


人教版七年级下册数学期中试卷 。

七年级下册数学期中试卷一、精心选一选(每小题 3 分,共 30 分,将答案填在后面的答题卡内 精心选一选 ,将答案填在后面的答题卡内) 1、观察下列图案,在 A、B、C、D 四幅图案中,能通过图案(1)的平移得到的是( ) 密 封(1) ) A B C D 2、四条直线相交于一点,形成( )对顶角。 A 2对 B 4对 C 12 对 D 24 对 3、已知下列命题:①相等的角是对顶角;②互补的角就是平角;③互补的两个角一定 是一个锐角,另一个为钝角;④平行于同一条直线的两条直线平行;⑤邻补角的平分线 互相垂直。其中真命题的个数为( ) A 3个 B 2个 C 1个 D 0个 4、已知点(a, b) ,若 a<0, b>0, 则 A 点一定在( ) A 第一象限 B 第二象限 C 第三象限 D 第四象限 5、如果∠A 和∠B 的两边分别平行,那么∠A 和∠B 的关系是( ). A.相等 B.互余或互补 C.互补 D.相等或互补 6、如图,已知∠1=∠2,要使∠3=∠4,则需( ) A ∠1=∠3 B ∠2=∠4 C ∠1=∠4 D AB‖CD 7、如图,AB‖CD,若∠2 是∠1 的 2 倍,则∠2 等于( ) A 60° B 90° C 120° D 150° A B 4 2 1 3 第6题 D A C 第7题 1 2 B D 小明 小军 考号 线 内 11、如果∠1 和∠2 为邻补角,且∠1=∠2,则它们两边所在的直线的位置关系是 12、过钝角∠AOB 的顶点 O 作 CO⊥AO,CO 分∠AOB 为∠AOC 与∠BOC 两部分且∠AOC 是 ∠BOC 的 4 倍多 2 度,则∠AOB 的度数为 13、命题“同角的补角相等”是 命题,写成“如果……那么……”的形式 如果 那么 14、如右图,AB‖CD‖EF,又 AF‖CG,图中与∠A (本身不算)相等的角有( ) 15、猜谜语(打两个数学名词) 从最后一个数起: 两牛相斗: 16、当 x=0,y 是任意实数时,点 A(x, y)在 上。 17、如果线段 PO 与线段 AB 互相垂直,O 点在线段 AB 上,设点 P 到 AB 的距离为 m,点 P 到 A 的距离为 n, 么 m、 的大小关系是 那 n , 理由是 18、 如图,OA⊥OB,∠AOD= 不 1 ∠COD,∠BOC=3∠AOD,则∠COD 的度数是 2 . 19、小华将直角坐标系中的 A(-4,3)沿 x 轴的方向向左平移了 3 个单位长度得到了 B 点,则 B 点的坐标是 20、在平面直角坐标系中,AB 与 y 轴平行,且 AB=4,若 B 点的坐标为(2,-1),则 A 点的 坐标为 得 姓名 答 班 答 题 卡一、精心选一选(每小题 3 分,共 30 分) 精心选一选 题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 题 C 垫江四中初 2010 级 小华 8、课间操时,小华、小军、小明的位置如图, 小华对小明说,如果我的位置用(0,0)表示,小军的位置用(3,2)表示,那么你的 位置可以表示成( ) A (5,4) B (1,2) C (4,1) D (1,4) 9、若 x 轴上的点 P 到 y 轴的距离为 3,则点 P 的坐标为( ) A (3,0) B (0,3) C (3,0)或(-3,0) D (0,3)或(0,-3) 10、互补的两角中,一个角的 2 倍比另一个角的 3 倍少 10°,这两个角是( ) A.104°,66° B.106°,74° C.108°,76° D.110°,70° 认真填一填(每小题 3 分,共 30 分,将答案填在后面的答题卡内 将答案填在后面的答题卡内) 二、认真填一填 将答案填在后面的答题卡内 二、认真填一填(每小题 3 分,共 30 分) 认真填一填 11、 13、 14、 16、 18、 20、 用心看一看(6 分) 三、用心看一看 命题 如果 15、 17、 19、 12、 那么 21、写出图中 A、B、C、D、E、F 各点的坐标: ∠A=110°,试求∠ECD 的度数. 四、学着说点理(18 分) 学着说点理 22、 分)如图四(1):∠1=∠2=∠3,完成说理过程并注明理由: (4 因为 ∠1=∠2(已知) 所以 ____‖____ ( ) 因为 ∠1=∠3(已知) 所以 ____‖____ ( ) 23、 分)如图四(2):已知 AB‖CD,∠1=∠2.说明 BE‖CF. (4 因为 AB‖CD(已知) 所以 ∠ABC=∠DCB ( ) 又 ∠1=∠2(已知) 所以 ∠ABC-∠1=∠DCB-∠2(等量减等量差相等) 即 ∠EBC=∠FCB 所以 BE‖CF ( ) 24、 (10 分)如图,已知:AF、BD、CE、ABC、DEF 均是直线,∠EQF=∠APB,∠C=∠D。 E F 求证:∠A=∠F。 D 证明:∵∠EQF=∠APB(已知) Q ∠EQF=∠AQC( ) P ∴∠APB=∠AQC(等量代换) ∴__‖__( ) A C ∴__=∠C( ) B ∵∠C=∠D(已知) d c ∴__=∠D( ) ∴__‖__( ) 2 a ∴∠A=∠F( ) 3 六、有趣玩一玩:(6 分) 有趣玩一玩: 27、中国象棋中的马颇有骑士风度,自古有“马踏八方”之说,如图六(1),按中国象棋 中“马”的行棋规则,图中的马下一步有 A、B、C、D、E、F、G、H 八种不同选择, 它的走法就象一步从“日”字形长方形的对角线的一个端点到另一个端点,不能多也不 能少。 要将图六(2)中的马走到指定的位置 P 处,即从(四,6)走到(六,4),现提供一种 走法: (四,6)→(六,5)→(四,4)→(五,2)→(六,4) (1)下面是提供的另一走法,请你填上其中所缺的一步: (四,6)→(五,8)→(七,7)→____ ____→(六,4) 五、我也来试试(10 分) 我也来试试 25、 分)已知如图: 若∠1=∠2,∠3=45°, (5 求∠4 的度数。 26、 分)如图,AB‖CD,CE 平分∠ACD, (5 4 1 (2)请你再给出另一种走法(只要与前面的两种走法不完全相同即可,步数不限),你的走 法是: b 下载本文档需要登录,并付出相应积分。如何获取积分?


七年级下册数学期中试卷一、精心选一选(每小题 3 分,共 30 分,将答案填在后面的答题卡内 精心选一选 ,将答案填在后面的答题卡内) 1、观察下列图案,在 A、B、C、D 四幅图案中,能通过图案(1)的平移得到的是( ) 密 封(1) ) A B C D 2、四条直线相交于一点,形成( )对顶角。 A 2对 B 4对 C 12 对 D 24 对 3、已知下列命题:①相等的角是对顶角;②互补的角就是平角;③互补的两个角一定 是一个锐角,另一个为钝角;④平行于同一条直线的两条直线平行;⑤邻补角的平分线 互相垂直。其中真命题的个数为( ) A 3个 B 2个 C 1个 D 0个 4、已知点(a, b) ,若 a<0, b>0, 则 A 点一定在( ) A 第一象限 B 第二象限 C 第三象限 D 第四象限 5、如果∠A 和∠B 的两边分别平行,那么∠A 和∠B 的关系是( ). A.相等 B.互余或互补 C.互补 D.相等或互补 6、如图,已知∠1=∠2,要使∠3=∠4,则需( ) A ∠1=∠3 B ∠2=∠4 C ∠1=∠4 D AB‖CD 7、如图,AB‖CD,若∠2 是∠1 的 2 倍,则∠2 等于( ) A 60° B 90° C 120° D 150° A B 4 2 1 3 第6题 D A C 第7题 1 2 B D 小明 小军 考号 线 内 11、如果∠1 和∠2 为邻补角,且∠1=∠2,则它们两边所在的直线的位置关系是 12、过钝角∠AOB 的顶点 O 作 CO⊥AO,CO 分∠AOB 为∠AOC 与∠BOC 两部分且∠AOC 是 ∠BOC 的 4 倍多 2 度,则∠AOB 的度数为 13、命题“同角的补角相等”是 命题,写成“如果……那么……”的形式 如果 那么 14、如右图,AB‖CD‖EF,又 AF‖CG,图中与∠A (本身不算)相等的角有( ) 15、猜谜语(打两个数学名词) 从最后一个数起: 两牛相斗: 16、当 x=0,y 是任意实数时,点 A(x, y)在 上。 17、如果线段 PO 与线段 AB 互相垂直,O 点在线段 AB 上,设点 P 到 AB 的距离为 m,点 P 到 A 的距离为 n, 么 m、 的大小关系是 那 n , 理由是 18、 如图,OA⊥OB,∠AOD= 不 1 ∠COD,∠BOC=3∠AOD,则∠COD 的度数是 2 . 19、小华将直角坐标系中的 A(-4,3)沿 x 轴的方向向左平移了 3 个单位长度得到了 B 点,则 B 点的坐标是 20、在平面直角坐标系中,AB 与 y 轴平行,且 AB=4,若 B 点的坐标为(2,-1),则 A 点的 坐标为 得 姓名 答 班 答 题 卡一、精心选一选(每小题 3 分,共 30 分) 精心选一选 题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 题 C 垫江四中初 2010 级 小华 8、课间操时,小华、小军、小明的位置如图, 小华对小明说,如果我的位置用(0,0)表示,小军的位置用(3,2)表示,那么你的 位置可以表示成( ) A (5,4) B (1,2) C (4,1) D (1,4) 9、若 x 轴上的点 P 到 y 轴的距离为 3,则点 P 的坐标为( ) A (3,0) B (0,3) C (3,0)或(-3,0) D (0,3)或(0,-3) 10、互补的两角中,一个角的 2 倍比另一个角的 3 倍少 10°,这两个角是( ) A.104°,66° B.106°,74° C.108°,76° D.110°,70° 认真填一填(每小题 3 分,共 30 分,将答案填在后面的答题卡内 将答案填在后面的答题卡内) 二、认真填一填 将答案填在后面的答题卡内 二、认真填一填(每小题 3 分,共 30 分) 认真填一填 11、 13、 14、 16、 18、 20、 用心看一看(6 分) 三、用心看一看 命题 如果 15、 17、 19、 12、 那么 21、写出图中 A、B、C、D、E、F 各点的坐标: ∠A=110°,试求∠ECD 的度数. 四、学着说点理(18 分) 学着说点理 22、 分)如图四(1):∠1=∠2=∠3,完成说理过程并注明理由: (4 因为 ∠1=∠2(已知) 所以 ____‖____ ( ) 因为 ∠1=∠3(已知) 所以 ____‖____ ( ) 23、 分)如图四(2):已知 AB‖CD,∠1=∠2.说明 BE‖CF. (4 因为 AB‖CD(已知) 所以 ∠ABC=∠DCB ( ) 又 ∠1=∠2(已知) 所以 ∠ABC-∠1=∠DCB-∠2(等量减等量差相等) 即 ∠EBC=∠FCB 所以 BE‖CF ( ) 24、 (10 分)如图,已知:AF、BD、CE、ABC、DEF 均是直线,∠EQF=∠APB,∠C=∠D。 E F 求证:∠A=∠F。 D 证明:∵∠EQF=∠APB(已知) Q ∠EQF=∠AQC( ) P ∴∠APB=∠AQC(等量代换) ∴__‖__( ) A C ∴__=∠C( ) B ∵∠C=∠D(已知) d c ∴__=∠D( ) ∴__‖__( ) 2 a ∴∠A=∠F( ) 3 六、有趣玩一玩:(6 分) 有趣玩一玩: 27、中国象棋中的马颇有骑士风度,自古有“马踏八方”之说,如图六(1),按中国象棋 中“马”的行棋规则,图中的马下一步有 A、B、C、D、E、F、G、H 八种不同选择, 它的走法就象一步从“日”字形长方形的对角线的一个端点到另一个端点,不能多也不 能少。 要将图六(2)中的马走到指定的位置 P 处,即从(四,6)走到(六,4),现提供一种 走法: (四,6)→(六,5)→(四,4)→(五,2)→(六,4) (1)下面是提供的另一走法,请你填上其中所缺的一步: (四,6)→(五,8)→(七,7)→____ ____→(六,4) 五、我也来试试(10 分) 我也来试试 25、 分)已知如图: 若∠1=∠2,∠3=45°, (5 求∠4 的度数。 26、 分)如图,AB‖CD,CE 平分∠ACD, (5 4 1 (2)请你再给出另一种走法(只要与前面的两种走法不完全相同即可,步数不限),你的走 法是: b 下载本文档需要登录,并付出相应积分。如何获取积分?

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七年级数学下册期中测试题 七年级数学下册期中测试题 期中 选择题.( 一.选择题 (每题 3 分,共 30 分) 选择题 1.同一平面内的三条直线满足 a⊥b,b⊥c 则下列式子成立的是( .同一平面内的三 则下列式子成立的是( A、 a‖ b B、a⊥c . ) 2.在平面直角坐标系中, 2.在平面直角坐标系中,点 在平面直角坐标系中 A.第一象限 A.第一象限 (? 1, m C、 b‖ c 2 +1 ) 一定在( 一定在( D、 a‖ c . ) D.第四象限 D.第四象限 ) A、锐角三角形 B、直角三角形 C、钝角三角形 D、正三角形 填空题. 二. 填空题.(每题 3 分,共 30 分) 11.如图, 平分∠ 边上的中线, 11.如图,在△ABC 中,BD 平分∠ABC,BE 是 AC 边上的中线, ㎝, 如果 AC=10 ㎝,则 AE= 如果∠ABD=30° 如果∠ABD=30°,则∠ABC= . 12. P(x,y),满足 =5,y= y=的坐标是___________ ___________. 12. 第四象限的点 P(x,y),满足 x =5,y=-3,则点 P 的坐标是___________. 13.点 m+ 轴上, 13.点 P(m+3, m+1)在平面直角坐标系的 x 轴上,则 m= o 将一张长方形纸片按如图所示折叠, 14. 将一张长方形纸片按如图所示折叠, 如果 ∠1 = 64 , 第 11 题 B.第二象限 B.第二象限 C.第三象限 C.第三象限 3.如图,将三角尺的直角顶点放在直尺的一边上,∠1=30°,∠3=20°,则∠2=( 如图,将三角尺的直角顶点放在直尺的一边上, = ° ( = ° A. 50° B. 30° . C. 20° . D.15° . 1 3 那么 ∠2 等于 . 15 . 已知 三角形 的三 边长 分别 为 x,3,4, 则 x 的 取值 范围 是 _____________ 24° 么它是______边形。 ______边形 16.如果一个多边形的每一外角都是 24°,那么它是______边形。 17.已知△ABC 的三个内角的度数之比∠A∶∠B∶∠C=1∶3∶5,则∠A=_______ 已知△ 的三个内角的度数之比∠ ∶∠B∶∠C=1∶ C=1 B=____, C=____。 ∠B=____,∠C=____。 8cm、4cm.则它的周长是 则它的周长是_________cm. 18.已知等腰三角形两边长为 8cm、4cm.则它的周长是_________cm. 19.线段 CD 是由线段 AB 平移得到的,点 A(–1,4)的对应点 . 平移得到的, ( , ) C 4, ) 7) –1) 的坐标为________________. ( , 则点 B –4, ) ( , 的对应点 D 的坐标为 20. CD⊥ 20.如右图,要把池中的水引到 D 处,可过 C 点引 CD⊥AB 于 D,然后 沿 CD 开 渠 , 可 使 所 开 渠 道 最 短 , 试 说 明 设 计 的 依 D 第 20 题 考号 2 第3题 如图, 1=115° 4. 如图,若 a‖b,∠1=115°,则∠2 = ( 55° 60° A、55° B、60° 65° 75° C、65° D、75° ) 2 1 b a 第4题 的条件有 5.如右图,下列能判定 AB ‖ CD 的条件有( 如右图, )个 )个 . A C B (1) ∠B + ∠BCD = 180° (2) ∠1 = ∠2 ; (3) ∠3 = ∠4 ; (4) ∠B = ∠5 . A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 A 3 1 D 据: 2 4 5 ; 姓名 三、作图题(6 分) 作图题( : 边形所有对角线的条数为( 6.n 边形所有对角线的条数为( )条 )条 . B n(n ? 3) 2 D. C E n ( n ? 1) A. B. 21. 1)过 A 点作三角形高 AD, . ) ( A 边上的中线 (2)作 BC 边上的中线 AE (3) 作∠B 平分线 BF ) ) 2 n(n ? 2) 2 C. n(n ? 4) 2 班级 7.以下列各组长度的线段为边,能构成三角形的是( 以下列各组长度的线段为边,能构成三角形的是( ) A、7 ,5,12 B、6,8,15 C、 4, 6, 5 D、 8, 4, 3 8.四边形剪掉一个角后 变为( )边形 四边形剪掉一个角后, 8.四边形剪掉一个角后,变为( A、 3 B、 4 C、 5 D、 3 或 4 或 5 下面生活中, 9.下面生活中,物体的运动情况可以看成平移的是 ( ) 在笔直的公路上行驶的汽车 A、时钟摆动的钟摆 B、在笔直的公路上行驶的汽车 C、随风摆动的旗帜 D、汽车玻璃窗上两刷的运动 B 解答题(共 四.解答题 共 54 分) 解答题 C 求它的边数。 22.一个多边形的内角和与外角和的比是 9:2,求它的边数。 6 分) 一个多边形的内角和与 ( 10.已知△ A=20° B=∠ 那么△ 10.已知△ABC 中,∠A=20°,∠B=∠C,那么△ABC 是( ) 1 23.如图 B 点在 A 处的南偏西 45°方向,C 处在 A 处的南偏东 15°方向,C 处在 B 北偏东 . 45°方向, 15°方向, 80°方向, ACB。 80°方向,求∠ACB。 6 分) ( 北 D E 南 B C A B=∠ C=∠ 各内角的度数。 (6 26.在△ABC 中,∠B=∠A+200,∠C=∠B+200,求△ABC 各内角的度数。 6 分) ( 27.如图,直线 DE 交△ABC 的边 AB、AC 于 D、E,交 BC 延长线于 F,若∠B 如图, 、 、 , , 如图 的度数。 (8 =67°,∠ACB=74°,∠AED=48°,求∠BDF 的度数。 分) ° = ° = ° ( 24、如图,已知 AB‖CD,EF 与 AB、CD 分别相交于点 E、F,∠BEF 与∠EFD 的平分线相交 、如图, ‖ , 、 、 , 于点 P,求证:EP⊥FP。 8 分) 求证:EP⊥FP。 ( E P C F D A B 的中线, 的中线. 28.如图,AD 为△ABC 的中线,BE 为△ABD 的中线. 10 分) 如图, ( 的度数; (1)∠ABE=15°,∠BAD=40°,求∠BED 的度数; ∠ABE=15°,∠BAD=40°, 边上的高; (2)在△BED 中作 BD 边上的高; 25.在图所示的平面直角坐标系中描出表示下面各点(10 分) 在图所示的平面直角坐标系中描出表示下面各点( 描出表示下面各点 A( 0, 3) D( -3, -5) B( 1, -3) C( 3, -5) E( 3, 5) F( 5, 7) 。 40,BD=5, 边上的高为多少? (3)若△ABC 的面积为 40,BD=5,则△BDE 中 BD 边上的高为多少? (1)A 点到原点 O 的距离是 个单位, (2)将点 C 向 x 轴的负方向平移 6 个单位, 它与点 重合。 重合。 CE, 轴是什么关系? (3)连接 CE,则直线 CE 与 y 轴是什么关系? 轴的距离分别是多少? (4)点 F 到 x 、 y 轴的距离分别是多少? 2 下载本文档需要登录,并付出相应积分。如何获取积分?


人教版七年级下册英语期中测试卷附答案 人教版七年级下册英语期中测试卷附答案 英语期中测试卷 一、单项填空(20 分 2 分 1 题) 1.( )Jenny and Sally are_______.They come from _______. A.America; American B.American;American C.Americas;America D.Americans;America 2.( )China has built a Great Green Wall_______the northern part_______the country. A.across;of B.to;in C.across;on D.at;of 3.( )I have two cats.One is black,and _______is white. A.some B.other C.the other D.another 4.( ) _______girl is _______actor.It's really _______exciting job. A.The;a;a B.A;an;an C.A;a;a D.The;an;an 5.( )—What does he do? —_______. A.He's very well B.He's eleven C.He's in Mrs Li's office D.He's a shop assistant 6.( )The little boy can _______ “hello”in many languages. A.talk B.speak C.say D.tell 7.( )—Can you give the key_______our monitor? —Sure. A.to B.in C.at D.for 8.( )Please stand _______your feet. A.at B.on C.to D.in 9.( )Everyone_______him,because he is friendly. A.like B.likes C.to like D.liking 10.( )Where_______your pen pals_______? A.are;from B.do;from C.do;come D.is;from 二、中英词组互译(20 分 2 分 1 题) 1. 因为……而有名气____________ 3.一所国际儿童学校____________ ____________ 5.玩的开心 ____________ 7.a group of people ___________ 9.work with actor ____________ 2.参加校园剧的演出_____________ _____________ 4.玩沙滩排球 ________________ 6.in surprise_____________ 8.please be quiet ____________ 10.talk about ____________ 三、完形填空(20 分 2 分 1 空) My friend Tony is an American b .He is ten years old. He lives w his family in China now. There are f people in his family: his father Mr. Green, his mother Mrs. Green , his little sister Amy and he. He has a white cat.I name is Betty. Look Amy is playing with Betty. His father, Mr. Green, is w TV. His mother is doing h . What about Tony? He is doing h Chinese homework.. He can't s Chinese well, but he likes works in a TV station. His father works in a Chinese very much.Tony's m 1 school as an E teacher. Tony and his sister go to the same school. 四、翻译句子(20 分 2 分 1 题) 1.这是我的一些照片。 . 2.“他们正在看什么?” “看树上的小鸟。” — — 3.超市在第五大街。 ? . . 4.那种问题很难回答。 . 5.你喜欢什么动物? ? 6. Some kids are making a snowman。 . 7. Mary is talking on the phone. . 8. She often wears a T-shirt. . 9. The weather is different in different places. . 10. The people in Apartment 7 are having a big argument. . 五、书面表达(20 分) 假设你是李华,想成为 Tom 的笔友,请你写一封信给他.根据表格介绍一下你自己,可适 当发挥,不少于 60 词。 From China City Beijing Languages Chinese and a little English Favorite subject Chinese and English Favorite animals Koalas and pandas Want to be An English teacher. Dear Tom: I’m your new pen pal. Yours, Li Hua 2 答案一、单项填空(20 分 2 分 1 题) 1.( D )Jenny and Sally are_______.They come from _______. A.America; American B.American;American C.Americas;America D.Americans;America 2.( A )China has built a Great Green Wall_______the northern part_______the country. A.across;of B.to;in C.across;on D.at;of 3.( C )I have two cats.One is black,and _______is white. A.some B.other C.the other D.another 4.( D ) _______girl is _______actor.It's really _______exciting job. A.The;a;a B.A;an;an C.A;a;a D.The;an;an 5.( D )—What does he do? —_______. A.He's very well B.He's eleven C.He's in Mrs Li's office D.He's a shop assistant 6.( B )The little boy can _______ “hello”in many languages. A.talk B.speak C.say D.tell 7.( A )— Can you give the key_______our monitor? —Sure. A.to B.in C.at D.for 8.( B )Please stand _______your feet. A.at B.on C.to D.in 9.( B )Everyone_______him,because he is friendly. A.like B.likes C.to like D.liking 10.( C )Where_______your pen pals_______? A.are;from B.do;from C.do;come D.is;from 二、中英词组互译(20 分 2 分 1 题) 1.因为……而有名气 be famous for 2.参加校园剧的演出 be in the school play 3.一所国际学校 an international school 4.玩沙滩排球 play beach volleyball 5.玩的愉快 have a good time 6.in surprise 惊讶地 7.a group of people 一群人 8.please be quiet 请安静 9.work with actor 和演员工作 10.talk about 谈论 三、完形填空(20 分 2 分 1 空) My friend Tony is an American boy .He is ten years old. He lives with his family in China now. There are four people in his family: his father Mr. Green, 3 his mother Mrs. Green and his little sister Amy. He has a white cat. Its name is Betty. Look Amy is playing with Betty. His father, Mr. Green, is watching TV. His mother is doing housework. What about Tony? He is doing his Chinese homework.. He can't speak Chinese well, but he likes Chinese very much. Tony's mother works in a TV station. His father works in a school as an English teacher. Tony and his sister go to the same school. 四、翻译句子(20 分 2 分 1 题) 1.这是我的一些照片。 Here are some of my photos. 2.“他们正在看什么?” “看树上的小鸟。” —What are they looking at? —They are looking at the birds in the tree. 3.超市在第五大街。 The supermarket is on the fifth Avenue. 4.那种问题很难回答。 That kinds of questions are very difficult to answer. 5.你喜欢什么动物? What animals do you like? 6. Some kids are making a snowman。 一些孩子正在堆雪人. 7. Mary is talking on the phone. 玛丽正在打电话. 8. She often wears a T-shirt. 她经常穿 T 桖衫. 9. The weather is different in different places. 在不同的地方的天气是不同的。 10. The people in Apartment 7 are having a big argument. 在 7 楼公寓的人有争吵. 五、书面表达(20 分) 略。 4 下载本文档需要登录,并付出相应积分。如何获取积分?


七年级英语期中试卷 学校--------班级---------姓名---------学号----------(100 分) 听力部分(20 分) Ⅰ、听录音,选出你所听到的字母,单词和句子(5 分) ( )1. A:AFC B:ABC C:ADC D:AVC ( )2. A:father B: mother C:brother D:teacher ( )3 .A:fourteen B: fifteen C:thirteen D:fifty ( )4 .A:Good morning , teacher B: How are you ? C:And you ? D:Fine , thank you . ( )5. A:Goodbye, class. B: Goodbye, teacher C:Hello ! Jim D:I’m fine ,too. Ⅱ、听句子,根据所听内容选择相应的答语。 分) (5 ( )6. A:Yes, I can B:Yes, I am C:No , he can’t ( )7. A:His name is Jim B: Her name is Alice C:My name is Lucy. ( )8. A:Yes , she is B: No , I’m not C:No, he isn’t. ( )9. A:That is a ruler B: It’s a ruler C:Yes , it’s a ruler ( )10.A:Yes, I do. B:No , he doesn’t C:Yes, she can Ⅲ、听对话,根据所听内容选择正确的答案。 分) (5 ( )11.What can Daming play ? A:He can play basketball B:He can play football C:He can play table tennis ( )12.What does the boy’s mother do ? A:She is a doctor B: She is a factory worker C:She is a teacher . ( )13.Who can speak English well? A:Li Ying B: Jack C:Li Ying and Jack ( )14.Who is Jim ? A:He is Tina’s brother B: He is Bill’s friend C:He is Bill’s brother ( )15.How old is the girl? A:She is twelve B: She is thirteen C:She is eleven Ⅳ、听独白,完成信息记录表(5 分) Personal Information Name: Age: From: Hobby: Can do : 16 17 18 19 20 ( )16.A:Li B:Jia ( )17.A:14 B: 13 ( )18.A:England B: China ( )19.A:Music B: Football ( )20.A:Swim B: Dance 笔试部分(80 分) Ⅰ、单项选择(15 分) C:Li Jia C:12 C:America C:Basketball C:Play the piano ( )21. —Good morning . — A:Fine B: Thank you C:Good morning D:Hi ( )22. — is this cap ? — It’s yellow. A:What B: Who C:What color D:How ( )23. — do you spell “black” ? — B-L-A-C-K A:Can B: What C: How D:Who ( )24. —Do you like , Sam ? — Yes , I do. A:sing B: singing C:dance D:run ( )25. — the weather in winter? — It’s very cold. A:What , like B: What’s , like C: How’s , like D:How . / ( )26. —What’s name?— name is Lucy. A:you ,my B: your, Your C: my , My D:your , My ( )27. —I’m from . I’m . A:China ,Chinese B: England, China C:Chinese ,English D:England, Chinese ( )28. —In England , the given name is and the is last. A:last ,family name B:first, given name C:last , given name D:first, family name ( )29. —We are Class Six. A:at B:in C:of D:on ( )30. —Hello , Li Lei .Nice to meet you . —Hello ,Wei Hua. A:Nice to meet you , too B:How are you ? C:How do you do? D:How old are you ? ( )31. —Where are you from?— A:I’m China B:I’m Chinese C:I’m from China D:I’m in China ( )32.—This is Jack and this is Betty. — Welcome our class. A:for B:at C:to D:of ( )33.—Can you ? — Yes , I can .I play it very well. A:play piano B:play the piano C:play a piano D:playing the piano ( )34.My mother is English teacher in university in Beijing. A:a , an B:an , an C:an , a D:the , the ( )35.— my coat ? —It’s on the chair. A:Where’s B:What’s C:Who’s D:How is Ⅱ、完型填空(10 分) A:Good morning , Miss Jones. B:Good morning . 36 your name , please ? A: 37 name is Joe . B: 38 are you ,Joe ? A:I’m fine , 39 .This is my friend . 40 name ia Jack.. B:Hello , Jack.. C: 41 ,Miss Jones. A:Miss Jones. What’s this 42 English ? B:A map. A:Are 43 maps too? B:No , 44 aren’t , They are photos (照片) A: 45 photos are there ? A:There are five . ( )36.A:What B:What’s C:What are ( )37.A:My B: my C:Your ( )38.A:What B:How C:How many ( )39. A:thank you B:sorry C:OK ( )40. A:His B:He C:Her ( )41. A:Please B:Hello C:Bye ( )42. A:in B:on C:at ( )43. A:this B:that C:these ( )44. A:they B:it C:this ( )45. A:How B:What C:How many Ⅲ、阅读理解(20 分) A I have a little dog.Its name is Cici.Cici is only one year old.It is from Beijing.It’s very lovely(可爱的).All the people(人)in my family(家)like it very much.It has two big ears,a big mouth, small nose and four short legs. eyes are big, a Its too. s white and black. It’ And its nose is black. 根据短文内容,判断句子正(T)误(F)。 ( )46.Cici is a cat. ( )47.Cici is one year old. ( )48.All the people in my family like it very much. ( )49.Cici is White and black. ( )50.Cici’s nose is red. B I’m John.My father is a factory manager.He comes from America.My mother is a teacher.She’s English.She can speak some Chinese.She is an English teacher at schoo1.I’ m a student in my mother’s schoo1.At school I can play with my Chinese friends.We can play football,basketball and table tennis.My mother can play the piano and tennis.She can also (也)sing well. ( )51.John’s father is A.in a school B.in a factory C. in a hotel D. in a hospital ( )52.John’s mother is from A.America B.China C.England D.Japan ( )53.John can A.sing B.play the piano C.play tennis D.play table tennis ( )54.John’s mother can A.play football and sing B.play basketball and the piano C.play tennis and table tennis D.play the piano and sing ( )55. can speak some Chinese . A.John B.John’s mother C.John’s father D.John’s friends Ⅳ、从 B 栏中找出与 A 栏相应的答语。 (10 分) A B ( )56.Good morning .Dale. A. How do you do ? ( )57.How are you ? B. My name is Eric. ( )58.Nice to meet you . C. Fine , thank you . ( )59. How do you do ? D . Nice to meet you , too. ( )60.Hello , Cindy . E. Good morning .Alice. ( )61.What’s your name ? F. Hello, Helen. ( )62.Sit down ,please. G. Good evening ,Bob. ( )63. Good evening , Frank. H. Goodbye . ( )64. Goodbye . I. It’s a dictiony. ( )65. What’s this ? J . Thank you . Ⅴ、单词拼写(10 分) 66. Daming is a C . He’s from China. 67. The girl is ten (year) old . 68. There (be) some desks in the classroom 69. Guangzhou is a big (城市)in China . 70. They are new (学生)in this school . 71. Please (写)it down on your notebook . 72. I’m in (班级)Four . 73.Peter , nice to (见到)you . 74.I like (跑步). 75.He can (游泳). Ⅵ、句型转换(10 分) 根据要求改写下列各句,每空一词,每空 0.5 分。 76.The secretary can speak English.(改为一般疑问句,并否定回答) — the secretary English ?— ,he 77.My father is a hotel manager.(对划线部分提问) — your father’s 78.His father is a teacher . His mother is a teacher,too.(改为同义句) His 79.Betty can play table tennis.(改为否定句) Betty table tennis. 80.horse,a,Betty,ride,can(连成一个一般疑问句) — a horse ? 81.This is a green car.(改为复数形式) — green 82.Mr.Green is a teacher.(改为一般疑问句) — Mr.Green a ? Ⅶ、翻译下列各句,每空一词。 (10 分) 83.我的钢笔在哪里?它在你的书包里。 Where is my ? It’s your bag . 84.北京的天气怎么样?很凉爽。 What’s the like in Beijing ? It’s . 85.教室里有多少个窗?有四个。 How windows are there in the classroom ? There are 86.你的自行车是什么颜色的?是蓝色的。 What is your bike ?It’s . 87.这些是手,而那些是脚。 These hands and those are . Ⅷ、任务型阅读。根据小独白的提示,猜测各人物的职业(5 分) 88. Ken is at No.2 Middle School. He’s 14 years old. He is a . 89. Sally’s father works at People’s Hospital,he is a 90. Tom’s father is at a factory,he makes toys(玩具),he’s a 91. Ken’s mother works at No.2 Middle School,she’s a 92. My uncle has a big hotel,he’s head (领导) of the hotel,he’s the hotel Ⅸ、写作天地。 (10 分) 通过本模块的学习,相信同学们已经学会用英语介绍自己了,请你至少用 8—10 个句子来介 绍你自己,开头已给出。 Hello ! My name is 09-10 学年第一学期黄店初中七年级英语期中试卷听力材料及参考答案 Ⅰ、听录音,选出你所听到的字母,单词和句子(5 分) 1.AVC 2. mother 3.fifty 4. Fine , thank you . 5. Goodbye, teacher Ⅱ、听句子,根据所听内容选择相应的答语。 分) (5 6.Can you play football? 7.What’s her name ? 8.Is Daming a teacher ? 9.What’s this in English ? 10.Do you like swimming ? Ⅲ、听对话,根据所听内容选择正确的答案。 分) (5 11.W:Daming,Can you play basketball? M:No,I can't.But I can play football. 12.M:My father is a doctor and my mother is a factory worker.What're your parents? W:My parents are farmers on the farm. 13.W:Hi,Jack! Your English is so good.Where are you from? M:Oh,hello,Li Ying.I'm from England.Are you Chinese? W:Yes,I like English very much.Can you help me? M:OK. 14.W:Hi,Bill.Who is that boy? M:He’s my brother,Jim. 15.M:Hello! I'm Jim.Are you Wei Hua? W:No,I'm not.I'm Liu Ying.Nice to meet you. M:Nice to meet you,too.How old are you? Liu Ying . W:I’m twelve. Ⅳ、听独白,完成信息记录表(5 分) My name is Li Jia.Li is my family name,Jia is my given name.I’m thirteen years old.I’m from Shanghai.I like music very much,and I can play the piano.I don’t like football or basketball.I can play the piano,but I can’t dance or swim. 答案 听力部分: 1—5DBBDB 6—10ABCBA 11—15 BBBCA 16—20 CBBAC 笔试部分: 21—25 CCCBB 26—30 DADBA 31—35 CCBCA 36—40 BABAA 41—45 BACAC 46—50 FTTTF 51—55 BCDDB 56—60 ECDAF 61—65 BJGHI 66 Chinese 67 years 68 are 69 city 70 students 71. write 72 Class 73. meet/ see 74 running 75 swim 76 Can , speak , No , can’t 77. What is , job 78. parents , are , teachers 79, can’t , play 80. Can , Betty , ride 81. These are , cars 82. Is , teacher 83. pen , in 84. weather , cool 85, many , four 86, colour , blue 87. are , feet 88. student 89. doctor 90. worker 91. teacher 92. manager 写作天地: 略. 下载本文档需要登录,并付出相应积分。如何获取积分?

人教版七年级英语下册期中试卷及答案 (满分 120 分,时间 120 分钟) Ⅰ.听力部分(共 25 分) 一.听句选图。请听句子,选出相应的图画。(5 分) 二.请听句子,选答语(5 分) 6.( )A. At school. B. In the school C. Yes, I can 7.( )A. No, I’m not B. walking C. May 1st 8.( )A. Friday B. English C. Comedy 9.( ) A. In Tokyo B. The music club C. July 10.( )A. Yes, I do B. At 6:00 C. Because it’s interesting 三.对话理解。请听对话及问题,选出最佳答语。(5 分) 11.( ) A. It' s raining. B. It' s windy. C. It' s snowing. 12.( ) A. A reporter. B. An actor. C. A waiter. 13.( ) A. In a police station. B. In a restaurant. C. In a mall. 14.( ) A. Yes, Tony does. B. Yes, they do. C. No, they don’t 15.( ) A. All over the world. B. In China. C. In other countries all over 四.短文理解。请听短文,选择正确答案。(5 分) ( ) 16.Today is . A. Sunday morning B. Saturday morning C. Sunday afternoon ( ) 17.How' s the weather there? A. It's windy. B. It' s cloudy. C. It’s s sunny. ( ) 18.There are many people from . A. England and Canada B. America and Japan C. Canada and Australia ( )19.The driver is . A. an American B. a Chinese C. a man ( )20.People in the bus. A.are reading newspaper B. want to play basketball C. are listening to a man 五.听短文,完成下列表格。(5 分) photosPeopleWhat doing? the first photoI 21 the second photo22 are swimming at the pool the next photomy family23 the last photoI’m with 24 25 ( ) 21.A.I’m playing soccer ball B. I’m playing basketball C. She’s playing soccer ball D. He’s playing basketball ( ) 22.A.I’m with my brother B. I’m with my mother C. My father and I D. My brother and my sister ( ) 23. A. Are eating dinner B. Are eating lunch C. Are eating breakfast D. Are eating apples ( ) 24. A. Mary B. Gina C. Tom D. Bill ( ) 25. A. She’s doing homework B. He’s playing volleyball C. She’s dancing D. He’s singing Ⅱ、笔试部分(共 95 分)X kb1 .com 一.翻译短语。(10 分) 1.in winter ______________ 2.in this heat 3. a photo of my family 4.during the day 5.a group of people 6. 散步______________ 7.沙滩排球______________8.在度假______ 9.在对面______________ 10.玩得高兴_____________ 二.用所给词的适当形式填空。(10 分) 1.It’s a beautiful, ______ day. (sun) 2. This is the _______of the story. (begin) 3. They can _______the guitar well. (play) 4. How many _____can you see in the room? (man) 5. Mary enjoys _______football games very much. (watch) 6. Thanks for _____me so much help. (give) 7. Lin Tao wants ________an actor when he grows up. (be) 8. Nancy likes _____to music. (listen) 9. Can you and your brother________ ? (swim) 10. Look! The children ______happily over there. (play) 三.写出下列句子的同义句(5 分) 1. How' s the weather today? the weathertoday? 2.The pay phone is in the neighborhood. The pay phone is . 3.What's her job?=What is she? Whatshe? 4.My aunt is from Canada. My aunt Canada. 5.Look! They are taking a photo. Look! They are taking . 四、句型转换(10 分) 1. There is some money for her.(改为否定句) money for her? 2. I am doing my homework.(对划线部分提问) you ? 3. They are some young women. (改为单数形式) a young . 4. There is a supermarket across from the park. ( 改为一般问句) ________ __________ a supermarket across from the park? 5. I like dolphins. Because they are very intelligent. ( 划线部分提问) _________ _________ you like dolphins? 6. Her English teacher is from the USA. ( 同上 ) ___________ is her English teacher _____________? 7. She often plays soccer after school. (用 now 改写句子) She __________ ____________ soccer now. 8. It’s humid today. (就划线部分提问) ____________ ___________ __________________________today? 9. It’s great. (就划线部分提问) ? 10. It’s nine ten. (对画线部分提问) _________ the time? 五.选择填空(20) ( )1.Everyone ______him, because he is friendly. A. like B. likes C. to like D. liking () 2. —— What __________ he do? —— He __________ an actor. A. is, isB. does, doesC. does, isD. is, does () 3. —— What time does she get up? —— She ___________ up at 6:10 am. A. is gettingB. getsC. to getD. get () 4. ——What language does the woman speak? ——She speaks . She' s from Australia. A. Japanese B. Chinese C. French D. English () 5.—— What are you doing? —— I _____ a letter to my pen pal. A. write B. am writing C. writesD. am write () 6. —— _______ you watching TV? —— Yes, I _____________. A. Do, doB. Can, canC. Are, amD. Are, do () 7. Look! Dave _______________ on the phone. A. talksB. are talkingC. talkD. is talking () 8.—— __ Mary cleaning her room? ——No, she is __ . A. Does, readsB. Can, read C. Is, readingD. Does, reading () 9. ——Let’s _ to the movies now. ――That great. A. going, soundingB. go, sounds C. go, soundD. goes, sounds () 10.—— does your aunt work? ——In a restaurant. A. What B. How C. Where D. Which () 11.Where your pen pals ? A. are, from B. do, from C. do, come D. is , from () 12.—— is the weather in Beijing now? ——It’s ____________. A. What, winding B. How, windy C. When, windsD. Why, windy () 13. ——What’s the weather _________ in Beijing? ——It’s terrible in summer, too cold and humid. A. likesB. is likingC. likeD. liking () 14. Thank you for _____________ CCTV’s Around The World show. A. joinB. is joiningC. to joinD. joining () 15.—— __________ it going? —— Great! A. What’sB. How’sC. Why isD. Where’s () 16. People are really ______________ on the beach in summer (夏季). A. relaxedB. relaxingC. relaxD. to relax ( )17. Look! The man ________ under the tree is enjoying the cool. A. lie B. lying C. is lying D. lies ( ) 18.——Who are you _____? —— My mother. A. wait B. waiting C. waiting for D. wait for ( ) 19.——Let’s go to see the action movies. ——_________. A. Yes, we do B. No, we don’t C. That sounds exciting D. No, thanks. ( ) 20.Tony is busy _____his homework. A. doing B. do C. to do D. does 六.完形填空:(10 分) My friend Tony is an American 1 He is ten years old. He lives 2 his family in China now. There are 3 people in his family; his mother Mrs Green, his father Mr. Green and his little sister Amy. He has a white cat. 4 name is Betty. Look \ Amy is playing 5 Betty. His father, Mr. Green, is watc?hing TV. His mother is doing housework. What about Tony? He is doing 6 Chinese homework.. He can't 7 Chinese well, but he likes Chinese very much. Tony's 8 works in a TV station. His father works in a school as an 9 teacher. Tony and his sister 10 to the same school. ( ) 1. A. girl B. boy C. cat D. dog ( ) 2. A. onB. after C. with D. in ( ) 3. A. two B. three C. four D. five ( ) 4. A. His B. HerC. It's D. its ( ) 5. A. toB. withC. from D. at ( ) 6. A. herB. it'sC. a D. his ( ) 7. A. sayB. tellC. speak D. talk ( ) 8. A. father B. mother C. sister D brother ( ) 9. A. Chinese B. Japanese C. English D. Australian ( ) 10. A. go B. goes C. going D. to go 七.阅读理解:(30 分) A It' s Sunday morning. There are many people in the park, some boys are playing basketball. There are some girls under a big tree. They' re singing and dancing. What are those women doing? They are drinking tea. Look at the woman in a blue coat. Who' s she? She' s my mother. She is talking to Edward. Edward is her student. He is a good student. He studies hard . He' s good at all the subjects. And he' s friendly to all his teachers and his friends. ( ) 1.The boys are, A. singingB. playing basketball C. dancing D. drinking ( ) 2.My mother is. A. a teacherB. an office C. a doctor D. a woman ( ) 3.Edward is in. A. my homeB. the classroom C. the zoo D. the park ( ) 4. —— Who' s under a big tree? —— . A. Some people. B. Some women. C. Some girls.D. Some boys. ( ) 5.—— What color is my mother' s coat? ——It's . A. blueB. white C. redD. yellow B Bill is from Australia. He lives in Sydney. He can speak French and English, but he can' t speak Chi?nese. He has a pen pal in the United States. Her name is Lisa and she lives in New York. Bill' s favorite sport is basketball and he can play the guitar. Lisa' s favorite sport is tennis. She can't play the guitar, but she can play the piano and sing very well. ( ) 1.Bill is from . A. Australia B. France C. the United States D. the UK ( ) 2. Lisa is an . A. Chinese B. American C. English D. Japanese ( ) 3. What languages does Bill speak? A. ChineseB. French C. English D. B and C ( ) 4. What is Bill' s favorite sport? A. tennis B. volleyball C. soccerD. basketball ( ) 5. Which sentence is NOT right? A. Bill has a pen pal in the USA. B. Bill can play the piano and Lisa can play the guitar. C. Bill and Lisa like different sports. D. Lisa lives in New York. C. Bob has a good friend, Caesar. He is a brown dog. He is not very old. Bob gets him from Mr. Mason. One day Bob’s father, mother and Bob go to the Mason’s farm (农场) for lunch. After lunch, Mr. Mason says, “I’m going to a big city. So I can’t take him there. You can’t have a young dog in a big city.” “ Let me have him, ”Mr. Mason, “ he knows me well and we have no dog, ” Mr. Mason looks at Bob’s mother and father. “Please , Mother, let me have him,” says Bob. “Ask your father,” says she. “Please, Dad?” “Yes, you can have him.” “Thank you, dear dad. Thanks, Mr. Mason. Come here, Caesar.” “See! The dog is his now,” says Mr. Mason. ( )1. What color is Caesar? It’s A. black B. yellow C. brown D. white ( )2. How old is the dog? It’s A. very old B. not very old C. half a year D. one year and a half ( )3. Mr. Mason works . A. in a school B. in a factory C. with Mr. Green D. on a farm ( )4. Mr. Mason wants to . A. take the dog to a big city B. give Bob the dog C. leave (离开) home with the dog D. sell the dog ( )5. Caesar is Bob’s A. friend B. brother C. doll D. name 八、书面表达。假如你是 Mike,正在英国学习外语。你的朋友 Lin Tao 在学习英语的过程 中遇到了一些困难,向你求助。请给他写一封信,介绍一下你学习英语的方法,并鼓励他不 要放弃。 一、参考答案:听力材料 一. 1. Look! The koala comes from Australia. 2.— Where' s your pen pal from? -He comes from New York. 3.- What' s your brother doing? -He' s playing basketball. 4.- How' s the weather in Canada now? -It' s snowing and cold. 5.- What does your cousin want to be? -He wants to be a doctor. 二. 6. Where do people play baseball ? 7.Are you watching TV ? 8.What kind of movies do you like ? 9.What club does he want to join ? 10.Why do you like P. E. ? 三. 11. - The weather is going too bad then. -Yes, it' s raining again. Question: How' s the weather there? 12.- Is your brother a student? -Yes. But he wants to be an actor. Question; What does he want to be? 13.- Can you help me? I want to find a pay phone. -It' s over there, in a mall. Question; Where is the pay phone? 14.-1 like animals very much. -Me,too. Let's go to the zoo this afternoon, OK? Question; Do they want to go to the library? 15.- Do you know the animals? -They are pandas. They live only in China. Question; Where do pandas live? 四.短文材料: It' s a fine Sunday morning. It' s sunny and warm. Ann and her mother are in a big bus. There are many people in it. Some of them come from America, and some come from England and Canada. They are all their friends. They are going to the supermarket. There are two Chinese in the bus. One is a woman. She is driving the bus. The other is a young man. He speaks good English. He is now talking a-bout the supermarket. The other people are all listen?ing to him. They want to buy some things. They are very happy. 五.Dear Maria, Thanks for your letter and the photos. Here are some of my photos. In the first photo, I' m playing basketball at school. In the second photo, I' m with my brother. We are swimming at the pool. In the next photo, you can see my family at home. We' re eating dinner. In the last photo I' m with my sister Gina. She' s doing homework I' m watching TV. Ⅰ 1――5 CBAAB 6—10 AACBC 11—15 ABCCB 16—20 BCABC 21—22 BAABA Ⅱ、笔试题: 一至四题(略) 五. 1—5 BCBDB 6—10 C DCBC 11—15 D BCDB 16—20 A CDCA21—25 CBCCC 六.完形填空: 1――5 BCCDB 6- --10 DCBCA 七.阅读理解:A. BADCA B. ABDDB C. CBDBA 八.书面表达 Dear Lin Tao, I was happy to read your letter. You asked me for some advice on learning English. At first, I also found it hard to remember so many words and phrases. Then I found that the best way to remember words was to learn their pronunciation. There are some useful rules in the pronunciation, and they can help me remember new words easily. I also had some grammar problems when I was in first grade. I tried to read more and practice more. Now it isn't very difficult for me to understand the sentences and passages. That's my secret of learning English. I hope it helps you. Please never give up! 下载本文档需要登录,并付出相应积分。如何获取积分?


人教版七年级英语下册期中试卷 一.翻译短语。(10 分) 翻译短语。(10 。( 1.in winter ______________ 2.in this heat 3. a photo of my family 4.during the day 散步______________ 5.a group of people 6. 散步______________ 沙滩排球______________8.在度假______ ______________8.在度假 7.沙滩排球______________8.在度假______ 9.在对面 在对面______________ 10.玩得高兴_____________ 9.在对面______________ 10.玩得高兴_____________ 用所给词的适当形式填空。( 。(10 二.用所给词的适当形式填空。(10 分) 1.It’s a beautiful, ______ day. (sun) 2. This is the _______of the story. (begin) 3. They can _______the guitar well. (play) 4. How many _____can you see in the room? (man) much. 5. Mary enjoys _______football games very much. (watch) 6. Thanks for _____me so much help. (give) 7. Lin Tao wants ________an actor when he grows up. (be) 8. Nancy likes _____to music. (listen) 9. Can you and your brother________ ? (swim) 10. Look! The children ______happily over there. (play) 写出下列句子的同义句 一空一次,缩写词算一个) 三.写出下列句子的同义句 (一空一次,缩写词算一个)(5 分) 1. How' s the weather today? the weather today? 2.The pay phone is in the neighborhood. The pay phone is . 3.What's her job? She ? 4.My aunt is from Canada. My aunt Canada. 5.Look! They are taking a photo. Look! They are taking . 一空一次缩写词算一个) 四、句型转换 (一空一次缩写词算一个)(10 分) her.(改为否定句 改为否定句) 1. There is some money for her.(改为否定句) money for her? homework.(对划线部分提问) .(对划线部分提问 2. I am doing my homework.(对划线部分提问) you ? women. (改为单数形式 改为单数形式) 3. They are some young women. (改为单数形式) a young 改为一般问句) 4. There is a supermarket across from the park. ( 改为一般问句) ________ __________ a supermarket across from the park? 划线部分提问) 5. I like dolphins. Because they are very intelligent. ( 划线部分提问) dolphins? _________ _________ you like dolphins? USA. 6. Her English teacher is from the USA. ( 同上 ) ___________ is her English teacher _____________? (用 改写句子) 7. She often plays soccer after school. (用 now 改写句子) She __________ ____________ soccer now. (就划线部分提问 就划线部分提问) 8. It’s humid today. (就划线部分提问) ____________ ____________ _______ ________ _____________today? great. (就划线部分提问 就划线部分提问) 9. It’s great. (就划线部分提问) ? ten. (对画线部分提问 对画线部分提问) 10. It’s nine ten. (对画线部分提问) _________ the time? 选择填空(20) 五.选择填空(20) ( )1.Everyone ______him, because he is friendly. A. like B. likes C. to like D. liking __________ ( ) 2. —— What __________ he do? —— He __________ an actor. A. is, isB. does, doesC. does, isD. is, does ( ) 3. —— What time does she get up? —— She ___________ up at 6:10 am. A. is gettingB. getsC. to getD. get ——What ( ) 4. ——What language does the woman speak? ——She speaks---Australia. ——She speaks---- . She' s from Australia. A. Japanese B. Chinese C. French D. English 5.—— ( ) 5.—— What are you doing? —— I _____ a letter to my pen pal. A. write B. am writing C. writesD. am write ( ) 6. —— _______ you watching TV? —— Yes, I _____________. Are, A. Do, doB. Can, canC. Are, amD. Are, do ( ) 7. Look! Dave _______________ on the phone. A. talksB. are talkingC. talkD. is talking 8.—— ——No, ( ) 8.—— __ Mary cleaning her room? ——No, she is __ . A. Does, readsB. Can, read C. Is, readingD. Does, reading ——Let’s ( ) 9. ——Let’s _ to the movies now. ――That great. A. going, soundingB. go, sounds C. go, soundD. goes, sounds 10.—— ——In ( ) 10.—— does your aunt work? ——In a restaurant. A. What B. How C. Where D. Which ( ) 11.Where your pen pals ? A. are, from B. do, from C. do, come D. is , from 12.—— weather ——It’s ( ) 12.—— is the weather in Beijing now? ——It’s ____________. A. What, winding B. How, windy C. When, windsD. Why, windy ——What’s ( ) 13. ——What’s the weather _________ in Beijing? ——It’s ——It’s terrible in summer, too cold and humid. A. likesB. is likingC. likeD. liking ( ) 14. Thank you for _____________ CCTV’s Around The World show. A. joinB. is joiningC. to joinD. joining 15.—— ( ) 15.—— __________ it going? —— Great! A. What’sB. How’sC. Why isD. Where’s (夏季 夏季). ( ) 16. People are really ______________ on the beach in summer (夏季). relaxingC. A. relaxedB. relaxingC. relaxD. to relax ( )17. Look! The man ________ under the tree is enjoying the cool. A. lie B. lying C. is lying D. lies 18.—— ——Who ( ) 18.——Who are you _____? —— My mother. A. wait B. waiting C. waiting for D. wait for 19.—— ——Let’s movies. ——_________. ( ) 19.——Let’s go to see the action movies. ——_________. A. Yes, we do B. No, we don’t C. That sounds exciting D. No, thanks. ( ) 20.Tony is busy _____his homework. A. doing B. do C. to do D. does 完形填空:( :(10 六.完形填空:(10 分) in My friend Tony is an American 1 .He is ten years old. He lives 2 his family in China now. There are 3 people in his family; his mother Mrs Green, his father Mr. Green and his little sister Amy. He has a white cat. 4 name is Betty. Look \ Amy watching is playing 5 Betty. His father, Mr. Green, is watching TV. His mother is doing housework. What about Tony? He is doing 6 Chinese homework.. He can't 7 Chinese well, but he likes Chinese very much. Tony's 8 works in a TV station. His father works in a school as an 9 teacher. Tony and his sister 10 to the same school. ( ) 1. A. girl B. boy C. cat D. dog ( ) 2. A. onB. after C. with D. in ( ) 3. A. two B. three C. four D. five ( ) 4. A. His B. HerC. It's D. its ( ) 5. A. toB. withC. from D. at ( ) 6. A. herB. it'sC. a D. his ( ) 7. A. sayB. tellC. speak D. talk mother ( ) 8. A. father B. mother C. sister D brother ( ) 9. A. Chinese B. Japanese C. English D. Australian ( ) 10. A. go B. goes C. going D. to go 阅读理解:( :(30 七.阅读理解:(30 分) A It' s Sunday morning. There are many people in the park, some boys are playing basketball. There are some girls under a big tree. They' re singing and dancing. Look What are those women doing? They are drinking tea. Look at the woman in a blue coat. Who' s she? She' s my mother. She is talking to Edward. Edward is her student. He is a good student. He studies hard . He' s good at all the subjects. And he' s friendly to all his teachers and his friends. are, e,---( ) 1.The boys are,---basketball D. A. singingB. playing basketball C. dancing D. drinking is.---( ) 2.My mother is.---A. a teacherB. an office C. a doctor D. a woman in-------. ( ) 3.Edward is in----. A. my homeB. the classroom C. the zoo D. the park ( ) 4. —— Who' s under a big tree? —— . Some A. Some people. B. Some women. C. Some girls.D. Some boys. 5.—— ——It's .--( ) 5.—— What color is my mother' s coat? ——It's .--A. blueB. white C. redD. yellow B Bill is from Australia. He lives in Sydney. He can speak French and English, but he can' t speak Chi?nese. He has a pen pal in the United States. Her name is Lisa and she lives in New York. Bill' s favorite sport is basketball and he can play the guitar. Lisa' s favorite sport is tennis. She can't play the guitar, but she can play the piano piano and sing very well. from---( ) 1.Bill is from---- . A. Australia B. France C. the United States D. the UK ( ) 2. Lisa is an ----- . A. Chinese B. American C. English D. Japanese ( ) 3. What languages does Bill speak? and A. ChineseB. French C. English D. B and C ( ) 4. What is Bill' s favorite sport? A. tennis B. volleyball C. soccerD. basketball ( ) 5. Which sentence is NOT right? A. Bill has a pen pal in the USA. B. Bill can play the piano and Lisa can play the guitar. sports. C. Bill and Lisa like different sports. D. Lisa lives in New York. C Bob has a good friend, Caesar. He is a brown dog. He is not very old. Bob gets him from Mr. Mason. (农场 农场) One day Bob’s father, mother and Bob go to the Mason’s farm (农场) for lunch. After lunch, Mr. Mason says, “I’m going to a big city. So I can’t take him there. You can’t have a young dog in a big city.” “ Let me have him, ”Mr. Mason, “ he knows me well and we have no dog, ” Mr. Mason looks at Bob’s mother and father. says “Please , Mother, let me have him,” says Bob. “Ask your father,” says she. “Please, Dad?” “Yes, you can have him.” “Thank you, dear dad. Thanks, Mr. Mason. Come here, Caesar.” “See! The dog is his now,” says Mr. Mason. It’s--( )1. What color is Caesar? It’s--A. black B. yellow C. brown D. white It’s--( )2. How old is the dog? It’s--A. very old B. not very old C. half a year D. one year and a half works--( )3. Mr. Mason works--- . A. in a school B. in a factory C. with Mr. Green D. on a farm to--( )4. Mr. Mason wants to--- . give A. take the dog to a big city B. give Bob the dog (离开 离开) C. leave (离开) home with the dog D. sell the dog Bob’s----( )5. Caesar is Bob’s----- A. friend B. brother C. doll D. name 书面表达: 八、书面表达:(15 分) 下面是你做喜欢的球星姚明的个人档案,请根据档案内容对它作一简介。 下面是你做喜欢的球星姚明的个人档案,请根据档案内容对它作一简介。 姓名 姚明 年龄 30 外貌 高个子, 高个子,瘦,短直头发 爱好 打球,看书, 打球,看书,唱歌 。 下载本文档需要登录,并付

一、单项选择(20 小题,20 分) 1.They are _________ lots of pictures now. A.takes B.take C.takeing D.taking 2.I want to buy a present _________ my mother. A.to B.for C.at D.of 3.Jim and I _________ having lunch. A.having B.have C.is having D.are having 4.They are _________ ready for Spring Festival. A.get B.gets C.getting D.getting 5.--What are you doing now? -- _________ A.You are working. B.I am working. C.Are you working. D.Am I working. 6.We are having a party and everyone _________ a good time. A.having B.have C.is having D.are having 7.We put on new clothes _________ New Year's Day. A.In B.At C.With D.On 8.Amy is going to _________ her homework. A.do B.does C.did D.done 9.--Is Daming going to Jinan? --Yes,_________. A.she is B.he is C.she is not D.he is not 10.I'm going to the cinema _________ he likes cinema. A.so B.for C.because of D.because 11.-- _________ do you like computer? -- Because they like computer games. A.Why B.Where C.How D.When 12.There _________ a strong wind tomorrow. A.has B.is going to have C.are going to be D.is going to be 13.Thank you for _________ us. A.help B.helps C.to help D.helping 14.The harder he works,the _________ he gets. A.much B.many C.more D.most 15.This bag is _________ than that one. A.expensiver B.moreexpensiver C.more expensive D.most expensive 16._________ is the capital of Shandong. A.Beijing B.Qingdao C.Jinan D.Dezhou 17.My mother goes to work _________ 8 o'clock every morning. A.at B.in C.on D.for 18.Skiing is _________ than running. A.dangerous B.dangerouser C.more dangerous D.moredangerouser 19.He often _________ his homework in the evening,but now he is _________ TV. A.does;watches B.is doing;watches C.does;watched D.does;watching 20.--Which one is _________,the big one or the small one? --The small one. A.cheap B.cheaper C.expensive D.expensiver 二、阅读理解(30 小题,45 分) (A) A Better Place The Zhao family live in a very nice district.They want to have the best of everything.They live next to the Wu family and watch them all the time.The Zhao family wants their place to be better than the Wu's.They have a bigger television,bigger refrigerator and even bigger shoes.Listen to them talking. “Little Wu has a new bicycle for getting high marks.It goes faster than yours.Tomorrow I will buy you a better bicycle. ” “Mr. Wu has a large fish.I’m going to the market to buy a bigger fish. ” “Mrs. Wu has a new chair. am going to get a bigger, I stronger, prettier one. place is going My to be better than hers. ” A friend asks Mrs. Wu, “Do you think the Zhao family have a better home than you?” Mrs. Wu says, The Zhao? Oh, people next door. don't think about them much. “ the I They always look a bit sad.I think we have a much better life and home.We are happier;we have more fun and our family life is warmer. ” Choose the best answer.选择最佳答案 21.Mrs. Zhao wants _________. A.to have the same as Mrs. Wu B.everything better than Mrs. Wu C.a happy home 22.The Zhao's have a bigger refrigerator because _________. A.their family is larger B.they have a lot of money C.they want to have a better place than the Wu’s 23.Mrs. Wu _________. A.wants to have the same as Mrs. Zhao B.is not interested in Mrs. Zhao C.does not know Mrs. Zhao 24.The story tells us _________. A.to work hard B.to try to be better than other people C.to try to be better than other people (B) What Do You Think? A.Mrs. Wang 70,does not work It will be difficult to move in Beijing when the Olympic Games come.The games are very popular and the streets will be full of people and cars.I think I'm too old for it.I will watch the games on television at home. love watching the swimming-and when the sports people start running fast, I it is very exciting. B.Grace Chen 12,schoolgirl My family is going to get early tickets for some of the sports.Dad loves cycling.Maybe we will watch that. love all sports. will be happy to see anything. hope I can see some popular sports I I I players.I will take their photographs and shout loudly for them. C.Mr. Lin 40,taxi driver When the Olympic Games come to Beijing,I will be very busy! I am learning more English,so I will be able to help foreigners in the city. D.Sally Ma 17,gymnast My dream is to be on China's national team.I practise from early until late every day.It is very tiring.China is very good at gymnastics,so we hope we can win gold.It won't be easy,but we can do it. 根据短文判断下面这些话是谁说的,在括号填上相应字母。 例如: am learning some new,very difficult movements.(D) “I ” 25. “Let's eat late.I'm watching the table tennis.() ” 26. “Yes,I know that hotel.I'll take you there now.() ” 27. “There's Yao Ming.Let me take a photograph.() ” 28. will be slow because the roads are very busy today.() “It ” 29. “Have you got a ticket for me too?” () 30. “These young people are so strong!” () 31. “I'm on the team! I'm very excited today!” () (C) The Sahara Desert The hottest place in the world is the Sahara Desert in Africa.But there are deserts in many other places:in America,in Asia and in Australia.In 1917 the temperature in Death Valley,in the United States,was over 48℃ every day for six weeks.That's very hot! But deserts are not always hot.After dark,deserts are very cold. Not many animals and plants can live in a desert,because it doesn't rain very often.But one animal likes the desert-the camel.It has big feet to walk on the sand.It can live for a long time without water.Sometimes it doesn't drink anything for weeks-so it gets very thirsty! When it finds water it can drink 100 liters at a time. 阅读短文,判断正“√”误“×” 。 ()32.The Sahara Desert is in Australia. ()33.The Sahara Desert is the hottest place in the world. ()34.The temperature in the Sahara Desert in 1917 was over 48℃. ()35.After dark it rains in deserts. ()36.After dark it is cold in deserts. ()37.There aren't many animals in a desert. ()38.There are lots of plants in a desert. ()39.Camels live in deserts. ()40.Camels have small feet. ()41.Camels need water every day. (D) The City of the Future The future is coming! All over the world there are new ideas for new places to live and work in.Some of them will be in the sea! They will be very big,and lots of people will live and work in them. Americans are planning to build a town called Atlantis City. will be in the sea, The It about five miles away from the land.But the most exciting idea comes from Japan.It is called Aeropolis. Acropolis will be a huge sea city, with parks, schools, hospital and an airport…and a it will move! It will travel slowly around the world.There are just two problems.Acropolis will cost a lot of money to make.And for people who get seasick,it won't be much fun! 阅读短文判断正(T)误(F) ()42.Sea cities will be holiday towns. ()43.They will be very big. ()44.There are already two sea cities. ()45.Atlantis City will be near America. ()46.It will be five miles long. ()47.Aeropolis is another American sea city. ()48. “Huge” means “very small” . ()49.Aeropolis will not stay in the same place. ()50.Aeroplanes will land on Acropolis. 三、动词应用(10 空,10 分) 用所给动词的正确形式填空(必要时可加助词) At the moment, are getting ready for Spring Festival. (51) we We _________ (clean) house the and we(52)_________(sweep)the floor.My mother(53)_________(cook)a meal and my father 54) ( _________ (decorate) house. sister 55) the My ( _________ (watch) Usually TV. we(56)_________(buy)clothes,but we (57)_________(not buy)any clothes this New Year. always 58) We ( _________ get) ( presents from our family and friends. New Year Festival The (59) _________ (finish) The family have dinner, we often at and (60) _________ (eat) round rice dumplings called yuanxiao. 四、情境交际 根据提示完成对话,注意添加适当助词。 Tony:Hi,Dad! Dad:Hi,Tony.What(61)_________(you/do)? Tony: (62) We _________ (visit) Forbidden City. the Lingling and Betty 63) ( _________ (write) postcards. Dad:What(64)_________(Damming/do)? Tony:He(65) _________ (take)photos.There are lots of people here.They(66)_________ (enjoy)the sun.Some(67)_________(look)at the buildings and some(68)_________ (listen)to the guide. Dad: (69)_________(you/have)a good time? Tony:Yes,we(70)_________(have)a great time,Dad! See you later. 五、写作(15 分) “五一(May Day) ”将要来临,同学们对自己的假期计划进行了交流,请用英语介绍交流情 况以及你自己的假期计划。内容包括以下几点: 1.有的同学打算外出旅游。 2.有的同学计划在家多看点书,为将来的学习打好基础。 3.介绍你的假期计划。 第二学期七年级期中考试 英语试题答案 一、单项选择(20 小题,20 分) 1—5 DBCDB 6—10 CDABD 11—15 ADDCC 16—20 CACDB 二、阅读理解(30 小题,45 分) (A)21—24 BCBC (B)25—31 ACBCBAD (C)32—41 FTFFT TFTFF (D)42—50 FTFTF FFTT 三、动词应用(10 空,10 分) 51.are cleaning 52.ale sweeping 53.is cooking 54.is decorating 55.is watching 56.buy 57.don't buy 58.get 59.finishes 60.eat 四、情境交际(10 空,10 分) 61.are you doing 62.are visiting 63.are writing 64.is Damming doing 65.is taking 66.are enjoying 67.are looking 68.are listening 69.Are you having 70.are having 五、写作(15 分) 范文(略) 下载本文档需要登录,并付出相应积分。如何获取积分?


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