

Unique, Hand Dyed Yarns-【可爱欲滴的小裙子(教程)】
Inspired by MissMolly yesterday, I spent the whole day on this. here is my version of the pretty girly top.
Upon requests from many enthusiastic knitters, here is the pattern from previous posts: (I consider this "pay it forward" but if the author has any objections, please feel free to message me and I'll be happy to remove it)

Caution: there are a couple of typos or errors. You will notice when you start knitting.

Right Front
Copy left side Rows 1 - 38 inclusive
Row 39 Knit to end increase 3 stitches
Row 40 K8 Purl to last 5st Knit
Row 41 K5(band) k6 yo k1 yo knit 6 K8 (band)
Row 42 K8 purl 15 k 5
Row 43 K5 K6 yo k3 yo k6 k8
Row 44 knit all
Row 45/46 knit all
Row 47 k5 cast of 2 (k4 cast of 2)x 3 k5
Row 48 K5 (cast on 2 K4)x3 cast on 2 k5 (30 stitches)
Start lace
Row 1 K5 (p3 k1 yo k1)x3 p2 K8
Row 2 4 6 8 knit knit stitches purl purl stitches
Row 3 (p3 k2 yo k1)x3 p2
Row 5 (p3 k3 yo k1)x3 p2
Row 7 (p3 K4 yo K1)x3 p2
Row 9 (p3 k5 yo k1)x3 p2
Row 10 knit knit purl purl
Cast off
Cast on 15 stitches
Rows 1 2 3 knit
Row 4 K5 p5 k5
Row 5 knit all
Repeat R 4/5 x 12 times
Row 30 k5 p5 k5
Row 31 K5 K2 yo k1 yo k2 k5 (17 st)
Row 32 k5 p7 k5
Row 33 k5 k2 yo k3 yo k2 k5 (19 st)
Row 34 k5 p9 k 5
Row 35 k5 k2 yo k5 yo k2 k5 (21 st)
Row 36 k5 p 11 k 5
Row 37 k5 k2 yo k7 yo k2 k5 (23 st)
Row 38 k5 p13 k5
Row 39 Increase 3 into first stitch k to end (26 st)
Row 40 k5 p 13 k8
Repeat rows 31/38 and 39 no increase 40 6 times
Start Lace
K8 p2 k1 yo k1 p3 (k1 yo k1 p3) till last 5st k5
knit knit st purl purl st and yo st all alternative rows
K8 p2 k2 yo k1 p3 (k2 yo k1 p3) till last 5st k5
k8 p2 k3 yo k1 p3 (k3 yo k1 p3) till last 5st k5
k8 p2 k4 yo k1 p3 (k4 yo k1 p3) till last 5st k5
k8 p2 k5 yo k1 p3 (k5 yo k1 p3) till last 5st k5
k8 p2 k6 yo k1 p3 (k6 yo k1 p3) till last 5st k5 Cast off
Miss Gracie Back
Pick up 15 stitches along shoulder cast on 13 st pick up 15 stitches along other front. (43 st)
Rows 1 2 3 knit
Row 4 k5 p33 k5
Row 5 knit
Repeat Rows 4/5 12 times
Row 30 as Row 4
Row 31 k5 *k16* yo k1 yo knit to end (45sts)
Row 32 k5 p35 k5
Row 33 k5 *k16* yo k3 yo knit to end (47sts)
Row 34 K5 p37 k5
Row 35 K5 *k16* yo k5 yo knit to end (49sts)
Row 36 K5 p39 k5
Row 37 k5 *k16* yo k6 yo knit to end (51sts)
Row 38 k5 p41 k5
Row 39 Increase 11 knit to last st increase 3 (65sts)
Row 40 k8 p41 k16
Repeat 31/38 and 39 but no increasing and 40 x 6
*k16* (before the YO) will increase to 20 in first repeat 24 in next and so on....
Next knit
Next k8 p 81 k16 (105 sts) -- Error: it should be 113 sts; or 105 sts if repeat only 5 times (6 pattern in total)
Start Lace
k1 p2 (k1 yo k1 p3) Repeat till last 12st () and p2 instead of 3 K8
*purl purl stitches and yo stitches knit knit sts*
k1 p2 (k2 yo k1 p3) repeat till last 12st () and p2 instead of 3 k8
k1 p2 (k3 yo k1 p3) repeat till last 12st () and p2 instead of 3 k8
k1 p2 (k4 yo k1 p3) repeat till last 12st () and p2 instead of 3 k8
k1 p2 (k5 yo k1 p3) repeat till last 12st () and p2 instead of 3 k8
k1 p2 (k6 yo k1 p3) repeat till last 12st () and p2 instead of 3 k8
cast off

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