                    His trustiest weapon women's                    twisted wiles...                    HANNA smiles with pleasure at his reading.                    INT & EXT. MONTAGE. DAY & NIGHT                    A montage of MICHAEL reading and HANNA listening. MICHAEL is          reading different books. He is animated now, excited. There          are extracts from The Old Man and the Sea (Hemingway) ;          Anatol (Schnitzler) ; The World of Yesterday (Zweig) and          Doctor Zhivago (Pasternak). MICHAEL catching fire with          excitement with what he is doing. HANNA collecting the tapes          from the mail room and organizing on her shelves - her          library growing.                    INT. CELL. NIGHT                    HANNA is lying in bed listening to a new tape.                                        MICHAEL                    The Lady with the Little   Dog, by                    Anton Chekhov. "The talk   was that a                    new face had appeared on   the                    promenade, a lady with a   little                    dog..."                    EXT. EXERCISE YARD. PRISON. DAY                    HANNA is walking round with other PRISONERS, in sequence.          Suddenly she stops dead, an idea hitting her.                    INT. PRISON LIBRARY. DAY                    The library is right next to the mail room. HANNA walks past          the mail room and goes to the library counter.                                        HANNA                    I want to take out a book.                                        LIBRARIAN                    Which book?                                        HANNA                    Do you have The Lady with the                    Little Dog?                                        LIBRARIAN                    What's your name?                                        HANNA                    Hanna Schmitz.                                                                            68.                                        The LIBRARIAN goes to get it. HANNA stands, waiting and looks          at the stacks of books, for the first time seeing          possibility.                    INT. CELL. DAY                    HANNA is back in the cell. She puts down a new parcel and a          book. She puts the parcel to one side, then opens the book.          She then winds back the tape which is already in the          recorder.                                        MICHAEL'S VOICE                    The Lady with the Little Dog, a                    story by Anton Chekhov. The talk                    was...                    She turns off the tape. She runs her finger along the title          `The Lady with the Little Dog'. She gets down a small          decorated metal tin, and takes a pencil from it. She starts          making the sounds. `The', `the', `the'... L, L, L, etc.                    INT. CELL. NIGHT                    HANNA is working now, circling the word `the' each time it          comes in the book. The book is covered in marks.                    EXT & INT. MICHAEL'S APARTMENT. EVE                    1981. MICHAEL is coming down a busy Kreuzberg street. He is          37. He goes into his block. He opens the door : the place is          much more lived-in. He picks up his mail. Thumbing through          it, he sees a letter in childish handwriting. MICHAEL frowns,          opening it and taking out a piece of paper.                    INT. MICHAEL'S APARTMENT. EVE                    MICHAEL is holding a letter. He looks down at the writing :          `Thanks for the latest, kid. I really liked it.' He stares,          then puts it down and steps back stunned.                    INT. CELL. DAY                    HANNA stands with a new package. She opens it excitedly. She          takes out tapes. She looks for writing, a letter. There is          none. She turns the packing paper over and over, but there's          nothing. She stands, desolate.                    INT. CELL. PRISON. NIGHT. MONTAGE                    HANNA effortfully writing various letters - just a single          message on each. The pen working agonizingly across the          paper. First :                                                                               69.                                        I WOULD LIKE MORE ROMANCE, LESS ADVENTURE                    Next:                    I AM NOT SURE WHAT KAFKA IS SAYING                    INT. MICHAEL'S APARTMENT. BEDROOM. NIGHT                    MICHAEL continuing to read to her on the machine.                    INT. CELL. PRISON. NIGHT. MONTAGE                    HANNA still writing.                    DO YOU STILL LIKE DICKENS?                    Then finally, many attempts at the same sentence, written          many times :                    DO YOU RECEIVE MY LETTERS? WRITE TO ME, KID                    INT. STUDY. MICHAEL'S APARTMENT. DAY                    MICHAEL is reading the latest letter from HANNA. He looks at          it. "Do you receive my letters? Write to me, kid." MICHAEL          opens a drawer in a file box on the floor. There is a stack          of her letters inside. He puts the latest on top of the pile          and closes the drawer.                    INT. CELL. PRISON. DAY                    HANNA stands at her window, in despair.                    INT. MICHAEL'S APARTMENT. KREUZBERG. DAY                    1988. MICHAEL, 44, is at his desk, with the phone in his          hand, with a typed letter in front of him.                                        MS BRENNER (VOICE ON PHONE)                    You're Michael Berg?                                           MICHAEL'S VOICE                    Yes.                                        MS BRENNER (VOICE ON PHONE)                    You got my letter?                                        MICHAEL                    I have it here.                                        MS BRENNER (PHONE)                    As I say, Hanna Schmitz is coming                    up for release very soon.                                                                               70.                                        MICHAEL fingers the letter a moment.                    INT. BRENNER'S OFFICE. PRISON. DAY                    MS BRENNER is sitting at her desk in a simple, modern office.                                         MS BRENNER                    Hanna has been in prison for over                    twenty years. She has no family.                    She has no friends. You're her only                    contact. And I'm told you don't                    visit her.                    INT. MICHAEL'S APARTMENT. KREUZBERG. DAY                    MICHAEL is sitting quite still.                                        MICHAEL                    No. I don't.                    INT. BRENNER'S OFFICE. DAY                                        MS BRENNER                    When she gets out, she's going to                    need a job. She's going to need                    somewhere to live. You can't                    imagine how frightening the modern                    world will seem to her.                    There is a silence.                                        MICHAEL                    Yes. I'm still here.                    INT. MICHAEL'S APARTMENT. KREUZBERG. DAY                                        MS BRENNER                    I have no-one else to ask. If you                    don't take responsibility for her,                    then Hanna has no future at all.                                        MICHAEL                    It's kind of you. Thank you for                    letting me know.                    MICHAEL puts the phone down. He looks as if he has just been          handed a sentence. He gets up and stares at the wall which is          now stacked with all the books he has read. Then he goes to          his balcony.                    EXT & INT. MICHAEL'S APARTMENT. KREUZBERG. DAY                    MICHAEL stands looking out over Berlin from his balcony.                                                                              71.                                        EXT. PRISON. DAY                    MICHAEL walks along the road by the prison wall, then goes to          the guichet to sign in.                    EXT. PRISON YARD. DAY                    MICHAEL is waiting in a small barred waiting area as MS          BRENNER walks across the yard to open the gate and let          MICHAEL in.                                        MS BRENNER                    You're Michael Berg?                                        MICHAEL                    Yes.                                        MS BRENNER                    Louisa Brenner. We were expecting                    you earlier.                    INT & EXT. STAIRS & PASSAGE. PRISON. DAY                    MS BRENNER is walking MICHAEL up the steps towards the prison          canteen. They pass GUARDS and INMATES.                                        MS BRENNER                    I should warn you: for a long time                    Hanna held herself together. She                    was very purposeful. In the last                    few years she's different. She's                    let herself go.                    INT. CANTEEN. PRISON. DAY                    MS BRENNER leads MICHAEL to the door of the canteen.                                        MS BRENNER                    They're in the canteen. They're                    just finishing lunch.                    MICHAEL sees an OLD WOMAN who is sitting at a table. Her blue          dress is stretched too tight across her heavy body. Her hair          is grey. She has a book in her lap, but she's not reading it.          A few PRISONERS are finishing their meal.                    It takes MICHAEL a moment to realise the OLD WOMAN is HANNA.          Then HANNA becomes aware of being watched. She turns and          looks round. At once her face lights up. MICHAEL smiles back,          but as he approaches her, he fixes onto her inquiring look          and sees the light go out of her eyes, as if she has looked          at him and been disappointed. He sits down opposite her. She          smiles, weary.                                                                            72.                                                            HANNA                    You've grown up, kid.                    She takes his hand. There is a long silence, MICHAEL unable          to think of anything to say. He withdraws his hand.                                        MICHAEL                    I've got a friend who's a tailor,                    he makes my suits. He'll give you a                    job. And I've found you somewhere                    to live. It's a nice place. Quite                    small but nice. I think you'll like                    it.                                           HANNA                    Thank you.                    There's a moment's silence.                                        MICHAEL                    There are various social                    programmes, cultural stuff I can                    sign you up for. And there's a                    public library very close.                    HANNA nods slightly.                                        MICHAEL                    You read a lot?                                        HANNA                    I prefer being read to.                    There is a short silence.                                        HANNA                    That's over now, isn't it?                    MICHAEL doesn't answer.                                        HANNA                    Did you get married?                                        MICHAEL                    I did. Yes I did. We have a                    daughter. I'm not seeing as much of                    her as I would like. I'd like to                    see a great deal more of her.                    After a few moments, he concedes.                                        MICHAEL                    The marriage didn't last.                                                                            73.                                        There is a silence.                                        MICHAEL                    Have you spent a lot of time                    thinking about the past?                                        HANNA                    You mean, with you?                                        MICHAEL                    No. No, I didn't mean with me.                                        HANNA                    Before the trial I never thought                    about the past. I never had to.                                        MICHAEL                    And now? What do you feel now?                    HANNA looks a moment, a haunting look, searching him.                                        HANNA                    It doesn't matter what I think. It                    doesn't matter what I feel. The                    dead are still dead.                    There's a silence.                                        MICHAEL                    I wasn't sure what you'd learnt.                                        HANNA                    I have learnt, kid. I've learnt to                    read.                    MICHAEL stares, devastated.                                        MICHAEL                    I'll pick you up next week, OK?                                        HANNA                    That sounds a good plan.                                        MICHAEL                    Good. Quietly, or shall we make a                    big fuss?                                          HANNA                    Quietly.                                        MICHAEL                    OK. Quietly.                                                                               74.                                        They look at each other. The other PRISONERS have already          gone. They stand up. She scans his face again, searching for          his thoughts. He takes her in his arms, a little awkward.                                        HANNA                    Take care, kid.                                         MICHAEL                    You too.                    They walk side by side, back towards the door. Then by way of          saying goodbye, she takes his hand.                                        MICHAEL                    See you next week.                    She stretches her arm out before she lets go of his hand,          then vanishes inside. MICHAEL walks on alone.                    EXT. PRISON. EVE                    MICHAEL comes out of the main entrance. He stands a moment,          looking round at the evening. MICHAEL walks to his car.                    INT. HANNA'S ROOM. EVE                    The room is simple, a bedroom to one side, a bathroom to the          other. It is all furnished with simple functional furniture.          The end of a hard day's work. MICHAEL hangs a picture over          the desk - a landscape, reminiscent of where they once went          cycling. The job is done. He looks round, grimly content.                    INT. CELL. DAWN                    HANNA is lying on her bed, fully dressed. She gets up and          gets some books down from the shelf. She puts them, one by          one, in a pile on the table. Then she takes off her shoes.          She stands up and climbs onto the pile of books on the table.          Her bare feet on the books. Then she reaches up.                    EXT & INT. PRISON. DAY                    MICHAEL gets out of the car. He is carrying a bunch of          flowers. He walks towards the prison. He leans in to the          GUARD who is in a modern office.                    INT. PRISON. DAY                    From the far end of the corridor, MICHAEL is seen sitting on          a bench. MS BRENNER comes out of her office and murmurs in          his ear. MICHAEL is seen nodding, ashen.                                                                              75.                                        INT. CORRIDOR & CELL. PRISON. DAY                    The two of them come together down the corridor. They stop at          the open door of the cell. The body has been removed. The          books are still on the floor. MICHAEL goes in. A bare table,          a chair, a bed, a closet, a toilet in the corner behind the          door. There are shelves with books, an alarm clock, a stuffed          bear, two mugs, instant coffee, tea tins.                                        MICHAEL                    She didn't pack. She never intended                    to leave.                    MS BRENNER looks at him in confirmation. MICHAEL looks at the          two lower shelves on which are ranged the tapes with the          cassette machine.                    Above the bed are a series of cuttings, pictures torn from          magazines, showing meadows, hillsides, pasture, cherry trees.          One in particular : a burst of autumnal colours. MICHAEL          kneels on the bed to look at them. There are quotations,          articles, recipes, even sayings in HANNA'S childish          handwriting : `Spring lets its blue banner flutter through          the air' is one. Then he sees a newspaper photograph : the          young MICHAEL BERG receiving a prize from the school          principal. The headline `Michael Berg receives school          literature prize.'                    MS BRENNER reaches out for a tea tin from the shelf. Then she          sits next to MICHAEL on the bed, and takes out a folded sheet          of paper from her suit pocket.                                        MS BRENNER                    She left me a message, a sort of                    will. I'll read out the bit that                    concerns you.                    MICHAEL looks at the effortful handwriting on the page.                                        MS BRENNER                    "There is money in the old tea tin.                    Give it to Michael Berg. He should                    send it, alongside the 7,000 marks                    in the bank, to the daughter who                    wrote the book. It's for her. She                    should decide what to do with it.                    And tell Michael I said hello. Tell                    him to get on with his life."                    MS BRENNER looks at him.                                        MS BRENNER                    Do you want to see her?                                                                            76.                                        MICHAEL shakes his head.                    EXT. BRIDGE. MANHATTAN. DAY                    MICHAEL rides in a taxi into Manhattan. A view of the          familiar skyline.                    EXT. FIFTH AVENUE. DAY                    MICHAEL'S taxi comes up Fifth Avenue. It draws up outside an          expensive apartment block. MICHAEL gets out and goes in, the          Manhattan skyline opening up behind him.                    INT. LIVING ROOM. ILANA'S APARTMENT. DAY                    A superbly appointed space full of great and expensive art.          MICHAEL has taken his coat off. ILANA MATHER appears,          elegant, well-dressed - on the surface, the spirit of          prosperous New York. She is now in her early fifties.                                           MICHAEL                    Ms Mather?                                        ILANA                    Yes. You're Michael Berg. I was                    expecting you.                                        ILANA                    So you must tell me: what exactly                    brings you to the United States?                                        MICHAEL                    I was already here. I was at a                    conference in Boston.                                        ILANA                    You're a lawyer?                                           MICHAEL                    Yes.                                        ILANA                    I was intrigued by your letter but                    I can't say I wholly understood it.                    You attended the trial?                                        MICHAEL                    Yes. Almost twenty years ago. I was                    a law student. I remember you, I                    remember your mother very clearly.                                                                    77.                                                            ILANA                    My mother died in Israel - a good                    many years ago.                                           MICHAEL                    I'm sorry.                    MICHAEL hesitates for a moment.                                        ILANA                    Go on, please.                                        MICHAEL                    Perhaps you heard. Hanna Schmitz                    recently died. She killed herself.                    ILANA shakes her head.                                        ILANA                    She was a friend of yours?                                        MICHAEL                    A kind of friend. It's as simple as                    this. Hanna was illiterate for the                    greater part of her life.                                         ILANA                    Is that an explanation of her                    behaviour?                                           MICHAEL                    No.                                        ILANA                    Or an excuse?                    MICHAEL shakes his head.                                        MICHAEL                    No. No. She taught herself to read                    when she was in prison. I sent her                    tapes. She'd always liked being                    read to.                    ILANA shifts slightly.                                        ILANA                    Why don't you start by being honest                    with me? At least start that way.                    What was the nature of your                    friendship?                                                                          78.                                                            MICHAEL                    When I was young I had an affair                    with Hanna.                    ILANA looks at him for a moment.                                        ILANA                    I'm not sure I can help you, Mr.                    Berg. Or rather, even if I could                    I'm not willing to.                                        MICHAEL                    I was almost sixteen when I took up                    with her. The affair only lasted a                    summer. But.                                          ILANA                    But what?                    MICHAEL just looks at her.                                         ILANA                    I see. And did Hanna Schmitz                    acknowledge the effect she'd had on                    your life?                    MICHAEL stares back, understood for the first time.                                        MICHAEL                    She'd done much worse to other                    people. I've never told anyone.                                        ILANA                    People ask all the time what I                    learned in the camps. But the camps                    weren't therapy. What do you think                    these places were? Universities? We                    didn't go there to learn. One                    becomes very clear about these                    things.                    ILANA looks at him, unrelenting.                                        ILANA                    What are you asking for?                    Forgiveness for her? Or do you just                    want to feel better yourself? My                    advice, go to the theatre, if you                    want catharsis. Please. Go to                    literature. Don't go to the camps.                    Nothing comes out of the camps.                    Nothing.                                                                            79.                                        ILANA looks at him, unrelenting.                                        MICHAEL                    What she wanted...what she wanted                    was to leave you her money. I have                    with me.                                        ILANA                    To do what?                                        MICHAEL                    As you think fit.                    MICHAEL reaches for his briefcase. He takes out the lavender          tea-tin, which he sets down on the table in front of ILANA.                                           MICHAEL                    Here.                    ILANA lifts the tin.                                        ILANA                    When I was a little girl, I had a                    tea-tin for my treasures. Not quite                    like this. It had Cyrillic                    lettering. I took it with me to the                    camp, but it got stolen.                                        MICHAEL                    What was in it?                                        ILANA                    Oh. Sentimental things. A piece of                    hair from our dog. Some tickets to                    operas my father had taken me to.                    It wasn't stolen for its contents.                    It was the tin itself which was                    valuable, what you could do with                    it.                    She sits a moment, overcome, her hand on the tin.                                        ILANA                    There's nothing I can do with this                    money. If I give it to anything                    associated with the extermination                    of the Jews, then to me it will                    seem like absolution and that is                    something I'm neither willing nor                    in a position to grant.                    MICHAEL nods slightly.                                                                            80.                                                            MICHAEL                    I was thinking maybe an                    organization to encourage literacy.                                          ILANA                    Good.                    There's a silence.                                          ILANA                    Good.                                        MICHAEL                    Do you know if there's a Jewish                    organization?                                        ILANA                    I'll be surprised if there isn't.                    There's a Jewish organisation for                    everything. Not that illiteracy is                    a very Jewish problem.                    There is the shadow of a smile.                                         ILANA                    Why don't you find out? Send them                    the money.                                        MICHAEL                    Shall I do it in Hanna's name?                                        ILANA                    As you think fit.                    ILANA smiles slightly. She puts her hand on top of the tin.                                        ILANA                    I'll keep the tin.                    INT. ILANA'S HOUSE. DAY                    ILANA is standing at the window watching down to the street          where MICHAEL is walking away. She has the tin in her hand.          When he's vanished, she turns and goes into her bedroom.          There on the dressing table, there is a framed photo of ILANA          with her mother in Germany before the war. She sets the tin          down beside the photo.                    INT & EXT. CAR. DAY                    1995. MICHAEL is driving JULIA in the big Mercedes through          the German countryside. He is tense, silent. JULIA takes a          sideways look at him, but he does not respond.                                                                               81.                                                            JULIA                    Where are we going?                                        MICHAEL                    I thought you liked surprises.                                        JULIA                    I do. I do like surprises.                    EXT. COUNTRY. DAY                    They draw up at a church. It is the same one he and HANNA          passed on their bicycles years before. MICHAEL and JULIA get          out and walk towards the graveyard at the side.                    EXT. CEMETERY. DAY                    MICHAEL & JULIA stand at a deserted grave-side. The whole          cemetery is seen. MICHAEL stoops down and uncovers a simple          stone : HANNA SCHMITZ 1923-1988. JULIA watching, says her          name.                                        JULIA                    Hanna Schmitz.                    JULIA waits a moment.                                        JULIA                    Who was she?                                        MICHAEL                    That's what I wanted to tell you.                    That's why we're here.                    JULIA looks, waiting. MICHAEL looks for a moment as if he          will not go on.                                        JULIA                    So tell me.                    There is a moment, then they turn to stroll, MICHAEL talking,          starting to tell the story.                                        MICHAEL                    I was 15, I was coming home from                    school, I was ill...                    They walk away among the trees.                                                                                   FADE TO BLACK           
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